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Louis C.K. Discusses Tracy Morgan's Homophobic Comments

FlowersInHisHair says...

@TheFreak @Yogi

Er, yeah, wow, I've been a bit of an idiot. It's surprising to find oneself called a reactionary, but that is indeed what my comment was, and you two are right to call me on it. But my initial reaction was just that - another homophobe, another joke about gay kids being murdered for their sexual identity, fuck that guy. But my initial reaction isn't the end of my thinking on the subject, so forgive me my knee-jerk reaction and allow me if you will to claw back a little bit of my reasonableness.

I agree with Louis that the gay community has missed the opportunity to ask Tracy Morgan why he feels the way he feels about gay men - such dialogue would be helpful in highlighting some of the attitudes people have to effeminately-voiced gay men. Since my speaking voice is not effeminate, many people don't guess that I'm gay on first meeting me, and in the period before they do realise (which is usually when I get drunk on pink cocktails and start talking about Sondheim), I've put up with a lot of blokey jokes about gays, and have witnessed the shift in men's attitudes when they realise that a gay man is in their midst. The gay jokes dry up immediately, which is kind of a shame because I enjoy offensive jokes of all kinds, and can usually counter jokes about "queers" with equal numbers of jokes about "breeders". I've noticed first-hand the difference in the way that people regard non-obvious gay men like me, and the way they treat the more effeminate and flamboyant members of (er) "my tribe". I've been explicitly told that I'm not included when they criticise gays, because I'm "straight enough". Sigh!

What I've realised is that, in a way, I'm more supportive of Tracy Morgan's joke than I am of Louis's rationalisation of it. Tracy Morgan can make such a joke if he chooses, and I can think him a sad man with backwards views on masculinity if I choose. Where I disagree with Louis is that he sees Tracy Morgan's joke as a kind of "progress" towards acceptance, but I don't see how making jokes about killing his gay son doesn't sound like he's "trying to figure out" gay male masculinity or that he's somehow less homophobic for qualifying precisely what it is that makes him want to stab some gays as opposed to stabbing all of them.

Penn Jillette: An Atheist's Guide to the 2012 Election

shinyblurry says...

At that time of my life I already had. It was the persistent lack of response that first got me to doubt it all. If there is a God, he's got a hell of a way of treating children.

I hear this all the time from people who walk away from God. Usually, it is one of three things..either some tragedy happens which throws their faith into doubt, or, it is because God didn't grant them what they wanted or didn't provide them signs to prove He exists.

Now, if one does read the word of God and follow it, it is fairly clear that there is no promise of a pain free life, one that is free from loss. In fact, it states precisely the opposite, that trials and persecutions will come, that we should expect them, and that they are to our benefit:

1 Peter

4:12 Beloved, don't be astonished at the fiery trial which has come upon you,
to test you, as though a strange thing happened to you.
4:13 But because you are partakers of Christ's sufferings, rejoice;
that at the revelation of his glory also you may rejoice with exceeding joy.

Romans 5:3-5

Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

This is what Jesus said about signs:

Matthew 16:4

An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.” So he left them and departed.

If you had faith in Jesus, and that what He said is truth, you wouldn't fail to notice the hand of God in your life. It is still there, though you do not see it. The reason you do not see it is because you refuse to budge:

Hebrews 11:6

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

and again:

James 4:8

Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

You want God to demonstrate His love, which He is always doing for you (which is plainly obvious each and every day if you could only see it), but what He wants is for you to demonstrate yours.

And as far as prayers go, He doesn't answer all prayers. Did He answer this prayer?:

Luke 22:42

"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."

Do you notice how Jesus prays? "yet not my will, but yours be done"? We don't know what we need, and much of what we ask for are things that are contrary to the Fathers will and planning. If there was ever a prayer He would have wanted to grant, it would be this one, yet if He had, then all would be dead in their sins. His plan was better, and Jesus allowed for it, as we should if we don't receive what we wanted.

The end truth is this:

John 14:21 Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him."

To abide is His love is to submit to His Lordship. Notice the last part...

I read most of that site, at least I think I did. It's easy to get lost in the layout. I also watched several of the videos. I think you, and proselytizers in general, have this impression that non-believers are such only because they've never heard the story before. I've heard all of this hundreds and hundreds of times. I was raised with it. I heard it in Sunday school and at mass. I hear it at funerals. People knock on my door at 7am to tell me. Even the people who adopted my cat when I had to give him up took 20 minutes to tell me about Jesus.

You can read something a hundred times and never understand it..and I don't think you do from what you have shared with me thus far. It's good that you remain open-minded; I appreciate that about you.

I get that they (and presumably, you) think you are doing a good thing, but saying the same thing over and over does not make progress. I cannot take things, especially such fantastic things, on such weak evidence. No matter how many people believe, it's not proof. No number of anecdotes will convince me that a man was resurrected and, even if he was, it would still not prove there was a God. It would only be something without a definite explanation.

I'm doing what the Lord told me to do, and because I care, and in the end all I will be able to say is that I am an unworthy servant who (hopefully) did his duty.

The resurrection is proof that every word He said is true, as it is when you receive the Holy Spirit. When I first met you, I perceived a spirit about you, and I imagined that perhaps you were some kind of pagan. When I found out you were agnostic it occured to me that perhaps you were an ex-Christian. Now, that I know I can see that you do have the Holy Spirit with you, but that the light has been dimmed to almost nothing. So, the sad irony is that God already gave you your proof but you are completely oblivious to it.

As for the Penn Jillette video you mention at, you're right, it's a nice story. I think you could learn something from the man that story is about. It's highly unlikely that you will ever convert anyone here but at the very least you'd be less despised if you weren't so angry and obnoxious all the time. You get more flies with honey than shit.

I cannot convert anyone, that is the work of the Holy Spirit. And I have been despised since the moment I came here and opened my mouth. Yes, I have said stupid things more than a few times, but I am only human. This has more to do with prejudice than anything else, and some people have recognized that and spoken out about it.
>> ^xxovercastxx:
>> ^shinyblurry:
If He showed up, would you give your life over to Him? I don't know if God is answering half-hearted prayers..

Penn Jillette: An Atheist's Guide to the 2012 Election

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

If He showed up, would you give your life over to Him? I don't know if God is answering half-hearted prayers..
You might also try to find out more about it.. ..there is a good penn jillette video there

At that time of my life I already had. It was the persistent lack of response that first got me to doubt it all. If there is a God, he's got a hell of a way of treating children.

I read most of that site, at least I think I did. It's easy to get lost in the layout. I also watched several of the videos. I think you, and proselytizers in general, have this impression that non-believers are such only because they've never heard the story before. I've heard all of this hundreds and hundreds of times. I was raised with it. I heard it in Sunday school and at mass. I hear it at funerals. People knock on my door at 7am to tell me. Even the people who adopted my cat when I had to give him up took 20 minutes to tell me about Jesus.

I get that they (and presumably, you) think you are doing a good thing, but saying the same thing over and over does not make progress. I cannot take things, especially such fantastic things, on such weak evidence. No matter how many people believe, it's not proof. No number of anecdotes will convince me that a man was resurrected and, even if he was, it would still not prove there was a God. It would only be something without a definite explanation.

As for the Penn Jillette video you mention at, you're right, it's a nice story. I think you could learn something from the man that story is about. It's highly unlikely that you will ever convert anyone here but at the very least you'd be less despised if you weren't so angry and obnoxious all the time. You get more flies with honey than shit.

If Quake was developed today...

coolhund says...

>> ^EvilDeathBee:

>> ^coolhund:
>> ^EvilDeathBee:
>> ^Harzzach:
Shooter have NOT evolved. They have devolved into a profit maximized mass product for idiots.
And ...

"Doom/quake/descent/etc appealed to a few thousand PC owners when they were released, the modern-military-competitive-online-multiplayer-first-person-shooters are purchased by millions of console owners on day one."

Lets eat shit. Billions of flies cant be wrong!

Yep, typical gamer comment "I don't like these games, therefore people who do are idiots."
The change of shooters over the years is the very definition of evolution. The games industry is still young and will continue to evolve.
You continue to blindly cling to the past and forget it wasn't all great, there were tons of shit games then as there are now. Only differences, now the industry is so much larger than it was back then, now with so many more games to choose from. Game development is also nothing like it was back then, with player expectations ridiculously high, it costs a lot more, is a lot more difficult, requires many more people and is a lot more risky.
"Maximize profits"? Try "Just trying to not go under".

Youre talking absolute bullshit. Yes, the industry is much larger now. But you simply dont get that thats the problem. In the past tehre were LOTS and LOTS new stuff. Hell, we even had, GASP!, SPACE SIMS!!!!
Sorry, but I seriously cant take you serious. You sound like a troll.

Listen, kid (I use the word kid because even though you're probably around 30, but you speak like an ignorant, simple minded, angry child) you wanna try to hide the fact you know nothing about the way the video games industry and the gaming market actually works. It's too obvious.

Alright then, kiddo. How does it work? But first let me tell you that I am talking to you like this BECAUSE you are talking like a kid with no clue at all and just wanting to spew out something. You want to talk seriously, prove first that youre not as extremely ignorant as your posts make you look like.

Indies show its still possible to make good games. Too bad those indies get bought by these big publishers if they do something good. Look at the devs that made Call of Juarez for example, what they turned into. The first part was a real good PC game, the second one was even on the PC version infested with autoaiming and the third part is just lol.

Go ahead and tell me how the gaming market works. Or any market for that matter. Are you one of those hardliner capitalists who dont even understand the system, but want it to stay the way it is, kiddo?
Go troll somewhere else, like on your console forums. Geez...

Two babies being saved from a hot, locked car

smooman says...

think about what being a good parent is all about......hmmmmm...... how about putting your kids first in everything that you do. leaving a child in a blistering car because he/she is just too much of a damn hassle for you to be carrying around while you got more important things to do, sure sounds like putting the child first to me.

Great Invention: Faucent Controlled By Hand Gestures

mintbbb says...

>> ^artician:

"Great Invention"? Yeah, because those motion-activated faucets that have taken over every bathroom in the world work SO well... </sarcasm>

First, shoot me for answering somebody who does sarcastic commments - but also who obviously does not do any cooking! These would not be for bathrooms, but for kitchens. I handle a lot of raw meat while making dinner, and you really don't want to touch anything until you have washed your hands. I can use my forearm to start the water flow, but it would be nice and easy to just wave my hand. And it is just not raw meats. My hands can be covered with oil, or something else sticky. You don't want to be touching anything before you get your hands clean (please also make touchless soap dispensers!)

Also, I am sure these cost and arm and a leg. So it is not very likely that I am going to get one in my KITCHEN any time soon. If you are so filthy that you'd want them in your bathroom also, you better get rich!

Playlists are underused (Geek Talk Post)

notarobot says...

I have about twenty playlists, and also help rbar with his excellent TED-talks list on the rare occasion that I catch a TED first. For me these playlists have mostly just been used as personal favorite lists so I can re-find videos of a particular subject more easily.

That being said, how can we use playlists more effectively? What more can they do for the sift?

The new Olympic sport: Cunt Punching!

eric3579 says...

Seeing a girl involved in this sort of stupid behavior is a first for me and quite unexpected. If it were guys I would think they're just idiots(no entertainment value), but I've always seen women as being a bit brighter then men and therefore not being involved in stupid shit like this (especially at this age). In the end it made me laugh, and I won't be as entertained next time a girl acts like a dorky boy.
>> ^dag:

I think I would have the same reaction of some dude being punched in the nuts. Oscar Wilde said that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit - genital punches would have to be a few levels below that. >> ^eric3579:
What is the reason many of you have a problem with this video? Is it because a guy is hitting a girl? Would you feel the same if it were a girl hitting a girl or a girl hitting a guy? It can't be just because they are doing something which seems crazy stupid. There's lots of that on the sift. It's also somewhat violent, but I've seen way worst unwanted and wanted horrific violence on the sift(fighting or someone getting KOed as an example), which I find way more offensive. I'm just not sure what people find so horrible. Is it an assumption being made by us about who these people are, and what they think? Someone throw me a bone.

The Reason for God

enoch says...

first let me thank both BRM and ryjkyj for reading my novella.very cool of both of you.i kinda put myself out there and you both didnt just outright laugh..i thank you both.
i understand.
the reason why i wrote that short novella was to put forth an alternative idea of god,not to push any form of ideology upon you.while it may be an ancient concept,it is not exactly a popular one.the people who attempted to make a community based on that ideology were wiped out.
hopefully it accomplished two things:
1.not every idea of god is based on theology.
2.that i do not pretend to hold secret knowledge,nor am i somehow more special than you due to my faith.
my faith is not based on a book nor a old white dude with a beard who watches from afar judging us all.
my ultimate goal was to paint a picture where those i converse with on the sift could know that i have no religion to offend.i wont take some slight against my ideas as some attack on my god based solely on dogma.
because i adhere to no dogma.

consciousness is one of my favorite discussions and something i have spent a great deal of time thinking about since i was a teen.
what is consciousness?
this is an ongoing question and one i feel is vitally important.we are still learning and the subject fascinates me.
i find this discussion more engrossing and challenging with atheists and other seekers.fundamentalists tend to be quite boring with this subject for obvious reasons.

i was just pointing out the literal translation but i understand why you would reject agnostic in a literal i does not really matter,i understand your point and desire for your position to not be confused in any way.
i am totally ok with that.

as for my thesis on god and the edict to "create".
you mention nuclear weapons.
good example.
let me add:murder,torture,domination,genocide.we could go all day.
conversely we could talk about:love,compassion,understanding,forgiveness.
my point was that the creator regards all these as the same,it is WE who deem them "good" or "evil".
that god experiences its own creation subjectively through us..all of us..while we experience gods creation every minute of everyday.
you being aware of this is not necessary because you do it naturally and is one of the main reasons why i would have been burned at the stake (and those that DID postulate this idea centuries ago were executed).religion becomes irrelevant with my scenario.
you are god..god is you and we are all connected.

we understand and relate to the universe through only FIVE sense...thats it..five.
our consciousness interacts with this universe using those senses.with the advent of more and more complicated tools which allow us to perceive the universe in a much more grand scale we have found that the universe keeps getting bigger,richer and far more poetic than any theology could EVER put forth.
evolution has more poetry and beauty then the book of genesis could ever think to muster.
(genesis is actually a metaphorical representation of kabballah)

i love science.
i am not particularly good at say bio-chem or the math of quantum physics (that math is beyond me)but i find each discovery a revelation concerning my faith.
to me science is the slow pulling back of the veil by way of exploration,curiosity and eventual understanding by way of testing physical evidence and/or repeatable,testable results.
these results tend to conflict with religious doctrine but totally coincide with my understanding of a creator.

consciousness is not a closed chapter but something we are still discussing,probing and attempting to when i use the term to describe god i do so in that light,not with any secret understanding.
so..according to my way of looking at things.if god created the universe from itself it would reside both outside time/space and also WITHIN time/space.
proveable? not a chance...hence=faith
we are talking about a consciousness that is literally the entire universe.a concept that would be hard for anybody to wrap their head around.
i do not pretend to understand this could i?
but i do know i see this consciousness manifesting all around me and it is constant.

i understand that both of you reject this ideology and i am totally ok with that.
in my eyes conversations such as these are more about sharing ideas than being right..or righteous.
my conclusions are my own and they are always changing as more information becomes available.
but i have to say that since i was a teen nothing i have read or learned has changed my position,in fact,it has strengthened it.

thank you both for being so kind and respectful towards my ideas.
i tend to avoid putting things like this out there because i get whacked by both sides..atheists AND religious.
you both have been very kind.
and i thank you.

The most incredible tool chest you may ever see

chicchorea says...

Where first escapes me sir, sorry. However, it has been represented in numerous magazine articles, woodworking and other. I believe even in National Geographic though I do not believe as a feature article. Books as well, some compilations of articles, tool books, shop books, and such. I have researched on the Net as well some years ago. I now think I may have seen it on TV as well but not with the more extensive views of its ingenious workings as Norm provided. I wish he had shown more of the inlay, particularly the Masonic symbolism incorporated. Some of the photos of this chest are truly tool and tool chest porn. The quality of the video does not do it justice at all.

I wonder at the cost in todays prices to reproduce the chest and tools. Some of the materials are rare to unobtainium. If one was able to procure some of the woods, finding the quality of wood, probably only available in the manufacturing of musical instruments would be challenging. Some rosewoods, for example, are not legally exported any longer.

It is a phenomenal piece of work. I once was given a 400 hundred year old Chinese tool chest. It was more a work of art than working art. ...hidden compartments and the whole bit. I was afraid to use it and had no use for it as an exhibition piece. No comparison to this one or its shadow.
>> ^arvana:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since October 15th, 2009" class="profilelink">chicchorea — How did you first hear about it? I had never seen it before, and I LOVE this kind of thing.

One at a Time

You Cannot Handle the Kitteh Cute!

Zaz - Je Veux (Live)

calvados says...

Lyrics (English translation first)!

Give me a suite at the Ritz hotel, I don't want that
Chanel's jewellery, I don't want that
Give me a limo, what would I do with it?
Offer me [servants], what would I do with [them]?
A mansion in Neufchatel, it's not for me
Offer me the Eiffel tower, what would I do with it?

I want love, joy, good spirit
It's not your money that will make me happy
I want to die with a hand on my heart
Let's go together, let's discover my freedom,
Forget all your prejudice, welcome to my reality

I'm fed up with your good manners, it's too much for me
I eat with my hands, I'm like that
I speak loud and I'm direct, sorry
Let's end the hypocrisy, I'm out of it
I'm tired of double-talks
Look at me, I'm not even mad at you, I'm just like that

I want love, joy, good spirit
It's not your money that will make me happy
I want to die with a hand on my heart
Let's go together, let's discover my freedom,
Forget all your prejudice, welcome to my reality


Donnez-moi une suite au Ritz, je n'en veux pas
Des bijoux de chez Chanel, je n'en veux pas
Donnez-moi une limousine, j'en ferais quoi ?
Offrez-moi du personnel, j'en ferais quoi ?
Un manoir a Neufchatel, ce n'est pas pour moi
Offrez-moi la Tour Eiffel, j'en ferais quoi ?

Je veux de l'amour, de la joie, de la bonne humeur
Ce n'est pas votre argent qui fera mon bonheur
Moi je veux crever la main sur le cœur
Allons ensemble, découvrir ma liberté
Oubliez donc tous vos clichés
Bienvenue dans ma réalité

J'en ai marre de vos bonnes manières, c'est trop pour moi
Moi je mange avec les mains et je suis comme ça
Je parle fort et je suis franche, excusez moi
Finie l'hypocrisie, moi je me casse de là
J'en ai marre des langues de bois
Regardez-moi, de toute manière je vous en veux pas et je suis comme ça

Je veux de l'amour, de la joie, de la bonne humeur
Ce n'est pas votre argent qui fera mon bonheur
Moi je veux crever la main sur le cœur
Allons ensemble, découvrir ma liberté
Oubliez donc tous vos clichés
Bienvenue dans ma réalité

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