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the evolution of nicolas cage's hair

skinnydaddy1 says...

Funny, I was not much of a Nicolas cage fan until Raising Arizona and I still say the best scene he did was In Face Off. The Opening when he is the bad guy. They screw it up when he becomes the good guy. I'm waiting for Him to play another Good bad guy. He would be awesome.

Dan Savage - BF Won't Go Down on his GF After Sex

Grizzly Cub Likes His Bucket

Nicolas Cage Losing His Shit

Opus_Moderandi says...

>> ^Sarzy:

And here's the list of films, if you're curious (I know I'm going to be renting Vampire's Kiss ASAP):
0’09 - 0’30 Vampire’s Kiss
0’30 - 0’32 Ghost Rider
0’32 - 0’50 Vampire’s Kiss
0’50 - 1’11 Deadfall
1’11 - 1’19 Vampire’s Kiss
1’19 - 1’35 Deadfall (x2), Face/Off, Red Rock West (x2), Deadfall
1’35 - 1’43 The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call
1’43 - 1’47 Matchstick Men
1’47 - 1’52 Leaving Las Vegas
1’52 - 1’55 Vampire’s Kiss
1’55 - 2’03 Bringing Out the Dead, Face/Off (x2), 8mm, Adaptation, Wild at Heart
2’03 - 2’17 Windtalkers, Raising Arizona, Bringing Out the Dead, The Wicker Man
2’17 - 2’21 Vampire’s Kiss
2’21 - 2’34 Deadfall
2’35 - 3’10 The Wicker Man
3’10 - 3’19 Deadfall
3’19 - 3’37 The Wicker Man
3’37 - 3’43 Ghost Rider
3’43 - 4’10 Zandalee

What? Nothing from Birdy?

Nicolas Cage Losing His Shit

Sarzy says...

And here's the list of films, if you're curious (I know I'm going to be renting Vampire's Kiss ASAP):

0’09 - 0’30 Vampire’s Kiss

0’30 - 0’32 Ghost Rider

0’32 - 0’50 Vampire’s Kiss

0’50 - 1’11 Deadfall

1’11 - 1’19 Vampire’s Kiss

1’19 - 1’35 Deadfall (x2), Face/Off, Red Rock West (x2), Deadfall

1’35 - 1’43 The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call

1’43 - 1’47 Matchstick Men

1’47 - 1’52 Leaving Las Vegas

1’52 - 1’55 Vampire’s Kiss

1’55 - 2’03 Bringing Out the Dead, Face/Off (x2), 8mm, Adaptation, Wild at Heart

2’03 - 2’17 Windtalkers, Raising Arizona, Bringing Out the Dead, The Wicker Man

2’17 - 2’21 Vampire’s Kiss

2’21 - 2’34 Deadfall

2’35 - 3’10 The Wicker Man
3’10 - 3’19 Deadfall

3’19 - 3’37 The Wicker Man

3’37 - 3’43 Ghost Rider

3’43 - 4’10 Zandalee

TOP 10 HOTTEST GIRLS at New York Comic Con 2010

TOP 10 HOTTEST GIRLS at New York Comic Con 2010

Valedictorian Speaks Out Against Schooling

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^blankfist:
@<A rel="nofollow" class=profilelink title="member since May 3rd, 2010" href="">Lawdeedaw, but that's my point. Your take on public schools sounds like a monolithic one-size-fits-all system. That's what it means, it seems, when people say "it takes a society" to raise the kids. But does it? I thought it took the parents. They decided to have the children; I didn't. No other person was responsible for them having their kids. On that point, I don't have children, so don't you think I should have ZERO say in how a school system is structured?
You want "good, fair and harsh" discipline for those who fail, but what about parents (or teenager students for that matter) who don't want that type of discipline? Certainly we should have individual choice how our kids are disciplined, let alone how and what we teach them. Some parents believe in corporal punishment while others do not. Should one group's wishes outweigh the next?
But a public school system is a one-size-fits-all system where the larger group's wishes outweighs the smaller group's wishes. It's always been that way. When I was in school at an early age, teachers were allowed to paddle us, and the parents had no say in the matter. Was it fair that parents and children had to accept public school paddling without any recourse at all? What if a teacher had a grudge against a kid? What if a teacher got off on spanking children? What if the teacher left bruises and welts?
The reason I believe we should get rid of public school is because it's a terrible failure. And it doesn't address the individual needs of parents and children. What if a kid knew what they wanted to be, or at least had a strong interest in some field or industry (medicine, filmmaking, etc.), wouldn't it be cool if there were schools (or tutors) that catered to that without having to teach the horrible 'no kid left behind' one-size-fits-all curriculum passed down by the Dept. of Education? I think so.

Let me give a recent example of no-responsibility members of society fucking things up for parents. My brother does not want children nor can he even stand them. I have three children, all girls 3 and under. Well, my mom got remarried and her dictate was for all the children to have fun during the reception. Fine and well.

They were having a blast. They were screaming and running as kids do, and my brother got furious. Mom was cool with it, even if her wedding had been very formal. My brother said, "If I wanted fucking screaming, I would have went to god damn Jumberee." I said, bro, calm down and watch your tounge when you speak about my kids. "No, I fucking hate kids."

Now, knowing my brother was speaking directly about all children, including my own, I almost punched his face off his chin. That would have had me in cuffs and would have certainly affected how I raise my children and how my children would have saw me. His responsibility was to not attend the wedding if he had a problem with children---or he could have shut up. Period. But since he has a responsibility-free mindset, that it is not his problem but he can interject his opinion where it is not wanted or relevant, I have to suffer.

His mindset is, “Why should I not attend my mother’s wedding because of your kids? And why should I have to put up with their screaming?” Well, you don’t raise my kids, don’t love them or care for them, so stfu bro. Mom invited me and my kids, so put up with them. If you demand they change bro, then put in some fucking effort and teach them! You cannot have it both ways.

The Trunk Monkey 2

Sift-Up Jerusalem june 2010

3 years designing the ultimate Sim City

Epic Beard Man - The Documentary

Djevel says...

That dude is a nutball. When I first watched the video, I admit I was like "Yeah! Don't let no punk keep ya down, dude!" until he got off the bus and started screeching. Then I was more "o_O" and began to wonder what the hell was going on. As the details came in, I actually kinda felt bad for the Easy E look alike. Two mouths, facing was mentally disturbed and the other was inebriated. Easy kinda got the brunt of the conflict, in the end.

And it's just surreal watching my friends get all "fluttery" at their new "great white hope" and his "beat down of gangsta's". I don't think we even have gangsta's here...I'm not exactly sure what they are basing their fear on other than "Menace II Society" and the moanings of young white women to "rap music".

Ah, well.

Japan's strangest man

peggedbea says...

i wanted to downvote on principle, and because im pretentious as fuck all.
but i found myself smiling my face off around the 0:45 mark and it didnt stop. so
wonderful upvotes! for this happy making man!

but no, he definitely is NOT the strangest thing in japan.

Is this the best, or the worst game ever?

mxxcon says...

It is actually a game

Sumotori Dreams is a small demoscene game created by Peter Sotesz for the Breakpoint 2007 96k game competition (it took first). The premise is simple: two self-balancing physics rigs face off in a sumo ring. The first rig to fall over loses. The implementation is simple but satisfying, and is well supported by solid physics, decent lighting, and good camera work. You can play against a computer opponent, but the real fun is playing Sumotori against a friend on the same keyboard.

Tea Party Patriots laugh at Lost Daughter And Grandchild

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