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Gutfeld on the Kanye-Trump summit

Brett Kavanaugh Is a Terrible Judge & a Liar...

newtboy says...

Bob. You're just being stubborn.
They didn't refute anything..
Guess all logic escapes your brain. "I don't know" is different from "it didn't happen", they all said "I don't know, I don't recall, I don't think he would do that", not "I know it didn't happen"....guess that's too nuanced for today's republicans' education levels. Sad.

Democrats (all senators) are barred from discussing the FBI report in detail at all, so it's against Senate rules for them to refute any details. They did contradict the idea that it's a report of an investigation of the charges since the fbi refused to interview the accused, the accuser, anyone the accuser named as having knowledge, or inspect her medical records, or any other evidence she has offered them.

No, democrats aren't saying you have to believe her, they're saying you have to actually investigate her charges, democrats and independents are saying his demeanor is unsuited for the supreme court based on his Senate testimony, which was all a display of Republicans spinning on their uncontrolled emotions. Watching it confirmed that "feeling".

Jebus Christ, you can't even keep your own made up numbers right, yesterday it was 17, today it's 10, by next week it will be 15 agreed with her at this rate. Facts are Ford said one thing, others say they didn't see that, only Kavanaugh says it didn't happen.

You heard RGB is upset with democrats enough to quit? Lol...from where, Alex Jones or Trump?

I hope Dumbocrats pull the same move retardicans did and refuse to hold hearings if there's another opening, but they have no spine so likely won't.

Yeah, that lone number looks good by itself, you must be so proud of winning so bigly, and pleased your president has strengthened our union so well instead of dividing us further. Unemployment rates are down, but so is average worker income. More people are working more today, but for less money. I would prefer much higher unemployment with wages high enough that single worker households and stay at home parents become a thing....we're going the other direction to the point where multiple wage earners require multiple jobs just to keep a modest family solvent. If full employment still leaves one in poverty, having more people employed hardly helps escape poverty.

Congratulations on getting a hugely divisive temperamental judge forced through by the skin of your teeth. No whining if democrats do the same things in 2.5 years.

bobknight33 said:

No one can confirm her testimony because all that she named refuted it-.. Guess this escapes the logic cells of the leftest brain.

Democrats never contradicted the latest FBI report. There is no there there. So they went with more smear and innuendo.

Conservatives are not spinning emotions, Democrats are. You "have to believer her" On what grounds? No one confirms her story.

Facts are 10 say one thing and Ford say the opposite. ..

Welcome to the new SCOTUS Kavanaugh.

I heard that RBG is disgusted by the Democrat tactics used. Can we say SCOTUS pick #3? Do you think Democrats can pull this sleazy slanderous stunt again?

Democrats are loosing bigly on every issue, Trade, NAFTA, Korea, Paris Climate accord, etc, Most of these are nothing more than major American Job killers and Trump is calling BS for what it is and bring jobs back. 4.2% GDP growth ,, unemployment down to 3.9,% lowest in 39 years.

Brett Kavanaugh Is a Terrible Judge & a Liar...

bobknight33 says...

No one can confirm her testimony because all that she named refuted it-.. Guess this escapes the logic cells of the leftest brain.

Democrats never contradicted the latest FBI report. There is no there there. So they went with more smear and innuendo.

Conservatives are not spinning emotions, Democrats are. You "have to believer her" On what grounds? No one confirms her story.

Facts are 10 say one thing and Ford say the opposite. ..

Welcome to the new SCOTUS Kavanaugh.

I heard that RBG is disgusted by the Democrat tactics used. Can we say SCOTUS pick #3? Do you think Democrats can pull this sleazy slanderous stunt again?

Democrats are loosing bigly on every issue, Trade, NAFTA, Korea, Paris Climate accord, etc, Most of these are nothing more than major American Job killers and Trump is calling BS for what it is and bring jobs back. 4.2% GDP growth ,, unemployment down to 3.9,% lowest in 39 years.

newtboy said:

Not confirming her testimony is not the same as refuting it. You can grasp that concept, I assume, or is that beyond you?

You read the report?! I had no idea you were a senator, the only ones who ever get to see it so they can safely lie about what's in it.

You are the one spouting 1/2 truths and pure emotional bullshit.

Towing the Trumpian lie(n) without a shred of fact to back it up, as usual. That's absolutely ridiculous bullshit fantasy, she didn't knowingly destroy her own life over mistaken identity. She is 100% clear on that point.

The Ocean Cleanup Launches To The Great Pacific Garbage Patc

MilkmanDan says...

I love that they are trying and have admirable goals.

I'm somewhat skeptical about the effectiveness. Presumably some of the data that they are going to collect will include retention rates -- if pieces of plastic of various sizes *enter* the C-shaped area, what percentage of them *stay* there until they can be intentionally removed? Also, how often will they become "full" to an extent requiring a tow to shore and offload operation?

The devices themselves seem like they'd actually be quite cheap to produce. Towing and offloading operations will be expensive, particularly in man-hours. Recycling the collected debris crap into plastic products for resale will be low-yield and unsustainable from a purely capitalistic pricing standpoint -- people will only buy that "merch" as a form of contributing to the project; not because the stuff they make will be competitively priced.

However, none of that makes their endeavor not worth doing/trying. Hopefully their retention rates are good enough (not much plastic or any particular size bracket escapes around / under the devices), and they can make enough through selling merch to fund the offload costs and deploy enough devices to meet their goals!

A Bowl Of Peanut Oil Catches 7 Mice In 1 Night

ChaosEngine says...

old joke:

A tourist is walking along the pier in an Irish fishing village. He sees a fisherman with a bucket full of lobsters. The bucket is so full that the lobsters could easily get over the edge, so he says to the fishermen "excuse me, aren't you worried that some of the lobsters will climb out and escape?".

"Nah" the fisherman replies.

"These are Irish lobsters. As soon as one of them gets to the top, the other will pull him right back down again"

entr0py said:

Mice 2 - 7 :
"Hey asshole, that's not how you climb out of a bowel. Here let me show you."

It's Time to Quit the Catholic Church!

MilkmanDan says...

I'm an atheist and will always be one of the first in line to suggest that religions should be subject to criticism and the rule of law just like any other organization.

That being said, I'm not entirely comfortable with the idea that congregations are complicit in the misdeeds of the institution itself, whether or not they are aware of verified instances of misdeeds. ...Pretty slippery slope.

Expand that to, say, nations. In the history of the US, the government has committed some pretty indefensible atrocities. Genocide, mass relocation, and other offenses against Native Americans in the name of "manifest destiny". Enslavement of a race of people based on skin color, with disenfranchisement and continued abuse well after slavery was abolished, with elements that certainly persist to this day. Funding and supplying extremist organizations because they happen to have a short-term enemy that coincides with ours, which frequently comes back to bite us in the ass later. Using underhanded tricks including false-flag operations to justify wars and other offensive actions. Attempting to assassinate democratically elected leaders of foreign governments. And on and on.

Are all US citizens complicit in those misdeeds, merely by an accident of birth? But those things were in the past, you might argue. Given the depth of dirt you can find on our past with a little digging, I'd say it is reasonable to expect that there's things that the government is doing now that we may or may not be aware of that would be similarly difficult to defend.

Many/most Catholics can either remain intentionally blissfully ignorant about these problems, or will be able to go to great lengths to rationalize their way around them. Just like most US citizens don't lose much sleep over our government's past and present misdeeds. In either case, indoctrination puts the blinders on -- and can be incredibly difficult to escape.

For the religious, "love the sinner, hate the sin" is an oft-repeated phrase. As an atheist outraged by these scandals and the decades/centuries of intentional cover-ups by the Church itself, I might be tempted to turn that on its head. "Accept the religious, hate the religion." By all means, be outraged towards the institution itself. By all means, fight to end the protections that have allowed this kind of abuse to go unchecked. But perhaps try to keep some (Christian?) empathy for the average Catholic congregation members who have been brainwashedindoctrinated their whole lives and are likely in too deep to escape. Reserve that hatred for the clergy that abused their positions of power and control to commit these crimes, and the organizational system that systematically allowed it to happen while covering it up. They deserve every bit of hate you throw their way.

It's Time to Quit the Catholic Church!

newtboy says...

Let's also keep in mind these outrageous numbers are only the reported, documented, fairly well proven or admitted cases in one area of one state, records of which were finally found after decades of stonewalling by the church who intentionally blocked any investigation at every turn in their (successful) efforts to run out the clock on statutes of limitations so their members could escape justice. The real number of victims in just that area alone must be 100 times larger if history is any guide.
The real national numbers would be easily 1000-10000 times larger. World wide, you have to multiply by millions.

This is the MO of the catholic church and has been for endless decades. Move (not remove) the abusers and hide the abuses, then apologize much later for the sins of your predecessors while continuing to shield them (and while secretly shielding the current known crop).
Where are the right wing nutjobs breaking into churches to rescue kids from the Catholic sex slave trade? This story is true and verified, but Piousgate is repeatedly ignored while pizzagate is still a thing.
Sweet zombie Jebus.

Lazy Nashville Police Fatally Shoot Black Man

Sagemind says...

Just so you know - I don't advocate shooting people - I really don't - but what is the actual protocol. because I'm feeling like you're saying it's okay to run anytime a police stops someone.

Edit: It's okay to say you don't know.

"At common law, the fleeing felon rule permits the use of force, including deadly force, against an individual who is suspected of a felony and is in clear flight."

"...may not be used unless necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious bodily harm to the officer or others.""

When can police use lethal force against a fleeing suspect?

Just A Lil' Thick (She Juicy) - EXPLICIT

The Hamilton Mixtape: Immigrants (We Get The Job Done)

StukaFox says...

I have an honest question for you: would you have turned away the Jews escaping the Holocaust because, according to quotas on Jews at the time, their entry into the US would have been considered illegal?

bobknight33 said:

Immigrants and illegal immigrant are 2 different things. No one is against immigrants just the illegal ones.

The illegal ones. break the law. Build a wall had have less people breaking the law.

This is not a Racists thing as you say. Its people ignoring the law.

This issue has been going on for decades. No political official had the balls to fix this mess. Now there is some one trying and taking arrows for it.

But Intelligent People Believe in God...

MilkmanDan says...

To me, the video sorta oversells the difficulty in identifying / escaping from "ridiculous claims", at least in comparison to my personal experiences.

I grew up in a very religious (Christian, Methodist) family / city / state / country. I was questioning the indoctrination at an early age (younger than 10), and rejecting it due to never receiving satisfactory answers to those questions by ~12. Actually, one of the most significant pushes for me was the ultimate reward/punishment thing. Zero consistency and open contradictions between different religions / sects / sources, etc. In symbolic logic, contradictions mean that one of your premises is wrong. Reconsider what you "know" and try again.

With regards to atheism vs (a)gnosticism, technically I'm an agnostic because I don't know with absolute certainty that there is no god / gods out there. However, in practice, I easily and comfortably would rather self-identify as an atheist. Why, when I don't know for certain? Because I also don't know that there isn't an Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Loch Ness Monster, or Leprechauns, yet I don't feel compelled to tell people that I'm "agnostic" about those things. No. They are pretty clearly human-invented bullshit, with readily apparent human motivations behind their invention. Sounds like religion to me.

That's basically Russel's teapot.

Unarmed child shot in the back while running from police

newtboy says...

Easy to say when you're white, adult, and you weren't just shot at by strangers. Keep in mind this was a kid who had just been shot at, so probably not the world's best decision maker at that moment.....
Choice 1) Submit yourself to the whims of what you believe are racist cops more interested in convicting black kids than the truth that already sound convinced you're a murderer they want to kill, knowing just the accusation will ruin if not end your life or 2) attempt to escape with your hands visible so they know you aren't threatening.

That cop's boss disagrees with you and said he was reckless and unsafe to a criminal extent and didn't follow procedure, as did the DA. You'll excuse me if I put more stock in their professional opinions than yours.
That said, white cop/black kid, so he probably won't be convicted, but be clear that's not the same as being cleared of wrongdoing. There's zero question he did wrong, he shot the wrong unarmed kid in the back 3 times. If it were your kid I doubt you would make excuses for the ex-officer or be so quick to pay him on the back for executing them.

bobknight33 said:

Sorry, no sympathy.
Don't act guilty by running away.
The cop was doing his job correctly and will be cleared of any wrong doing.

Officer pulls over daughter's boyfriend

newtboy says...

I'm grateful he lost his shit like that, because it's clear he's the kind of officer that bends and breaks the law to get his way regularly, falsely charging people willy nilly, and had he not forgotten to turn off his car camera like he did his body camera he would still be abusing citizens and making up false charges as he goes.
I'm hopeful his family escapes his abusive draconian thumb too, I can only imagine how he treats them behind closed doors if this is how he acts towards others in public.

Eagle Steals Rabbit From Fox

I think my cat is broken

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