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Santorum: Obama a Snob: He Wants Your Kids to go to College

quantumushroom says...

Criticizing any candidate seems a slam dunk...until you remember the marxist clown in the White House RIGHT NOW.

Are you enjoying the higher gas prices, higher food prices? Double digit unemployment? More wasteful and impotent spending? Crony capitalism AND crony socialism? (redundant)

Speaking of kollij, when will His Earness be releasing HIS grades and kollij papers? I mean, he's a GENIUS, riiiiiiight?

Why Gas Prices Are So High - Hint: It's Not Obama

tymebendit says...

the fact 'that speculation from investment banks is unnecessary and significant part of gas pricing' is and has been obvious to me...
why can't the people see it?

and there's not enough coverage of it in the press...


Fox/Palin criticize Obama's Christmas Card

direpickle says...


Obama does suck, and I don't have time to go through your bullshit point by point, but you could at least call him out on things that he has actually fucked up.

I need to address the gas price thing, though. You've mentioned this before. Gas was cheap when Obama entered office because the economy had just recently tanked. Oil/gas producers had not had time yet to cut their production to stabilize prices around where they wanted them. The price increased because the economy improved and production was cut.

Between $3 and $4/gallon is where the producers want the price to be, and that's where it's going to stay absent huge surges or dips in demand.

Go here, and look at the five year chart.

Do you see that huge collapse of gas prices? That is the economy collapsing. And that's what you're comparing the present prices to.

Fox/Palin criticize Obama's Christmas Card

quantumushroom says...

You should be glad the focus is on this card, and not Obama's record.


DEBT: Total Public Debt Outstanding has increased by $4.2 trillion [source: Treasury Dept]

MORE DEBT: America accumulated as much debt over the past 1,000 days as it had in the country’s first 79,135 days (July 4, 1776 through March 3, 1993) [source: Treasury Dept]

DEBT PER DAY: America’s debt has increased by about an average of $4.2 billion per day [source: Treasury Dept]

INTEREST ON U.S. DEBT: $1.2 trillion has been spent servicing U.S. debt—that by itself would be the world’s 15th largest economy
[source: Treasury Dept]

JOBS: 2.22 million jobs lost [source: BLS]

POVERTY: Nearly 3 million more Americans in poverty—poverty rate has gone from 13.2% to 15.1% [source: Census]
FOOD STAMPS: 12 million more Americans living off of food stamps [source: Dept of Agriculture // Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program]
GOVERNMENT SPENDING: Spent more than $9.6 trillion – 60% more than the federal government has taken in [source: OMB and CBO]

MORE GOVERNMENT SPENDING: Under Obama, the govt has spent an average of $6.6 million every minute and $111,111 every second [source: OMB and CBO]

CHINA: Owns $1.17 trillion of our debt (as of July) – a 58% increase from January 2009 [source: Treasury Dept]
GOVERNMENT JOBS: Excluding the U.S. Post Office, Federal Government has added 140,000 jobs [source: BLS]

UNEMPLOYMENT RATE: Has averaged 9.4% under Obama [source: BLS]

MORE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE: Has been at or above 9% for 840 of the 1000 days [source: BLS]
UNDEREMPLOYED: Nearly 5 million more Americans are underemployed [source: BLS]

REGULATIONS – NEW RULES: 7,076 new final regulatory rules issued [source: Federal Register]

REGULATIONS – FEDERAL REGISTER: 45,696 pages of new regulatory rules were added to the Federal Register
[source: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register, various years]

AVERAGE WEEKS UNEMPLOYED: Unemployed out of work for an average of 40.5 weeks – that’s more than double since Jan 2009 [source: BLS]

JOB APPROVAL RATING: Dropped nearly 30 percentage points [source: Gallup Tracking]

SPEECHES AND PUBLIC REMARKS: Roughly 806 speeches/public remarks made – once every 1.24 days.

SPEECHES — JOBS: Has said the word “jobs” 4,718 times in 591 speeches

SPEECHES — ECONOMY: Has said the word “economy” 4,541 times in 605 speeches

CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE: Has decreased by 168,000 [source: BLS]

MANUFACTURING: 818,000 manufacturing jobs lost — a -6.5% drop since Jan. 2009 [source: BLS]

BANK FAILURES: 371 Banks have failed [source: FDIC]

STATES: 37 States have higher unemployment rates [source: BLS]

GOLF: 82 rounds of golf — average of one round every 12 days [source: Mark Knoller, CBS –Fox News Tracking]

REPOSSESSIONS: More than 2.4 million homes have been repossessed for failure to pay their mortgage [source: RealtyTrac]

BANKRUPTCIES: Some 4 million total (business and non-business) bankruptcies [source: American Bankruptcy Institute]

GAS PRICES: Up more than 80% and has been over $3/gallon every day in 2011 [source: AAA/OPIS]

UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS: Almost $380 billion spent by federal government on unemployment benefits [source: Treasury Dept and CBO]

ECONOMIC TEAM: 7 key members of Obama’s Economic team have resigned [Summers, Romer, Bernstein, Orszag, Goolsbee Volker and Rouse] [source: News Reports/Tracking]

HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS: Health insurance premiums (family coverage) up 9% this year and 12.7% from 2009
[source: Kaiser Family Foundation]

MEDIAN INCOME: Real median household income in the U.S. in 2010 was $49,445, a -2.3% decline from 2009 [source: Census Dept]

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY: Spent more than $26 billion on the EPA – FY2011’s spending will be about 40% more than FY2009 [source: Treasury and OMB]

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...


DEBT: Total Public Debt Outstanding has increased by $4.2 trillion [source: Treasury Dept]

MORE DEBT: America accumulated as much debt over the past 1,000 days as it had in the country’s first 79,135 days (July 4, 1776 through March 3, 1993) [source: Treasury Dept]

DEBT PER DAY: America’s debt has increased by about an average of $4.2 billion per day [source: Treasury Dept]

INTEREST ON U.S. DEBT: $1.2 trillion has been spent servicing U.S. debt—that by itself would be the world’s 15th largest economy
[source: Treasury Dept]

JOBS: 2.22 million jobs lost [source: BLS]

POVERTY: Nearly 3 million more Americans in poverty—poverty rate has gone from 13.2% to 15.1% [source: Census]
FOOD STAMPS: 12 million more Americans living off of food stamps [source: Dept of Agriculture // Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program]
GOVERNMENT SPENDING: Spent more than $9.6 trillion – 60% more than the federal government has taken in [source: OMB and CBO]

MORE GOVERNMENT SPENDING: Under Obama, the govt has spent an average of $6.6 million every minute and $111,111 every second [source: OMB and CBO]

CHINA: Owns $1.17 trillion of our debt (as of July) – a 58% increase from January 2009 [source: Treasury Dept]
GOVERNMENT JOBS: Excluding the U.S. Post Office, Federal Government has added 140,000 jobs [source: BLS]

UNEMPLOYMENT RATE: Has averaged 9.4% under Obama [source: BLS]

MORE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE: Has been at or above 9% for 840 of the 1000 days [source: BLS]
UNDEREMPLOYED: Nearly 5 million more Americans are underemployed [source: BLS]

REGULATIONS – NEW RULES: 7,076 new final regulatory rules issued [source: Federal Register]

REGULATIONS – FEDERAL REGISTER: 45,696 pages of new regulatory rules were added to the Federal Register
[source: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register, various years]

AVERAGE WEEKS UNEMPLOYED: Unemployed out of work for an average of 40.5 weeks – that’s more than double since Jan 2009 [source: BLS]

JOB APPROVAL RATING: Dropped nearly 30 percentage points [source: Gallup Tracking]

SPEECHES AND PUBLIC REMARKS: Roughly 806 speeches/public remarks made – once every 1.24 days.

SPEECHES — JOBS: Has said the word “jobs” 4,718 times in 591 speeches

SPEECHES — ECONOMY: Has said the word “economy” 4,541 times in 605 speeches

CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE: Has decreased by 168,000 [source: BLS]

MANUFACTURING: 818,000 manufacturing jobs lost — a -6.5% drop since Jan. 2009 [source: BLS]

BANK FAILURES: 371 Banks have failed [source: FDIC]

STATES: 37 States have higher unemployment rates [source: BLS]

GOLF: 82 rounds of golf — average of one round every 12 days [source: Mark Knoller, CBS –Fox News Tracking]

REPOSSESSIONS: More than 2.4 million homes have been repossessed for failure to pay their mortgage [source: RealtyTrac]

BANKRUPTCIES: Some 4 million total (business and non-business) bankruptcies [source: American Bankruptcy Institute]

GAS PRICES: Up more than 80% and has been over $3/gallon every day in 2011 [source: AAA/OPIS]

UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS: Almost $380 billion spent by federal government on unemployment benefits [source: Treasury Dept and CBO]

ECONOMIC TEAM: 7 key members of Obama’s Economic team have resigned [Summers, Romer, Bernstein, Orszag, Goolsbee Volker and Rouse] [source: News Reports/Tracking]

HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS: Health insurance premiums (family coverage) up 9% this year and 12.7% from 2009
[source: Kaiser Family Foundation]

MEDIAN INCOME: Real median household income in the U.S. in 2010 was $49,445, a -2.3% decline from 2009 [source: Census Dept]

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY: Spent more than $26 billion on the EPA – FY2011’s spending will be about 40% more than FY2009 [source: Treasury and OMB]

Bill Nye Explaining Science on Fox is "Confusing Viewers"

packo says...

capitalism is doing a dandy job undermining itself atm... it needs no help, other than what the banks/politicians (primarily Republicans, but also Democrats) are already contributing

it is quite simple to look back at history (which extends beyond 6000 yrs), and by looking at historical trends to extrapolate what future trends should be, to quite accurate degree

no one is saying taxes and regulation DIRECTLY affect the temperature... and if you believe that the left actually think that, you need to do a little introspection... however, again looking at history you can see that taxes/regulation are able to focus/define/direct economy and industry... its exactly what brought the US out of depression for example... so if your goal is to reduce environmental impact of industries that are leading sources of pollution, or to spur innovation/creativity in new, less harmful technology... taxes/regulation is how you do it

if you leave it up to the private sector alone, what motivation do they have to not do business as usual? the current US/World economy is less driven by innovation as it is driven by profit... someone comes up with a good idea? buy them out or leverage them out of the market if it competes with your product (or better yet buy their product, but sit on it... why bother going through the expense of changing systems)... the US has been brainwashed into thinking Capitalism is wringing every last drop of blood out of a stone, rather than creating new markets/fields

there has been alternative energy source vehicle technology for DECADES, yet they are just trickling into the market now... and its not because people haven't asked for it, its because profit is shortsighted and definitely not philanthropic... its because people stopped buying American gas guzzling penis extensions and started looking at the more economical foreign offering... industry couldn't predict that a shrinking middle class and rising gas prices would change the market... but change was there, so they might as well throw in that environmental issue people have been worried about for the past 50yrs

and when someone starts touting capitalism and poo pooing marxism, socialism, and the like... that's when I know I've been introduced to an idiot... you do realize your quality of life, your standard of living, services you consider essential, etc come from those ideals AS WELL AS Capitalism...


and one or the other, on their own, taken to the Nth degree, are just as horrific as the other

an idiot who hasn't thought for themselves is QUITE ready to start cheering for one side or the other

'Americans Elect' Group Challenges U.S. Presidential Primary

VoodooV says...

>> ^possom:

Similar to that has been around for awhile, only they are focused on Congress, which imo, we need to tackle first.

While you ARE right. IMO what really needs to be tackled is the perception that the President can turn the country on a dime. FAR too many people, left and right, have this perception that The President will either fix everything, or ruin everything.

We're seeing this right now, Bachmann is playing the "OMG Gas prices are so high purely because of Obama, I'll bring them back down again" It's a joke, Obama can't control these things, nor could Bachmann bring them down singlehandedly.

I see this every election. When Bush was elected, everyone was panicked that Roe v. Wade was going to get overturned. When Obama got elected, people panicked about guns. It's fucking ridiculous.

It takes a village. And Congress is the biggest part of that village. The problem is, most people still think it's all about the President...It's not.

Fault Lines: The Top 1%

ghark says...

The revolution will not be televised.

By the way, I was at a special corporate evening last night and the main speaker was an oil CEO. They found huge gas seam reserves here in Queensland and there are plans to drill tens of thousands of wells over the next few decades to extract it. So we got propoganda fed to us for nearly 30 minutes, about how it was Queenslands future, and it was unavoidable. Watch "gaslands" the movie documentary if you don't know how badly fracking fucks up the environment and the people living nearby.

All this so a few offshore companies can make fortunes on the back of our own ruin, the biggest irony is that the gas isn't even going to be used in Australia, it's all getting shipped overseas, so our local gas prices are going to increase due to the huge amounts of it needed to run the extraction operations.

So god damn sickening.

Michele Bachmann says the Darndest Things.

heropsycho says...

Uhhh, I'm not a Democrat. I criticize anyone this crazy, left or right. I'm not obsessed. I'm not committed to voting for or against Obama until the GOP settles on who they're gonna nominate. I just hope like heck they don't nominate Bachmann or Palin, because if they do, there's no choice but Obama. I'd rather have my choice of two viable candidates than one.

What bugs me about people like you is there are objectively people who would just be bad presidents, regardless of ideology. Palin and Bachmann aren't bad because of their ideologies. They're bad because they simply aren't competent enough for the job. You can say whatever you want about Obama, but he's amply qualified to be president, especially in the brain pan department.

But, we've had this discussion before. You will NEVER admit anyone left of center is qualified to be president, ever. And you're so brainwashed you'd actually advocate Bachmann or Palin over Obama. I'm not a big Obama fan by any stretch of the imagination, but that's just ridiculous.

And seriously with the idiotic stuff like "Obummer", "His Earness", etc. What are you, five years old? Grow up.

>> ^quantumushroom:

Bachmann isn't in a position to actually do much of anything, good or bad.
Then why draw attention to her? liberalsifters are obsessed with Palin, and now Bachmann. And yes, either one of them can beat His Earness next year.
Bachmann-obsessives post this stuff and the rest of the sheeple create a sea of nonsensical comments to which I'm the Lighthouse for the Blind(tm) up in this b1tch, anchored by those pathetic 'comment downvotes.'
If you ignore this sh1tconomy with rampant unemployment, the failed scamulus and the looming threats of both defaults on foreign loans and inflation, then yes, you may pretend Obummer is doing a fine job. Except for the usual bowing to and emboldening of dictators, His Earness may not have anything to do directly with high gas prices, but you can be damned sure his propagandists won't associate his performance with them like they would, say, BUSH.

You still aren't being particularly clear about who you are talking to, some sort of gay communist unicorn from the sounds of it, as there is no-one fitting that description around here could you please leave this video and spout your nonsense elsewhere.

If you voted for Ears in '08, admit to it now and even propose making the same mistake again in '12, you will have announced your discrimination of any political candidate null and void. A gay communist unicorn would be preferable by comparison.

Michele Bachmann says the Darndest Things.

quantumushroom says...

Bachmann isn't in a position to actually do much of anything, good or bad.

Then why draw attention to her? liberalsifters are obsessed with Palin, and now Bachmann. And yes, either one of them can beat His Earness next year.

Bachmann-obsessives post this stuff and the rest of the sheeple create a sea of nonsensical comments to which I'm the Lighthouse for the Blind(tm) up in this b1tch, anchored by those pathetic 'comment downvotes.'

If you ignore this sh1tconomy with rampant unemployment, the failed scamulus and the looming threats of both defaults on foreign loans and inflation, then yes, you may pretend Obummer is doing a fine job. Except for the usual bowing to and emboldening of dictators, His Earness may not have anything to do directly with high gas prices, but you can be damned sure his propagandists won't associate his performance with them like they would, say, BUSH.

You still aren't being particularly clear about who you are talking to, some sort of gay communist unicorn from the sounds of it, as there is no-one fitting that description around here could you please leave this video and spout your nonsense elsewhere.

If you voted for Ears in '08, admit to it now and even propose making the same mistake again in '12, you will have announced your discrimination of any political candidate null and void. A gay communist unicorn would be preferable by comparison.

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Not really a minor gaffe when you don't know what's in a 3rd grader's history textbook and you're being seriously considered for the office of the presidency. That said, for once, I agree with you on the other points here and I thought I'd mention that to you.

In reply to this comment by quantumushroom:
Minor gaffe and no one gives a shit, except Obama's lapdog media shills. Shitheels McReporter was almost falling over himself with glee.

His Earness of the 57 States has made plenty of gaffes. I've done you a favor by not including the trillion dollars thrown in a fire, high unemployment, high gas prices, higher food prices, higher taxes on the way, creeping inflation and alienating our allies.

This is the fellow the fools elected, not a private citizen:

"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." --on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people

"How's it going, Sunshine?" --campaigning in Sunrise, Florida

"It was also interesting to see that political interaction in Europe is not that different from the United States Senate. There's a lot of -- I don't know what the term is in Austrian, wheeling and dealing." --confusing German for "Austrian," a language which does not exist, Strasbourg, France, April 6, 2009

"UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It's the Post Office that's always having problems." –attempting to make the case for government-run healthcare, while simultaneously undercutting his own argument, Portsmouth, N.H., Aug. 11, 2009

"The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries." --Tampa, Fla., Jan. 28, 2010

BONUS: "Government should NEVER be able to do anything YOU can't do." --Anarchist Ron Paul

Sarah Palin: Paul Revere Warned the British

quantumushroom says...

Minor gaffe and no one gives a shit, except Obama's lapdog media shills. Shitheels McReporter was almost falling over himself with glee.

His Earness of the 57 States has made plenty of gaffes. I've done you a favor by not including the trillion dollars thrown in a fire, high unemployment, high gas prices, higher food prices, higher taxes on the way, creeping inflation and alienating our allies.

This is the fellow the fools elected, not a private citizen:

"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." --on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people

"How's it going, Sunshine?" --campaigning in Sunrise, Florida

"It was also interesting to see that political interaction in Europe is not that different from the United States Senate. There's a lot of -- I don't know what the term is in Austrian, wheeling and dealing." --confusing German for "Austrian," a language which does not exist, Strasbourg, France, April 6, 2009

"UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It's the Post Office that's always having problems." –attempting to make the case for government-run healthcare, while simultaneously undercutting his own argument, Portsmouth, N.H., Aug. 11, 2009

"The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries." --Tampa, Fla., Jan. 28, 2010

BONUS: "Government should NEVER be able to do anything YOU can't do." --Anarchist Ron Paul

Palin NOT INVITED to Rolling Thunder rally

quantumushroom says...

The real message of this lamestream media (s)hit piece is the left is still terrified of Palin. Crippling unemployment, runaway inflation, soaring gas prices and unsustainable entitlements are no big deal to obamadrones, only Palin. Demoness!

Minnesota State Lawmaker Asks Perfect Question about Gays

ponceleon says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

1) I don't give a crap that he's half-Black. I'm more concerned about his lack of qualifications for the Office, bowing to dictators, high unemployment, high gas prices, etc. Your Emperor wears no clothes.
2) Since I'm a Jew by blood, I'll have to get back to you on that.
3) Rapists should be put to death. Find me a liberal who will state the same. If you can.
>> ^Ryjkyj:

>> ^quantumushroom:
What's the cutoff? Republicans are less than 18% of the population. Can we take away some of their rights?
I assume you support taxing people that make more money at a higher rate, punishing their success in the name of a "fair share" which is then distributed unfairly and wastefully, don't you? I assume you support preventing people in high crime areas from owning firearms, infringing on their right to self-defense with the best possible tools?

What it comes down to is gays and lesbians aren't hurting anyone by their nature.

Then do you support polygamy?

I assume you are afraid of the president because he's black. And that you think Jews are the cause of society's problems.
Don't you in fact believe that rape victims were asking for it?

Hey QM,

Rapists SHOULD be put to death.

Now what?

Minnesota State Lawmaker Asks Perfect Question about Gays

quantumushroom says...

1) I don't give a crap that he's half-Black. I'm more concerned about his lack of qualifications for the Office, bowing to dictators, high unemployment, high gas prices, etc. Your Emperor wears no clothes.

2) Since I'm a Jew by blood, I'll have to get back to you on that.

3) Rapists should be put to death. Find me a liberal who will state the same. If you can.

>> ^Ryjkyj:

>> ^quantumushroom:
What's the cutoff? Republicans are less than 18% of the population. Can we take away some of their rights?
I assume you support taxing people that make more money at a higher rate, punishing their success in the name of a "fair share" which is then distributed unfairly and wastefully, don't you? I assume you support preventing people in high crime areas from owning firearms, infringing on their right to self-defense with the best possible tools?

What it comes down to is gays and lesbians aren't hurting anyone by their nature.

Then do you support polygamy?

I assume you are afraid of the president because he's black. And that you think Jews are the cause of society's problems.
Don't you in fact believe that rape victims were asking for it?

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