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Reptile Wins - Fatality

lucky760 says...

Funny, just yesterday I was thinking "Fricken flies. Where are all the spiders when you need them?"

And if I had a bunch of spiders I'd be thinking "Fricken spiders. Where are all the lizards when you need them?"

And if I had a bunch of lizards I'd be thinking "Fricken lizards. Where are all the birds of prey when you need them?"

And if I had a bunch of birds of prey I'd be thinking "What the fuck are all these birds of prey doing inside my house?!"

John Oliver Trashes Whole Foods

JustSaying says...

OK, let's ignore the sideshow and get to the point. Yes, you make choices that do no harm and make you feel better unlike others (I'm looking at you, homeopathy). So did Kriss Kross but I still feel compelled to call wearing your pants backwards stupid. Your food trend isn't that much better.
I don't have to sift through the internet to know that. Do you like dessert?
I make a lot of dessert. A LOT! Even vegan. Vegan Vanillasauce. I have to replace milk and cream with soymilk and the eggyolks with some starch (usually corn, for the gluten-free asshats). The only original ingredients are sugar (healthy!) and vanillabean.
You see the problem?
I replace ingredients you object to to mimic a product you shouldn't want in the first place. All the fucking time. All the fucking time I see vegan recipes of dishes that normally contain eggs or milk or butter or even meatproducts. I know a cook who can make vegan Leberwurst. Go on, google 'Leberwurst' and explain to me how somebody who wants to eat that and be vegan isn't a tool.
I don't mind vegetarians at all. They have actually compelling reasons for that diet choice. I wouldn't make that choice ever but I can respect theirs and believe everybody should (a lot of people don't). I loose my respect for individual vegetarians the minute they start talking about Tofuschnitzel. You want Schnitzel? Maybe you should just go and have Schnitzel. You can still eat vegetarian the rest of the week. You're just 'mostly vegetarian' then. That's fine too.
Imagine a man who tells you all the time how he disapproves of the 'homosexual lifestyle' and thinks that kind of behaviour is immoral and wrong. Then that man goes home, tells his wife to get her strap-on and moans 'Channing!' repeatedly while she does him from behind.
That man is as much of a tool as the guy who walks in a restaurant and orders vegan creme brulee. Or any pie. Or pancakes. Or Lasagne. Or a milkshake. Or something with Cheese. Or with Honey. Or icecream. Sorbets are fine though. They're mostly fruit, sugar (healthy!) and water.
I don't hate you, I just call out the stupid thing you do. You want to improve the treatment of animals, make it more ethical? That's fine, I'm with you on that. I just don't see how not using butter can help.

Mikus_Aurelius said:

But all of this is a sideshow. The real point is that I make choices that do no one any harm and make me feel better. You on the other hand apparently go sifting through the internet for arguments against my lifestyle, fail to subject those arguments to even cursory critical thinking in your zeal, and parrot them on a video sharing community while proudly declaring your loathing for people like me.

I think this says a lot more about your relationship to eating animals than it does about mine.

Uwe Boll Takes His Ball and Goes Home

poolcleaner says...

I got a song for Uwe to live by:

Truly, fuck the world,
for all it's worth,
every inch of planet Earth,
fuck myself,
don't leave me out,
but don't get involved,
don't corner me

Inside, ulcer,
unjust bastards,
file out face first
Meet the lies and see what you are

It's forcing you down, and it's grinding against you
Let the war nerve break

For every fucking second the pathetic media pisses on me and
judges what I am in one paragraph

- Look here -


Expect the worst,
you bleeding heart,

but kill me first
before it starts,
yes my cock is getting hard,
we are born different after all

Invite mayhem,
produce weapons,
shoot out,
burn down
No CNN or media now

All the money in the fucking world couldn't buy me one second of trust
or one ounce of faith in anything you're about
Fuck you all

Nothing is worth the sleep that I've lost
Apologies unacceptable now
A blistered revenge awaits in me
This is fucking loveless

Hate mail is not read, in jail instead

The Lord knows,
there's worse
Ignore, this curse

Real Time with Bill Maher: Christianity Under Attack?

ChaosEngine says...

No, the bible is fucked up all on its own.

That its adherents have made it worse is no surprise, when your moral code comes from a book that endorses slavery, rape, xenophobia, child sacrifice, genocide, war, homophobia, torture.

Oh and 12 year olds getting married? Oh look, religion endorsed that too.

And there's a reasonable argument to be made that rapists and child molesters were "born that way" in that they may have serious mental issues. That doesn't excuse them acting on it, but one day with enough study, we might be able to identify and treat them before it becomes an issue.

bobknight33 said:

You don't " know" jack. You were told right from wrong.

Just because of men of GOD trip and fall does not mean that the bible should be discarded.

So when society finds it OK to be gay and when it becomes acceptable to have relations with children, you will have no moral standard to stand on.

Just wait for a child molester or rapist to claim " I was born this way".
Or will you just sit back and say yea, ok he was born that way. It ok to rape my 12 year old. no problem What if the 12 year old gave consent? You can't stand behind some old obscure law. 12 year old were getting married 150 years ago so why not now. Its ok.

You want America to be just like Sodom and Gomorrah?

Don't speak english? Alabama Police Have Something For You

robbersdog49 says...

How fucking broken does the police force need to be for this to happen to an elderly, skinny man? HOW FUCKING BROKEN?!

The police are not there to give out punishment. They are there to bring the guilty before the courts. They have certain powers to issue tickets, but beyond that it is not their place to decide if someone is to be punished or not. That's the court's job.

Even if they had watched the guy do something illegal, if they have hold of him and he is no threat to them there is no reason, at all, for them to use any force beyond what is necessary to get him before the courts. None. This guy was no threat at all physically. Even if he was swearing and abusive, even if he called the officer's mother a whore, or his kids fucking retards it doesn't matter. The police should be above that. They should record it, make sure there's evidence of it and bring him, safely and with as little force as necessary before a judge.

At what point did America hand over the rule of law to the police? At what point did they make it OK for the police to dole out physical punishment? Even if the guy had done something illegal they can't just choose to hurt him.

The fact that not only had they not seen him doing anything wrong, and the call to them didn't allege any crime, just a suspicious person, and that person turned out to be a skinny Indian granddad who had done nothing wrong and posed no threat at all and the TRAINING OFFICER felt it was OK for him to throw the man to the ground shows the system is completely and utterly broken.

I hope this guy gets the book thrown at him. I hope his life is fucked. I hope this piece of shit goes to prison and gets his fucking ring torn to fucking shreds.

But most of all I hope that that isn't seen as and end to it. I hope that cases like this will lead to real reform of the police service in America because it fucking needs it. I've heard the 'few bad apples' bullshit and it's bollox. This guy did an appalling thing, right out in the open. He clearly believes that it's OK and that he won't get in trouble for it. We can all speculate as to what would happen with this case if there hadn't been video footage of it, and you can believe they'd still be prosecuting if you like. Good for you, you fucking idiot.

All police need to be held to account all the time. they need to be wearing cameras, and there needs to be strong sanctions against those officers who's cameras just happen to have been left off, or keep breaking or whatever else they come up with.

Horrifying 120 car crash in Michigan

lucky760 says...

Fucking horrifying.

All I can think watching this kind of thing is I wish someone could do something, but what? At most all I can imagine is someone going back a few hundred yards and throwing road flares into the road. That'll never happen. The only thing you can do is not drive so damned fast when you can't see what's in front of you. That also will never happen.

Unless there's a news report saying no one was killed, I'm afraid this does qualify as snuff because it doesn't seem possible that the car sandwiched between big-rigs was survivable.

Comcast: the only reason we're not ripping you off is ...

artician says...

He's way too polite with this entity. He should have called back in person with a shotgun.

Comcast fucked me over for years. I left them for Verizon. They fuck me over marginally less. That's not a testament if the favor of Verizon; fuck them all.

Chicago Resident: Obama Will Go Down as Worst President Ever

enoch says...

while appreciate the sentiment and ideology behind your commentary,i just do not see it play out in reality.

i was going to post links to convey just how broken our democracy is,and those links are legion.the data is incontrovertible and to be quite honest...depressing.

i tire of people making this about libs/repubs.
that is NOT the argument,though it IS the argument that is presented to all of us.
the REAL argument is about POWER and POWERLESSNESS.

the only true power the people have is they,themselves and the ability to form associations,to group up and put pressure on those who wield create institutions which sheer numbers..those in the ivory tower to hear the voices of the common folk.

but those institutions and associations have been dismantled and the people marginalized.

would you like scumbag A or dirtbag B?
and maybe a possible third party candidate,which leads to the inevitable "lesser of two evils" argument you are alluding to.

all of that does not change the fact we are getting our clock cleaned by the elites who only seek to further their own interests.

we lost.plain and simple.

but i cannot ignore the optimism in your post.
i just wished i shared it.
in my opinion the only path we have left is mass uprising.
to grind the gears of the machine to a halt and force those in the ivory tower to come to the bargaining table.

i do not share you enthusiasm and trust in a totally (in my opinion) broken political system that threw us all overboard 40 years ago.

that is playing THEIR game by THEIR rules.
and that game is rigged and in their favor.

i think the evidence of that has become abundantly clear to anybody who has been paying attention.

its like gambling in vegas.
yes..there are a few who win big but the majority lose their shirts but the illusion that maybe...juuust too might win big keeps people coming back to the table.

they have stacked the odds in their favor and to play the political system is no different.
either way..the house always wins.

so why play a rigged game?
why play by rules that have been instituted to benefit the elites and fuck us all over?

the time has come to change the game and create new rules.

i apologize for the lengthy rant.
i truly wish i could share in your optimism newt.
i do realize there are those who are doing their best to fight this inequity and corruption.
so there is hope....a tiny..slim..sliver of hope.

and on that note i hope right along with them.

Colbert Shows Just How Backward Florida Gun Laws Are

xxovercastxx says...

You guys are really overcomplicating this.

It's Florida, for fuck sake. All they have to do is shoot the guy and then say they felt threatened by him.

Sapeurs - A Short Documentary by GUINNESS (2014)

Molyneax on Bundy Ranch Standown of BLM

chingalera says...

Videosift: All it takes is here to call-out the rabble is one video offering of current events that doesn't fit the retrograde paradigm of illusion and irony.

Yogi, that sir is more typing on a single video embed than I believe you have EVER taken the time to spew. Congratulations. You are hereby awarded the Choggie Kendall Long-Winded Inner-Direction Award For Self-Indulgence and Foment.

You sir join the ranks this month bringing the total of 5 who have been inducted into this hall of shame, including one of our newest and most loquacious of newer members, forgive us if we don't name any names, for it really ain't worth the key-strokes nor the wearing-down of ink delineating the alphabet on each cheap plastic button, to do so....

Something though tells us that we think y'all know who the FUCK y'all are....

(sarcasm not intended, nor be the poncy, little square box filled)

-SIncerely, little thing...

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

chingalera says...

The "it" that's about JS are fucking insane law-masturbation in Idaho and the inane in both camps duking it out to get their way. Like I said, 14-year-old girls kicking and screaming to have it the way they want it. Dude, it's fucking Idaho-Some of the most back-assward fucks from all over the country have relocated there to get the fuck away from everyone else and their bullshit, as they see it.

Think Utah when Joe Smith skipped the Northeast except with redder necks than clansmen with a history of blunt-force trauma to the head.

Prickville, USA
LGBT's have quite the battle ahead of them there-

The Heist that Changed History

chingalera says...

...and those programmed to be left-leaning are as distracted by bread and circuses as the worst of the clueless right-The real power comes for the left if gears change and the focus becomes financial institutions and political lackeys who fool you into thinking your power is in a vote or a cause-They hook you with bleeding-heart pet-causes and the distraction continues-

There is no stopping the insanity of a world controlled by a hi-jacked economy and you are powerless unless this becomes the focus of all activism. The FBI is untouchable today, as well as the surveillance infrastructure. All these pieces of the puzzle become powerless when you stop paying attention to the farcical slave-economy and the coming world police state.

The real success of programming shagen, comes from each generation becoming thicker, stupider, and programmed to be slaves for shit-tickets to buy more 'stuff' with.

All you need is food and love babies, and they have almost cornered the market on edibles that are not toxic for body, mind, and soul.

The shit they are capable of today makes Cointelpro look like a kindergarten spelling test.

Wholly disagree with the idea that the exposure of Coinitelpro caused the government to "reign-in" a GODDAMN thing. They simply do what all failing or exposed nefarious empires do when their shit starts to stink to everyone....They go into hiding or became instantly more sophisticated then provided a suitable distraction with money and television bullshitting.

Hardly much more sophisticated, the fucking president a year later used his own intelligence resources to break-into the Watergate hotel-A lot of sleepy motherfuckers on this sight should wake the fuck up and stop smelling their own farts long enough to realize that the 'left' and 'right' are the same fucking illusion.

Humans are easily-programmable units and universities are a perfect place to begin a new era of bullshit.

The program has never changed, and these fucks hold all cards except the mind and soul cards.

GOP Rep: Republicans Act Like Knuckle-Dragging Neanderthals

VoodooV says...

@chingalera ahh the "both parties are equally bad" fallacy.

tell me? What's the Democrat equivalent of the denial of same sex marriage?
What's the Democrat equivalent of telling women they must keep their rape babies? What's the Democrat equivalent of trying establish a state religion even though we are a country of many (or no) religions. What's the Democrat equivalent of Republican's persistent denial of this pesky thing called science. What's the Democrat equivalent of the Republican body count due to starting unnecessary wars?

Don't get me wrong. Democrats fuck up all the time. They believed the 2004 election would be a slam dunk. They can often be naive and miscalculate political realities. I'm not convinced they won't fuck up the 2016 election somehow despite the Republicans' current problems. I really don't think Hillary should run. To quote Doctor Who: "Don't you think she looks tired?"

Both parties should be abolished to get away from this political nonsense, but to suggest these are somehow equal to Republican misdeeds is absolute lunacy unless you dare to back your claims up.

Hell, arguing the opposite of my claims is still more rational than this "OMG they're equal" nonsense. If you capable of making a value judgement, one party matches your values better than the other. It's impossible for them to be equal in that regard.

TYT - Two Cops React To Protesters In Very Different Ways

chingalera says...

Ugark first doubts the wisdom of bringing children to a peaceful protest inferring safety concerns maybe, and then show Mr. 'nice cop', 'for the children' cop, 'being taped and covered by media ' cop, with some lead-in to whatever clap-trap so predictable as to nauseate follows. No doubt, it's the 'bad cop' version of what cops are NOT supposed to be like. Fuck you.

All cops are felons, therefore.....What? They get a pass and the common-folk don't? Fuck you Cenk, and your alternative diatribe circle-jerk.

Sorry Timmy, they're are less 'good' cops than Lot and his old lady could find in the twin cities before they turned that bitch into salt!

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