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F9 - Official Trailer [HD]

BIRDS OF PREY – Official Trailer 2

Naomi Klein in conversation with Katharine Viner

vil says...

Totally lost it at "indigenous communities gave generational expertise to help guide the way". Pretty pictures and words in the intro. A lot of emotional balast all over the place. On purpose apparently.

Made it to 35 minutes in.
Probably should read the books first before coming to conclusions.
Wait, is that how that works?

The whole fire metaphor - pretty much how totalitarian regimes come about. Lets NOT get excited and use our brains instead. The problem of politics seems to be that if you do that no one ever notices you.

The problem of this "emotions first" approach is no actual discussion is possible if everyone is hysterical.

Felling a storm damaged Tulip Poplar with a crosscut saw

Buttle says...

Sagemind is probably just too jaded for this sort of video. In the woolier parts of BC I hear that it's not unusual for a strapping young lumber jill to limb and top a spar tree wearing nothing but a pair of tin pants and caulk boots. Try to get excited by a barroom mechanical bull after seeing a thing like that.

Really, I tried to find the "nothing of interest to Canadians" channel, but it just isn't there.

BSR said:

Sorry for your loss. Give it another try and see if you can spot the nice looking babe in the video. I did and I got wood.

South Park | New Israel ROCKS!

eric3579 says...

I loved that South Park chose to use a song off their debut (best) album, as i thought Van Halen music declined quickly after their first couple records.

On a side note, It was also my first record purchase along with Boston's second album and The Best of Earth, Wind & Fire, Vol. 1. Man i had good music taste at thirteen years old I still remember being in the store picking out those albums. A pretty exciting day as i recall. Good memories

Demonstrating Quantum Supremacy

vil says...

Ive now been slightly obsessively reading and discussing quantum computers with friends (including a couple clever and informed ones) for two weeks and the theoretical possibility of one day feeding the traveling salesman to a QC is about the biggest real excitement that awaits us in the medium term (decades). Hence my Sim City comment. Seriously there is very little information and a lot of exaggeration in this video. I know great things are expected from QC I just dont believe 98% of whats in the vid has anything to do with anything.

moonsammy said:

... The traveling salesman problem...

How Pencils are Made

Wild bull chase

VFX Artist Shows You TRUE POWER of Warships!

Sagemind says...

Way too mush positive enthusiasm for a machine that is purely made to kill people. These human killing machines are brutal in their efficiency. I almost feel like the music should be a sound of dred with a somber tone explanation. Discussing them as entertainment seems wrong to me. Not only that, but this is the decommissioned ship, they didn't even get to the more modern ships which can kill way more people, more accurately, and at greater distances.

Of course, this is all to promote a video game, and they want you excited to buy and play their game, and pump them full of micro-payments. I also know their are people that thrive on guns and killing, but as a human being, to me, this seems very uncomfortable.

No, I'm not anti-video game, just anti-realism in video games and killing people. Give me Aliens and sci-fi, or demons and monsters any day

Run Tom Run - Tom Cruise 2020 Presidential Campaign

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Neil deGrasse Tyson On Sunset/Moonrise Beer Commercial

Disney's Mulan - Official Teaser

lucky760 says...

I kept thinking it looked like her but thought nawww.

But then I googled, and yes, it *is* Crystal Liu Yifei who played Dragon Girl in Condor Heroes (2006)!

Makes me even more excited! Spring 2020 is so far away.

Disney's Mulan - Official Teaser

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