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This woman wins WORST PARENT award

nanrod says...

To all those who think a cold shower is not torture, you obviously haven't experienced immersion in cold water where you couldn't just get out. We've all had reason to have cold showers, hot weather, horniness, hangover. I've done the sauna thing jumping thru a hole cut in ice on a lake. I've participated in a polar bear swim in the Pacific and
Atlantic. In all these things getting in and out is your choice. Not being able to get out can lead to a bone piercing agony thats unbearable and is worse if you have a small body mass like this child. Listen again to his screaming in the shower. That's not fear of the water, that's pain. Inflicting pain on that level is child abuse, certainly worse than anything I got from my father the Sergeant Major.

I can see this woman in 10 years, waking from a sound sleep to the feeling of her own child plunging a knife in her body.

Jennifer Love Hewitt's bouncing boobs

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^legacy0100:

I feel like a scum growing at the bottom of my kitchen sink upvoting this. Because this scene is blatantly created just for that specific reason: get the horny guys to pay attention. But the vote is already cast. It's done, what can ya do, no point in denying it...

Tripping on an obvious banana peel isn't any less funny.

Jennifer Love Hewitt's bouncing boobs

legacy0100 says...

I feel like a scum growing at the bottom of my kitchen sink upvoting this. Because this scene is blatantly created just for that specific reason: get the horny guys to pay attention. But the vote is already cast. It's done, what can ya do, no point in denying it...

Japanese Fembot Has Incredibly Realistic Facial Expressions

TheGenk says...

see siftbot, there was no need to get all horny on that ugly dancing thingy a while back, this one is bettah
on a sidenote: lookslike the terminators will win over the cylons to take us out

Woman with a Door Fetish

My Boobs Are Okay

Eklek says...

hallo!!! (hello)
he?? wat mot je. (hey, what do you want from me?)

me tiete! me tiete! me tiete zijn oke!!! (my boobs are okay)
me tiete! me tiete! me tiete zijn oke.

ik hou niet van studeren. (I don't like studying)
nee das niks voor mij. (no, that not for me)
maar is er wat te feesten dan ben ik erbij. (but if there's a party I'll be present)
ze kost alleen maar geld en verder ken ze niks. (she only costs money, she can't do anything)
wat ben ik toch een loser!! (damn, I'm a loser)

na school toe of werken heb ik nog nooit gedaan. (never went to school or work)
daar ben ik toch te stom voor. (I'm too dumb for that)
het IQ van een banaan. (the IQ of a banana)

strijken of de was doen. (ironing or doing the laundry)
nee! dat kan ik niet (no, I can;t)
maar kijk eens naar die tieten. (but take a look at those boobies)
je weet niet wat je ziet!!!!! (you don;t know what you're looking at)

me tiete! me tiete! me tiete zijn oke!!
maar wat je van me zegt me tiete die zijn echt. (whatever you say about me, but my boobs are real)
ja! net zo echt als me rolex. (yeah, just as real as my Rolex)
me tiete zijn oke!

kheb niemand iets te melden maar heb wel een gsm. (I have nothing to tell yet I have a mobile)
tot tien ken ze nie tellen met ter geile stem. (she can't even count to ten with her horny voice)
voor een pakje sigaretten ga ik lekker met je mee. (for a package of cigarettes I'll go with you)
ja daag!! weet je wat dat kost tegenwoordig een pakje sigaretten. (no way! you know how much a package costs these days?!)
ik rij vaak op mijn scooter wat zinloos in het rond. (I often drive around in circles on my scooter)
en ik zit wat te bouten in mijn bloote kond!! (and I'm farting with my ass exposed)
van mekup en de kapper daar weet ik alles van. (I know all about make up and hair dressers)
maar vraag ter nou maar niet of ze kan schrijven. (but don't ask her to write)

me tiete me tiete me tiete zijn oke!
me tiete me tiete me tieten zijn oke!
maar wat je van me zegt me tiete zijn echt!!
alleen der hersenen die zijn van syliconen. (only her brain are made of silicones)

heb een dubbele d. (I have a double D)
en daarom mag ik mee. (that's why I'm joining you)
alle jongens vinden mij oke. (all boy find me ok)
waarom rot je niet op met je plAstic kop. (why don't you fuck off with you plastic head)
je lijkt wel op een opblaas pop. (you look like a blow up doll)

tieten tieten tieten

oh! henk wat is tie groot! (oh henk, what a big one)
niet aan trekken nou!!!! (now don't pull it)
blijf van mijn snor af lellebel! (keep your hands of my moustache)

me tiete!! me tiete!! me tiete zijn oke!
der tiete! der tiete!! der tiete zijn oke!
maar wat je van me zegt me tiete die zijn echt!!
ja hoor!!

me tiete me tiete me tiete zijn oke!!
me tiete tiete tiete tiete tiete!!zijn oke!
me tiete tiete tiete zijn oke

maar wat je van me zegt
me tiete die zijn echt!!


mintbbb (Member Profile)

Twilight for Guys - to gain the horny male demographic!

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Just what you've always wondered about turtle reproduction

Just what you've always wondered about turtle reproduction

Just what you've always wondered about turtle reproduction

Just what you've always wondered about turtle reproduction

Pay to Wank - Porn-Star PSA

GenjiKilpatrick says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

adult film workers are just as good as the girl who serves you coffee, sans the tits in the face.

Except that girl would never be all butt hurt if someone else served you the coffee she made.

Like fjules say, it's copying. They're not losing money, they're gaining free advertising and loyal horny 14 year old customers. (not everyone is "piracy" savvy)

Considering that the majority of pornstars are most likey single female swingers who are estranged from large parts of their family.. (who make THOUSANDS per scene) just seems a bit disingenuous to whine about what is effectively - some guy letting his friend borrow a porn flick.

Imagine how large their industry would be now if everyone had been required to own an origin VHS and lending it to a friend had resulted in jail or a lawsuit.

Imagine how famous the other 96% of fledging pornstars would be if it was a punishable offense to show their faces on a website that wasn't owned by the studio they worked for.

(pssst. the answer to both is.. "not very")

In sum:

It's copying/borrowing. They make $5000 per days work. ..It's sex. (i.e. not difficult. valueless)

Pay to Wank - Porn-Star PSA

Trancecoach says...

Pornies vs. Pirates:
Anti-piracy PSA from “all star” pornies, including “hedgehog,” sluts I've never heard of & a Sarah Palin porn-a-like (I’m no fan of Palin, but this woman looks like Sarah Palin maybe after she’s been hit in the face with a shovel).

Somehow, I doubt this'll have about as much an effect as the anti-marijuana messages, which is to say next to none.

How many horny guys dialing up LubeTube will have second thoughts about stealing their product after seeing this??

That's right.. Zilch

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