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Mass Bird Death due to Gays and DADT repeal

spoco2 says...

Holy Shit... just... Jesus, how long do they sit around trying to work out how the f*ck to make up ANY link possible between one thing and God hating Gays.

Just f*ck these people and their horrible, evil minds intent on considering anyone not Just Like Them to be less than human, fuck them all. (Yeah, the last one gets no censorship :-/ )

It's a motherfucking Roast, bitches and gentlemen! (Wtf Talk Post)

thinker247 says...

First things first, anal leakages of VideoShit. My name is thinker247, which means that I don't take time off from thinking, even when I'm sleeping. And in my sleep I could roast all of you like the testicle-kabobs that you are.

I told you motherfuckers to keep Blankfist away from the children, and now he's balls-deep in the kids and religion channels. Soon he'll be strutting around, preaching the virtues of anal deflowering as a method of salvation. Just like Oprah.

BeggedmetoPeeonher tells a yawn-inducing story worthy of some podunk Arkansas town's ratty news dish, and we're all supposed to fawn over it like Perez Hilton falling into punji stakes made of cocks.

The "Jester" pops his head in to make some serious announcement that he's made a million times, without even saying a word in jest. Hey Jester, you're as funny as rottenseed is relevant.

Speaking of rotten.cum, his appearance was as necessary as ovarian cancer and not nearly as comical. He couldn't buy a joke if he was Carlos Mencia. But enough of Flavor Flav's oreo baby...

It's time to fuck MrFisk. And unlike your dad, I'm not going to use a condom and I don't care if you tell your mom.

Where to begin with someone whose career hasn't begun? Seriously, of all your articles that I never read, they were terrible. And why pick the Nebraska paper? It's not like any of you can read more than the E at the top of the eye test. And that's only because you all guess.

Some of the fellow sifters mocked your employment at a porn shop, but it doesn't bother me that you were a blow-up sex doll. I just don't understand how you could stand having random semen forced into you every day. You had more douchebags grabbing your vinyl than a hipster music store.

I would write more, but I'm kind of anyone in Nebraska at any given time of the year.

Also, everyone at this roast has disappointed me. Except for thinker247. What a comedy stud. All of you should take a lesson from him. Seriously, give me money, assholes. I'm the king and I get this kind of worthless response? MrFisk, I'm sorry you had to be here for this. Mainly because there's a cow with a broken heart and an intact rectum, somewhere in Omaha.

Fuck you all.

It's a motherfucking Roast, bitches and gentlemen! (Wtf Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

unfortunately, i live a few minutes away from this dickbags relatives. they all gorged themselves onetime at this fatty fuck sandwich place behind my rubbin' shop. afterwards, mr. fist strode into my place like some suave motherfucker with a righteous a 'fro, carrying a hemingway novel... what a fucking asshole. all the girls at my rubbin' shop did a few double takes. then we went back to my rented room, one of us got naked and the other got to work. afterwards we smoked cigarettes and stuttered. then i hugged the shit out of his precious fucking aunt. i hit on her and copped a feel.

i learned a few things about mr. fists body that day. he almost got cut in half one time, apparently his brain was trying to get as far away from his venerally infested crotch as possible. unfortunately, medical science sewed him back together. so now we all have to be subjected to this hideous roast of this death defying scum bag with the sexy aunt, hosted by that miserable failure, twatbag247.

i quit.

WikiLeaks founder arrested in London

EMPIRE says...

I view Assange and Wikileaks as probably somewhat utopian in their desires.

They want politics without any bullshit involved. Yes, it's an EXTREMELY high goal to aim for, but is it wrong? No absolutely not.
What is wrong is assuming that governments have ANY right to keep secrets from the people who elected them, sometimes with the stupid shitty excuse that people wouldn't want to know what needs to be done.

Oh... and about the possible Corporate leak on the way. Is it wrong because they are privately owned? Only if the information leaked could be used for industrial espionage. If it's a leak concerning the way corporations act(ed) then fuck them all. Corporations should be the first ones to be called on their bullshit.

But hey... why would one bunch of bullshiters stop another bunch of bullshiters? Only if it serves their mutual interest.

200 Countries, 200 Years, in 4 Minutes

geo321 says...

Things are getting better for humans. Humans for the win! (as long as we don't fuck up all the other living things in the process) But we still rule!!!! YaY!!! >> ^EMPIRE:

Not only are his techniques to show data very interesting, they are also very uplifting, because the statistics don't really lie, and the world HAS improved a great deal over the last 200 years, even with horrible things in its path like WW1 and 2, and the influenza, and ethnic cleansing. So there is really no reason to think the evolution won't continue.
Yet, people still say stupid things like: "oh it's the end of days", and "oh... the world has changed for the worst", or "things were much better when I was younger".. That is all BULLSHIT, and product of lack of perspective, that most humans seem to suffer from.

Disguised man boards Air Canada:Caucasian To Asian

westy says...

I fucking hate the news what a bunch of amiture shit .

baning on about securty thret i mean fucks sake load of stupid shit , what about the real issue why is it that sumone has to go to this effort to get out of a country ?

Its not realy that clever this technoligy has exsited for years , and when u have shit loads of people geting on planed every hour its not suprizing that this can work.

I fucking hate all this bullshit terror crap that the news reports at every opertunity , more people die from alchole , car accidents cused by bad road maintence/pore vehical laws , obcity , work place mall practice , rediculouse foghen policy, than are and pribably ever will be kille by terrorists.

I mean fucks sake evan when the IRA were bombing the fuck out of london it wasent that bad.

allso we are suposed to belive that we are in some sort of super dangerouse terroist times yet no bombs have gone off and all through history we know the goverment and secret services to be failry incompitent and over streched when it comes to stoping this sort of thing .

so eather the goverment has gotten shit hot at stoping this sort of thing , or which is more likely the case the actualy thret is minimal , it seems all the terroist activity including 911 is generaly done by random Nut jobs and thats as likely to be mental people in the country as people outside of it.

In the end im sure that most people can think of ways you could bring a country to a stand still evan ways that would do no harm to life but would cripple a city finacaily and there is no way to stop this from hapaning.

I hate the Idoicy of the news making general socity more and more stupid.

Just got to pray to allah that kids get on the internetz and that the internetz isent shut down / curpted by coperate intrest thats the only hope we have for a non retarded future.

Go ! Bwaaah ! (3 seconds)

yellowc says...

Kids fuck up all the time and the human body is not that fragile, no not even on a kid. If you mean to tell me, you have not seen COUNTLESS kids fucking face plant hard and get up fine (well, far less dramatic than your face surgery anyway, there's going to be a bruise), then your own experience with kids must be very limited and you're talking out that thing people have on the internet, their ass.

Thanks for the ethics lesson though, you can continue riding that morality horse all the way back to HighHorse Ranch.

>> ^albrite30:

I don't care whether you are a sadistic bastard blankfist or that you have moderator priveledges or the silver tongued award given to you on a consistent basis. Your comments are atrocious. Someday you will remember this comment when your child (planned or not) smashes their perfect little face on the pavement and requires reconstructive surgery and a couple years of dental work for the replacement of cracked teeth inside her mouth. And when it does happen and you think to yourself that you had heard the sound of another child's head hitting the ground before, remember your commentary. I hope you remember this rant. For those who up-voted this video, you should be ashamed and disgusted with the apathy that has taken hold in your hearts and minds. I have to say this really makes me question the ethics of video sift letting this get on the board, as it is cruel and not representative of anyone with a moral compass.

New Die Antwoord video for 'Evil Boy' [NSFW]

EndAll says...

To give some of the stuff in the video a bit more context, there's this further explanation from Xeni Jardin in the comments on BoingBoing:

So, the story behind this video and song (or part of the story -- there's so much going on!) is that this kid was being coerced into a form of ritual circumcision by his community. It's culturally mandatory within his ethnic group, so much so that if you are a young man and you do not participate, you are completely ostracized. It's hardcore.

The thinking, and this is communicated pretty bluntly to the young men, is that if you don't participate, you're gay. You're effeminate. You're not a real man. You never mature from being a boy to being a man.

The kid is hetero. And he struggled with all of this in real life: with what it meant for his personal and cultural identity. And he came to a point where he was like, you know what? Fuck you all. The fact that I won't consent to having my penis sliced with an unsterilized knife, out in the bush, and risk infection or worse-- that doesn't mean "I'm gay," as you say. If that's what being a man is, fuck it, I don't want to be a man. I'll be an "evil boy for life." But, yeah, I am a real man, even if I don't participate in this tradition which I now reject, at the risk of being totally ostracized from my community.

You might have chosen different lyrics, but dude, it's not our story or our culture or our world experience at all.

It's his.

Damned by thier own tongues - Glenn Beck rally interviews

antimatter says...

At least I understand code pink, a bunch of women against the wars.
This, whatever this is, is just a bunch of flag sucking ugly Americans.

And on MLK day ? Really ? Why not just lynch some people ?
That's so fucking racist.
Fuck you.
You fucking cancer.

If I get angst and need some existential reassurance I cry to MLK's last speech usually around dawn.

/flame on
/fuck you all
/yes, goverment sucks, but what YOU ARE DOING RIGHT THERE IS WRONG.

The Pathology of White Privilege

gorillaman says...

Go far enough back and we all have the same ancestors. After that, there were a bunch of people and some of them preyed on others. At the same time, there were any number of disasters and windfalls, any amount of luck, good and bad, death, disease, theft, charity, feuds and reconciliations, new ideas and paradigms; all of which affected the society in which we find ourselves and the advantages our parents could pass onto us, what our grandparents could pass on to our parents, our great-grandparents to our grandparents and on. Historical inequality exists, racially driven and, crucially, otherwise, but all of it completely beyond our control so it may as well have been random. Do we consider every bounce of the die in its course, or do we just say it came up six?

Say a millionaire discovered he would have been twice as rich if only his maid's ancestors hadn't ripped his family off 500 years ago, does the maid write him a cheque? History may make for amusing speculation, but it's not a serious study and can never be applied to anything meaningful. For example, I like the idea that black and white were getting along fine until the 1600s when some scheming rich folk invented racism.

>> ^peggedbea:

I may be misunderstanding your point. So, sure, any anthropology class will teach you that race doesn't really exist and is only a cultural construct, like gender (not sex, gender).
But to say that inequality based on who your ancestors were doesn't exist and that how you may be subconsciously perceived by societal institutions is just a "roll of the dice" is a bit of a stretch.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say with that last line. But American society was indeed set up to intentionally draw lines based on "race" and to both create and exploit racial tensions. And it worked fantastically well. Poor whites and white indentured servants were intentionally pitted against black slaves to be a buffer against revolts. The same concept is still being used to day with extravagant success, pit the lower classes against each other on the basis of some arbitrary tribe identification and they won't look too closely at how actively you're fucking them all over.

The Pathology of White Privilege

peggedbea says...

I may be misunderstanding your point. So, sure, any anthropology class will teach you that race doesn't really exist and is only a cultural construct, like gender (not sex, gender).

But to say that inequality based on who your ancestors were doesn't exist and that how you may be subconsciously perceived by societal institutions is just a "roll of the dice" is a bit of a stretch.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say with that last line. But American society was indeed set up to intentionally draw lines based on "race" and to both create and exploit racial tensions. And it worked fantastically well. Poor whites and white indentured servants were intentionally pitted against black slaves to be a buffer against revolts. The same concept is still being used to day with extravagant success, pit the lower classes against each other on the basis of some arbitrary tribe identification and they won't look too closely at how actively you're fucking them all over.

>> ^gorillaman:

There's no such thing as white privilege; there's no such thing as a white race or a black race. It seems harsh to say this guy spent an hour talking about literally nothing at all, but there it is. He's living in a fantasy world where people are linked in a way that simply doesn't exist in any objective sense.
The world is a collection of individuals, and some of us were born into disadvantageous circumstances and some of us were born into advantageous circumstances. Yes, in the past some more individuals behaved like dicks to some other individuals, for a variety of reasons, and some of us have benefited incidentally from that while others have not. But that's really all it boils down to, the whole history of humanity is just one big roll of the dice, and some of us rolled higher than others.
Now, if we want to talk about correcting those imbalances on an individual basis through whatever social means - progressive taxes, subsidies, culling racists, fine; that could be a conversation worth having, but if we're going to go on pretending we've all been naturally and necessarily divided into these arbitrary tribes based on vague genetic similarities, well, it's just noise.

Drunks in Boston Chinatown get owned

kymbos says...

Intense. I look forward to reading the comments of our trusty band of internet tough guys. Please tell us all what you would do in that situation. Or perhaps you have an anecdote of a time when you were forced to fuck people all up...

Stimulus Compromises Haunt Unemployment Rate

radx says...

Straight from the BLS report:

Total Nonfarm: -131'000

Total private: +71'000
Goods: +33'000
Construction: -11'000
Manufacturing: +36'000

Private service-providing: +38'000
Financial activities: -17'000
Professional and business service: -13'000
Education and health service: +30'000
Temporary help services: -5'600

Government: -202'000

Since the civilian labor force decreased by 181'000 in July, U-3 can still be reported at 9,5%. Isn't that great?

Unfortunatly, civilian noninstitutional population increased by 200'000 (+2.02 million compared to July 09), so reality once again fucks up all the good news. 84.330 million people age 16+ are not considered to be part of the labor force. An all time high, naturally. That's one hell of a way to manipulate unemployment statistics.

The civilian participation rate is decreasing again, now at 64.7%. Double-dip, anyone?

Inception Characters Don't Understand Inception

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

But it did have the fantastic fight scenes and massive special effects - but that's not what made the Matrix good.

For me, what made the Matrix a great movie was the moment that Thomas A. Anderson is sitting in that chair, after taking the red pill, and as a viewer you don't know what the fuck is about to happen. The moment, of him waking up in the pod, was one of the most impressive SF mind-fucks of all time.

I mentioned Moon because I think it's a good example of excellent character based Science Fiction. I thought the characters in Inception were completely forgettable. What were the names of anyone in that movie? I can't remember. But I still remember Thomas Anderson, Agent Smith, Trinity, Morpheus and even that little guy who ratted them out - (though not by name).

>> ^Sylvester_Ink:

Not sure what's with all the hate towards Inception lately. It really is a fantastic movie. There are a lot of comparisons to The Matrix, but I feel that it was a lot less pretentious and a lot more focused on the characters and emotions. It didn't have the fantastic fight scenes or massive special effects sequences, but it didn't need them. To focus on action and visuals would take away from the plot.
What impressed me the most was that not only was the movie stand-alone, not a sequel, based off a franchise, or a comic-book movie of any sort, but it was also relatively clean. There was no cursing, no sex or nudity, and the violence wasn't excessive. It's encouraging to see that a great science fiction movie can be made while still being PG-13.
As for the ending, I think it's quite clear that it doesn't matter whether Cobb was still dreaming or was awake. He finally got the happiness he was seeking, and decided not to further question it. People can argue one theory or another, but the driving point is that Cobb finally achieved his dream.
(And comparing it to Moon, Dag? Come on, the movies are of two completely different types and both are excellent in their own way. The more quality science-fiction movies the better.)

What Wall Street Reform Means For You

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