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“Sofaking” JD Vance - I F#@ked A Couch

newtboy says...

When you are nothing but angry and stupid, everything you do is ugly, angry, and stupid.
He cannot help himself.
Trolls gonna troll.
Once MAGA dies in November his tiny bit of usefulness will expire and it may be time for siftquisition.

noims said:

What the hell does this have to do with this video?

It's fair enough making arguments or even trolling on political threads - it's fun watching a newt obliterate your arguments - but don't pollute the rest of the sift with spam.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Just because it’s fun to remind you….YES he was found to be guilty of actually raping Carroll in a court of law, in civil court.
He was not found guilty (but absolutely not found not guilty) of the criminal charge of rape only because she didn’t come forward until after the statute of limitations expired, but as a legal fact he was found to be guilty of having raped her. 😂

Learn facts, not just “alternative facts”, nutjob.

bobknight33 said:

Not found guilty of raping Carrol..

Learn FACTS Nutboy

Abortion Rights: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Don’t say nobody warned you.

The Supreme Court of Alabama (surprise) ruled that fertilized eggs (mainly from IVF patients) are people and anyone destroying fertilized eggs or allowing them to expire can be charged with their deaths.

This means anyone in Alabama who’s tried IVF now has an obligation to try to birth them all (they can only live frozen for so long, and if you don’t try to save them by implantation then you become a murderer many times over).

This means any facility storing frozen embryos is in a catch 22 if the parents die…they must find a birth mother for every one because destroying them or allowing them to die is murder.

Expect IVF and other fertility treatments to end in Alabama, anyone practicing it risks murder charges under the best circumstances.

Expect Texas to follow suit, they’re probably sick about the fact that they didn’t think of it themselves.

The next step is the same thing for frozen unfertilized eggs or sperm- use them or face charges, then it’s outlawing birth control. Hide and watch.

Edit- if you live in a red state and have stored eggs, sperm, or embryos you should look into moving them to a blue state or destroying them while you can.

How Bad is The Cost of Living Squeeze In the US?

newtboy says...

Your mantra.
“I can’t deny that Bidenomics has improved every single measure of our economy significantly after the record setting abject disaster of Trumps last year in office and the lingering effects of its apocalyptic mismanagement, but it will get worse someday, so Bidenomics is a failure.”
You can’t point to a single metric of economics that hasn’t significantly improved under Biden. NOT ONE. “It will get worse.” is not related to reality, it’s just your own wishful thinking, hoping for America to fail.

Such idiotic nonsense. Nothing has been worse for the economy than Republican leadership. Every recession in recent history was under Republicans because of republican policies, every economic recovery was under Democrats thanks to democratic policies. The vast majority of inflation was due to Trump spending like a drunken sailor with mommy’s credit card and increasing the debt by 8 trillion and deficit by trillions or tens of trillions more before his policies expire. Biden’s policies, Bidenomics, averted a recession/depression you (and many economists) insisted was coming by 2022 and reversed inflation faster than the most optimistic economist predicted.

Bidenomics has saved American pocketbooks from the results of 4 years of federal financial malfeasance.
Trump ended his term with a negative gdp, huge exploded deficit, rapidly growing debt, worst unemployment in living memory, a historically easy to defraud never repay ppp loan program every Republican congressperson scammed, tens of millions of disabled taxpayers and a million dead taxpayers. Trumpenomics had us on the fast road to unavoidable recession/depression in Jan 2021….Bidenomics avoided it and created a boom. 🤦‍♂️

Republican bickering has already led to our national credit rating being downgraded once, costing the nation billions in increased loan interest alone with nothing gained besides the degradation of our congress and the national union. You would happily have that continue until it bankrupted the nation irreparably then blame Biden.

bobknight33 said:


Better to have Republicans bicker and get nothing done than to have Bidnomics destroy American pocketbooks.

It will get worse.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ooooo….Arizona is ramping up. The fake electors are already indicted, and Giuliani, Powell, and your big daddy are under investigation that’s already tied all 3 personally to the fraud scheme.

Like Georgia, Trump personally made calls that are recorded…no hiding behind subordinates there.

It’s also been discovered that apparently Christina Bobb, Trump’s lawyer, helped fund and staff Cyber Ninjas, the fake auditors that illegally tampered with voting machines and destroyed over $3 million worth of them the counties had to replace, so incompetent they accidentally found more votes for Biden. Doug Logan, the CEO, is listed in lawsuits in Michigan for breaching election security and tampering with voting machines there. He’s a non charged co conspirator in the cases against Stefanie Lambert, failed Trump supported AG candidate Matthew DePerno, and GOP state Rep. Daire Rendon for election interference for Trump. Logan is also listed in Georgia for again tampering with voting machines.

They’re going to be indictment #5, and personally they’re the one I’m rooting for because I want nothing more than to see Trump enter Maricopa County prison with all the conservative cheered horrific treatment that entails and never come out. He doesn’t deserve to die in club fed playing tennis, he deserves to die being fed expired green meat in a tent in 110 degree heat….and it’s looking like that’s likely. 😂

But Hunter took a dick pic you got to share publicly for children to see, so it’s all a wash, right? 🤦‍♂️

Bonus- Trump lackey Peter Navarro is asserting executive privilege as a defense in his trial for not showing up to the Jan 6 hearings under subpoena…but has no evidence Trump ever asserted it, not even his own testimony, and it wouldn’t transfer to him even if Trump had. The judge actually called his defense “weak sauce” in the evidentiary hearings…not a good sign.

Condolences on Joe the (fake) Plumber

Albert Camus: The Myth of Sisyphus

BSR says...

The "sexy voice"would be an indication that your body removal would be premature in my opinion. Give me a call when you expire and I'll see what I can do for you

noims said:

<sexy voice> Would you remove my body?

Flagler County Sheriff welcomes would-be criminals

newtboy says...

Screw this rotten potato.
Should absolutely be fired.
Keep in mind, most people in jail have not been convicted of anything, and more often than not never are. Being arrested doesn’t make you a criminal or subhuman, despite his contentions to the contrary.

Prison isn’t for punishment, it’s for rehabilitation. He clearly thinks it’s for long term torture, which he clearly enjoys dishing out.

He better not EVER ask for more funding since he has enough to put together a $1200+ sign for his joke on taxpayer dollars. Cut his department’s funding by 25% now, and see if they still have too much and waste it on jokes only they find funny.

This guy needs to be sent to Maricopa jail and have his file lost, forced to eat green expired lunch meat while in a cell with 14 others designed to hold 4. If he doesn’t understand that he’s creating criminals then, send him to me, I’ll give him the treatment he deserves.

What a fuckwitted asshole. Someone shoot this sadistic fuck or frame his wife and children and put them in his torture chamber. No, on second thought just shoot him, he would probably enjoy torturing his family.

Dr Nick For Senate

newtboy says...

Don’t ignore the report today that Oz performed torturous experiments on puppies in the early 2000s resulting in the painful protracted deaths of at least 329 puppies. He and the college he was working at were cited and fined for multiple violations of the animal welfare act for brutally torturing puppies to death while ignoring, even exacerbating their suffering instead of minimizing it. They were cited for euthanasia without sedation, running multiple tests on one animal, using paralytics without sedation, and dozens of other gross violations of animal welfare laws. In one test a large group of puppies was killed by having massive doses of expired drugs injected directly into their hearts with no sedation…then the dead puppies were tossed into a garbage bag WITH THEIR STILL LIVING LITTERMATES for disposal.


Bidens Border mess

newtboy says...

Such nonsense. Biden tried to remove the disastrous stay in Mexico policy, but was forced to keep Trump’s border rules until under three fucking weeks ago, dumbshit. He sent more back home to places like Hati than Trump did too. Derp.

Trump’s $40 billion fence hasn’t slowed immigration one percent, as expected. $40 billion more funding to border patrol would have been hundreds of times more effective….but not a monument to Trump.
Not using the border patrol to do useless, expensive political stunts instead of their job helps too.
Good BS blaming someone else. Republicans saying the borders are open is the number one reason people in South America believe it…that’s what THEY say, and why they’re coming now. This lies at least in part at their feet.

Funny how absolutely nothing was the president’s responsibility Jan 2017-21, but now everything in the country is his fault….except the things getting better like unemployment, wages, gdp, covid, the economy, gas prices recently, etc.

Bullshit. Trump never had any program to combat gang violence. Stop lying. His best plan was round up all Mexicans and you’ll get a lot of gang members too, but that’s a horrific and outrageous (and impossible) way to achieve that goal.

Calling them criminals invading is EXACTLY the point of this video, dummy. No one is barging into your house, most aren’t in the drug trade, for the vast majority crossing a line is the only crime they ever committed, and if our immigration/asylum policies were functional they wouldn’t have committed that crime. Just more nonsensical babbling from a ridiculous tool.

Funny how minor crime to save ones life is outrageous to you, but severe treasonous crimes for personal enrichment is a nothing burger. Stupid is as stupid does, and holy shit do you advocate for some stupid shit.

Denying asylum seekers entry was a crime when it started. Do it the right way or you are committing a crime every time you deny one. That’s Trump policy, no problem when he breaks the law, right? You don’t care a whit about law or crime, only about what you can pin on your rivals. Proven time and time and time and time and time and time again. You see no crime ever on the right, and fantasize about non existent crimes from the left, constantly.
Again, Barr lied and obstructed justice to protect Trump who lied and obstructed justice, court findings, but still not a crime because the statutes of limitations expired, right? No crime if they criminally slipped out of legal jeopardy….right?
And you also can’t see the hypocrisy. 🤦‍♂️

Answer this (I know you won’t, you are incapable of ever answering questions unless fed the far right answer, while I address every point you try to make every time)…how much has Abbot wasted on this stunt that hasn’t moved 1/2 days worth of immigrants out of state? Wouldn’t that money be better spent stopping crossings rather than with meaningless political stunts like this and the $10 billion waste of money with his border inspections that didn’t find a single stowaway or drug caches?

bobknight33 said:

Trump working on it, But this administration deiced to stop and keep the doors wide open.

You get what you vote for.
Highest OD rates thanks to Biden's administration.

And so much worse.

Good BS blaming everyone else. Biden administration is the enforcer of the border . This lies at his feet.

Trump was gathering up MS13 member but liberal cites were blocking and hindering.

Democrats like this. You gt what you vote for.

" @bobknight33, with the exception of the crime of illegal entry, undocumented immigrants commit crimes at levels much lower than citizens. "

That not the point I walk into you house sit on the couch and eat your food.. No crime Right???????

Come in the right way else you are committing a crime.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Rent: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

luxintenebris jokingly says...

visited a site that calculated a person's time of death.

what fun.

then noticed the driver's license and library card both expired within a couple of months of the predicted demise.

it's a coincidence - right?

BSR said:

My label has an expiration date which kinda defines me

Rent: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

fuzzyundies says...

I once got my life expectancy predicted by a witch doctor, on a hilltop in La Paz, Bolivia.

I'm actually planning on getting a tattoo on my ankle of my "expiration date" in the style of the old milk jugs.

BSR said:

My label has an expiration date which kinda defines me

Rent: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

My label says “keep away from children, choking hazard “.

I don’t have an expiration date, but I’m way past my “best by” date.

BSR said:

My label has an expiration date which kinda defines me

Rent: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

'You know who I am?': Martin Hyde threatens cop's career

BSR says...

Candidate Martin Hyde apologizes for 'belligerent and rude' behavior toward officer who pulled him over.

I wonder if he was cited for expired registration.

Americans Tell NBC, “Blown Away” By Bidenflation,

bobknight33 says...

If you think this is Trumps fault, think what you want?

This is on Biden, commander in chief. It is his job to steer the ship. To correct the direction of the nation.
What has he done to correct this? NOTHING, except more spending , making this worse.

Biden use by date has long expired. He has no leadership ability, He cant take questions He is kept from media and public for fear on looking tool old and too slow and unable to speak intellectually. His days are in the past.

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