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Vox explains bump stocks

greatgooglymoogly says...

The framers didn't specify rifle, or any other specific weapon. They thought a person should (not just be able to) own a standard soldier's armament of the day. Today that would include grenades and automatic weapons. Back in the day owning a person was legal. That didn't change because the Supreme Court decided that the definition of a person had evolved, the constitution was amended. There's no reason it shouldn't be for this topic as well.

And after more viewings of video, the rate of fire was not that great and sustained, and could have been pulled off by 2 or 3 weapons.

harlequinn said:

An AR-15 on continual full auto fire (using 30 round or greater magazines) fails at approximately 840 rounds. It takes about 6 minutes to get to failure. With magazine changes it is an effective firing rate of approximately 140 rounds per minute.

He could have achieved his psychotic feat with 2 firearms, swapping firearm after each magazine change.

Colbert To Trump: 'Doing Nothing Is Cowardice'

newtboy says...

Ok, statistics class was 28 years ago....and I was pretty high by midnight. We both made mistakes...i still say that blaze chart is bullshit and intentionally misleading in multiple ways.

How many years before a 50% chance of cancer...heart disease, death by stairs...etc. We don't assess things that way, so it's just a nice big number to trot out and pretend it's meaningful.

Statistics can be used to prove anything, forfty percent of all people know that.

What if you put them all together, including suicide and accident, instead of starting by dividing into various gun death categories then choosing the least probable category to extrapolate? Now compare them to other dangers we strongly regulate against with evolving regulations, like automobile accidents. That's how these stats are properly used. Dangers aren't radiation, you don't look at the half life to comprehend them.

scheherazade said:

Probability doesn't stack like that.

Imagine this.
25% chance. I.E. 0.25 ratio.

Using your method, after 10 trials, the ratio is 0.25 * 10 = 2.5, aka 250%. Beyond certain.

The proper method for 10 trials at 25% is : 1-(0.75^10) = 94% chance.

Hence why 1/24'974 per year (aka 0.004% chance per year) needs 17'000 years to reach 50% chance overall.

If you use the discharge figure (1/514'147), you get to 350'000 years to reach 50%.


Climate Change Just Changed by 50%

Fairbs says...

the fact is climate change is still real; this just means that we have more time to react for our civilization to evolve into something better; you along for the ride? or are you going to continue to be a puppet for the oil industry?

bobknight33 said:

So much for the Climate Change BS.

The 7th Guest: Official Trailer

ForgedReality says...

Yeah. More than once I think. It was a long ass time ago, but I remember the end involves you leaving the mansion, amid happy-ish music and a bright sunny day, and being picked up by your driver who ends up being this undead skeleton dude or something.

The game I'm really enjoying right now is Prey (2017). OMG so good. I saw some let's plays of it and initially it felt underwhelming, but the game is so immersive and non-linear, with a great story and evolving game world... It's not so much a horror game, but it has tension and some jump-scares here and there. I feel like it's got some gameplay similarities to Alone in the Dark 1, oddly enough, despite being completely and entirely different.

ant said:

What was amazing was the outdated polygon graphics, MIDI music, etc. that still scared us. I remember having a hard time in the attic. Its controls and camera views drove me crazy! Haha. I never actually got far too in the full game. Did you finish it?

Nerdwriter - How Not To Adapt A Movie

cloudballoon says...

I've seen most of the GitS material incl. the comics & anime. I actually found the Hollywood adaptation watchable.... because I placed it in its own little isolated corner and the lowest of expectations -- Hollywood, blockbuster, skin-deep sci-fi... and I came out much relieved it wasn't as bad as the critics said. At least I had a nostalgia blast from the visuals. My blockbuster movies watching has evolved into a state of "don't care to be angry/don't pay to watch at the theatre/ just wait them out to be on Netflix/clearance DVD BluRay)

Seriously... how can anyone expect anything of above average depth from a Hollywood blockbuster anymore? Don't be silly and set yourself up for disappointment.

I can totally understand their reasons for risk-aversion. From their perspective, they got burned too many times financially (not saying it's not their own doing) to make films that demand thoughtfulness from the audience. I just don't believe in Hollywood will give us anything deep anymore for these big budget films...

What Makes John Bonham Such a Good Drummer?

DrMaximan says...

I totally agree, John Bonham was a totally amazing drummer and his untimely death was such a loss to music; as were the early deaths of Marc Bolan and Jimi Hendrix. I would love to have heard how their music evolved.

There are few drummers in the world that can compare to John Bonham, one of those few is Neil Peart of the Canadian rock legends RUSH. There was a article a few years back in Rolling Stone magazine which listed him as number 4 (Bonham was number 1!!). I think Keith Moon was second, although I don't know why. Peart is far better!! I can't remember who was third.

Thank you for this Oritteropo! Keep the beat mate!

Low-Fat Foods Are Making You Fatter - Adam Ruins Everything

ChaosEngine says...


Sugar is basically rocket fuel for your body, it's insanely useful for burning large amounts of energy quickly, and since we evolved in a low sugar environment, your body is trained to want it.

But these days we live in a sugar saturated environment where most people don't do anywhere near as much physical work, so the sugar is never burnt off. It's not meant to be a staple food.

Also, your liver basically treats sugar the same as alcohol. Not only does it make you fat, but it also suppresses your bodies natural "I'm full" reaction. Worst of all are high fructose corn syrup soft drinks.

Basically, if you wouldn't give your kid a beer... don't give them coke either. Coke = beer without the drunkenness.

Atheist Angers Christians With Bible Verse

noims says...

This is extremely important, and (as far as I know) is extremely prevalent in Judaism, where the notes and interpretations are literally just as important as the scripture itself. These notes have been debated and clarified over the centuries by people who specialise in studying it; beyond that there is still debate, and the notes are still evolving. This means they have something of a self-righting mechanism whereby the mistakes of the past can be corrected.

This is in a way similar to the scientific approach, but using debate instead of empiricism.

The problem is that most christian churches ignore this fact and go by the interpretations of the church leader(s). The most extreme are the bible literalists who can justify pretty much anything by cherry-picking passages. The larger established churches like the catholics have some of this, but are largely missing the key feature of self-correction (except over far longer periods of time, and almost fully at the discretion of the pope).

harlequinn said:

[...] Importantly, as I explained above, the Orthodox church (the original church) and the Catholic church (the first schism) have a written and oral Tradition that outlines the meaning of everything (specifically to avoid this situation).

Atheist Angers Christians With Bible Verse

cloudballoon says...

I've gone to church for a few years. And I see no women staying silent, nor any man telling them to. I really don't care about "tradition" and would voice serious concern if these type of crap happens in the modern church. Believe me, my church sisters takes no crap from the brothers. And I don't really see much old-school practices except communion, and that's not far-out unacceptable a tradition considering its purpose.

I (or at least hope to) continuously carry a critical eye & mind on these social-issue things as in many others at the church. Church "doctrine/tradition" is no excuse to justify bad social/inequality/bigotry behavior. For me, discussion on why the heck Paul wrote these words is fine, it's good to find faults how those people who lived 2000 years ago and evolve the modern church practices to align better with Jesus' intention.
Overall, in my church, I think most people are pretty grounded in real-life struggles... but hey, I fully understand these are subjective opinions... we all have our blindspots. I think we're all better man/woman if we can take in criticisms.

I can't for the life of me understand the U.S. "Christian Right" (but I'm Canadian, so I'm just a passive observer, as I can't vote on US politics) nor, from my understanding of Him, Jesus (as a preacher of love & peace) could be a far/alt-right-winger. But oh, sorry, I don't mean to talk politics... just hope to convey from which side of the discussion I come from.

It's foolish (and arrogant) to take the Bible literally... so much contradictions, inconsistencies, if read this way. And really, I keep thinking - WHY LITERALLY? - I don't dare listen to my pastors and think their words MUST be what God/Jesus meant. Martin Luther's movement freed us from those chains of mindlessness from the church preachers' power over us.

Akways look to the intention of Jesus, which for me, is honestly good, relevant and much in demand, and do those as the Christian mission. The Bible can be confusing, but the message is crystal clear. And that's love & compassion towards our neighbors, go a preach THAT! Not hate/fear-filled "damn this, damn that"/"End of the World is nigh"-type rhetorics.

Seriously man, looking from a distance (again, Canadian here) those loud-voice Christian Rights in the States scare the hell out of me and most of my brothers & sisters, the general thought around me is that they've move way far out from the Christian's way that Jesus want us to be (that I know of)... makes me so sad.

Racist is what you do, not what you say.

C-note says...

Associating a fact with other claims does not make it any more or less true. And use of the dismissive tactic of calling a person crazy has been bestowed upon many. Yet the earth does orbit the sun and humans evolve and most impotent of all ...

No white male police officer has ever been convicted of murdering a black male in america's entire history.

ChaosEngine said:

You don't have to give every opinion equal validity, you can easily dismiss certain ideas.

Creationists? Crazy. Dismissed.
Homeopaths? Crazy. Dismissed.
Climate Deniers? Sneaky disingenuous fuckers who are either crazy or lying through their teeth. Either way, dismissed.
Alex Jones? Batshit fucking insane. Dismissed.

You? Either crazy, ignorant or trolling, but you've certainly used up all the good will that was extended to you to prove your case. So yeah.... dismissed.

Trump Mingle Dating App

newtboy says...

I'm often confused by dating apps that pair people that are as close to carbon copies as possible. My wife and I are a great pair because we are so different that her strengths cover my weaknesses and vice versa. I can't imagine it working if we both had the same issues or all the same views and so never made the other think and evolve.

Whole New Worlds: An Aladdin History of Exoplanets

eric3579 says...

Wasn't easy being a planet hunter back in the day *promote

I'm looking for
1 tug
The pull of a planet
1 tell
A wobbling sun
I've searched for years
Haven't found a one
But they're out there

1 jump
In radial redshift
1 slip
Of spectral lines
They'll see if I can show them the sines

Pish tosh
Green men
Take five
Take ten

Just a little cash guys

Budget's tight
Don't fund this trash guys

I can take a hint
Better face the facts
Second-hand'll have to do

All you planet hunters at the bottom
You've got fact & fantasy entwined
Finding planets except they haven't got one

Well they gotta be forming readily
When you think about it given we've got nine

1 jump
A blip in the spectrum
1 shift of meters per second
1 graph of period power
They laugh but I'm not sour

Here goes
18 months of data
Cross & correlate it
All I gotta do is run

Pish tosh
Green men
Ah don't mind them
If only they'd look closer
Would they see a pure void
No sirree
They'd find out
There's worlds galore
To see

Make way for Pegasi
51 Pegasi

First was a world
Round an old pulsar
That's true
But the news
Is a sun-like star
With wobble
Too quick & precise
To be designed
No fluke not a spot
If you like it hot
You're gonna love this find

Pegasi 51b
Planet discovered
Orbit traced
Every 4 days
Hot as can be
Its order-Jupiter size
Was something of a surprise
Especially given its star's proximity

Pegasi 51b
It's a new era
To detect
Soon there'll be three
As planet pulls on its Sun
It shifts the stellar spectrum
That's how we found 51b Pegasi

How'd a planet get so close in orbit
Cause I thought you needed ice to form it
Did it later undergo some strange migration
Star too small to be so long-pulsating
And too old to be so quick rotating
Is there any other good interpretation

This will certainly help with our funding

We got your funding
We got your funding

Got a surface of 1200 C

It's treacherous
So treacherous

If in time this new breakthrough feels mundane
Planets are common

That's proof
Of the truth
I've been telling you
This is no mean anomaly

Pegasi 51b
Planet uncovered
Round a far
Main sequence star
Spectral type G
We know its mass to be high
Half Jupiter by sine i

It's 15.61 pc from home
And it shakes our faith in how planets are formed
And its star is in Pegasus
Give it an A and thus
Label the planet as b
51 Pegasi

Plotting Doppler shifts is glacial-pace
And that astrometry never prevails
But baby you're in luck cause
Up in space
You got a planet-finder never fails

You got the power of statistics now
You got a view without an atmosphere
So no more nights spent locked up in your tower
All you gotta do is wait right here
And I say

Kepler the planet-searcher
Got a dip, no 2, no 3
We just measure brightness
Plot it out & that's transiting photometry

When your stars do this
And your curves displace
Then your star's got this
Transiting its face

Then you hit compute
And lookie here

You get good diameter data
From that dip
And orbit distance from the length of year

Well now we need this tale supported by
A ground observer with a good Échelle
We got 2000 planets certified
2000 more that only time will tell

But let's take em all, plot em out
And find out if we're really all alone
Is there a rocky world we've found no doubt
That orbits in the habitable zone
Like home?

Kepler the planet searcher
Got an Earth 452b
Part of a throng
40 billion strong

There ain't never been a field
Clever as the field
There ain't never been a field
Better than the field they call

I can show you a world
A shining shimmering planet
Found concealed in the band-shifts
Of the closest star in sight

I've found hope in the skies
And facing wonder I wonder
Could the sine wave discovered be
A planet fit for life

A whole new world
A new fantastic point of blue
Placed in that narrow zone
Where water flows
Midway tween cold & steaming

A whole new world
Its sun a faint, reddish hue
Could there be waiting here
A biosphere
Evolving in this whole new world to view

Fathoming a whole new world to view

Unbelievable find
Indescribable feeling
Earthlings someday revealing
Through directly captured light
A whole new world

Don't just stare from a far

Though nigh impossible to see

Wouldn't close up be bolder

Next to its parent's flair
If life is there
We'll know through atmosphere spectroscopy

A whole new world

Block the glare of the star

A laser starshot to pursue

With a star-shaped occulter

Chasing that crazy dream
That's always been
Of walking in a whole new world with you

a whole new world
That's where we'll be
A thrilling chase
A home in space
For you and me

Ricky Gervais And Colbert Go Head-To-Head On Religion

Payback says...

I think the idea is the scientific method will, over time, after a complete loss of the knowledge gained, come to the same main theories we have today. Religion, on the other hand has little chance to be remotely similar to its present form without humans brute-forcing its tenets and stories. Much like the religion of the Mayans won't spontaneously evolve again without (the science of) archeology.

harlequinn said:

Except it's not true (at least not in the way most people think it's true).

A neat property of science is that things are constantly disproved as we prove new things. I.e. most of the things we know now, and knew in the past, are wrong, it's just the closest we've gotten to the truth as we've overwritten old misconceptions (which we thought were the truth at the time). We may not ever get back to the same point if we were to start over (i.e. we may not get as close, or we may get closer to the truth - either way makes his statement incorrect).

If he reworded it a little it would be a good point.

The Most Powerful Plant on Earth? | The Hemp Conspiracy

shagen454 says...

Yes, I don't really smoke anymore but it's a fascinating plant! Most evolved plant on the planet. I worked on a remote, off-the-grid, non-profit cannabis farm in the Santa Cruz mountains last year, was a total blast. I loved feeding the little babies and watching them grow so quickly.

Is Trump actually president?

MilkmanDan says...

Fantastic sift, @bobknight33. Even IF Putin himself ordered KGB types to hack into Hillary and the DNC's email, Russia didn't "destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton". Clinton and the DNC did that to themselves.

Trump had similar problems resulting from motivated parties going through his past to see what muck they dig up. There was a lot there -- "grab them by the pussy", etc.

Hillary lost. Against that. FFS, if that doesn't send a clear message to the Democrat party that they need to seriously rethink how they operate, I don't know what will. Your progressives like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are really well liked by core Democrats and quite appealing to moderates, on-the-fence types, and independents. Listen to them, not the rich fat cats and corporate lobbyists that represent everything that you criticize about the GOP.

I swear, both parties are just too goddamn stupid to survive. Evolve or die.

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