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Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Republican Shutdown Threats

chingalera says...

sounds good on a blog maybe but one scenario of what will have to happen before people see trees in this forest of shrubberies is rendering into glue, the health care and insurance scamstym (which is what these institutions are) THEN, we systematically make examples of the families and beneficiaries of the scam (public executions would be more than appropriate considering their crimes), and we do this for the next 100 years. (because after 60 years the world has all but forgotten the inevitable end of massive control grids and their perpetrator'(s) methods. The empire never died, it has been given a green-light to refine her, mass-ass-fucking techniques

Ain't gonna happen without major shocks from without because from within, it can not be corrected without a revamp of critical thinking for the masses....who are largely ineffectual robot-slaves.\

*edit, here's a fun one..

Pat Robertson wants this video deleted from the internet

shatterdrose says...

It's sad that people actually believe this shit. Holy fucking batman that's scary . . . that people can be this retarded by religion to believe this nonsense. The very fact he says it "maybe" transmitted by sexual contact just shows how far in the hole his head is, and to say "we used to think" about Grids (the old name for AIDS) is a further example of the blind stupidity religion can cause. We "used" to not think ANYTHING about AIDS because it was a "gay disease only affecting gay people". So it was *this* close to being illegal to research a cure. They quite literally just left sufferers to die of their "sin" until they finally caught on that AIDS was actually affecting straight Christians (the same people they just pronounced dead due to homosexual conduct.) Only then did they care to find a cure. Love thy fucking neighbor my ass. More like Love Thyself and give everyone not like me the middle finger and hope they die.


Porksandwich says...

The thing is though, the way it's described in this video. Unless I am totally off in LaLa land concerning electronics and how they hook together. There's just no way his power grid section is going to work with 4 connectors. Let's assume 4 connectors is all anything needs, then how do you swap out pieces and re-arrange them to your desire and still have the connections end up to where they hook up properly to others without replacing the grid backing?

So if you need a grid backing for each arrangement, you're not helping your cause.

He's basically saying the grid back is your motherboard, which needs a bare minimum of things to function and it designed for them to hook up in certain ways with a myriad of different pin configurations. And you think of how many things in the PC market aren't QUITE compatible, like they do hokey things even though standards wise they should be you have to look at the MFG sites to see if they have tested it with XYZ....

I mean hell anything PC is kind of throwaway as it is now, they cycle in new standards so fast. The only main difference is you can build it like you want it, so you're less likely to replace it soon....and if most things break you can replace them to keep from throwing everything else out...within some period of time usually 5-6 years would be a good "hope" for things like motherboards, cpu if you're right on the cutting edge. 1-3 if you buy them later in their life cycle.

So, maybe instead of a blok style phone, they need a design where shops could essentially build you a phone around a core module for each phone carrier. Then you wouldn't have 8 bazillion phones being manufactured each year and being tossed. You'd have 20 bazillion parts that could be used as needed within a few years to fit someone's needs/wants.

But, it won't happen. And they'll say it's because they are keeping costs down by doing it how they do it know...not because it helps maintain bigger profit margins or anything.........never.

Michael Hastings: Police and Fire TOLD not to comment

Jinx says...

I read somewhere that he sent an email to his coworkers the night before he died explaining that he believed himself to be under surveillance, that they should seek legal council if approached by any suits and that he'd be going off the grid for a bit chasing a big story. And then he dies at 4am in the morning in a crash nobody is saying anything about. it certainly reads like a scene from a hollywood thriller and I'm sure thats the narrative the news media would love to repeat.

It wouldn't at all surprise me if he was being watched given his history and all this NSA business. Maybe as little as a year ago I would have scoffed at the idea of him being I'm not so sure. I'd normally say the simplest explanation was probably the right one, but given the details of the crash that have been made public I've no idea what that might be. So no speculation from me, apart from to say that I think something stinks here.

Oh, and I'd love to know what that story he was working on was.

Why Government Should Be Paying You for Your Information

Clever Document Encoding System That The NSA Can't Decipher.

NSA (PRISM) Whistleblower Edward Snowden w/ Glenn Greenwald

chingalera says...

Civil disobedience to combat the shit: Everyone should start now speaking freely of everything from bringing down office buildings with exploding pig's bladders to disrupting nationwide power grids with the power of Pokemon attached to Charizard provided Fire Energy...

Write unintelligible and nonsensical letters to congressmen and senators with return addresses from any and all intelligence apparatus

Wear (at least once a week) a crisp, company-man suit with that little white coiled communications wire dangling out of an ear and walk around in federal buildings and court houses....(Make sure the slacks are ass-less)

Subvert, misdirect, confuse, stifle and incinerate the insects that hold the reigns of this shitstorm factory of servers-

Attend open sessions of congress and laugh manically whenever anyone starts speaking. ABOUT ANYTHING-Bring a hundred people with you...

There's all sorts of effectual mayhem to take part in, your "vote" at this particular stage in the game, means FUCK-ALL

The Tesla Model S is Stinkin' NICE - best car ever tested

chingalera says...

The Tesla and cars like it would be everywhere now for pennies, and the roadways would be coated with photovoltaic compounds which provided energy to the entire grid as well as the cars driving on it were it not for the cunts running the show.

The technology has been here over 40 years, but corporate cunts and their lackeys in congress' worldwide, keep it from implementation. We all know why, thieves and assholes run the planet.

A series of a combination of natural disasters, civil disobedience and perpetual guerrilla sorties on corporate entities are the only things to stop the madness at this stage in our decline.

Dream on if you think the world of free-energy and everyone driving affordable electric vehicles is in our near future-Unless you chop off the head, the beast will only grow stronger.

Future Party of Australia

chingalera says...

Sounds fine except for ":new forms of Nuclear research-Nuclear energy should be completely mothballed or the planet should get to cracking on maybe a plan to dump the shit into that hole they're digging in Finland.

It's 2013 and we're still burning shitty fuels and are connected to the grid by ABOVE-GROUND WIRES (the latter being one of the most retarded aspects of modern life), and the worst, we're still letting assholes teach new generations of consumers how to kill their free-will and creativity through mass communications.

First thing first, drag these people keeping the world to themselves and hold public crucifixions for themselves and their heirs and offspring.

How does he do it?

poolcleaner says...

We did this puzzle in elementary school in the GATE program. How on earth people aren't taught, amazed, and remembering this simple but awesome geometrical illusion is beyond me. First thing you see when you try to recreate it on a grid, is that there is missing diagonal space. People miss the missing space isn't using the same modular shape as the rest of the puzzle. Easy to detect on a grid using only a triangle.

How does he do it?

draak13 says...

It would have been a better illusion if he only took out 1 square instead of ambitiously taking out 3. Even in the crappy youtube encode, you can see that the grid doesn't match up well at all in the center. It would have been harder to detect otherwise.

Photo-Realistic Virtual World Rendered LIVE server-side

Behold The Majesty of Simcity GlassBox Simulation

aimpoint says...

All of the regular information sources were pointing at a failed DRM launch. Looking to beta sources can only get you so far, beta is a beta. Whose to say that a "bug" isn't a "feature". After playing the game for a bit, I can see that much of the "first impressions" done by reviewers who looked passed the DRM still didn't uncover some of the real underlying problems and instead were stuck on problems where there was a lack of understanding.
Example; Often the focus would be on things like "I have enough power, yet my buildings arent getting powered". Took me a little while to figure out that each building has a capacity that needs to get filled before it will stop sucking up power from the grid and allowing further buildings down the electrical grid to take in power.
I bought the game knowing I could live past most of the problems presented. (I play mostly on off-peak hours and my play style meant that it would take about 3-4 hours before I came close to maxing out the size of the city, compared to the commonly reported 1 hour)

I enjoyed the game for a while, it was a new and different type of simcity. But after a while, once the understanding of the mechanics settled in, there is an inherent problem with how the current game is running. It goes back to the original point of not enough focus on the actual game, even if the DRM, marketing mishaps, and community backlash/suppression is ignored.

Quadrophonic said:

Also, nobody forced you to buy the game. Problems like the restricted city size or the pathfinding were pointed out by many players who had access to the beta. And you can find these issues in almost every serious review to sim city, so it's not like you didn't have the chance to know that before you bought the game.

The Grid

spawnflagger says...

I can see that he is counting the cards and splitting the deck, and could do so based on the card chosen, but I still don't see how he knows the chosen card is 42, when they are shuffled by the player...

The purchasing site mentions "no sleight-of-hand required".

15,000 Volts Through Wood

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