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Kyprios (Sweatshop Union) - Hit the Wall

Throbbin says...

Lately, Hey, I get up thinkin I'm gonna fall,
Can you save me, Hey, From myself before I hit the wall,
Although I ain't really been myself at all,
Tryna be the man that I am and stand tall,
Can you save me, Hey, From myself before I hit the wall,

How you gonna say it when you playin yourself,
You're critics don't write you ain't believin the hype,
You in a fistfight boxing with your shadow,
Stuck in yesterday you ain't thinkin bout tomorow,
Yesterday is gone and better days are far away you got a million brilliant thoughts and not a single thing to say,
I need to speak to god but even he's frontin,
Cause I only talk to him when I need somethin,
I'm needin him now I need a new style of who to be,
I try to buy new clothes but none of them look good on me,
Women, Alchohol, Tylenol, Feel the hangover, Next day same damn battle different soldiers,
And I'ts over, I'm gettin older hells hot cold world even gettin colder,
It's over, I'm gettin older hells hot cold world even getting colder,


Man I'm gonna hit the wall,
Bounce around like an open bar,
Shit I'm gonna hit the wall,
I hope it ain't it front of ya'll,

I'd write a better story if I had enough ink,
And I would chain us back together if I had the missing link,
Outsider, I love to be insider her, now I'm outsider, Nowhere for this spider,
Cause I'm a liar but I'll suck it all up,
And everybody told me Kyprios you'll fuck it all up,
And they were right, With the stereotypes I used to be the type of MC you'r stereo liked,
But I'ma loser whosa gettin old,
Life is but a stage and I'm forgettin my role,
You take a drink then the drink takes you,
You only get one chance there is no take two,


(See I'm feelin like the anti-hip-hopper,
I can't say I'm the shit, when I'm feelin like shit,
And I'm hittin the wall)

I got no moves I ain't feelin alright and this isn't my hit I might say goodbye,
I need a piece amount of teams even pieces look free,
I'd rent a little piece of heaven if you'd lease it to me,
You kick it tonight until it bleeds to life,
But I'm sick of this sight without the will to fight,
(Latley), My whole shit is going crazy but I can take a jog cause it won't take me,

(Can you save me)

What are your political leanings? (User Poll by blankfist)

enoch says...

im with the pegster.
where the fuck is anarchist?
what? you dont think thats a relevant political philosophy?
i say..
deliver me from swedish furniture.
i say..
deliver me from clever art.
i say..
fucking bring the whole rotting bag of puss down brick by blood soaked brick.
and then lets have all those clever thieves who call themselves "financiers" work in one of those factories they financed in indonesia for 27 cents a day while their wives do tricks for a dollar for greasy foreign businessmen.
that every time an elected official gets caught with hands in the cookie jar voting legislation at the behest of some corporation or conglomerate both he and the CEO of said company lose a finger.
they only get ten times to get caught.
i could go on forever..
but fuck em..
fuck em all.

Magic helicopter flies without blades

Hitler orders a DMCA takedown

ponceleon says...

I find it ironic that this happens at the same time as the whole Southpark Mohammed censorship thing is going one. As I pointed out over in the clip about the preacher telling his flock to ignore doctors and pray they breast cancer away: religion needs to go.

I read a newspaper article this morning on the DMCA takedown of the clips and it seems there was considerable pressure from the jewish lobby because these clips somehow "trivialize the holocaust."

Fuck em. (I'm a jew by birth so It's okay folks). Fuck em.

Here's my question: is The Producers also a bannable work? I mean, it definitely trivializes Hitler and by proxy the holocaust.

Fuck censorship, fuck religion, fuck em all.

and to quote Cartman, fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck

Obama Admits Government is Monopoly on Violence

NetRunner says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

Isn't the difference between a contractors and volunteers rather small?


As far as I can see it, the only real distinction is that the former military have all roots anchored to the government, where as private is just that.

If that's a small difference, what the fuck was all the fuss over health care reform really about?

House Member Appears To Yell 'Baby Killer' At Stupak

Mosquito Shot Down By a Laser

Healthcare Reform Without Single Payer Is No Reform at All

rougy says...

Fuck this bill.

This is one of the times when I hope the cons pull it off and kill this thing.

Had the dems had the BALLS to do it right in the first place, I'd still be with them, but this bill is going to fuck us all.

There are no escape hatches. The fuckers are trying to make a law where everybody has to pay insurance companies pretty much what ever the fuck they ask of us.

This woman is right: no public option = no reform.

IQ's Just Went Up

choggie says...

>> ^deathcow:
> the Dag household has been TVless for going on 11 years.
TV isn't all shit you know...

So for all ya folks who took some sort of offense at the idea that I believe folks here are morons??? Gert real. Only a few of you are indulging that outer moron screaming to go back in. As I have maintained here on the site for some time, after having to stomach the ceaseless editorializing about what should be common-sense moral and ethical questions, the fine-points of God VS No God according to fucking GARP, and the attention to political bullshit rhetoric paid when the proper AND reasonable human response to the condition of the same in the world is to SHUT IT THE FUCK OFF, AND THROW ALL THOSE SICK MOTHERFUCKERS OUT, TELEVISION, and the propaganda and newspeak that disguises itself as reality thereon, is a major reason this place has become a clearing house for the mentally ill, sexually frustrated, and the "who wants to see my douchebag" crowd. The latter I would venture to guess, were not raised on the programming coming out of the cathode ray shitstain exclusively( your retarded parents who raised you were), but on a combo-platter of Internet foolishness, Telly, videogames, porn, and a cadre of dysfunctional fuck-ups, lovingly referred to as, "Parents." Sorry, just calling it the way any reasonable soul should see it-ALL COMPLETE DIVERSIONS DESIGNED TO ROB HUMANS OF LIFE....and the freedom to fuck anything they want.

Society is in flux, ever changing, and becoming more non-linear with each passing second. The CHALLENGE we all face as humans being, with a view to self-conscious awareness, is to see through the muck created by living in a world where some men struggle to maintain dominance over others while others simply wish to be, is to rise above the fucking illusion and embrace the essence of the shit, prior to having to check out of the place. Always has been, always will be.

GeoPolitics is the illusion created by those first types of fucking assholes, the fucks who would tell me, of all people, what they should and shouldn't, can't and can do. Fuck You, I can decide that for myself, and if I had a clan, or a tribe, for about 50 others.... Fuck it, make it a hundred...we need people that like to dig holes and plant stuff. Religion? Religions are a good thing.They give us all something to aspire to, whatever the fuck that may be. Including Scientology and born-again Christains. Clever bunch of folks dreamed that shit up, more power to em. Greed and power got the best of most of em, and they turned douchebag real quick....that's the nature of mankind struggling to admit that they don't want to fuck themselves in their own ass. Most fail miserably and DON'T end up fucking that tender rusty sheriff's badge a few times.

Now to the douchebags who still don't have a clue, after all my work here to convince them otherwise....GET A FUCKING LIFE ALREADY! Stop trying to figure out why I say and do what I do here to stir up shit, and look in a fucking mirror, when the assumptions and accusations begin to fly-You are me and I am you...end a-fucking story.

Namaste, peace, the Virgin Mary wants to skull fuck you all while L. Ron watches, and good night....And THAT'S, the end of the news. we now return you to your regularly programmed schedule.

Slow news day? No problem! We've got sliding cars.

StukaFox says...

So I live on this really steep hill in Seattle. Last year, the hill became a sheet of ice after a week's worth of snow compacted. And I said this phrase easily a dozen times to people attempting to drive down the hill:

"Don't go down the hill, it's all ice."

And the various responses I got were:

"Fuck you!", "I got four wheel drive!", "Stop telling people what to do!", "I have a Subaru!", "Fuck you!"

All of which were usually followed by:

"... stupid asshole telling what to do I can drive on ice OHFUCK!" -- WHACK!

Moral: lulz, schadenfreude!

Atheist Comedy - The Great Flood

jwray says...

Yeah, the effect on sea level air pressure would be negligible if the sea level rose 30,000 feet, because air pressure is basically the weight of the air above you, and increasing the elevation of the surface equally everywhere on earth would displace the air so that you still have about the same amount of air above you when you're standing on the surface. The ratio of the pressures would be the inverse of the ratio of the surface areas (using a sphere at sea level as an approximation), so increasing the sea level by 30,000 feet would only increase the radius by 1/700th, so the pressure would drop by about 0.3%. A better question is where the fuck would all that water come from, and where would it go after the flood. If it's literal, the author didn't understand where rain comes from, where it goes when it evaporates, and that the earth is fairly isolated in space.

Where do you stand on HCR without a public option? (Politics Talk Post)

rougy says...

>> ^Doc_M:
^Don't be a douche rougy.
Anyway, I found out where the polling confusion really came from:

Well, it's true.

You're beating your chest as if the cons are going to take over in 2010 or 2012 and fix everything, and it's PRECISELY BECAUSE OF THEM and the people who support them--that's why we're in this mess.

And you appear to be one of those people.

And despite the manipulations of the conservative "fuck em all" right, most Americans do want public health care.

Let's come to an agreement here, world (Blog Entry by rottenseed)

6 Types of Youtube Vids there are Way Too Many Of

BoneRemake says...

I literally put this on my facebook


that made me sad in a sense, fuck sakes, all these people that are popular keep dying, I thought t hey where popular becuase they where gods.

The Coup - Fat Cats and Bigga Fish

MrFisk says...

It's almost ten o clock see i got a ball of lifted property
so i slid my beenie hat on sloppily
and promenade out to take up a collection
i got game like i read the directions
i 'm wishing that i had an automobile
as i feel the cold wind rush past
but let me state that i am a hustler for real
so you know i got the stolen bus pass
just as the bus pulls up and i step to the rear
this ole lady look like she drank a forty of fear
i see my ole school partner said his brother got popped
pay my respects
can you ring the bell we came to my stop
the street light reflects off the piss on the ground
which reflects off the hamburger sign as it turns round
which reflects off the chrome of the bmw
which reflects off the fact that i am broke
now what the fuck is new
i need loot i sweat the motherfucka
in the tweed suit
and i'm on his ass quicker than a kick from a grease boot
eased up slow and discreet
could tell he was suspicious by the way he slid his feet
didn't wanna fuck up the come on
so i smiled with my eyes said hey how it's hanging guy
bumped into his shoulders but he passed with no reaction
damn this motherfucka had a hella of andrew jacksons
i'm a thief or pickpocket give a fuck what you call it
used to call em fat cats.
i just call them wallets getting federal aint just a klepto
master card or visa i'd gladly accept those
sneaky motherfucka with a scam know how to pull it
got a mirror in my pocket but that wont stop no bullets
story just begun but you already know
aint no need to get down shit i'm already low

My footsteps echo in the darkness
my teeth clenched tight like a fist in the cold sharp mist
i look down and i hear my somach growling
step to burger king to attack it like a shaolin
i never pay for shit that i can get by doing dirt
link up to the girl cashier and start to flirt
all up in her face and her breath was like murder
damn the shit i do for a free hamburger
(girl )"well you got my number you gonna call me tonite"
it depends is them burgers attached to a price
"sorry sorry"
im just kidding i'ma call you write you love letters
"it's all good"
thanks for the burgers emm hook me up with a dr pepper.
(girl)thats cool you want some ice
yeah and some fries will be hella nice
(girl) damn my managers coming play it off okay have a nice day
im up outta here anyway
i use peoples before they use me
cos you could get got by an uzi over an oz
thats what an og told me
gots to find someplace warm and cozy to eat the vittles that i just got
came to an underground parking lot
this place is good as any fuck its all good
walked in found a car hopped itself up on a hood
ate my burger threw back my cola
somebody said hey it was a rented pig i thought it was a roller
"want me to call the cops?"
i dont want them to see me
looked down and saw that i was sitting on a lamboughini
it was rollses ferraris and jags by the dozen
a building door opened
damn it was my cousin
getting offa work dressed up no lie
tux cummerband and a blackbow tie
i was like hey
"who is it"
"oh whats up man i just quit this company
they hella racist and the pay was too low "
i said arite what was up in there though
"a party with rich motherfuckas i dont know the situation
i know they got cabbage owning corporations
ibm chryslers and shit is what they seeing"
just then a light bulb went off in my head
they be thinking all black folks is resembling
gimme your tux and i'll do some pocket swindling
fit the change in the bathroom and i freeze off my nuts
lets take a short break
while i get into this tux
grunt zipp
alright i'm ready

Fresh dressed like a million bucks
i be the flyiest muthafucka in an afro and a tux
my arm is at a right angle up silver tray in my hand
may i interest you in some caviar mam
my eyes shoots round the room there and here
noticing the diamonds in the chandelier
background barry manilow copacobana
and a strong ass scent of stoagies from havana
what no place where a brother might been
snobby ole ladies drinking champagne with rich white men
allrite then lets begin this
nights like this is good for business
five minutes in the mix noticed several diffrent cliques
talking giggling and shit
well one mother fucka gave me twits
and everbody else jacking it throttling
found out later you know coca cola bottling
talking to a black man who he's confused
we looking hella bourgie
ass all tight and seditty
recognzed him as the mayor of my city
who treats young black man like frank nitty
mr coke said to mr mayor "you know we got a process like ice t's hair
we put up the fund for your election campaign
and oh um waiter can you bring the champagne"
a real estate fronts as opportunities arousing
to make some condos out of low income housing
immediately we need some media heat
to say that gangs run the street and then we bring in the police fleet
harrasing me everbody till they look inebriated
when we bought the land motherfuckas will appreciate it
dont worry about the urban league or jesse jackson
my man that owns marlboros
donated a fat sum
thats when i step back some to contemplate what few know
sat down wrestle with my thoughts like a sumo
aint no one player that could beat this lunancy
aint no hustler on the street could do a whole community
this is how deep shit can get
it reads macaroni on my birth certificate
poontang is my middle name but i cant hang
i'm getting hustled
only knowing half the game
shit how the fuck do i get out of this place.

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