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siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'cat, mirror, surprise' to 'cat, mirror, surprise, Scottish fold, reflection' - edited by lucky760


Race Car Driver Trolling At Its Finest

#ALSicebucket Haters... watch this...

highdileeho says...

These IBC's are about guilt and folding to peer pressure, I don't want anything to do with this phony feel good horseshit. Some people are better off with a Robin Williams mindset, and I'm not talking about ALS sufferer's, I'm talking about the bleeding hearts. This whole meme is bullshit, and once the chips are stacked we will have another livestrong scandal and everyone will be shocked. Ohh no they won't because by that time they will be wallowing in their next gross abomination.

Son Buys Mom Her Dream Car

SquidCap says...

Well... My mom filled out a raffle ticket on my name when i was two, we won a SAAB 96 and traded it for this model, 99. Almost the same color (metallic paint was for US export model...). My family kept it for 25 years, it served us really well. I learned to drive with it and that thing handles like a dream (it has heavy steering but is is so stable and responsive, just wonderful, plus ours had aftermarket short gearbox from police unit and bored cylinders, small tweaks to oomph the torque for caravan use. Finnish police used SAAB for a loong time, it accelerated like a rocket..).

Seeing the inside of that just brings me memories. Mom, Dad, my big brother and me and a full sized double bass, all inside (you can't transport it outside when it's freezing, the thing can explode..). It meant that i had to ride shotgun, seat fully front and back against the front door, head on dashboard. Backseat folded and mom and bro at the back, equally cramped. We used to say that first comes the bass, then the family if they fit in and there is always room in the boot (joke.. ). The day he started to play cello was a blessing and a curse. Have you ever had to live with a person that learns to play cello? It's horrible but i paid him back when i got full blown PA in my room, cabinets from floor to ceiling.. Musicians family is always a bit eccentric and weird..

My dad still has SAAB (fourth one) as they are just amazing to drive, handles winter conditions like nothing and are great for long roadtrips. I just hope i can get him the Citroen CX he has wanted from his teens...

HadouKen24 said:

That's the happiest Saab story I've ever heard of

Unbelievably Bad Beat at $1 Million Buy-in Poker Tournament

modulous says...

Can anyone figure the odds of one of these two men winning with a flush

There are 1,712,304 possible boards. 1,637,884 result in a tie. 74,420 of them result in one of them winning. There is a winner 4.34% of the time which is a probability of approximately 1 in 25 or 24:1 against.

So this isn't an incredibly bad beat even for poker, this scenario has played out countless times, and I bet it happened at other times in this tournament (if we count more than just Aces v Aces). It just feels bad given the stakes, which are pretty high for most pro high stakes poker players. Imagine instead this. You hold KcKs and your opponent goes all-in so you call. He curses (hoping you'd fold) Pokerstove tells me KK against two random cards wins 82% of the time. However he turns over Kd2c. This is a 95% chance of winning. The flop comes: Jh 4d 8s. Your probability of winning is now 99.7%. Then comes 2s - it's OK you still have over 95% chance of winning, unless...2d.

Crazy Water Slide powered by a Motorbike

TheFreak says...

These comments are fun. Sounds like a bunch of old men, sitting on the porch yelling at the kids on the street.

"Stop foolin' around with that wood out there. Don't jump your bicycles over that! Get out of the road!!"

Take risks when you're young because the negative consequences are mostly restricted to your own stupid self. Later in life you'll have too many responsibilities and obligations. We've given up a lot in our modern societies. By sanitizing and padding our life experiences, we've lost the connection to the deep animal part of our brain.

There are still places in the world, even first world industrialized nations, where public ritual includes personal risk. Community celebrations that tap into our hidden animal instinct with displays that overwhelm all the senses. This is a powerful way to build a deep sense of tribalism and community, to draw people together into a supportive whole.

Tomorrow many of us will enjoy the July 4th celebrations. Sitting comfortably in our folding chairs with portable BBQs and coolers; behind ropes and guard rails designating a safe area to stand...emergency response vehicles in attendance. We'll enjoy our safe, convenient family activity then curse the traffic on the way home, inside steel boxes with triple air bags. Later on we'll feel slightly unsettled by the neighbor kids setting off bottle rockets around the block. Somewhere else in the world, they'll light a bonfire the size of your house and sing songs while they watch the young people trying to see how far they can walk into the flames. They'll feel the heat, see the light up close, sense danger and ultimately give up a piece of themselves to the crowd and the untamed thing that lies below sensibility.

I'll take the bonfire please.

Things you're doing wrong every day: everything

yellowc says...

The TED talk was about reducing paper towel waste in *public* bathrooms. Simply encouraging you to fold one piece instead of pulling 4. Also it works, after that talk I did start folding a single piece and it's working out just fine.

I understand it was to prep the joke but stretched the truth a little far there.

Every Man should be Grapefruited (wait for it)

The '90s Alt-Rock Vocal Hook Supercut

eric3579 says...

And if you would like to listen to all these songs in this list on spotify

1. Cannonball - The Breeders
2. The New Pollution - Beck
3. Battle of Who Could Care Less - Ben Folds Five
4. Mrs. Robinson - The Lemonheads
5. Push Th' Little Daisies - Live - Ween, The Shit Creek Boys
6. Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth with Money in My Hand - Primitive Radio Gods
7. Queer - Garbage
8. Semi-Charmed Life - Third Eye Blind
9. Cut Your Hair (Remastered) - Pavement
10. In The Meantime - Spacehog
11. Undone -- The Sweater Song - Weezer
12. I Alone - Live
13. Got You (Where I Want You) - The Flys
14. One - U2
15. Jeremy - Pearl Jam
16. Stutter - Elastica
17. Not an Addict - K's Choice
18. The Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson
19. You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette
20. Man In The Box - Alice In Chains
21. Soul To Squeeze - Red Hot Chili Peppers
22. Lithium - Nirvana
23. What's Up - 4 Non Blondes
24. Laid - James
25. Wynona's Big Brown Beaver - Primus
26. The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite - R.E.M.
27. People Of The Sky - Sloan
28. Good - Better Than Ezra
29. Gel - Collective Soul
30. Zombie - The Cranberries
31. Girls And Boys - Blur
32. Dyslexic Heart - Paul Westerberg
33. Your New Cuckoo - The Cardigans
34. Get Off This - Cracker
35. A Long December- Counting Crows
36. Self Esteem - The Offspring
37. Don't Speak - No Doubt
38. Silently - That Dog

David Blaine: Real or Magic with Harrison Ford

chingalera says...

You keep thinking that then if you'd like. As I watched this, when he asked what card he was thinking of I thought to myself 'nine of hearts'- NO SHIT

Somewhere embedded in his technique is the answer to the suggestion
Metaprogrammings' a motherfucker.

Anyone else??

Or wait....Maybe it's simply having seen this before and the 9 of hearts was already there, locked into the folds of the hippo-campus/cerebral cortex highway? Don't recall ever having seen this before...

Either ways...If David Blaine came over, I'd prolly tell him what Han Solo here told him BEFORE he had a chance to mind-fuck me..The difference? It wouldn't be......"ACTING!!!"

Seriously though, y'all really thought that Blaine was being rudely and cruelly ejected from his home?? C'mon people...suspend your disbelief for the sake of your hearts and get over yourselves....all he said was the 'eff' word.

"Next up: Blaine will bury himself in the permafrost of Antarctica in a steaming-hot bubble-bath of human blood and for forty days and forty nights with but a single meal-worm to snack on for the duration. When he rises from his ghoulish and self-imposed sarcophagus he will have drunk all the contents of the bathtub...But first, this commercial interruption to your body's natural vibrations."

Eukelek said:

... obviously a suggestion technique... quite cunning though... He suggests the 9 of hearts constantly somehow and make him only come up with that through suggestion. The rest is simple. I concur, terrible reaction... almost to much, kinda forced...

Street Harassment Of Women In New York - An Art Project

dannym3141 says...

Sorry bb, but who on earth am i telling to smile? And in what way am i being like these other terrible men? And in what way are you accusing me of not listening when i have gone out of my way to investigate the matter further!? I think you're guilty of taking great liberty with my comment, and that's putting it nicely!

My comment, in short, tried to encourage anyone wanting to promote this message to promote it in a way that is understandable and unambiguous, and to learn lessons from those times when your attempt is ineffectual. Well, it wasn't presented unambiguously and that is why people are still discussing it. It's very wrong of you to accuse me of being sexist just because i didn't get the message. It's counter-productive to feminism, in fact, to do that. By folding your arms and saying "huh, you understand it - you're being like all those other men", you're being sexist yourself by definition.

I looked into it, and here's the reason why we seem to disagree and why i seem to be acting sexist in your eyes: I read the title of the video and watched it asking myself this question: "In what way is it sexist to tell someone to smile?" My conclusion was that it wasn't, and so the video was crap. I didn't even give it the full duration - long enough to gauge whether or not i agreed that it was sexist to say "smile!" to someone. That, and nothing more! Because that was how the problem was presented!

So without wanting to repeat my earlier comment, here it is again. It is the duty of the deliverer of the message (or those who subscribe to it) to make it clear what the message is. I completely agree that harassment and cat calling in the street is wrong, and i can understand that stuff like that can make a person feel scared regardless of what is said. And if the video had a more descriptive title or the point established in clear terms then i wouldn't have my name next to the list of downvoters, because i wouldn't have misunderstood the point and given it short shrift.

I think it's very important to realise just how my comment has been taken out of context and misconstrued as sexist by you (in your accusation of me being like those other men). Only after i read a part of your comment which said that it was about a wider issue did i suddenly realise the misunderstanding. Isn't it ironic that you told me i was being sexist by asking for the point to be made clearer, when all along we were talking at cross purposes because the point wasn't made clearly to me?

And yet more ironically, you accused me of being sexist when in fact it was you being sexist to me, in your assumption that my misunderstanding could only stem from sexism!

And i think, to be fair, you should go back and read my previous comment in which i encourage you to ensure that everyone understands your point before you accuse people of being sexist for disagreeing with it.

bareboards2 said:

Thanks for taking the time to write such a thoughtful response.

Of course, I disagree with you completely. Ha.

Women aren't perfect. Men aren't perfect. But do you see that you are doing EXACTLY what these women are complaining about?

They are pretty damn clear -- KNOCK IT OFF. Stop. We're tired of this. Enough already.

And you're saying they have to say it the way you want them to say it. They have to placate and wheedle in order to be heard.

You are telling them to smile before you will listen.

Street Harassment Of Women In New York - An Art Project

dannym3141 says...

I'm afraid you can lump me in the same group. I don't understand why it is offensive to tell women to smile. I'm also in the same boat as others here in that i have literally never, in my existence, heard a male tell a woman to smile in any way that wasn't contextual. Thirdly, i'm struggling to imagine a way in which the directive to "Smile!" is offensive.

You say "stop making it about YOU!" yet you're speaking about a video that is trying to personalise an issue. I hate to even get involved in this argument, because i believe modern day feminism is more about finding an issue than it is about correcting any number of issues that really exist and need attention (ie. wage inequality).

I think you'd serve the cause a lot better if you tried to understand why people make those comments instead of chastising them for making it. You're missing an opportunity to explain the problem better - you've engaged people, people are interested and talking about it. Now is the time to explain it so that those who don't understand can understand. And if you can present it in a believable way, you will convince me.

However if you stand there, fold your arms and say "ugh, guys!" then i'm going to insist that you're behaving in a sexist way.

In my upbringing, i was subject to women abusing their advantageous legal position when it comes to custody of children and such (i was the child). I was witness to women who claimed abuse when there was no abuse, and thankfully only saw a very small effect of what can happen when such false accusations are made. I've seen a close male relative go through divorces in which he made his best attempt to share the assets of the divorce, whilst the female partner did what they could to claw as much profit as possible, eventually taking a completely unfair share (all of it) in one case.

However, i am rational enough to understand that not all people are like that, and that my experiences are not common. If i was given the opportunity to campaign about father's rights, i'd do it clearly and in a way that people could empathise and sympathise with. I wouldn't generalise and i certainly wouldn't tell them not to personalise, because empathy is all about being able to personalise an issue.

If men are arguing with the point, perhaps the point is not being explained well enough. And if it keeps happening, perhaps that's an even stronger message. I wouldn't argue with videos that campaign against domestic violence - which i also haven't seen happen! - and that's because the campaign is well presented so that i am able to grasp the problem.

I don't understand why what this video refers to is a female issue. Add to that the fact that i have never seen it happen with such frequency that it was notably a female-only issue.

Until i am able to understand why this is specifically a female issue, i'm afraid i will consider this video to be sexist in that it addresses a universal issue as a solely female problem.

bareboards2 said:

@Shepppard, I think you fully understand the issue of why it is offensive to women to be told to smile all the time.

And I still say -- you guys have got to stop arguing with these videos.

I mean, fer pitys sake, it is a cliche already. "You don't listen to me." What percentage of women say that to their male partners?

Listen. Just .... listen. Empathize. Try to understand. And stop arguing with and intellectualizing about something that isn't your experience. Please.

And you get 500 brownie points for understanding exactly why telling a woman you don't know to "smile" gets very very wearing. Make that 5000 brownie points.

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