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Lucky's Funeral

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'goldfish, fish, toilet, burial, Bagpipes' to 'goldfish, fish, toilet, burial, bagpipes, flushing lucky' - edited by calvados

Lucky's Funeral

Siftquisition of Member BillOreilly (Siftquisition by blankfist)

paul4dirt says...

i wouldnt perma-ban him if it was only for downvoting a lot of vids.

if you think videosift should contain only videos of (for example) goldfish, techno music or ballet and you hate everything else i don't see why one shouldnt be allowed to downvote a lot of other stuff. (after watching and disliking the vids..preferably)

i dont know if this is a downvoting spree without any reason but hurting the sift (as lucky says), the vids downvoted on the first page seem to indicate otherwise, of some of the next 5 pages im not 100% sure if its downvote-everything-randomly or have a look, dislike & downvote. (i also know what the time interval between the downvotes is, and it contains vids like where other people downvoted too, not that thats required but it might prove its not just random downvoting)

so, based on just this (in the opening post), and not doing any other research i am against a perma-ban.

add: (removed)

Daddy's Little Princess Is Wasted

alien_concept says...

" fuck you all. this is exactly why i haven't commented on VS for so long, you are all fucking goldfish."

You're great sometimes MINK in all honesty - but you say ^that^ like anyone actually gives a rat's ass where you've been or even noticed you weren't abusing the rest of the sift for once

Daddy's Little Princess Is Wasted

burdturgler says...

>> ^MINK:
you fucking retards, ... you're all fucking judgemental ... who knows exactly what is going on but not how to express it fuck you all ... you are all fucking goldfish.

Is that you in this clip?

Daddy's Little Princess Is Wasted

MINK says...

you fucking retards, u just watched an edited mashup of the worst footage in a one hour episode and you're all fucking judgemental about it.

if you watched the whole thing you'd discover her parents divorced when she was very young, her mum apparently left her dad because he's a wanker and put pressure on his wife about her weight (which she probably increased because he's such a wanker) and this girl was therefore taken 200 miles away from the father she loved (even if he was a wanker) and nobody ever fucking counselled her about that.

you'd also discover that her mum has just had enough of it, her father knows it's his fault and feels guilty but flakes out on helping her and is really fucking selfish the way he talks about the situation.

most of the lucid sensible comments in the show come from the addict, who knows exactly what is going on but not how to express it. she chooses jail instead of her lame family (who by the way thought a TV program was the best way to get help... who's exploiting who?)

so fuck you all. this is exactly why i haven't commented on VS for so long, you are all fucking goldfish.

Probably the Funniest Cat Video You'll Ever See.. again

harry says...

Apparently.. when your cat is stuck on the ceiling fan, you just keep on filming for the internet lols!

I liked the one where the cat got pwned by a goldfish in a bowl.

Should Our Resident "Hater" Be Banned? (Wtf Talk Post)

Ever imagined McCain as a pet?

Ball control on a touch screen (Microchip microcontroller)

Trained Goldfish Performs Amazing Tricks?!?

MrFisk (Member Profile)

Look Up More (Improv Everywhere)

grinter says...

I'd like to see one of these thing on an absolutely gigantic scale.
10,000 people or so. It would be a bitch to keep secret until it was time to execute the plan... but that probably wouldn't matter much. There would still be scores of very confused pedestrians.

what about gibberish talking... 10,000 people all talking gibberish to themselves! oooooo or making goldfish movements with their mouths!
that's it! 10,000 people pretending to be goldfish.
it would be glorious.

Octopus intelligence

11807 says...

That was pretty cool. I guess octopus are smarter than the average goldfish huh? I don't think squeezing through hamster tubes is a sign of intelligence though. More like how amazingly flexible and compressible an octopus' body is.

Octopus are as smart as they can be aggressive too. Watch what this octopus does.

How Would You Survive a Zombie Attack? (Blog Entry by lucky760)

Kevlar says...

I believe stealth is the greatest asset you can maintain, as reflected in my instructive reference the Zombie Survival Guide. Like your reputation, once it's gone, it's gone forever. How often do you see survivors doing just fine until one idiot decides to go outside to check on their favorite goldfish back at the house, or some other idiot comes jogging down the road knocking on all the doors and dragging a huge mob of zombies with him?

Stealth, my friends. Avoid detection. Do this by having a fortification already in place, away from urban centers, well-camouflaged and protected to avoid both the inevitable zombie hordes and bandit legions sure to come in the years after the initial outbreak. Grow your own food. Protect your own colony of survivors to start the world anew.

Start now, or you're already dead. Can't you see? There's already a zombie in this very thread!!

Organize Before They Rise!

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