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Daughter - Every Saturday For 3 Months

Bloom Boxes

newtboy says...

I have also never seen this 'data' about how windmills are frivolous, and I've looked. All I can ever find are individuals that have no personal knowledge of the systems making unfounded claims. Certainly there are instances of poorly planned 'windfarms' that, because of lack/over abundance of wind don't work properly, or because of regulation and electric company resistance are cost prohibitive. Personal/home units (where they can be erected, and have proper wind conditions) can be great, especially for off grid living. It magnifies the possibilities of a solar system because it generates when the sun isn't out (like when there's a storm) using the same battery system and inverter/converter system the solar uses, so there's little added cost. If you got into solar early enough, the rebates available made the systems a great deal (in some cases, nearly free after the rebate). My system, which cost me a ton of cash, has paid for itself in under 8 years (if you don't consider that electricity rates have gone up considerably since I bought it, if you do count that it was closer to a 6.5 years for full payback, with a minimum 20+ year system lifespan) thanks to rebates and tax breaks...and the systems are far cheaper today than when I bought mine. I've also not lost hundreds (or thousands) of dollars worth of food due to numerous week long power outages, like my neighbors have.
I often consider adding a smallish wind turbine so I have more generation power, especially needed when the power goes out during a storm, which is exactly when a turbine could shine. My issue is jackhole neighbors that would likely not give 'permission' to erect the mast, or would complain about the turbine noise (reasonably or not).
So, in my semi-educated opinion, turbines CAN be a great solution when done right, and can also be economical, especially when compared to the electric company. Of course you can find instances of poor planning making them poor performers, but that's not the norm.

notarobot said:

A friend of mind put a windmill up on his property with a solar array and is completely off grid now. No more power bills.

To date I've seen no such data to make me feel that windmills are a waste or frivolous. Feel free to provide some figures and links.

Bloom Boxes

notarobot says...

A friend of mind put a windmill up on his property with a solar array and is completely off grid now. No more power bills.

To date I've seen no such data to make me feel that windmills are a waste or frivolous. Feel free to provide some figures and links.

A10anis said:

I suggest you look at the figures with regard to return for investment, regarding turbines. You will, no doubt, see the frivolous waste.

Bloom Boxes

notarobot says...

"The Bloom Box is intended to replace the grid..."

I can guess that there might be a lot of people out there invested in current energy technology that would be unhappy about this succeeding....

This report is from 2010. Any news since?

americas wars of aggression-no justice-no peace

chingalera says...

People that give a fuck about the true direction of the planet who like to blabber-on ad-naseum about which news corp is their favorite and which one is full of morons, and if you like them well then you must be a moron, or (insert meaningless label here) are the most gullible, the most extremely out-of-touch with what's truly going on. They have let their minds become a sponge for distraction and illusion by the very machine that rapes the planet of human and natural resources for personal gain and consolidation of power.

The mind is a terrible thing to waste on feeding the very machine that enslaves us all.

As a simple example of just how secondary oil would be as a universal commodity you need only to look at who controls the access. If we'd gone the direction of the Bucky Fullers and Teslas that pop-into the grid in every epoch, and shared collectively in a similar mind and vision, people who pick winners and losers would be non-existent or self-aware, and the real criminals on the planet posing as so-called leaders would be raving in asylums or extinct by now.

Why won't the planet use nuclear energy correctly and righteously for example...SAFE power from the atomic components that make up the experiential world?? Because assholes and criminals run the show. Period.

Same with oil. Same with slavery through economic monopoly, same with the mind-control apparatus that force-feeds the gullible their world views based on their insidious, contrived models.

There are way better drugs out there than politics kids......Use your fucking brains?!

Into The Mind Of Reginald D Hunter - Cambridge Union Society

chingalera says...

Awesome set, this kid's union society moment carved in stone (kids' so damn nervous about hosting the best guest ever, being the class clown that he is!) WHO do think can relate better than anyone who tries to 'speak-out' being tense or intimidated approaching and encountering social media as a greenhorn?? Uhh, ME!? Chinagaloggie loves to talk about assholes and idgits, and they STILL follow protocol that enhances their own asshole....Imagine the levels of chagrin and the energy fed the universal grid encouraging one so-inclined to re-engage??

Everyone can be their own worst enemy and their best friend's nightmare.

Oh, and their own girlfriend (Rosy Palm and her five sisters) or their best friend's friend's wet dream

Oh, I'm great at parties btw...

Death by Metadata: NSA's Role in Assassinations Overseas

bobknight33 jokingly says...

About time America's evil government does something worthy of all those tax dollars. Better to kill them over there before they decide to blow up our power grid, dam, or such.

Although this would be a very bad idea when it comes to droning on American soil. That would be very bad.

Hail Mary Time...Amen!!!

chingalera says...

There's a simpler way of looking at mental illness or the lack of true freedom, in all her hydratic forms-Religions' a way to get a shitload of peeps to render their souls and Krugerrandz unto Caesar-like entities like preachers, priests, and governments.

What one makes for and of themselves with which to add to the grid, is all that matters in this lifetime-After this world comes pure energy and the bread you've cast comes around again-Make any sense there, god little gee?? True spirituality is coming to grips with time, space, and matter and the influence your perceptive apparatus has on the whole.

robdot said:

If people really, actually, believed in heaven, and hell, they wouldnt take their religion so lightly. It just shows that religion, in all its forms, is bullshit.
If you really believed that the eternal state of peoples souls was at stake. you wouldnt behave, like this.

Rebecca Vitsmun, The Oklahoma Atheist, Tells Her Story

chingalera says...

Ok firstly for ChaosEngine, your paraphrased quote of statements which voiced a sentiment I have had since engaging in conversation with seekers about the existence of 'God or no God': The same mechanism of filtering the words you read through your own belief system is a time-honored technique of the most fundamentalist of back-assward Christians and theologians who read the words of the Bible and fit them conveniently into their limited world view filtered through a similar limited and linear, perception of existence.

(*edit-I now realize that you did not in fact, paraphrase my statement rather, bcglorf's , but the sentiment remains true)

My statement was (and yes Dannym3142, that was NOT supposed to be a question mark, edited with the appropriate period): "I have a legitimate beef with rabid supporters of any particular ideology or philosophy when the shit becomes tiresome and repetitious when tinctured with rage and anger and intolerance."

Your paraphrase of sentiment ChaosEngine, "evangelical atheists are as bad as fundamentalists," then followed by "bollocks" (bullshit), is indicative to me of the rage and anger I attributed to the average atheist's consternation with these 'stupid', 'backwards', 'hillbillies' etc.,(who are too dumb or dense to wrap their heads around the very idea that an omnipresent uni-being does not exist, yadda yadda yadda.) Further, the example used 'When was the last time atheists shot a young girl for wanting to go to school?' to justify your position is reminiscent of any Southern Baptist preacher using similar extreme examples of the human condition to support their own arguments for the infallibility of their 'god'. The words used connote a similar intolerance and ignorance of that which is wholly metagnostic or, 'the unknowable' and I regard the mechanism as the selfsame dynamic.

"So, sorry if I'm not going to sit down and STFU about it." Good. It means you are on the path to enlightenment and intend to continue to seek truths which satisfy the gnawing curiosity that ALL humans are frought with in our tenure here on Earth. Keep at it.

dannym3142: (sorry for the question mark, it confused me as well when reading it again) I used Crowley and Planck's observations as an exercise in tossing a non-linear curve-ball into the circle-jerk of those whose search for absolute truth and the nature of the universe, of matter/non-matter, seemingly ended when they decided that it's a no-brainer as to whether or not faith has a place in the argument for or against the existence of a supreme being. Faith can't be argued either, we all need it to perform the simplest of our daily monkey-tasks.

Yes-I was chastising VooDooV for the blanket of down-votes to my comments because I sense his rage and anger at my input on threads similar, and recognize in atheists the same robotic mechanism they accuse Christians of which litter blog after blog when God is mentioned, by the ever-incrasing rabid anti-god fan-boys who attack with guns blazing at the very mention of that which is unable to be understood when approaching it from linear patterns of thought. That, and I refuse ever-again be ganged-up on on this site by a few well-be-nots who have it out for me because they can't understand what the fuck I am trying to communicate. I let my guard down in the past and it cost me over a year in SIFTJAIL (to all you fucking wannabe cops here present and future, suck my balls!)

Your fight is not with God but with the exponentially-increasing non-linearity of the world we inhabit, and the chaotic desire to process the information coming into the grid with time-honored methods of argument. IMLTHO this doesn't work.

All the seemingly trollish statements I make on similar threads are made with a view to wrenching another way of thinking out of the stubborn adherents to any one pattern or direction of mental process.

It can't be argued that a realm of universes exist outside of our own limited perceptive apparatus and all argument ends there for myself for the sake of my own insanity.

Cops using unexpected level of force to arrest girl

chingalera says...

@ ChaosEngine-One example of cops barely being able to handle a situation that grows increasingly widespread, reaching into the land of the mounties as well-Believe it ChaosEngine, that prisons and the military and the police all follow the same recruitment scenario with a larger picture beyond what you and most so flippantly believe in using your senses and the programming that has been driven-into you 24/7 365 through constant reinforcement through television commentators, so-called alternative media sources, et-all.

Speaking with someone form Canada recently regarding corporal punishment in U.S. schools, they were aghast to hear that such a thing exists or existed this due primarily to a completely alternate scenario there, their TV programming not having been hi-jacked by perpetrators of the condition that exists in America today, rampant crime, over-bloated prisons, homelessness, poverty of education, a few items on a long list of defective and deliberate aspects of the control-grid of assholes who run the show.

Say that you are not effected by such a ruse and you either are oblivious or from another country. You simply haven't been to war yet nor have you likely never been a victim of injustices that effected yourself on a personal level.

Admittedly, I have always fought the system's cues to conform to injustices, and the fight is daily, as evidenced here in trying to convince those still inebriate, of an obvious condition. SO they whined and justified their actions. Great. The State says its ok, it must be thus, right?

enoch (Member Profile)

radx says...

The December update highlighted an issue that has been driving me insane for years now, an issue that makes me want to punch my fellow citizens right in the kisser for not looking beyond the facade.

His illustration of the price you pay for a t-shirt can be applied, without alteration, to our energy sector in Germany. The old, centralised infrastructure, primarily coal/gas/nuclear power plants, were subsidized heavily over the years, both directly through interest-free public loans and the privatisation of the energy grid as well as through indirect means, such as tax/insurance exemptions, R&D financing. Hell, the clean-up at Sellafield in the UK alone is expected to cost just shy of £100B. All this outsourcing of costs made it possible to keep the price of energy comparably cheap.

Meanwhile, all the subsidies for renewable energy are added on top of the energy price for consumers. No smoke screens, no outsourcing, no legacy costs. You get the price tag on your energy bill. A decent level of transparency, at last. But now people get pissed at the high prices of energy and demand a stop to the renewable energy program, which ironically pushed prices to a record low on the energy exchange. On-shore wind and solar are now cheaper than heavily subsidized coal and gas. My home town in the middle of nowhere generates wind power at 0.08€ per kwh, all year long, with minimal operating costs. Even solar works splendidly, despite the abysmal central European weather.

I think I might just try his Walmart explanation on some people, it's much easier to understand.

So cheers again for pointing out this wonderful series of lectures.

Moscow Subway Ticket Machine Accepts 30 Squats as payment

alcom says...

What a great idea! The transit fare loss is offset by the modest health benefit of participating riders!

Expanding on this, perhaps engineers could harness the kinetic energy and charge a battery that powers the ticket machine (or just feeds back into the grid.) That idea might make more sense in a stationary bike context, but I'd love to see more of this.

Lann paints us a sloth!

chingalera says...

...always wanted to see a grid with a dozen or so tiny stretched canvases painted as individual pieces to form a storyboard.
Again, oils are a pain in the ass, not for the feint of art-Salud

Electrical Fireball On The Move

chingalera says...

I am gonna guess that that arcing along the lines was a dead short and it arced until the transformer on that pole @:42 exploded. The sound of arcing electricity continues after the transformer blew so until the power stops traveling (melts wires/breaks continuity or power along grid is shut off/destroys itself), it continues.
2013 and we still use wires above ground....y'oud think we'd be further along-Thank the J.P. Morgan types of the world for arcane tech they can still milk for greenbacks.

eric3579 said:

Any knowledgeable sifters know how that happens?

Terry Gilliam's Advice to Tarantino

chingalera says...

Tarrantino's mash-up samples in his flicks are the greatest homage to other director's styles as well, it's what I can appreciate about his work the most...however hackneyed or stale, he mutates enough to stay on the grid, he's frikkin' full-blown and always will be the crazed genius.
Oh, and Jackie Brown kicks ass-

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