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Paula Zahn Atheism Controversy Panel After Dawkins Interview

Fletch says...

I can't stand shows that give only a scant few minutes (divided between 3 guests, no less) to such weighty topics. No one is able to finish a point or rebut someone else's point, and there is no time for debate. Sound bite journalism for an internet generation with the attention span of a goldfish. No content.

Fish Torture

ant says...

I have seen these fish at friend's place. The're cool. TYhey like to get attention. My goldfish, tropical fish, crayfish, etc. also like my attention. I think all they want is food. LOL.

Japanese Goldfish Living In A Deep-Fat Fryer

gluonium says...

I'm guessing that if you only heat the upper layer of the oil, the natural thermal gradient that forms keeps the cold dense oil at the bottom and the hot light oil at the top. What I want to know is how the fish don't suffocate. there is no air/water interface for oxygen to dissolve into the water! also do you get bits of fried stringy floaty goldfish poop in your hash browns?

Clash of the Titans (1981)

Talented trained goldfish synchronized swimming

Talented trained goldfish synchronized swimming

Talented trained goldfish synchronized swimming

cobalt says...

Goldfish have pretty good memories. Its just a myth about the 3 second thing. If it couldn't learn then it would never be able to adapt to a change in its situation and would quickly be eaten by one predator or another.

Talented trained goldfish synchronized swimming

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