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Paperman: Beautiful Disney Short Film

rychan says...

If you listen to the director's commentary (I saw him talk at Siggraph 2012), he basically agrees with you up until the point where he quits his job. The director says that the main character is being a wimp and hasn't done anything to deserve the woman until he shows the courage to really go after her.

Of course, that's just the fairy tale logic. Yes it's a bit stalkerish and impulsive.

lucky760 said:

Yes, that's the kind of love we and our children should all aspire to, the kind where you see someone much better looking than you who is so uninterested they don't hesitate to board a train. But no worries- as long as you watch them through a window and stalk them long enough, you'll be able to compel them to reciprocate.

Eric Clapton -Wonderful Tonight By Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Stormsinger says...

Yep, or Race to Witch Mountain or The Tooth Fairy...the first two we saw. After that, I went back to some of the Scorpion King flicks. The Tooth Fairy is particularly amusing...the Rock in a pink tutu is worth the price of admission all by itself.

ant said:

Like DOOM (my favorite computer game series) and The Scorpion King (poor ants)?

Latin America - Model for Growing Middle Class? -- TYT

nickshaw says...

Anyone who believes what Stank Finger has to say needs immediate help!
Just because socialist policies in a few countries has led to slightly better living conditions, for now, does not mean those gains will be sustained.
As Thatcher said, eventually socialists run out of other people's money and this is already happening in Venezuela!
Essentially, this is fairy tale reportage. I live there!

Atheist TV host boots Christian for calling raped kid "evil"

BicycleRepairMan says...

Defining the term is to me a largely semantic issue. The way I see it, most atheists are also agnostics, and most agnostics are atheists. The dictionary definition I would say is that atheists answer in the negative to questions like "Do you believe in God/That Jesus was the sun of god/that god created the universe/that Muhammed talked to god/other religious claims"

No, I do not believe in any of those things. Thus I am an atheist.

I am also an agnostic, because I can never be sure of anything. There might be tooth fairy for all I know.

Someone who calls themselves "agnostic" and avoids the term atheist, well, I cant speak for them, but I suppose they almost believe in god or something, or think its 50/50 or think that it is impossible to make up your mind.

To me, personally, It seems silly and non-descriptive for my view to use the term agnostic, since I'm agnostic about everything. I have no faith in any religious claim. so non-theistic, or a-theistic is a better fit to describe my view.

shinyblurry said:

An agnostic is someone who doesn't believe *or* disbelieve in God. An atheist is someone who believes God doesn't exist. If you think atheism means a "lack of belief" then watch this video by one of your contemporaries:

It all comes down to whether you are an honest or dishonest skeptic. An honest skeptic investigates. A dishonest skeptic doesn't want to know.

As far as this video goes, this show often has Christians on that don't know the bible, and don't understand apologetics, so they often get frustrated and say something that comes out the wrong way. The caller was trying to make some kind of point that we're all sinners but it was misplaced and ill-timed. It's not as if you can't find a billion examples of atheists saying the most horrible things. I just had an atheist tell me he wanted to crucify me the other day.

Piers Morgan - Alex Jones Goes 'Full Retard' Part 1

alcom says...

I'm sure the Jones Family farm is fortified to the nines with all manner of single shot, semi and fully automatic weapons.

I'm also quite sure a drone attack, an APC with half a dozen soldiers or a tank would make short work of his fairy-tale brand of home security if the US government really turned on its own people.

Really Alex Jones? What an exhausting waste of resources. He's clearly an impassioned activist. He could lobby for conservative values like fiscal responsibility and governmental accountability but he's really just telling the world how angry and violent many gun-toting Americans are.

Landslide Takes Out A Train

Sagemind says...

You do realize that sometimes things just happen when you are filming.
There is no magical "Event Fairy" that waits until no one is filming. I dobt he was set up, waiting for the slide. He was filming for some reason - one that I'm not going make up but sometimes things just get caught on film.

This looks pretty real to me.

Quadrophonic said:

I'm not one to call videos fake or so... but what in the hell was he filming? Why there? Why vertically?... so you could see exactly whats happening? Is that the guy from one of the X-Files who can't die and makes Photos from disasters?

spoco2 (Member Profile)

messenger (Member Profile)

Can I piss on you?’: Ed Asner gets the upper hand

Eric Hovind Debates a 6th Grader

TheSluiceGate says...

Let's cut to the chase here Shinyblurry:

You say that there's a John Smith (let's use that as a synonym for your god) , who lives close by, and he has absolute knowledge of the universe, and nothing can be known with certainty without his direct contact with me.

Let's for argument's sake say that, through whatever means, I become convinced by you that there is indeed this guy John Smith who does indeed have all this knowledge...

So how can I get to meet this wonderful John Smith gent? Does he actually even exist? Is he entirely made up? Is his existence some form of delusion, like a folk legend about fairies at the end of the garden? Have you dreamed of him while high on drugs? How can I work this out?

You say proof has to come through personal revelation by sincerely inviting him into your life, but this is *entirely* false. I was brought up a catholic, went to religious schooling, was baptised, made my communion, and confirmed, I preyed to him regularly. I did more than just invite him into my life, I spoke to him, and sometimes even pleaded with him, but I have never, ever, received any indication of any kind, no matter how minuscule, that he actually existed.

Even Matt Dillahunty ( was raised a Baptist, and sought to become a minister, but now he is one of the world's most highly regarded proponents of secularism and atheism.

And what about all the existing ministers that leave religious orders and become atheists? There are currently organisations set up in the USA (such as The Clergy Project - to help these people integrate back into society. I also personally know an ordained priest who left the priesthood on becoming an atheist.

Without you first proving that your god exists I can't entertain any notions that he may have any knowledge about anything. You've told me that this can be done by inviting him into your life, but this is entirely and demonstrably false.

In the absence of any proof / revelation that this omnipotent all knowing god of which you speak even exists, I'm afraid the knowledge you claim that he has must remain unproven too.

Jump the first hurdle of a god's existence, until then we're wasting our time debating what you claim he knows.

Walmart on strike

MrMark4000 says...

LOL...I am not christian. I don't believe in fairy tales. Secondly, there is such as a thing as Pro-Choice. Thirdly, who is to say that only women with 3 kids and asshole husbands work at Walmart. You are acting more like the Christian with your terrible logic. >> ^dag:

Yeah, screw her for making a bad decision and then trying to support her kids. Onward Christian soldiers.>> ^MrMark4000:
I don't recall forcing her to have 3 kids with an A-hole! lol.
>> ^dag:
Sure great idea. Tell the single mom whose alcoholic husband left her with 3 kids, to quit working at Walmart. Genius idea - you've obviously got it all figured out. >> ^MrMark4000:
retaliate by not working at Walmart, quit smoking, quit drinking, eat better, AND get an education. If the place you are living at cannot provide you with the jobs you need to succeed then move. Nothing hurts a business more than money leaving the economy.

ant (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

In reply to this comment by ant:
"And then?"

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
OK. You lady can go first.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:

I will throw mandures at your pretty face.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
But I don't want to be squished by your ugly/smelly/dirty foot, honey.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
It better be clean!

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
OK, now I think I will have to terminate you.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Thank you. As for identity, I was pointing out the typo. ;

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Nice mugshot! You look very nice. :

Thank you very much and you don't look so bad yourself antinator ;

As for my identity...I thought we had established I was a fairy! :

Yu dun lik spellng mstks du u? Duz thes driv u krazee?

I'd like to see you try tough guy. Just keep in mind that I carry a can of raid in my purse.

Mmm, Raid. I love sniffing that.

....and there's always my foot.

That would be the least of your worries dear ant.

I'll step in a BIG steamy pile of manure before the big s-q-u-i-s-h...smells even better than Raid.

*licks lips* Bring it on antinator, bring it on...

If I go first, you'll be a sticky mess beneath my shoe.

And then??? Well I guess it would all be over for you at that point wouldn't it?

ant (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

In reply to this comment by ant:
OK. You lady can go first.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:

I will throw mandures at your pretty face.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
But I don't want to be squished by your ugly/smelly/dirty foot, honey.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
It better be clean!

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
OK, now I think I will have to terminate you.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Thank you. As for identity, I was pointing out the typo. ;

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Nice mugshot! You look very nice. :

Thank you very much and you don't look so bad yourself antinator ;

As for my identity...I thought we had established I was a fairy! :

Yu dun lik spellng mstks du u? Duz thes driv u krazee?

I'd like to see you try tough guy. Just keep in mind that I carry a can of raid in my purse.

Mmm, Raid. I love sniffing that.

....and there's always my foot.

That would be the least of your worries dear ant.

I'll step in a BIG steamy pile of manure before the big s-q-u-i-s-h...smells even better than Raid.

*licks lips* Bring it on antinator, bring it on...

If I go first, you'll be a sticky mess beneath my shoe.

ant (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

In reply to this comment by ant:

I will throw mandures at your pretty face.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
But I don't want to be squished by your ugly/smelly/dirty foot, honey.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
It better be clean!

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
OK, now I think I will have to terminate you.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Thank you. As for identity, I was pointing out the typo. ;

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Nice mugshot! You look very nice. :

Thank you very much and you don't look so bad yourself antinator ;

As for my identity...I thought we had established I was a fairy! :

Yu dun lik spellng mstks du u? Duz thes driv u krazee?

I'd like to see you try tough guy. Just keep in mind that I carry a can of raid in my purse.

Mmm, Raid. I love sniffing that.

....and there's always my foot.

That would be the least of your worries dear ant.

I'll step in a BIG steamy pile of manure before the big s-q-u-i-s-h...smells even better than Raid.

*licks lips* Bring it on antinator, bring it on...

ant (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

In reply to this comment by ant:
But I don't want to be squished by your ugly/smelly/dirty foot, honey.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
It better be clean!

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
OK, now I think I will have to terminate you.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Thank you. As for identity, I was pointing out the typo. ;

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Nice mugshot! You look very nice. :

Thank you very much and you don't look so bad yourself antinator ;

As for my identity...I thought we had established I was a fairy! :

Yu dun lik spellng mstks du u? Duz thes driv u krazee?

I'd like to see you try tough guy. Just keep in mind that I carry a can of raid in my purse.

Mmm, Raid. I love sniffing that.

....and there's always my foot.

That would be the least of your worries dear ant.

I'll step in a BIG steamy pile of manure before the big s-q-u-i-s-h...smells even better than Raid.

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