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What Is Your Worst Pet Peeve?

zaust says...

Mine is two fold:

"Do you need any help packing?" and "Enter your PIN number please".

I'm 38 I can pack my own damn shopping and the screen I'm looking at has already told me to enter my PIN, I'm halfway through doing it!

Bounce That Dick - JENNA MARBLES

Father Spanks Man for Having Sex with His Underage Daughter

kceaton1 says...

The Dad better pray to God (since I'm assuming he's an old-testament sorta bloke) that those two don't meet up and conspire a reprisal--it goes like this. Yes we both met. No we never had sex (there is no proof; except perhaps crappy wannabe eye-witness testimony, that stuff dies a lot in hearings). Show the video and accuse the Dad of both assault and emotional damage by showing it to the local community. Tell them that you did as the Dad said because you thought he was going to beat you up, plus he had a friend to jump in too if he was losing (something like that). Tell them you tried to talk the Dad down for a long time, but he threatened to break into your house as well, to get the job done--hell if you're going to be an asshole and lie, why go halfway. Everything, and I mean everything is now on Dad--his case is a shut door, meanwhile the statutory rape will NEVER most likely go anywhere.

So I really hope he "thinks" he knows what he's doing. I think he thinks he's doing this kid a favor, but he should've called the cops... DON'T take the law into your own hands, it ALWAYS goes south and I bet you anything this one does too (eventually, something will happen, like @jncross said).

Seriously, this is why you NEVER do this. Pure stupidity on both sides, no wonder the daughter is stupid and involved with older men over the legal age, her Dad is an idiot too (she has daddy issues, up to her neck I'm guessing).

Disco the Parakeet is barking, meowing, kissing and singing

RadHazG says...

having a hard time believing this is real but... damn. Not sure I've ever heard a bird enunciate that clearly before. I didn't even notice the subtitles till halfway through because I didn't need them.


EA in a Nutshell

Fletch says...

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
Take bioware for example. Before they were 'bought' by EA they made some of the (arguably, but almost universally accepted) best games of their particular genre. Baldur's gate 1 and 2, neverwinter nights....

Forgot about Bioware. They're on my list as well. They used to be an automatic buy, but DA2... EA is poison to game companies.

It's difficult to explain to young'uns who were raised on consoles why old-school PC gamers are so disappointed in the current state of PC gaming. This whole backlash that PC gamers are "elitist crybabies" is just so tired. I have a gaming mouse and a 104 keys, yet many PC games are designed for multiple platforms, and, unfortunately, the lowest common denominator is an ADD-addled console player with a gamepad. The result is cookie-cutter dross that is only made discernible in its genre by the textures and artwork that make up its world. I'm not saying great AAA pc games aren't being made any more, just that there are so few, and this move by developers towards always-online DRM for single-player gaming (Ubisoft, Blizzard) limits my choices even more, as I refuse to support that bullshit.

I still play through Doom and Doom2 about once a year and have a blast every time. I'm about halfway through yet another run of Diablo II, and I'm thinking I'll fire up Planescape: Torment or Baldur's Gate after that. So many excellent older games to play and replay, not to mention the large number of quality indie games being released. I don't miss Diablo III one bit.

Claycats: A Raid

How I Participate In An Anti-Gay Protest

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^Jinx:

>> ^ponceleon:
Very funny, but part of me feels it is a bit counterproductive if we are trying to convince the fear-mongered masses of this country that being homosexual doesn't automatically make you a hyper-sexualized insane person.

Why should we try and convince them of this? Plenty of straight, hyper-sexualized "insane" people. I say shake what your god gave you. Haters gonna hate, and I aint gonna try and meet them halfway.

Exactly. Parts of the Gay movement annoys me, like the argument that people were "born this way" or that "other animals also engage in homosexual behaviour." Both of which is true, but irrelevant. As a heterosexual man, I dont really have any urges to have sex with other men, but if I did it anyway, it'd be nobodys fucking business. And thats really the only message that matters: Take your fucking bible and bigotry and shove it up your ass, its none of your fucking business what I do in bed.

How I Participate In An Anti-Gay Protest

How I Participate In An Anti-Gay Protest

Jinx says...

>> ^ponceleon:

I kinda agree, I mean, there's nothing you are going to say to one of these people that is going to convince them that homosexuality is okay, but I guess I just feel like this is an escalation rather than something constructive.
>> ^Jinx:
>> ^ponceleon:
Very funny, but part of me feels it is a bit counterproductive if we are trying to convince the fear-mongered masses of this country that being homosexual doesn't automatically make you a hyper-sexualized insane person.

Why should we try and convince them of this? Plenty of straight, hyper-sexualized "insane" people. I say shake what your god gave you. Haters gonna hate, and I aint gonna try and meet them halfway.

I feel that there isn't really a way to reason with these people. Sure, you might be able to sway some minds in the middle, but I dont think there are any fencesitters in a protest against homosexuality. So maybe it is an escalation, but I don't think there is nothing to be gained from mocking them either. To argue against their position is almost to give them some sort of legitimacy. When we point and laugh we turn it into the childish farce it really is. This might not change minds, but I at least hope it gives some confidence and self worth to those that need it.

How I Participate In An Anti-Gay Protest

ponceleon says...

I kinda agree, I mean, there's nothing you are going to say to one of these people that is going to convince them that homosexuality is okay, but I guess I just feel like this is an escalation rather than something constructive.

>> ^Jinx:

>> ^ponceleon:
Very funny, but part of me feels it is a bit counterproductive if we are trying to convince the fear-mongered masses of this country that being homosexual doesn't automatically make you a hyper-sexualized insane person.

Why should we try and convince them of this? Plenty of straight, hyper-sexualized "insane" people. I say shake what your god gave you. Haters gonna hate, and I aint gonna try and meet them halfway.

How I Participate In An Anti-Gay Protest

Jinx says...

>> ^ponceleon:

Very funny, but part of me feels it is a bit counterproductive if we are trying to convince the fear-mongered masses of this country that being homosexual doesn't automatically make you a hyper-sexualized insane person.

Why should we try and convince them of this? Plenty of straight, hyper-sexualized "insane" people. I say shake what your god gave you. Haters gonna hate, and I aint gonna try and meet them halfway.

What Can You Do If Someone's Vehicle Has Blocked Your Exit?

harlequinn says...

>> ^solecist:

did anybody else notice the clear dirt path behind him that leads out of the parking lot? he already backed up halfway into it anyway, not sure why he didn't just take it the whole way. maybe he was just that pissed.

Yes. I totally agree. From the perspective of the camera, he could easily have reversed and then exited to the right where there is a large gap between the silver and black vehicles.

What Can You Do If Someone's Vehicle Has Blocked Your Exit?

solecist says...

did anybody else notice the clear dirt path behind him that leads out of the parking lot? he already backed up halfway into it anyway, not sure why he didn't just take it the whole way. maybe he was just that pissed.

A Frog Sitting on a Bench Like a Human

Payback says...

>> ^offsetSammy:

Very possibly a video of animal abuse. Everyone might want to reserve their comments until this is confirmed or denied, because it would make the video and comments decidedly less hilarious. <img class="smiley" src="">

Honestly? Probably fairly cold out, the frog is halfway to hibernating, and the photographer just "posed" it like that.

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