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How Bad is The Cost of Living Squeeze In the US?

newtboy says...

I’m still waiting for you to explain how 75% inflation over 22 years becomes 150% increased prices under Biden as you claimed. Please, I need your expertise in mathematics to make the world make sense. 😂

To my dumber than a bag of hammers-
😂 🤦‍♂️ 😂
So that’s a “yes”, you do think the economy is worse now than in 2020 solely because inflation is doubled and you don’t understand earnings/purchase power . 🤦‍♂️
I grant you, inflation is still elevated, but down near 2/3 and well below what other countries are experiencing, so is getting better not worse. Hyperactive economies can tend to have inflation issues, and the Biden economy exploded like it was made of lithium deuteride.

Yes booby, prices have gone up on average, they always do…and on average everyone makes more too….much more. If prices go up 3% and wages go up 6% you have 3% more buying power, A GAIN…that’s pretty basic math for it to go so far over your head. In 2020 prices went up near 1.5% (for items still on shelves) but wages went DOWN near 6% (for those who were still employed) for a >7% LOSS in buying power. See how Bidenomics is better yet?

Probably not…ask a 3rd grader…is being able to buy 3% more yearly better than only being able to buy >7% less than last year?

Earning power is rising fast, double inflation, so are GDP and employment rates unlike under Trump when not only was there still inflation (granted much less thanks to the floundering MAGA economy) but wages actually went down significantly GDP went NEGATIVE and up to 20 million jobs evaporated thanks to mismanagement (NZ didn’t have that problem).

When inflation is barely above 3% and wages are rising at near 6%, yes, things cost more, and average people can also BUY MORE you fucking idiot.
I know, that’s keeping two things in your head at once, so impossible for you to comprehend, but trust me, that’s reality. You should try it some time.
You think you have something because inflation went up, largely thanks to Trumps horrific last year of hyper spending and the economic crash his mismanagement caused but also due to Biden’s economic recovery outpacing the most optimistic predictions…but you are too dumb to see the other half of the earning equation…wages. Since earnings are rising at double inflation, people can buy more.
Again, in 2020 wages went down almost 6% with 1.5% inflation (during a massive negative gdp) so earning power went down by almost 7.5%…today inflation is 3.24 but wages are rising at nearly 6%, giving a RISE in earning power of 2.75%. That is a >10% difference, going from a 7.5% loss of buying power in 2020 to a 2.75% rise this year…and no recession. That’s called winning.
Inflation is only one part of the equation, buddy, and is absolutely meaningless without the other parts.

Yes, I repeated myself…I hoped by saying it over and over some might get through.

Interest rates…😂😂😂 true, Biden didn’t lower rates to zero and still have a stalled economy, he had to raise them to combat inflation…it worked, and hasn’t stalled the boom yet. You claim to be rich…high interest rates shouldn’t mean a thing to you…or do you really carry massive debt and aren’t really rich at all? 😂

As a side note, the stock market is also booming, paying great for those who are invested. Similar to wage growth since many (like me) live off investment earnings.

Gas prices have dropped sharply, today below $3 in 1/3 of the country and $.22 lower than a year ago on average. That’s costing LESS! Try again.

Many staple food prices are lower too. National average turkey prices were cheaper than last year, so are eggs. Try again.

According to Edmonds, “ The good news is that, in general, prices have been on the decline since late 2022. In May 2022, the average selling price of a vehicle was about $721 over MSRP. Compare that to July 2023, when the average selling price was about $714 below MSRP.”. Try again.

American's purchase power is rising, under Trump it plummeted like never before. I know, you just don’t understand. It’s ok boob. Adults understand.

I bought a bag of hammers for $10 at a yard sale…it was incredibly smart of me. I got about 10 hammers including 3 small sledge hammers and 2 metal framing hammers. My bag of hammers purchase was quite smart. 😂

Boob, get a brain. You might ask the scarecrow how he got his, because you really need help. I’ve never met a person as dumb and delusional as yourself, and I’ve known some real idiots.

Try this simple example.
Last week a soda cost you $1, and you made $12 an hour ($1 every 5 minutes). This week a soda costs $1.20 but your pay went to $15 ($1 every 4 minutes). Yes, the soda costs more this week…INFLATION!…are you better off now or were you better off with cheaper soda last week? Show your work. (I’m pretty certain that second grade math is just too hard and I won’t see a reply).


bobknight33 said:

" it’s better by every single measure used to measure any economy."

Gas , food , cars, interest rates all cost more.

-Your dumber than a bag of hammers.

Half-Life: 25th Anniversary Documentary

noims says...

Your claim that Half-Life is 25 year old is decidedly, definitively, demonstrable untrue.

I remember it extremely clearly, but I can hardly remember last Tuesday. Therefore it is an impossibility. Stop your lies. Go away. Leave me alone.

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

bcglorf says...

"Who the fuck cares what the reason they wanted to invadeflee was?"

Characterization matters a little here, no?

"They had a right to refugee status there, not to take control and possession by force"

Which is at the heart of things.

The Arab narrative is that Jews arrived guns loaded and set about pillaging, killing and invading as soon as they had sufficient numbers, while the poor domestic Arab population had only been trying to assist and welcome in the refugees...

Which is ahistorical propaganda.

The reality is that for the most part, the European Jews arriving in Palestine were refugees and acting like refugees. Meaning they mostly just wanted to be able to provide food, shelter and safety for the families, just like everyone else. Most of them tried to set about doing this by legally purchasing land.

Lots of the local Arabs similarly were content to get along.

At that same time though, there were hardcore Zionists among the Jewish arrivals AND there were xenophobic elements willing to use violence within the Arab population too.

The tensions rose as the populations rose, but largely as a result of a large people being displaced, and NOT as the planned invasion you describe. The local Arab population started to band together to refuse to work, trade or sell to Jews. Violence broke out instigated separately on smallish scales by BOTH sides. Escalating violence followed, again back and forth between sides.

I'm in a camp that has a hard time blaming either the domestic Arab population for distress at the huge influx of refugees, nor for the European Jewish people having a low tolerance for discrimination and violence directed there way solely for being Jewish.

I see it as a huge mess, but with two large populations of Jewish and Arab people in Palestine acting not terribly unreasonably under circumstances of extreme pressure.

I think it's lazy and convenient to just declare 'invasion' so that you can simplify it all down to right/wrong and good guy/bad guy....

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

How Different Animals React to Zero Gravity

eric3579 (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Stairs are hard, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

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eric3579 (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Your video, Stairs are hard, has made it into the Top 15 New Videos listing. Congratulations on your achievement. For your contribution you have been awarded 1 Power Point.

This achievement has earned you your "Pop Star" Level 448 Badge!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oof…even Republicans are so disgusted by her that Hoe-bert is being primaried by Republicans…even they are so sick of hypocritical MAGA they would prefer a Democrat, but are trying another Republican.
Luckily he is also failing, bringing in less than half her fundraising.
Her Democratic opponent is out fundraising her by a factor of 4.

Bonus - disgraced Trump “judge” Cannon has been smacked down hard in the records case by the 11th circuit stating there never was “equitable jurisdiction” for her to insert herself in the case, it didn’t pass the “Richey Test”, the standard to assert “equitable jurisdiction”. This ends the special master overseeing the documents, and likely ends the building a multi million dollar special SCIF at tax payer expense just for Trump so he doesn’t have to go a few miles to Miami where one already exists to view the documents HE STOLE.

Without her running interference, Trump’s treason case for theft of classified military secrets is going to loose bigly. Firing squad time! 😂

😂 Second bonus- Ivanka’s lawyers forgot to submit her sworn statements so now she is going to be forced to testify in open court against daddy in his $250000000 civil fraud case he already lost and is in the damages phase! 😂 couldn’t happen to a more deserving crime family! 😂

Honest Trailers | Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Pt. 1

BSR says...

The narrator needs more voice inflections or something. I can hardly stand listening to him as he drags out the last word in his sentences.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 100% projection, little Bobby.. 😂

I give you vetted legitimate professional sources, they aren’t random internet trolls broadcasting nonsense from daddy’s basement. Yours always are these random idiots that made a talk show in daddy’s basement that get 100% of their “information “ from Trump’s lying mouth or the toilet (hard to tell the difference). Never once have you provided a rational or legitimate source of information, you don’t know them when you see them. The closest you’ve ever come was Fox, and even you now say they’re completely full of shit since they once reported on Trump and Jan 6 honestly.

Cereal boxes don’t often report on the verified daily court failures of a disgraced failure of an ex president, Bobby. If you could read, you might know that.


bobknight33 said:

Getting "facts" from a cereal box are not facts. Quit being so gullible.

He did the unexpected

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh-oh @bobknight33…Sarah Huckabee Sanders is credibly accused of tampering with FOIA requests by reporters attempting to hide her outrageous spending (like wasting $20000 on a lectern that should be under $200) and pressed the legislature to change the laws so it won’t be illegal for her to hide her spending, travel, or official meeting itineraries like Arkansas law requires because transparency is like sunshine and garlic to you vampires and so is following the law. Being republicans and believing rules aren’t meant for them, they did, again because transparency is an anathema to Republicans…expect them to change the law back during the lame duck session if it looks like a Democrat has won office.

Lawyers for reporters say they have proof of her office tampering with FOIA documents and internal communications discussing the plot to change then hide the FOIA documents and just flatly deny the (now fake) requests for public information.

This isn’t going to go well for her, just like ignoring the laws has not gone well for her ex boss. 😂

It’s fun watching the MAGA party dissolve in criminality and infighting. You’re going to need an entire new group of representatives since those not under indictment have been ravaged by other cons for being too close or not close enough with disgraced Donny. Too bad for you MAGA wrote off any voters under 30 and killed off around 750000 of yourselves by ignoring covid, it really makes it hard to win elections when you keep shrinking the base…but makes it easier for dear leader to win the primary, guaranteeing another Biden win. Remember, Trump has NEVER gotten more votes than his opponent, not even against Clinton, who was despised even by the left.

Zawash (Member Profile)

Zawash (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So…angry he destroyed their ability to govern, Gaetz is being accused by his fellow Republicans of not only constantly bragging about sleeping with under age girls but forcing videos of himself having sex with them (kiddy porn) on them even in chambers or the house floor, bragging about how he uses drugs to be able to perform (and gives them drugs to make them compliant) and say he didn’t come to Washington to cut spending or cut taxes, he came for the teenaged interns he’s been harassing and screwing.

Louisiana has completely lost their bid to ignore the voting rights act and deny minorities a second district in the state. Georgia, Alabama, and Texas are all in the same boat with illegally drawn districting that’s already been declared invalid by the court. They were hoping the stacked MAGA court would toss the voting rights act, but they didn’t. That’s 4 more Democratic representatives in the house (and 4 fewer cons) before Santos, Boebert, Gaetz, and other horrific MAGA morons get the boot.
You can thank MAGA for 2025-28 going heavily Democratic. They’re really screwing the pooch hard and deep.

Don’t forget, Trump blinked and dropped his lawsuit against Cohen.
Trump blinked and dropped his lawsuit against Judge Engoron, now accepting the summary judgement of guilt.
Trump blinked and ran away from “standing up to the judge and prosecutors” in New York after 2 1/2 days, and has lost that $250 million fraud case.
It’s hilarious you still buy his tough guy act when every single time when the chips are down he caves, flees, and hides.

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