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The Great VideoSift Coming -Out Thread (Happy Talk Post)

MrFisk says...

MrFisk aka Wilson Fisk. Marvel Comics. Punisher's enemy. Avatar was originally B-Boy Che Guevara. Choggie asked me to change it and I did. Now it's gorilla with a tie holding an automatic weapon. Both avatars are the work of Banksy, one of my heroes.
My name is Warren. I'm 32. I have lived in Texas, Nebraska, and Las Vegas. Currently, I am in Nebraska in-between school, once again. I peddle cigarettes and booze for a living.
I am single and have eluded children, as well as, incarceration. I'm addicted to women; I am gallant. I have a great sense of humor. I love quotes.
I have read a lot of books and have not one degree to show. I plan on getting my doctorate in something sometime. I would love to become a writer but I lack discipline and I am a perfectionist. I have many wild and crazy stories. I crave fun.
I like to eat good food. I love to play chess and will be a master soon. I love to travel. Once, I lived in my car for three months and drove across the United States solo. I would like to travel more. I like maps.
I have endured through a broken spine, a gunshot, and a siftquisition so far this life.
I like videosift.

Well Spoken Man on Military, and Possi Comitatus - OCT 1st

thedeusmachine (Member Profile)

E_Nygma says...

ah ok- some context below. you gave me what i believe to be my first downvoted comment, so you hold a special place in my sift. see you round!

In reply to this comment by thedeusmachine:
I'm not sure what you're referring to but no, I'm not a fan.

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
not a fan of the long-winded and pointless diatribe, eh?

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
i have her shirt. not her exact shirt i mean, but you know, the same design. i didn't steal her shirt; the fit is different. mine is less fitted in form and less hourglass in shape, probably because it's a guy's shirt and hers is a girl's shirt. the color is the same though... a sort of purple, or possibly a plum hue? not really sure how i'd describe it. i guess if i could find it i could better describe the shade. i know it has a zombie on it. a zombie chasing a brain. a brain on a string- a string that is attached at the other end to a fishing pole. the fishing pole is held by a young boy, sitting on the shoulder's of the aforementioned zombie. it's pretty circular in description. i think the zombie is green. i like green. there's this disease called kuru you can get by eating human brain. it's kinda like mad cow but is more like mad human. i wonder if zombies ever get that disease. if they did would they die? how to kill a zombie: 1)gunshot to head, 2)kuru. but yeah, i have her shirt.

Hey Ash, Whatcha Playing: Team Fortress 2

E_Nygma says...

i have her shirt. not her exact shirt i mean, but you know, the same design. i didn't steal her shirt; the fit is different. mine is less fitted in form and less hourglass in shape, probably because it's a guy's shirt and hers is a girl's shirt. the color is the same though... a sort of purple, or possibly a plum hue? not really sure how i'd describe it. i guess if i could find it i could better describe the shade. i know it has a zombie on it. a zombie chasing a brain. a brain on a string- a string that is attached at the other end to a fishing pole. the fishing pole is held by a young boy, sitting on the shoulder's of the aforementioned zombie. it's pretty circular in description. i think the zombie is green. i like green. there's this disease called kuru you can get by eating human brain. it's kinda like mad cow but is more like mad human. i wonder if zombies ever get that disease. if they did would they die? how to kill a zombie: 1)gunshot to head, 2)kuru. but yeah, i have her shirt.

Ron Paul: I'm Being Shut Out Of The GOP Convention

10128 says...

>> ^MINK:
^whereas the pharmaceutical industry is a group of competent and honest people with incentives to make people healthy? how about that health insurance industry? they have your health as their number one priority?

They don't have to be competent and honest, they simply have to be put in an environment in which their desires to collude with government-specific powers are disabled. Neo-con socialists and democratic socialists alike (this includes you) vote for people who want to subsidize, charge income taxes, and inflate, but tell me: how does a company bribe a politician for a special subsidy when subsidies are illegal? How does a company bribe a politician for a special tax credit if income taxes don't exist? A libertarian like Ron Paul knows the powers were idealist in nature and can't but be abused, so he's going to remove them entirely. That's exactly how you solve the problem. It isn't by talking tough with one hand and taking a lobbyist's payout on the other like every other candidate. And it isn't Nader's solution to get ANOTHER government agency to oversee this bullshit which will invariably degenerate into another bloodsucking corrupt agency after his well-meaning sponsors die off and are replaced by the order of the day.

And regarding health quality, the average lifespan of a white American male has gone from 50 in 1900 to almost 80 today. That's pretty good considering we eat like crap. You want to cite socialist nations which are dependent on imports developed by capitalist sources? How about the horror stories where people are waiting months for a scan to reveal a tumor before it's too late? Or how about the true cases of people who had tumors, but the government hospitals refused to operate on them because they didn't believe their chances of surviving were good enough to justify the cost of operating? At which point they paid for private care and lived.

The two things you're missing are these: companies are out to make a sustainable profit. Government is supposed to make sure they're not infringing on rights, and to provide courts for recourse in the event that they do. In that environment, the only way to make a profit and keep it is to give customers what they want. Do you want bullshit drugs that make you sick? No. So how could a company profit from ruining your life? With the internet and informational publications as easy to obtain as ever, they can't.

If you research some more, you'll find that the HMO act and Medicare are some of the most fiscally irresponsible and collusive enablements out there. Those, the central bank, and inflation enabled by not restricting the government to non-inflatable money are THE reasons private health care costs (and gas, and groceries, and well... everything) are becoming increasingly unaffordable. These are all socialist policies doomed to failure and that's exactly what you're getting. And your solution is more government? You're NUTS. You're barking up the completely wrong tree.

>> ^MINK:
^jesus i have no idea why people want to privatise EVERYTHING. We live together in a community. A little bit of "commun"ism is natural. Otherwise you are talking about walking around with a concealed loaded weapon all day, paying corporations to fix your gunshot wounds. Instant utopia, eh?

Communism/socialism is defined as what percentage of your labor is owned "communally" via its populist government rather than its earner. If you own someone else's labor, why work harder than the next guy? Where's the disincentive to being the lazy, unproductive one in the group when you're gauranteed the same share? Where's the incentive to work and think harder than anyone and innovate new things to get a bigger share? What happens when the government dictates unproductive positions in society, like who the artists and athletes are? These are the crushing oversight that causes every socialist big government economy to degenerate into equal misery and financial collapse.

>> ^MINK:
^I mean private TV companies are so competent and efficient, right? Let's do for our health what we did for our TV networks!! wohooo!

Besides the fact that airwaves are heavily regulated by government already, you want the content itself to be owned entirely by the government because private owners have a political bias one way or the other? Guess what happens when the government owns it. All channels = one side. I must be dreaming you said that and got rated up by the idealist socialist smeg-for-brains on this site. You don't understand the inherent costs of the best system (capitalism), you're just blinded by the false promise of a benevolent dictator who will come in and sweep away the scapegoats, and in the process you and people like you will lead us to bankruptcy and fascism.

Ron Paul: I'm Being Shut Out Of The GOP Convention

MINK says...

^whereas the pharmaceutical industry is a group of competent and honest people with incentives to make people healthy? how about that health insurance industry? they have your health as their number one priority?

jesus i have no idea why people want to privatise EVERYTHING. We live together in a community. A little bit of "commun"ism is natural. Otherwise you are talking about walking around with a concealed loaded weapon all day, paying corporations to fix your gunshot wounds. Instant utopia, eh?

I mean private TV companies are so competent and efficient, right? Let's do for our health what we did for our TV networks!! wohooo!

Remember Jessica Lynch?

rougy says...

>> ^doogle:
Here's an example of a description I would attach to this video (I suggest it be placed):

...Lynch, along with major media outlets, has since accused the U.S. government of fabricating this story as part of the Pentagon's propaganda effort to manipulate the American and global public opinion into accepting and sympathizing with the invasion of Iraq.

Would you include a blurb about how the Pentagon changed the story as the truth was revealed? That the troops weren't under fire. That Jessie wasn't abused and did not suffer a gunshot wound. That a doctor did not slap her in the face, etc.

I thought he could shoot it if he wants (Blog Entry by Thylan)

MarineGunrock says...

He can, so long as he doesn't reside in a no-discharge zone. But how is that last part even close to relevant and or news worthy? Did the reporter seriously ask a retailer if gunshots blasts were covered under the warranty?

Top Gear - Motorhome Racing

Krupo says...

LMFAHS, *comed - "that's a pie!" Talk about *wtf *sports. HA HA - "morning broke over Essex", more barking and gunshots. Awesome.

"There's quite a lot of understeer occuring!" ... "mind you, we had invited touring car drivers" ... "I just saw the door of a kitchen unit on the track"

Awesome, super awesome.

The LA Riot Spectacular - Mr. Kim's Liquor

schmawy says...

Oh, I know, I almost didn't, 'cause I'm a PC anarchist. I watched plenty of videos of actual shootings at the LA riots and I needed a little comic relief.

I like how the gunshots are some kind of intelligible language to this dutiful shopkeeper.

I have the biggest damn shotgun in the friggin world in my closet damnit!!!! (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

MINK says...

i like guns. but as we can see from the example of america, they do not protect you from a bad government. the "citizens" are more likely to fight for the propagandameisters in the whitehouse than for their own freedom. and if you kill someone for freedom, you've kinda lost the argument. and the freedom.

unarmed mass protest is more powerful than seven rival "militias" fighting for control of the freedom. do the gun owning iraqis all form a polite society and restrict their oppresive government in a selfless act of citizenry? No.

if more americans could spend a while walking around a city where only the police and the criminals have guns, they might see the benefits of restricting gun ownership to those two groups.

To quote a famous song from a gun culture: "Every day when we get up hear a gunshot, that's the sound of an armed citizenry protecting us from an oppresive government"... err... no wait, i misquoted that somehow...

Man seeks headshot clips (Sift Talk Post)

mas8705 says...

Actually I was thinking of the idea of making a video compilation of headshots after my post of the triple headshot...

All that is seen on youtube is geeks and nerds trying to make their headshot videos where you see them using a sniper rifle and getting headshots for 5-10 minutes... Therefore I thought of a different idea of having non-gunshot head shots...

And yes there was a reason why I switched my avatar to a man in a straitjacket... *laughs and jumps out of two story window*

The Simpsons, create your own Avatar (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

Epileptic friendly video site (Humanitarian Talk Post)

Marines in Iraq abuse and kill a puppy.

lucky760 says...

I can feel the disgust penetrating my being while browsing a VideoSift that contains this filthy video embed.

I wasn't going to watch it, but felt the need to know what the discussion was about. (I was imagining it must have included gore and involved a gunshot or knife.)

Since I did view it, here's a description of the 17 second video for the lucky ones who won't, as it doesn't seem to have been described above: A Marine holds a puppy up by the scruff of the neck for the camera and gives an "Awww" and says how cute it is. Then he swings his arm in a strong overhand throw and we listen to the puppy scream as it travels through the air over the cliff toward its death. One of the other Marines simply says, "You're mean," as the puppy murderer smiles for the camera.

All of the audio is consistent and to me the puppy's scream seemed to definitely be authentic.

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