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Who wants chowdah? (Kids Talk Post)

Fusionaut says...

When I was about 3 or 4 I climbed up on to the gate in our backyard. I proceeded to swing back and forth on it having a fantastic time. wheeee! But when I was ready to stop I looked down and it was scary! I was only about half a foot off the ground but to me that was waaaay too far to jump. The only thing I could do was hang on for dear life and scream my face off. "Mommy, mommy! Help! Help! I'm stuck!"

Now, apparently when I was this age I was always crying wolf, trying to get my parents to come see something or other. On this particular day my Mum decided to ignore me, since I was never in any real emergency, and teach me a thing or two. So there I was screaming bloody murder for a looooong time. It might have been only 15 minutes but when you're 4 years old that's like 1/4 of your entire life.

Eventually my Mum looked out and saw me hanging on to that gate and came and rescued me. She felt bad about not coming out earlier. mwahaha

Police State - Right to Assembly We Do Not Have

TheFreak says...

I think very few of these cops are actually evil or have any ill intent towards the public's right to assembly. They're just stupid.

What do you expect from a group of people with barely a high school education who are asked to deal regularly with psychologically distressing situations? These are not people who have the intellectual depth to make sense of their day to day lives. These are people pushed to the edge of primal instinct by the nature of their jobs. Then you give them an order to carry out maneuvers that they've been trained to perform without thought and set them up with the psychological mindset that everyone not wearing a uniform is the enemy. If you ask them to intellectualize the situation they're in, they're too dumb to do anything but scowl at you and make threats.

Cops acting stupidly is not the root of the problem. They're the symptom of a problem that's resulted from the slow deterioration of your liberties by well intentioned bureaucrats over decades.

Furthermore, these morons facing off in the street against cops are nothing more than thrill seekers. If you actually care about reversing the legal minimalisation of your right to assemble then the only effective way is through legislation. That's how your rights were taken away and that's the only way to get them back.

The Seattle Craigslist sex scandal (Terrible Talk Post)

rebuilder says...

It's easy to get worked up over this, call the guy an asshole, the whole shebang. And he is an asshole. But that's all pointless. This will keep happening as long as people expose themselves like the people involved here did. You could make laws against it, but that's not going to get the victim's faces off the net. The only solutions are to develop vetting systems and security procedures for these confidentials sites that aim to minimize the chance of trolling and, for the individual, to simply refrain from posting personally identifiable information on-line. Anything else is just hot air.

Crocodile befriends future dinner

Guy Movies (Cinema Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Your ideas are fascinating to me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

>> ^Drax:
Take a certain movie and slap a label on it "This is a guy movie.", "This is a chick flick." and you get these arguments. Now I have noticed that movies recently do get made with the idea of what audience they'll appeal to, and I think now a lot of work goes into figuring out the magical androgynous formula to pull both audiences together so everyone can go out after and talk about it over coffee or get laid (which ever just happens to be the most applicable scenario), but call me naive or whatever but I think there was a time where people just made movies and let them fall where they landed.
Here's some of my favorites, I guess most are guy flicks.. I dunno.. I just enjoy them. If a girl likes any of these too that's great, Id hope anyone can just approach a movie as "it's a movie", and keep an open mind.
Die Hard - Only the original. It's a freaking classic, not just a good action movie. So many little details worked out that there's a scene where you can see a whole sub-plot silently occurring based on one of the character's facial expressions. When Gruber puts the coke fiend on the radio to talk to McClane watch all of McClane's facial expressions.
Way of the Gun - This is another movie where entire conversations occur between characters without a word being spoken. The shoot out at the end is incredible and well thought out.
SE7EN - David Fincher at his best.
Aliens - Video games will never stop quoting from this movie (or stealing ideas from it). Can't wait for Avatar (no, not the cartoon).
The Hudsucker Proxy - One of the best comedies no one's seen.
Face / Off - Cheesy over the top in the best possible way. John Woo's best American movie IMO (Hard Boiled being his best period).
Event Horizon - Many don't like this flick, I loved it. The whole scientific concept of hell being this other place of pure chaos that this ship slipped into really drew me in.
I've got a ton more, but I'll stop here. Why do I like these movies? Because they're fun in some form or fashion.
And soon as Hollywood can get back to making movies that aren't based off something from 10-20 years ago I'll get back into being a movie buff.
Oh and PS, I SOOO Want to see Antichrist too. Looks like some really F'ed up horror.

Pit Bull Viciously Attacks News Anchor With Love and Slobber

budzos says...

Fuck pitbulls, and FUCK YOU pitbull owners. Go pursue an inane cause that doesn't require everyone around you to accept the premise that "don't worry, this bomb I bring everywhere won't go off while your kids are around. I'm a responsible bomb owner. Just don't make any sudden movements or anything that could potentially be taken as a threat, around my totally harmless bomb, or otherwise it might harmlessly rip your fucking face off."

The first time I let my dog within biting distance of a friend's Pit, she got bitten really hard, even though the owners were my friends, the dog knew me, and everyone was gathered around urging the Pit to be calm as we introduced the dogs. No warning, their Pit just clamped on the fucking neck of my black lab. If not for an instantaneous and well-placed kick in the side of the face from the Pit's owner, my dog's jugular probably would have been ripped in two. I imagined how I would feel if it had been my niece or nephews, and came to this conclusion: FUCK PITBULLS.... just because they're licking your face one moment doesn't mean they're not going to eat it off you the first fuckign excuse you give them.

The other weak-ass part of Pit owners' argument is this: When a black lab or even a german shephard decides to bite a person, a second person of reasonable strength can rescue that first person from the dog (if the first person can't rescue themselves). This is not really the case with Pits, unless the third person is willing to put themselves at risk (by trying to "wheelbarrow" the Pit for instance), or become seriously violent and murderous in attacking the dog (by picking up a brick and bludgeoning it in the fucking skull).

Wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Guy Movies (Cinema Talk Post)

Drax says...

Take a certain movie and slap a label on it "This is a guy movie.", "This is a chick flick." and you get these arguments. Now I have noticed that movies recently do get made with the idea of what audience they'll appeal to, and I think now a lot of work goes into figuring out the magical androgynous formula to pull both audiences together so everyone can go out after and talk about it over coffee or get laid (which ever just happens to be the most applicable scenario), but call me naive or whatever but I think there was a time where people just made movies and let them fall where they landed.

Here's some of my favorites, I guess most are guy flicks.. I dunno.. I just enjoy them. If a girl likes any of these too that's great, Id hope anyone can just approach a movie as "it's a movie", and keep an open mind.

Die Hard - Only the original. It's a freaking classic, not just a good action movie. So many little details worked out that there's a scene where you can see a whole sub-plot silently occurring based on one of the character's facial expressions. When Gruber puts the coke fiend on the radio to talk to McClane watch all of McClane's facial expressions.

Way of the Gun - This is another movie where entire conversations occur between characters without a word being spoken. The shoot out at the end is incredible and well thought out.

SE7EN - David Fincher at his best.

Aliens - Video games will never stop quoting from this movie (or stealing ideas from it). Can't wait for Avatar (no, not the cartoon).

The Hudsucker Proxy - One of the best comedies no one's seen.

Face / Off - Cheesy over the top in the best possible way. John Woo's best American movie IMO (Hard Boiled being his best period).

Event Horizon - Many don't like this flick, I loved it. The whole scientific concept of hell being this other place of pure chaos that this ship slipped into really drew me in.

I've got a ton more, but I'll stop here. Why do I like these movies? Because they're fun in some form or fashion.

And soon as Hollywood can get back to making movies that aren't based off something from 10-20 years ago I'll get back into being a movie buff.

Oh and PS, I SOOO Want to see Antichrist too. Looks like some really F'ed up horror.

Palin Resigns as Governer of Alaska!

inflatablevagina says...

I hate her more than most people on this Earth. All women should be pissed at her for making us all look like morons.

If she were to run, and by some bad thing win...I'd have to move to another country.
I live in Texas. They are already pushing the Palin 2012 stickers... I'd rather eat my own face off.

Hookers for Jesus

What's Scarier Than Scary Mask

Mega Classroom Jump

vairetube says...

i think its called pack the fudge or stack the fag or break your fuckin face off or something in that vein.

i remember reading about this game... was it the great brain or roald dahl or something else... shit.

it wouldnt be america because the kids are somewhat cooperating towards a common goal... perhaps european.

I Love You

Skateboarding Chimp Wipeout

Weed And Driving

Peroxide says...

Yeah, deedub81, you've obviously never used if you think that the symptoms you cited last longer than 24 hours, let alone 2 hours...

I love the Neo-cons who have children that drink their faces off at parties and end up getting their stomach pumped. "At least my kids aren't using illegal drugs!"

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