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Devil's Breath ~ Columbia's Zombie Plant

Sniper007 says...

Only criminal uses? Hardly! I'd buy this stuff by the five gallon bucket for my kids.

But what happens when two different controllers are trying to tell a scopolamite to do two different things? I might have to use it on my wife too... Or if not that, on myself.

Some Grey Bloke - Take The Red Pill

Fantomas says...



Find out the truth by buying my own home brewed TruthCoolAid™ at $19.95 a gallon. Special rates for bulk purchases!

Rubber Glove Experiment Goes Wrong

st0nedeye says...

Vacuum power is nothing to sneeze at. I've imploded a 55 gallon drum with a shop vac (loud). That glass plate at let's say 1ft x 2 ft under -25 psi has 7200 pounds of pressure on it. That's more than a car.

Students Build Hydrogen Vehicle That Gets 1,336 MPG

artician says...

Living in New England at the moment; I haven't seen below $3.50 per gallon in *years*, and is positively, definitely more like $3.97 per gallon right now.

Where do you live?

MikesHL13 said:

Making assumptions - a "regular" car is $40k and gets 30 mpg; average miles driven/yr is 12,000 miles; gas is $3/gallon. It would only take 110 years for the savings in gas $ to break even with the additional outlay of $130k for this vehicle. Oh well, nothing's perfect!

Adam Smith schools Fox News - my new favorite Dem!

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

There is a 10% goods and services tax on everything except groceries. There is also a high fuel excise. We pay about $1.55 per liter for petrol which is $5.86 per gallon. US dollars being about equal to Aussie ones at the moment. Also car registration is about $700 per year.

rychan said:

Well that's not so different, is it? Won't the richest Americans pay 39% now?

Also, do you pay state and local taxes in Australia? Hard to make apple to apple comparisons. I don't know how sales tax vs VAT compares, etc.

Styrofoam: Meet Acetone!

shang says...

I've made homemade napalm similar to this except we took a whole lot of styrofoam and dissolved it into gasoline 5 gallon bucket.

kept dissolving it until it wouldn't dissolve anymore.

Then a buddy of mine that flies a homemade ultralight loaded it up, and flew over the field, he's retired air force and has degree in electronics engineering, and built the timer device and did all the fine tuning solder work on the detonator and man it was the best 4th of july homemade napalm burn ever!

hehe, we used the napalm goop and filled small bottles that would eject from the 5 gallon bucket and it looked like a mini napalm spread just like from some vietnam war movie.

needless to say homemade explosions and pyrotechnics are fun

want to fill an entire block with thick white smoke? but it also smells like cotton candy

coke can, cut top off, mix half sugar, half potassium nitrate (aka salt peter sold over the counter at any drug store) mix or shake it together, then just light with lighter.

will fill a block with thick white smoke

Mormons Don't Believe in the Trinity

Kofi says...

I knew a guy who was part of this religious group that drank wine and pretended it was the blood of some guy from 2000+ years ago. And they drank gallons of the stuff every week!!

Not believing the trinity is a sign of a rational mind, however I'm not sure rationality is at play here.

Folsom Street Fair - San Francisco 2012

chingalera says...

>> ^arekin:

I ave to wonder what constitutes indecency in San Fran.

Not a whole lot-The worst indecency suffered at my hand there came from an irate drunk who was washed awake with a 5-gallon bucket o' water-He had passed out on the building's entry in his own stink, and his alarm clock was loud and wet!

Bottles beware! He has a Katana

Confucius says...

List of sequential reactions I had:

1. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...*deep breath*.....omg BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA..*wipe tears from eyes*
2. Oh.....uh..nvm...5 gallon jug....actually kind of awesome
3. Wow....holy crap massive sweatpants
4. Realization that this was taken over multiple days
5. 32 pack? No way. Oh yes.
5. Holy Ginsu those are sharp
6. Upvote..moar pls

Best political ad ever-but then the opponent is weak

CreamK says...

>> ^criticalthud:

2. mostly unrealistic. america is #1 energy hog and neither technology advancements nor more drilling here will solve that or feed that gluttonous thirst. we are dependent on foreign energy, which is partly why we have 450 military bases around the world. We need to reduce need, and to do that, we need to re-examine our role in the world as pure consumers.

Well said. There are number of things that would reduce the power consumption right away. Refine the stupid pollution control that favors higher consumption in vehicles (lower consumption = more pollution per gallon when it should be mileage vs pollution.. now you can make a car that goes 10MPG but "pollutes" less), invest in public transport, invest in renewal sources.. You got huge amounts of land empty that could be used for solar farming, long coastlines to harvest wave energy, enough thermal activity to take energy from there (allthou thinking that USA is drilling to the core frightens me, you people have never been could at moderation...).

It seems to be that the thinking goes: This (particular) renewable source is not enough so we don't do it at all. But step by step, it would start to play a major part in the big picture. And there's endless supplies of solar energy, 250 W/m2 in average taking cloud cover and sun angle in to account.

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

Japanese Woman breastfeeds her pet cat

Scientific Weight Loss Tips

LarsaruS says...

I guess that is because they look at it as a temporary diet (Yoyo dieting) and not a change in their diet for the rest of their lives... I'm a (self-described) "carbaholic" and as such when I "fall of the wagon" I eat carbs like nobodies business (as in 4 doughnuts, a pound of chocolate, about a gallon of soda and energy drinks, 3-6 candy bars and ~2 pounds of assorted pick-and-mix candy every single day). As it is now I will never return to a carb heavy diet because I cannot handle it, in the same way that an alcoholic can't handle drinking just one beer. And not to go all Ad-Hominem on you but as an MD you are specialised on disease and not health.

I recommend that you look at this page as it has 17 links to 17 RCT studies on the effects of LCHF diets.

Also from the mayo clinic which I assume is a pretty good source: "There have been a number of studies comparing weight loss with these two types of diets [LCHF/HCLF - My clarification]. In general, low-carb diets may result in a little more weight loss in the first 3 to 6 months. However, after 1 to 2 years there isn't much difference. What's interesting is that the amount of weight loss varies widely among people following either diet. So which type of diet you choose may matter less than whether you stick to it."
On an LCHF diet where you are full all and have a stable blood sugar level all the time it is a lot easier to stay on the diet and not splurge... (Kind of an anecdote... see my previous post in this thread)

Also some more science posts here
1 LCHF vs. HCLF diet (I recommend reading all of it)
2 (A full text from 2002 that might not be available for all [I logged on my Uni resources to search databases for the it] and it is a decade old but still a bit interesting. Name of the study is: Very-low-carbohydrate weight-loss diets revisited. Authors: Volek JS; Westman EC in case you need to search for it on Google scholar or the like)
3 Long term (1 year +) effects

I'm drunk right now so can't be arsed to find more sources.. it is Friday Damn it!!

>> ^DocDarm:

>> ^pyloricvalve:
In "Why we get fat", Gary Taubes argues very persuasively that the above is almost entirely wrong. Increasing exercise will have have the effect of increasing hunger or reducing your activity at other times through tiredness. Eating less will likewise reduce your activity level or lead to levels of hunger that are intolerable in the long term. The way to lose weight according to him is the Atkins, South Beach, Primal method of reducing sugar and carb intake to something very low. Personally I found it very convincing and I strongly recommend the book.

As a medical doctor, I call bullshit on this guy. Look at Atkins/South Beach's effect on peoples weight 1 year AFTER the diet. I see people go on diets all the time. They almost universally fail after 1 year. (Remember, we're talking about LONG-TERM weight loss, not SHORT-TERM weight loss...Atkins/South Beach perform very well in the short term!) My patients that go to the gym to lose weight do much, much better....but only if they KEEP going to the gym.

Airplane Refueling in DR Congo

jimnms says...

This can't be the way the regularly do this, the fuel truck/pump must have been broken. The AN-26 holds 1800 gallons of fuel. It wouldn't have been empty, but still that would take all day to top off one bucket at a time. They probably only took on enough to get them somewhere with working facilities.

Helicopter + grapnel= money

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