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Meerkats vs Puff Adder

Crosswords says...

if you ever watch meerkat manor there's a couple of times the "whiskers" face off against deadly snakes. Meerkats seem to handle the venom much better than people, but it can still be deadly or at the very least extremely debilitating.

National Geographic needs to drop this commentator(not the first one of their documentaries he's ruined), its an educational documentary, not America's Funniest Home Videos.


Shepppard says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
Wait, this isn't a full-length film? I saw a preview for this MONTHS ago (if it's the same movie) and haven't heard anything about it since. I need to go go bed, but is this the one where Star Wars fan boys meet up with and fight Star Trek fan boys?

>> ^kulpims:
no, this is the one where rebel alliance tricks a fan into stealing a copy of the new SW movie from the cinema

No..this is definately the one where the two sets of fanboys face off. It's not much, but there's a preview showing them arguing with a bunch of trekkies infront of a statue of picard...which eventually gets run over.

The "biologically unfunny" CRITTTTER & GWIZ are SILVER!!! (Pets Talk Post)

The "biologically unfunny" CRITTTTER & GWIZ are SILVER!!! (Pets Talk Post)

Moment of Truth Destroys Marriage

Kevlar says...

I'm sorry; I should clarify that I think it was chilling in that (considering the NY Post article I linked) this couple would be willing to publicly suffer this shame for the extra money. Sure, it's a lot of money, but should I join the Melt Your Face Off 2009 competition for that kind of cash? Live in a tank with insects for a week? What kind of road does that lead to, and what does it say that that's the only option we're given in the realm of this new entertainment?

Sure, there's American Idol, but even that is laced with vitriol (read: Cowell, Simon). Just a weird world we live in, I guess. I'll stop rambling.

blankfist (Member Profile)

The Man who can take off half his face :/

my15minutes says...

i was almost waiting for that doctor to say, "and i'm not just the chief implant technician, i'm also a client!!" and snap half of her face off.

they did an amazing piece of work for that guy. i'm also impressed that it can keep that facial cavity sterile enough.

US Soldiers engage Taliban in the Mountains of Afghanistan

rougy says...

Probably those pesky kids asking for money again....

I say this without malice, but as a humanist, and an American:

Someday, guys like that are going to actually have to face off with people who have equivalent armament and logistical support.

And it's not going to be very fucking funny or fun...when that comes to pass.

"Sickem Fido"

Ron Paul faces off with John McCain, gets booed

MINK (Member Profile)

Farhad2000 says...

Yes, it was the last film I watched before leaving Canada. It was very touching, I had always enjoyed Edith Piaf's songs got exposed to her via my mum the first time I watched Saving Private Ryan, she can be heard singing in the last scene before the soliders face off against the advancing germans. My mum said it was Edith Piaf. Later on I came across her songs, some of them are on VS.

The movie was amazing, I was afraid that the actress wouldn't be able to capture her intensity but she pulled it off, very touching... I think the most touching scene for me personally was when her lover died, she sees him come to her...she runs out to find his gift... her servants stand eerily silent... slowly it dawns on you that he is dead and she is the last person to understand that.

The ending was beautiful, it managed to show her as being a talented woman with many flaws as well, in effect it humanized her.

This film along with the Black Book were the best cinema experiences I had before coming back to Kuwait where movies are butchered for censorship purposes.

In reply to this comment by MINK:
glad you liked the edith piaf, you seen the film?

Top Gear reviews the Atom: better than a supercar

Awesome Introduction for 'Dead Rising' Video Game

wildmanBill says...

I only played this game for a little bit the other day but was blown away at how interactive the environment is. EVERYTHING in the mall can be used as a weapon EVERYTHING. And the subplots are just as interesting as the main storyline such as a cult of doomsday prophets setting up human sacrifices in the movie theater and so forth. My favorite thing to do is grab a frying pan in the food court and heat it up on the stove so I can burn the faces off the zombies with it, Ball-Flexin' Horrorshow for sure!

Corey Feldman Serves You All

The Chateau Fight Scene from Matrix Reloaded

Nicolas Cage Cannot Be Rattled: SMAP X SMAP (Japan)

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