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XCOM: Enemy Unknown first look

moodonia says...

I remember going to the "terror sites" was actually terrifying, when you were disembarking the skyranger(?) in the dark and throwing out flares only to spot a variety of aliens you hadnt encountered before, all waiting to slaughter your team int heir first turn

First had UFO for the Amiga 1200, it was a disc swapping extravaganza! Go make a cup of tea while the computer took its turn.

When I was buying UFO:Enemy Unknown for the PC in 1995 I think, a man in his 40's came up to me, I was like 18, and he said laughing "NO! Dont buy it! It will take over your life! You'll do nothing but play UFO".

He was right

Spectacular Solar Flare

EMPIRE says...

i was just thinking that flare looked like the sun farted. Actually I was thinking just how pathetic religions' descriptions of the universe are in comparison to the actual reality of the universe. The sun farts an enormous spray of plasma, MANY times the size of our planet, and it was just another day. And this is just our solar system.

Huge solar prominence

Huge solar prominence

Huge solar prominence

It's Time ... (Sift Talk Post)

CloudFlare and an Apology for Recent Down Time (Sift Talk Post)

Dueling guitar and banjo team up against electric guitar

Star Trek TNG : Guinan's Gun

The "One Album Per Sifter" Quest (Rocknroll Talk Post)

Hybrid says...

I'll dig out some more when I'm at home. For now, give Port-Royal a shot: It's not all ambient though.

Track 6, Karola Bloch on the Flares album may be my favourite electronica track of all time. It's a 12 minute epic of electronic excellence.
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

@Hybrid - I have "A Strangely Isolated Place" by US and love the heck out of that album. It's one of my top ten ambient albums, along with Boards of Canada's 'Music Has the Right to Children', 'Geogadi', Aphex Twin's "Ambient Works - II" "Drukgs" and Brian Eno's "Ambient 1, Ambient 4" and "Apollo".
What other ambient stuff do you listen to?

Cloaked alien ship near mercury

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'space, mercury, alien ship, clocking device, solar flare' to 'space, mercury, alien ship, cloaking device, solar flare' - edited by oritteropo

Amauteur footage of the Boeing 767 emergency Warsaw landing

GeeSussFreeK says...

I have been reviewing the flight manual in the case of a front and main gear partial/non extend, and one thing to note is that both speed brakes and reverse thrust are not recommended. Doing a belly landing, you would image that coming to a complete stop is the most important aspect, and the manual does recommend dropping fuel to make for the slowest possible landing speed. However, speed brakes and reverse thrust can have an overwhelming asymmetric affect and hinder the ability to control the aircraft. They also recommend letting the engines touch down first, which we don't see here, instead he lets the tail hit first with a slight over flare. The guild recommends a engine first landing because you still have a good amount of rudder control until about 60 knots.

I just thought it interesting that the natural intuition, to stop a plane with no landing gear as fast as possible isn't actually the recommended solution. The real goal is to stop it with full control of the aircraft and a belly landing places a lot of power into the random hands of friction, which I find fascinating.


BoneRemake says...

>> ^bareboards2:

Was that on purpose??????

Not the fire that started on the ground causing everyone to start running for life.

My brother explained it to me somewhat, there was liquid fuel in the lines and when they opened up the valve to start the flare stack thus supplying it with the fuel source ( vapor to be burned). That liquid is from a fuckup of theirs as the fuel condensed in the lines and was pushed out by the vapor and it landed causing pools and the flare was shooting out globs of liquid on fire and it fell onto the ground lighting the pools of fuel on fire.

THIS is how ya learn the hard way

How big are solar flares ?

How big are solar flares ?

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