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STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS - Official Teaser Trailer

PalmliX says...

ugh I'm so sick of the inception style BRRAAAGGGHHHHH drone that seems to be used in every trailer these days. Also J.J. Abrams is a good director no doubt, but pioneering? What exactly did he pioneer? The overuse of lens flares?

Numberphile with a beautiful Card Trick on the Base of 3

xxovercastxx says...


I learned the 21 card variation as a kid and then combined it with another trick. In the variation I knew, the card was always #11 after 3 deals so I would manipulate the deck afterwards to get it down to the bottom. Then you have the other person pinch the pile firmly near the edge and then slap the deck out of their hand. What happens if you do it right is the bottom card stays in their fingers while the rest scatter on the floor. It gives the trick a nice bit of flare for the finish.

Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome Episode 2

The only Presidential Debate video you need to see

gordon freeman in the flesh

spawnflagger says...

J. J. Abrams would have added more lens flare.

This was awesome though. I really wish they would make a Half-Life movie (as long as it's not directed by Uwe Boll or Paul W.S. Anderson).

Large Filament Eruption On The Sun: 8/31/2012--SPECTACULAR!

kceaton1 says...


This is most likely the most AMAZING filament eruption to be caught on video. It is caused by a little process called magnetic reconnection. It's a little process that gives us our solar flares, these filaments, CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections), auroras, and the possible potential for very dangerous radiation storms every few millennium--give or take a few. Basically, plasma flows along these field lines of magnetism. When things get out of hand, then those field lines distort and change and all of a sudden things get very dangerous (AND sometimes beautiful). The faster the magnetic field changes the faster the particles will travel making them more and more dangerous as the events unfold fast enough giving them more energy (kinetic & heat), which in turn if directed at us means it penetrates much further into our protective field and anything outside of the field, crispy--in the shredded DNA, cells, you name it sense.

Occasionally, Earth's magnetic field breaks down a bit (if I remember why correctly it was a certain "sequence" within our magnetic shield and it reacts badly with the Sun's--don't quote me though, I really need to look it back up again it was a very long time ago I remember this from), if a large solar flare directed towards Earth ever happened before Earth had enough time to fully build back it's strength we would be FAR more in trouble than usual, but this would be a rare event. Usually what happens is that the charged particles follow Earth's magnetic lines and go to the poles, which is the one place on Earth where you do suffer the most radiation from the Sun (basically wherever the poles are as the plasma follows the polarity or "field lines" of Earth's magnetic field). It's also why the closer you are to the poles the better your view is of the aurora as the particles streaming in, if there is a sufficient quantity moving very fast (the more energy, especially kinetic--speed, the farther the penetration into the atmosphere and the lower the aurora becomes visible), will enter the atmosphere and begin to be absorbed by various elements that our atmosphere is compromised of like Nitrogen.

Here's a quick explanation. Basically, the particles collide with atoms of molecules/elements or anything in the higher atmosphere, exciting their electrons into higher energy levels, which is known fundamentally in science as quantum leap/atomic transition/electron transition it's one of the atom's most fundamental abilities dealing with "extra energy" being pushed into a system that wants balance (this is a very common process that happens ALL DAY long, EVERYWHERE around you; it transfers photons essentially--pure energy--BUT, what is the energy in the form of as it's energy level makes it do very many different things; you could see things, what you consider the normal range of light--it's EXACTLY how light goes THROUGH a window--it doesn't go through the window it is transferred via the atoms from one side to the next, this is ALSO why people are trying to get invisibility to work as it just might; HEAT is another one that is transferred all the time--it literally radiates outwards from our bodies and then we are surrounded by excited electrons and the infrared range of light we are putting out, the heat of a human body...or any animal; this goes on and on, it happens everywhere and as I said ALL-THE-TIME, it's perhaps one of the most critical processes and abilities of the atom and how photons also transfer their energy between areas in a direction; a little off-topic information for those that don't realize how much is going on, everywhere, all the time, at any given's a complicated, but beautiful world)), and making them give off light that we see when the charge they've taken on finally returns the molecule/element's electrons to their normal orbits in the electron shell; the color depends on what molecule/element was being bombarded and how much energy was involved from the particle that hit it). This of course transfers all the energy that those particles had and we get a nice light show.

/I thought I'd fill my promote with something useful; ...on why these happen...
//edit-For a little more clarity, grammar and a bit more information that I hope some will appreciate if it helps anyone learn something or atleast go look up some of this and learn some on their own; taking an interest in science, it's one of the most important things in the world that we have.
///Spreading science is just as important; it's the one literal thing we do/use that has ever allowed us to deal with the worst problems we have: fear, pain, death, disease, sorrow, despair, ignorance, etc... Science IS the light in the dark. It is our best hope for mankind's continued existence and a good life. It is the single most important activity we now do as a group; it's our savior from us and what's out there...

Bill Nye: Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children

shinyblurry says...

But suppose, for the sake of argument, that it was a bit of an assumption to say that decay was constant, lets just linger with that idea for a second. We see some decay happen, and we assume its contant backwards in time. well what would be the alternative? Well, a non-constant decay, of course. The problem is just that we have no information, that is, no evidence, that the rate of decay has ever, or even can, change. Worse still, since there is no evidence, we cant say how the rate has changed. Is it decaying slower and slower, (which would imply a younger universe) or faster and faster (which would imply an even older universe) or does it fluctuate wildly? There is of course no way to tell, except to concede that there is no evidence for any of these three scenarios. According you Young Earth Creationists, the earth is something like 6-12000 years old, which would mean a MASSIVE, impossibly weird and complicated, and seemingly undetectable deceleration in the rate of decay of all known elements. Worse still, in order for the math to work out, all the different elements would decelerate at different rates, for some, again, inexplicable reason. And again, without this being detected by todays best scientists.

Are these the worst scientists then?

You should be careful not to let yourself become blinded by conventional wisdom. Why shouldn't you suspect that decay rates could change? Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Talk about making assumptions, about having faith All in order to make a magic book remain magic.

Oh well.

It doesn't sound like you read my comment. I changed my mind, not in spite of the evidence, but because of it. I was perfectly fine with being a theistic evolutionist.

But of course, thats just be beginning, because it just so happens that the assumption we made (that the rate of decay is constant) lines up pretty damn nicely with other known facts about the universe, like how big it is, what stars are made of, how massive they are how long they have burned, how the whole universe is expanding, how tectonic plates move, how animals evolved,

Yes, you're right, it lines up just fine with all of the other giant assumptions that have been made about how the Universe was formed, because they are all predicated on the basal assumption of deep time, and conversely, they are all used to support that assumption of deep time. It's quite a racket they have going, where the evidence is interpreted by the conclusion. Last time I checked that wasn't science.

how fossils were buried by Satan to fool us all laid down in order over the eons, genetic diversity and the relationships and relatedness of all living things.

Do you know the geologic column doesn't actually exist in reality? It doesn't sound like you do, if you think it's all laid down in a neat little order like you see in the text book. The truth is, the geologic column is entirely theoretical. You don't find it anywhere on Earth. What you do find is various layers here and there, and what they assume is that layer a is the same as layer b if they find the same fossils in them. The depths you see in the various layers of the column does not reflect reality. You can find Cambrian fossils 10 feet down in some areas, so if you went by physical depth, you can say in some instances Cambrian was planted last and not first. The amount of circular reasoning employed to describe the geologic column is astounding.

Another question is, do you understand flood geology? Please read what we actually believe before you criticize it:

It all pans out pretty fucking nicely to an emerging picture of a universe thats 13.72 billion years old, and an earth that is about 4.6 billion years old.

But I guess all these aligning scientific facts make the baby jesus sad and must be ignored, or at least made out by believers to be "based on faith" (The very thing that, by definition, underpins the entire worldview of a believer!) So that they can dismiss it because its just faith. Oh the irony, it burns.

As I said to someone else, if you're already committed to materialist explanations, it doesn't sound like a big leap. To someone who isn't so committed, it is a bigger leap than it might appear to you. I was willing to reinterpret my understanding of Gods word for what science had to say, and still am, but not for a mountain of circumstantial evidence and a just-so story to tie it all together.

>> ^BicycleRepairMan

Why you should not record a vlog while riding your bike

bamdrew says...

I was going to say something about how thanks to that helmet he now has a second-chance to do something clever with that brain of his,

... but then the lens flare and 'rate comment subscribe!' promotion came up and I realized the best I should hope for is he won't follow trucks as closely.

frosty (Member Profile)

messenger says...

I'm moving this to your profile or else the troll wins.

I see what you're getting at, and it's arguable that I came on too strong, but I think you're missing that we generally know the difference between a different opinion from ours and trolling. bk33 can criticize and vent his vitriolic bile as much as any of us (I'm including myself in that category), and I don't think there's anybody here who has a problem with that. There aren't many vocal conservatives on the Sift, but there are some (Chilaxe comes to mind), and as long as they know how to carry on a discussion, there's little issue. Tempers flare, of course, but nobody seriously thinks they're trolling, just wrong, and that's great. But bk33 contributes nothing. And I don't mean he contributes nothing to my side of the argument -- I mean he leaves the place measurably worse than when he found it.

About CrushBug's comment. He's just venting. He didn't make any claims at all, let alone unsubstantiated ones, unless you mean about renaming The Government of Canada to "The Harper Government", which Harper has actually really done. Google it. So I think you're not seeing the qualitative difference between CrushBug's comments and bk33's.

Real mobs kill people. We just happen to outnumber him. We can't hurt or even remotely silence him.

In reply to this comment by frosty:
Sometimes there is such intolerance of opposition in opinion here at the Sift. When your typical liberal Sifter decries the greed of the private sector, vilifies "big business" and slams Fox News, it is hailed throughout the ranks as a battle cry, but when bobknight33 suggests the inefficiency of government-controlled industry and criticizes MSNBC, he is bombarded by the mob with accusations of naivety, not substantiating his remarks and being a "troll." For instance, take a post like CrushBug's -- "Fucking Harper. I am glad they have spent the time and money to change the name of the gov't to "The Harper Government" so once this horrible aberration of politics is voted out we can easily identify and kill this kind of evil bullshit." This is the quintessence of unsubstantiated, ad hominem attack. Yet it is met with resounding approval and hardy back slaps aplenty, buoyed up by the inertia of the throng.

"Somebody That I Used to Know" (Solo Guitar) Best Cover Yet?

Planet of the Ladies flies by the Sun

Zawash says...

>> ^messenger:

If this is the real deal, then how come I can see the sun through the "planet"? Aren't planets opaque?

Lens flare - the sun happens to be rather bright! Is also very likely to be residual afterimages on the sensor - it's hard to properly handle the vast amounts of light involved.

I took a couple of images myself with my SLR - had I not used three layers of ND-filters as well as post-processed the Raw files, I would have had to use shutter speeds of about 1/8000000th of a second - a thousand times faster than my camera is capable of.

Star Trek original series remade to look like new movie.

Revolution - Trailer

Revolution - Trailer

Payback says...

>> ^dag:

Don't understand how solar flares keep revolvers from working. >> ^Payback:
It's probably solar flares. The locket thing is some kind of shielded power cell.

It's 15 years later with no lathes, electric tools or CAD/CAM machines to make spare parts or bullets. Hand made guns would be rampant. People would probably be hoarding the "good stuff" for military actions and guarding the Warlords. Glorified sheriffs like the ones pictured would just have flintlocks because that's all you'd need against bows and arrows.

Just my logic talking. I have no clue what the actual reason is. Probably the Black Smoke Monster.

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