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ant (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

In reply to this comment by ant:
It better be clean!

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
OK, now I think I will have to terminate you.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Thank you. As for identity, I was pointing out the typo. ;

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Nice mugshot! You look very nice. :

Thank you very much and you don't look so bad yourself antinator ;

As for my identity...I thought we had established I was a fairy! :

Yu dun lik spellng mstks du u? Duz thes driv u krazee?

I'd like to see you try tough guy. Just keep in mind that I carry a can of raid in my purse.

Mmm, Raid. I love sniffing that.

....and there's always my foot.

That would be the least of your worries dear ant.

ant (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

In reply to this comment by ant:
In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
OK, now I think I will have to terminate you.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Thank you. As for identity, I was pointing out the typo. ;

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Nice mugshot! You look very nice. :

Thank you very much and you don't look so bad yourself antinator ;

As for my identity...I thought we had established I was a fairy! :

Yu dun lik spellng mstks du u? Duz thes driv u krazee?

I'd like to see you try tough guy. Just keep in mind that I carry a can of raid in my purse.

Mmm, Raid. I love sniffing that.

....and there's always my foot.

ant (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

In reply to this comment by ant:
OK, now I think I will have to terminate you.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Thank you. As for identity, I was pointing out the typo. ;

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Nice mugshot! You look very nice. :

Thank you very much and you don't look so bad yourself antinator ;

As for my identity...I thought we had established I was a fairy! :

Yu dun lik spellng mstks du u? Duz thes driv u krazee?

I'd like to see you try tough guy. Just keep in mind that I carry a can of raid in my purse.

ant (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

Pocket Poland - Colorful, Fun Tilt Shift

Never Before Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals

chingalera says...

By the way, some of the best fun I had living in San Fran was fucking with Mormon missionaries on the street there...asking them to show me their garment to prove I was dealing with real reps of the church, arguing fairy tales over dogma, OH, and keep telling the older one to "shut up" that I was talking to the younger one....That really fucks em up!

Bill Nye: Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children

hpqp says...

>> ^Murgy:

>> ^hpqp:
>> ^PostalBlowfish:
In the sense that Creationism is basically a fairy tale, it is appropriate for children. Unfortunately, it's not treated like that. It becomes part of an indoctrination that discourages critical thinking, and there is no question to me that such indoctrination is abuse.

I would not want my kids to be read the kinds of "fairy tales" found in the Bible. The Grimm tales are dark enough, without adding incest, genocide and mass genital mutilation to the mix. The Bible is more like Ovid's Metamorphoses; an important piece of literature you don't put into small children's hands.

Having read through Metamorphoses, I can honestly say I found far less basic ethical transgressions present than in the Christian Bible. Modern day societal value inconsistencies were about equal between the two books, assuming one accounts for the differences in length.
Now don't get me wrong here, I don't consider myself a literary historian, but when spending a day sick in bed one will find Wikipedia taking them in strange directions.

I agree 100% about the nonequivalence in moral transgressions. My point of comparison between the two was more how they both are cultural milestones whose influence permeate much of human artistic production and in that sense are an important part of adult cultural baggage, but not childhood teaching tools (Ovid perhaps more for the wtf-ishness).

Bill Nye: Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children

Murgy says...

>> ^hpqp:

>> ^PostalBlowfish:
In the sense that Creationism is basically a fairy tale, it is appropriate for children. Unfortunately, it's not treated like that. It becomes part of an indoctrination that discourages critical thinking, and there is no question to me that such indoctrination is abuse.

I would not want my kids to be read the kinds of "fairy tales" found in the Bible. The Grimm tales are dark enough, without adding incest, genocide and mass genital mutilation to the mix. The Bible is more like Ovid's Metamorphoses; an important piece of literature you don't put into small children's hands.

Having read through Metamorphoses, I can honestly say I found far less basic ethical transgressions present than in the Christian Bible. Modern day societal value inconsistencies were about equal between the two books, assuming one accounts for the differences in length.

Now don't get me wrong here, I don't consider myself a literary historian, but when spending a day sick in bed one will find Wikipedia taking them in strange directions.

Of Montreal - A Sentence Of Sorts In Kongsvinger

ant (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

In reply to this comment by ant:
Is this godperson on VS? If so, then who? Oooh, I am the sweetest ant to you. YAY! :

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
And who was that? I thought I was the only sweet person (actually an ant).

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Nice. I wonder if anyone will notice it in your photo. ;

So, where are MY wings?

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
Check it out! I grew another wing!! :

Hehe, a very sweet person noticed our conversation and used their fairy powers to make this new avatar for me. Maybe someone will put some wings on you too. ;

It is my fairy godperson. Yes, you are in a totally different category...but the sweetest ant I know.

Oh yes, definitely on VS. You are a very curious ant aren't you? Do you want wings THAT badly??

ant (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

In reply to this comment by ant:
And who was that? I thought I was the only sweet person (actually an ant).

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Nice. I wonder if anyone will notice it in your photo. ;

So, where are MY wings?

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
Check it out! I grew another wing!! :

Hehe, a very sweet person noticed our conversation and used their fairy powers to make this new avatar for me. Maybe someone will put some wings on you too. ;

It is my fairy godperson. Yes, you are in a totally different category...but the sweetest ant I know.

ant (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

In reply to this comment by ant:
Prove it. ;

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
You too. We don't want to lose you. ;

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
OK. ;

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Grow one. :

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
That shiny thing behind you looks like a wing.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Any. Or maybe a winged fairy?

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Nice mugshot. You look like a princess? Which one? :

A princess??? Really? Who?

Ahhhh, must be my new crown that is making you think royal thoughts. ; A winged fairy - now THAT would be fun! I could fly and grant wishes. :

Haha! It does, doesn't it? : Now I just need a matching wing for the other side.

A little magic fairy dust makes anything possible. : I'll throw some your way too so that you can be a flying ant.

Just stay away from frogs...

No worries....frogs turn into princes for me. ;

Haven't you ever read the story "The Frog Prince"? Everyone knows that if you kiss a frog it will turn into a prince. Just remember that when you're about to be eaten Mr "winged" ant!

ant (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

In reply to this comment by ant:
You too. We don't want to lose you. ;

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
OK. ;

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Grow one. :

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
That shiny thing behind you looks like a wing.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Any. Or maybe a winged fairy?

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Nice mugshot. You look like a princess? Which one? :

A princess??? Really? Who?

Ahhhh, must be my new crown that is making you think royal thoughts. ; A winged fairy - now THAT would be fun! I could fly and grant wishes. :

Haha! It does, doesn't it? : Now I just need a matching wing for the other side.

A little magic fairy dust makes anything possible. : I'll throw some your way too so that you can be a flying ant.

Just stay away from frogs...

No worries....frogs turn into princes for me.

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