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Porn, Tea, and Nudity (Coupling)

Bill Bailey Is Horny For Metallica's 'Enter Sandman'

Terence Mckenna ~ The Stoned Ape Theory

dgandhi says...


Okay, so lets take this apart.

Premise: Evo-Devo can't explain early human brain growth.
I'll leave this be, there are a number of theories, which while none is clearly true, make an effort, but he doesn't mention any of them so lets look at his.

1) mushrooms add visual acuity in small doses +survival
2) mushrooms make males horny in small doses +reproduce
3) mushrooms make you catatonic in large doses ---survival and creative/intelligent +?

This seems at best a wash for mushrooms->survival, and still does not address brain growth.

If mushrooms give us extra creativity, then why would we build extra brain matter that does the same thing? I don't see how this, in any way, addresses the issue of brain growth in humans, as he claims to at the outset, whereas "language", "throwing stuff" and "complex social groups" all constitute gradual advantages provided by brain growth that provide evolutionary advantage in a planes environment.

Dirty Jobs- Pig Slop processor

Turtles shut down runway at JFK

Opus_Moderandi says...

Weird, we have turtles at DCA too but, not enough to shut down a runway. They're not as horny, I guess. We DID have a deer running down the jetway one year though...

The Wangover - part II

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I had this weird conspiracy theory moment - that maybe Weiner was forced to do this stupid thing, because some nefarious organization had some other kind of control over him. (he's an old Soviet mole, implanted subdermal explosives in his wife - something like that).

But then I thought, no - probably just uncontrolled horniness.

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

What the fuck were you thinking, Wiener? Are you insane?

Whenever Videosift 4.3 rolls around... (Sift Talk Post)

Dolphin Gets Frisky With Woman in Pool

grinter says...

Interesting.. it's not really known if dolphins use pheromones for communication. Although, it has been suggested that males may detect female sexual receptivity using pheromone cues. Dolphins lack a sense of smell (no olfactory bulb in adults), and there is no known vomeronasal organ. So, these chemical cues would need to be picked up by the taste buds or some other sensory stucture.

The male is clearly aroused, but dolphins are so generally horny that it would be risky to assume that his behaviour is a direct result of any cues he's getting from that woman's crotch.

Canada's first Slut Walk

peggedbea says...

wtf? have you all lost your minds?

1. you can't compare a womans vagina to a wad full of cash. but presuming that you could... just because i flashed my wad full of cash does not make it less wrong or even permissible for someone to steal it. your rights end where mine begin.

2. women don't get raped because they're scantily clad. rape is less about sexual gratification and more about power and control. i was a wild ass teenager and i put myself in a lot of unwholesome situations, i experienced my fair share of unwanted, boundary violating sexual advances. i was also a raging tomboy/baby crusty... my clothing didn't have anything to do with the creeps who wanted/tried/did take advantage, it was ALWAYS about power and superiority and control. ALWAYS about some mental defect that made dudes get off on the ability to overpower.

3. you can't blame anyone for mistaking your flirtation with interest. anyone who does is probably being a bitch. but flirting and be provocative is not "stepping into the lion's den and asking to get bit" and you're not contractually obligated to put out... anyone who thinks that it is does is a defective asshole and possibly predatory and almost certainly has issues with women and their ability to own their sexual power, again.. its about power and dominance and control.

4. i sort of agree with the notion that you attract what you put out there. like i chat it up with a lot of mentally ill/homeless men... so a lot of these guys tend to want to marry me.... when i go dancing at the hip hop club, i dont get offended when i get balls rubbed on my leg or some horny drunk guy wants to take me home.... i just go find a girl to dance with after that.... when i go dancing at the gay bar looking like a big dyke, i dont get pissed off when a lesbian flirts with me... i go bowling a lot, i dont get mad when bowling alley people hit on me.... if you dress and behave in a certain way in a certain place, you're bound to attract someone.. you have no right to be surprised or offended when that happens... it may even be what you're looking for.. ... but it does not negate someone else's responsibility to control themselves and respect your words more than your tits. and anyone who doesn't see that, has issues with women and their sexual power. and rape is, once again, about power and control. it is not about cleavage or temptation.

edit: there is also offensive language... i dont get mad if you thought i was flirting with you and expressed an interest, i do get mad if you don't speak to me with respect. again, its about power and control ooorrr maybe you're a social piarha with no idea how interact with people, either way, you're getting turned down and that doesnt make me a tease. it's your problem.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

blankfist (Member Profile)

"We Need a Christian Dictator" - since the ungodly can vote

csnel3 says...

Well, I would vote for having "sex with no consequences". I dont think that means I'm ignorant, just hopefull, and maybe innocent and gullable, and fucking horny, and selfish. Thank God I can vote by mail, that way I dont have to pull my pants up.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

kulpims says...

1. my nickname since age 6, translated into english, is "worm". no relation to dennis rodman
2. my first girlfriend's name was "buckwheat". she was 6 years older than me. she had long blonde straight hair that would smell of honey even through a cloud of shit
3. my upper front teeth are ceramic. i lost them in a bar fight, falling dead drunk on my face
4. you can't beat me at table soccer
5. i like jazz
6. i smoke a lot of weed, although i prefer hashish
7. I also deal, on and off. hence the constant supply ...
8. i was self-hospitalized to a mental hospital on 3 separate occasions for being fucking retarded
10. i'm bad at math
9. i used to do heroin for a few months. now i mostly pop pills. shrooms optional (and weed is not a drug - it's medicine)
11. i like sci-fi. and comics. and good movies. they make me feel there's hope for humanity after all
12. my all time fav sport's figure is michael jordan. i stopped watching nba after he left for good
14. i dislike nr. 13
15. i belive that at this evolutionary point in time we, as a human race, can not possibly hope to ever comprehend the true nature of reality we find ourselves in. lhc is a useless waste of money and effort
16. five years ago i got my driving licence revoked for dui
17. my penis is bent to the left. i blame masturbation
18. i never met my father. for all i know he could be lord vader
19. i like hitch-hiking
20. i lost my virginity to a fat girl. i only fuck skinny bitches from then on
21. i was brought up to be a catholic but i never really believed in anything. not even atheism
22. i hope there's no afterlife
23. unless there's 72 horny virgins waiting for me
24. i lie a lot
25. i would never ever go charter

Neither have you tasted my jesus!

dystopianfuturetoday says...

If an atheist told a story just as bad, with a punch line just as wrong, I'd laugh my ass off at that one too.


>> ^Lolthien:

Man, I'm not sure it's worth it to make fun of this chick as some sort of rant against Christianity. Admittedly the story is ridiculous, but it's sort of like getting some 15 year old 'atheist' and having him tell one story about why he doesn't believe in god (One day I prayed for, like, 20 whole minutes for God to let Cindy Perkins go out with me, and she said no, so like, now I KNOW there's no God...) and have christian theologian and scholars rip the kid a new one and say how obvious that atheists are all horny teenagers who are just rebelling against their moms.

Also, run on sentences.

This woman wins WORST PARENT award

alien_concept says...

>> ^nanrod:

To all those who think a cold shower is not torture, you obviously haven't experienced immersion in cold water where you couldn't just get out. We've all had reason to have cold showers, hot weather, horniness, hangover. I've done the sauna thing jumping thru a hole cut in ice on a lake. I've participated in a polar bear swim in the Pacific and
Atlantic. In all these things getting in and out is your choice. Not being able to get out can lead to a bone piercing agony thats unbearable and is worse if you have a small body mass like this child. Listen again to his screaming in the shower. That's not fear of the water, that's pain. Inflicting pain on that level is child abuse, certainly worse than anything I got from my father the Sergeant Major.
I can see this woman in 10 years, waking from a sound sleep to the feeling of her own child plunging a knife in her body.

Great point! Cold water feels like burning, we all know that. It doesn't matter whether it's causing any physical damage either, the child is clearly terrified. Another point that needs to be made to some of you thick-skulled people is that abuse is abuse. It doesn't matter what level it's at, how bad you think it is, it still had the capability of ruining the victim's life.

For instance, I spent a few years in a care home, I've seen young people who went through some terrible abuse, and some not so terrible. It doesn't change how that person is going to turn out, how they can develop patterns, kick up complex coping mechanisms, and end up with a life-long tendency for depression or much worse. If abuse has taken place - and there is no way that ridiculing a child, terrifying them, burning their mouth and dousing them with cold water isn't abuse by the way - then it will effect them, in small ways or huge, no one can know until often later on in their adult life.

Talking about how "well this happened to me and this is how I turned out" is completely pointless to the argument, because every person is different and will deal with childhood trauma differently, it's all relative. How about it doesn't happen in the first place and the risk is taken out of the equation, I like that idea best...

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