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How big are solar flares ?

nanrod says...

The matter in a solar flare is ejected at about a million miles per hour which is why it takes days for them to reach earth rather than the 8 minutes it takes light to cover the same distance. >> ^MarineGunrock:

Right, because we all know that cameras can capture things at that speed. Try again, Bill Nye. >> ^MonkeySpank:
The coolest thing about solar flares is that matter is actually ejected at near the speed of light.

How big are solar flares ?

How big are solar flares ?

ZappaDanMan (Member Profile)

How big are solar flares ?

How big are solar flares ?

Find Makarov: Operation Kingfish

What's thick and toxic and orange all over?

Slopeflying. It's like big mountain skiing but you're flying

messenger says...

I'm guessing the current obstacle for this is that without speed they lose lift and steering. They might be able to do this by finding points to land on that are back up the other side of a cliff, and high enough they'll be able to guide themselves towards it, lose lift and guidance and just land. It's the lateral speed that will be the hardest to eliminate.>> ^dag:

Great shots. Eventually they're going to learn how to flare out and land without a parachute.

Slopeflying. It's like big mountain skiing but you're flying

How make fire with ice!

Skateboarding Fails at 1,000 FPS

zeoverlord says...

They also seem to need a braking system that brakes the board ever so slightly whenever a sudden asymmetric shock is applied to the weels, it would have prevented a few of these, of cause that would also have caused a lot more fails, but at least those would be head first which makes it much more interesting to watch.
>> ^sirex:

lesson learnt from this video: skateboards need slightly flared / squared side edges.

Skateboarding Fails at 1,000 FPS

Lens Flare: The Movie

kasinator says...

I have heard this issue so many times and honestly I rarely notice the lens flare. But I can understand people not liking it. I get annoyed at bourne trilogy shaky camera work. both are have the exact same underlining problem; If you cant see what is going on, you defeat the purpose of the movie.

Every Michael Bay Movie In Under A Minute

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