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Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal

Vet training - fractious cat restraint - kinda

00Scud00 says...

If there were an episode of Thundercats where Snarf gets rabies and has to be put down, it would sound just like this.

This QUAKE Record Took 17 Years To Beat

Morty Picks Up Stacy

The Rise Of Skywalker

Payback says...

More likely...

Episode 1-6 was the rise, fall, and ultimate redemption of Anakin Skywalker.
Episodes 7-9 are the redemption of Ben Solo (his rise and fall seen through flashbacks).

Remember, Star Wars works best when people ask WWANRGLD?

(What would a not rich George Lucas do?)

ChaosEngine said:

I think it’s more likely that “Skywalker” will become a title for a new type of force user.

riding in style GOPR1884 -- yellow jacket ride

President Carter on Trump, Russia, and the Election

Chernobyl (2019) | Official Trailer | HBO

Game of Thrones Season 8 Pitch Meeting

Digitalfiend says...

This video really does sum up my feelings about Season 8.

I was mostly okay with the first half of Season 8 and could even give the writers a pass for only spending one episode on the battle of Winterfell and the Night King's destruction but...everything after that? Complete shit. I mean, Rhaegal getting shot not once, but twice, by scorpions from the "hidden" Iron Fleet, from what looked like a million miles away, was utter nonsense and only done for shock value. Unlike when the Night King killed Viserion, which was actually moving, Rhaegal's death was pointless and made no sense. For one, how could Dany not see all those ships from up there? Furthermore, it'd be ridiculously hard to hit a fly target, twice in a row, from that distance. Ugh.

The biggest misstep in my opinion was turning Dany into a villain. Her character was one of the more interesting of the series as she went from being a naïve slave, to a fighter, a mother, and ultimately became a champion of the people. She was a strong female character with mostly good, if somewhat flawed, intentions. While her drive to claim the Iron Throne and unite Westeros could be seen as warmongering, she certainly didn't deserve to be portrayed as a mad tyrant. That just seemed forced.

Then we have: Bran the Broken and Jon's banishment to the Night's Watch. What the hell? Everything in the finale seemed so forced and discarded a lot character development established in previous seasons. The last two episodes of season 8 were just really disappointing.

Infinite Tucker Takes a Dive in a televised race.

Snake Attacks Man From Doorway

Payback says...

Ya, just watched the first flight episode again. Drogon chowed down and ripped a Son of the Harpy in two like a terrier with a rat.

Good times.

Holy crap S8 ep 5 made 0 fucking sense. I hate when writers run out of ideas. Awesome effects, but no narrative fucks were given.

Payback said:

I'm pretty sure Drogon munched down on one or two of the slave masters right before Daenarys did her first flight. Hes chewed up a couple kids off camera too iirc.

Sesame Street: Respect is Coming

newtboy says...

Well...I tried to like it, and watched the first 4 episodes this kid pushed off a building was the extent of the violence I recall. After Vikings, I was expecting more.
I told my wife to find me an episode with action, not just drama...she tried starting at season 7, which started well with a mass poisoning (quickly ruined for me with a Mission Impossible style mask removal...WHAT?!), but nothing else. Maybe she just chose poorly, but I still wasn't impressed. I want some blood eagles or better with a minimum of two protracted gruesome deaths or a medium to enormous bloody battle per episode to feel I've gotten satisfactory ultra violence, I wasn't overly impressed with the few sex scenes I've seen either.

I never watched House Of Cards, just wasn't interested in a political drama, I see far more of that than I ever wanted in real life now.
So yeah, I don't think it's for me....that's fine, most popular shows aren't. What I've seen so far was fantasy soap opera more than action. If basic cable can give me semi-historical brutal live organ removals, hundreds of bloody deaths, and three ways, I expect the same or better from premium cable.

ChaosEngine said:

So I’ll grant you the fantasy monsters and soft core porn, but the violence is definitely a hard R.

Besides, there’s a lot more to the show than that. GoT at its best is medieval House of Cards. It has great characters and a pretty intricate plot.

It’s not perfect, and of course, you don’t have to like it, but dismissing it as tits and dragons just isn’t fair.

The Weird Beauty of Fungi

Love Death and Robots 1x13 - Warship vs Jets

cloudballoon says...

I like the series a lot. Too over-hyped though. A few meh episodes, but what I enjoyed the most is the varied art styles for each episodes. Overall just very Sci-Fi Lite. Nothing too complicated. Binge worthy.

Love Death and Robots 1x13 - Warship vs Jets

mxxcon says...

it was bleh. a bit crass humor.
yogurt was hilarious.
but i liked zima blue the most. very philosophical and struct a cord with me.

but this lucky13 has one of the most realistic cgi of any episode..or i think of any cgi i've ever watched.

00Scud00 said:

Just finished watching the whole series, most of it is really good, the alternate versions of history where Hitler dies is hilarious.

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