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Jackass Forever - Official Trailer (2021) Johnny Knoxville,

Tenacious D (Jack Black & Kyle) Tribute to the Beatles

moonsammy says...

I enjoy Tenacious D, and was excited to listen to what I thought was a new song of theirs when I saw it pop up on YT. About halfway through I thought "this is awful, sounds like one of the shittier Beatles songs or something"... went to description / comments and that was precisely it. Don't know that I'd actually heard the original before, but it has that classic "lyrics that sound vaguely deep but are utter gibberish" that the Beatles were so good at. Granted, that's a LOT of pop music...

AquaSpinner Waterslide - Europe's first Rotating Slide

Khufu says...

I think it would be better in person. might be a whole different kind of excitement to be basically sitting still (or sliding backward) then suddenly jump forward when you have no visual cues of anything changing. maybe even disconcerting.

AquaSpinner Waterslide - Europe's first Rotating Slide

AquaSpinner Waterslide - Europe's first Rotating Slide

newtboy says...

I agree with both above, interesting idea, terrible design. The lazy river offers more fun and excitement. A water slide should never have pauses, and absolutely should not get so slow it goes backwards. To speed it up enough to be fun would probably make it unsafe. Should have left this one on the drawing room floor.

AquaSpinner Waterslide - Europe's first Rotating Slide

Girlfriend picked up from work compilation

BSR says...

Other than "A girlfriend who's always excited to see him" and "A rocking porno movie quality music playing in the car to welcome her"... What's he got that I don't?

cloudballoon said:

A rocking porno movie quality music playing in the car to welcome her?

Girlfriend picked up from work compilation


Colorado Police Break Elderly Dementia Patient's Arm

newtboy says...

Video has surfaced of this cop and his cohorts watching the footage together at the department and laughing about injuring her horrifically, talking about how much fun it was to forcibly wrestle a feeble old woman, repeatedly throw her to the ground, and try to break her shoulder, how much they LOVE it that she was hurt, repeating excitedly and happily "you hear the pop! I thought I broke her shoulder.....I love it."

No good apples.

Carl Douglas - Kung Fu Fighting -1974

ant (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yes...yes it is. My mistake. I thought the guy rowing was playing a sit on motorcycle game on my 10" screen, and only saw the bench press at full zoom. D'oh!

So...Maybe they're meatheads and picking things up and putting them down is more exciting than nature to them under any circumstances?

ant said:

Isn't that a gym?

Heavy Hailstorm Hits Texas

Rockford Speedway's World Famous Figure 8 Trailer Race 2018

Getting the most out of factory downtime

newtboy jokingly says...

While I’m sure everyone is excited to delve into the intricacies of refinery maintenance logistics, why do I feel like some upvotes are more about the presenter than the presentation?

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Beggar's Canyon