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Doctor Sleep - Official Trailer

Doctor Sleep - Official Trailer

1988: Is this James Brown's strangest interview ever?

lurgee says...

One of PWEI's best jams!

Augusta, Georgia, late September,
One Mr. Brown's hot tempeed,
This man's possessed, he's restless,
Armed and dangerous, drugged and reckless.
Mrs. Brown you've got a lovely son
But he's on the run on a shotgun mission
"Listen here cocksuckers, motherfuckers, pay respect to my building.
It's JB property and it could be the one you get killed in."
Cops arrive, "What's this, what's happening,
What's what, where's the hot shot?"
James pressed his luck too far this time,
His pick-up truck's flat out and flying.
Cops get excited and grin with glee;
They got themsevles a celebrity!
7 cars give chase "You're in the clear, this is the race of the year!"
"Faster Soul Master, they're coming at you from all directions,
Speed's your protection...Don't look behind you 'til south Carolina"
Cops spring a roadblock "He ain't gonna stop!"
"He's gonna take a pop!"
Someone opens fire, the trucks front tyres are blown out
"Get the hell out!"
As six mile skid, trapped in a ditch,
In the lap of the FBI, the Secret Service,
The Russians, "they're all in this, they're doing it to James
Like they did it to Elvis"
A "good-foot" dance in a dusted trance
Breath tested "No Chance!" Arrested!

Sagemind said:

Not Now James, We're Busy

Archer Season 10 Trailer (HD) Archer: 1999

SpaceX's Falcon Heavy Lands All Three Boosters

Star Wars: Episode IX – Teaser

RFlagg says...

Beat me by over 34 minutes. *promote Kylo slamming a Knight of Ren. Raises lots of questions. The laugh at the end is perhaps the least exciting part.

Helmet - "Milquetoast"



ICONIC Esports Moments: EVO Moment 37 - "The Daigo Parry"

Frozen 2 teaser


AeroMechanical says...

Hm. Maybe. Putting aside for the moment that the original film was nearly perfect and needed no sequels or reboots, Jason Reitman probably will have more respect for the series and won't let it become the soulless Hollywood Reboot-O-Tron disaster that the 2016 version was.

Take the basic concept, do something new with it, and it might turn out to be a good film. Can't say I'm excited or anything though. The Ghostbusters intellectual property by itself isn't anything special.

Kill Bill: Volume 3 "Nikki's Revenge" Trailer

2.0 - movie trailer

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