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Crazy runner fakes out catcher

davidraine says...

>> ^treat:
Less of Election '08 and more of this please.

I say we need both. Let's have a Republican campaign vs. Democratic campaign baseball game. It may not progress the issues, but it's always good to see our country's leadership come together to have a good time.

I just wanted to say... (Femme Talk Post)

treat says...

Filtering out Election '08 videos won't change the fact that there's a lack of quality videos getting published on the sift. I've got 4 videos in my PQ that I beg once in a while because it's stuff I legitimately enjoy, I'm 4 videos shy of a bronze star but I won't resort to publishing the crap I don't like just to boost my worth around here. My PQ isn't for most people, of course (yeah, most if it is probably considered crap,) but I'm happy with my own little piece here. I just find it hard to believe so many people around here are this interested in Sarah Palin. I get more than my fill from 15-30 minutes of NPR five days a week.

I just wanted to say... (Femme Talk Post)

treat says...

I second that. Videosift has gone from one of my favorite to one of my most disliked over the course of the last 6 months. I don't find an ounce of interesting material or entertainment in Fox News, Olberman, political bloopers, or the insane redundancy that is Election '08. I can't believe so many sifters haven't burned out on it yet. Then again, you get more videos published when you post clones of what's already in the top 15. And the gold star, that's what it's all about, right?

Crazy runner fakes out catcher

Bush's Staged and Rehearsed "Unrehearsed" Chat With Troops

choggie says...

"Bush's Staged and Rehearsed "Unrehearsed" Chat With Troops"....
everything you see on the idiot box is staged, should we consider modus operandi something shocking???

Why would the fucking press, even ask the question anyway....ineffectual pains in the ass, complicit in every detail of the orchestrated dumbing down of not only Americans, the world

Hey arsenault185-I am going to use your post to make an announcement to the sift...zat ok??

From now on, expect a down vote from choggie, whenever anyone posts anything having to do with the sophomoric exercise, of kicking any dead horses which include the subject of Bush, atheism, war, election 08',racism, pundits,left/right, or anything having to do with what mainstream talking heads say or do-

Lot's of down votes coming for all ya Delusional Distracticons, from May 18 forward-

Channel Roll Call (Sift Talk Post)

Eklek says...

(updated July 4 2008)

After some thinking I created this (2b further tweaked) categorization based on joedirt's post. Most channels could fall into one (sub)category yet some were more vague in their description or channel name, which creates categorization problems which need to be attended. Here we go:


80s: dag, active
future: jwray, active
vintage: swampgirl, active


asia: Lucky760, active
british: Zifnab, active
canada: Calvados, active
downunder: maatc, active


philosophy: bluecliff, MIA
science: rembar, active

religion: jimnms, active
--> islam: Gwaan, MIA
cult: therealblankman, active

(natural world)
nature: Arvana, active
engineering: oxdottir, active
geek: gorgonheap, active
military: darksun, MIA
spacy: lunkwill, active

(social world)
history: rickegee, MIA
humanitarian: bl968, MIA
politics: Open
--> election 08: joedirt, active
--> war on terror: raven, MIA
--> world affairs: histnerd, active


catsanddogs: youdiejoe, active
drugs: rottenseed, active
geek: gorgonheap, active
kids: James Roe, active
sexuality: persephone, active
--> femme: intangiblemeg, MIA
--> gay: Open
travel: silvercord, ?

Arts and Entertainment

art: plastiquemonkey, active
animation: thesnipe, active
--> woo hoo: Krupo, active
bravo (italian): Deano, MIA
cinema: pigeon, ?
cooking: djsunkid, active
music: Open
--> hiphop: benjee, MIA
--> jazz/blues/soul: choggie, active
--> rocknroll: MLX, ?
--> livemusic: deathcow, active
shortfilms: Sarzy, active
sports: michie, MIA
videogames: Oatmeal, active

(a&e genres)
actionpack: wildmanbill, MIA
comedy: Open
--> stand up: winkler1, active
--> parody: dotdude, active
drugs: rottenseed, active
grindhouse: dw117, active
horror show: pyrex, MIA
mystery: grspec, MIA
scifi: Firefly, active
spacy: lunkwill, active
wild west show: Open


1sttube: Grimm, active
books: kronosposeidon, active
bravo (italian): Deano, MIA
commercial: Looris, MIA
documentaries: Fedquip, active
howto: maudlin, MIA
latenight: eric3579, active
meme: MarineGunrock, active
shortfilms: Sarzy, active
viral: Open


cute: Open
dark: dystopianfututretoday, active
eia (stupid): karaidl, MIA
fear: blankfist, active
happy: Issykitty, active
lies: Fjnbk, active
obscure (underground): Farhad2000, active
terrible: sometimes, active
wtf: Spiff, ?

Mentioned twice:
-bravo (italian): Deano, MIA
-drugs: rottenseed, active
-geek: gorgonheap, active
-spacy: lunkwill, active

Channel Roll Call (Sift Talk Post)

bleedingsnowman says...

Again, I will say this, do we need "meme" and "viral" why not expand the definition a little, or make a playlist. Same for "happy" and "cute". Also, some don't really fit and/or aren't that useful like obscure (which is essentially a playlist, since I wouldn't know what to put into that channel ever).

This coming from the guy with the "Election '08" channel. When's that going to be obsolete again?

Channel Roll Call (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

80s: dag, active
asia: Lucky760, active
bravo (italian): Deano, MIA
british: Zifnab, active
canada: Calvados, active
downunder: maatc, active
kids: James Roe, active
geek: gorgonheap, active

1sttube: Grimm, active
vintage: swampgirl, active
animation: thesnipe, active
--> woo hoo: Krupo, active
latenight: eric3579, active

commercial: Looris, MIA
viral: Open
--> meme: MarineGunrock, active

comedy: Open
--> stand up: winkler1, active
--> parody: dotdude, active

music: Open
--> hiphop: benjee, MIA
--> jazz: choggie, active
--> rocknroll: MLX, ?
--> livemusic: deathcow, active

cinema: pigeon, ?
--> shortfilms: Sarzy, active
--> grindhouse: dw117, active

actionpack: wildmanbill, MIA
dark: dystopianfututretoday, active
horror show: pyrex, MIA
mystery: grspec, MIA
wild west show: Open
scifi: Firefly, active

documentaries: Fedquip, active

sports: michie, MIA

videogames: Oatmeal, active

art: plastiquemonkey, active
books: kronosposeidon, active
science: rembar, active
engineering: oxdottir, active
nature: Arvana, active
catsanddogs: youdiejoe, active
cooking: djsunkid, active
history: rickegee, MIA
military: darksun, MIA
spacey: lunkwill, active
travel: silvercord, ?
howto: maudlin, MIA

politics: Open
--> election 08: joedirt, active
--> war on terror: raven, MIA
--> world affairs: histnerd, active

religion: LadyBug, MIA
--> cult: therealblankman, active
--> islam: Gwann, MIA

humanitarian: bl968, MIA
philosophy: bluecliff, MIA

sexuality: persephone, active
--> femme: intangiblemeg, MIA
--> gay: Open

cute: Open
--> happy: Issykitty, active
obscure: Farhad2000, active
terrible: sometimes, active
eia: karaidl, MIA
fear: blankfist, active
lies: Fjnbk, active
wtf: Spiff, ?

Bush Has Officially Gone Off the Deep End

uhohzombies (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

Your points are fair and valid, I was only poking fun at you for the little passive aggressive "p.s." at the end which was essentially saying "you people probably beat your wives because you don't agree with conservative viewpoints".

No, that wasn't my intent or message. Sarcasm noted BTW.

As far as the last bits I left below this comment, replace the word Liberal with Conservative and you have pretty much the same argument.

I can't agree with that assessment because conservatism factors in something liberalism doesn't: facts. For example, it's been fairly well proven that every time the minimum wage is raised, prices go up and businesses hire fewer workers and still fewer inexperienced workers, such as teens entering the job market. But the genius of liberalism is people are emotional animals. What graph or chart is as colorful or loud as one "activist" screaming about hungry children, even if it has nothing to do with the issue at hand? So, the minimum wage goes up, prices go up, and once again, the media can blame higher prices and unemployment on...well...whatever's handy at the moment.

Republicans have failed to properly emotionalize their arguments, and even if they did, they'll always have a harder battle to fight, because there are no solutions, only trade-offs. Liberals don't believe that because they're selling what they believe to be permanent solutions.

Look, I was raised in a Republican household and I am still a registered Republican despite having moved left of center over the past 4 or 5 years. I've learned that someones morals and viewpoints are subjective and vary wildly based on where and how they were raised and by whom. Some peoples emotions and thought processes run differently and they see things differently. Sometimes they evolve over time when they engage in free-thought and tune out what everyone else says or thinks for a while. That's fine.

We are entitled to our own opinions but not our own facts. You're young yet and will have to find your own answers, of course. Being raised in a Republican household might very well have been a handicap, because the family unit is communistic by nature and now you're out there, seeking knowledge for yourself as you make your way through life. Conservatism and other -isms are being cross-examined by you, put through your tests and yes, through the filters of your experience.

Personally, the acts of the Bush administration have left me in utter disbelief and ashamed of what the Republican party has become, but of course a great many Americans disagree and feel the bogeyman is real and we have to assert our might lest our stature in the world degrade any more than it already has. Giving up is for sissies even if staying the course leads to economic and social ruin.

I'm not a fan of Bush myself, and could probably match your laundry list of what's wrong with him. It's all ebb and flow, and there are going to be low points, for the party and the nation. Research what America was like during Jimmy Carter's presidency.

If the R's want to survive, they'll find a way to get back to what matters. Or they'll die out. It may take people like you leaving for greener pastures for them to wake up. Hell, maybe you won't come back. I believe that things balance out, eventually. The Soviet Union, as bad is it was, fell because it was beneath human dignity to live like that. Hopefully China will also lose the Red.

Oh well, what I have ultimately learned is that after a certain age, opinions are pretty firmly cemented not withstanding a severe paradigm shift (like what if irrefutable proof came out that 9/11 was orchestrated a la Crassus and Spartacus or the Reichstag Fire in order to further a political goal; how then would you feel about this country and government? Just a hypothetical of course).

If it could be proven 9-11 was an inside job, my first reaction would be to find out how the conspirators managed to keep the silence and complicity of thousands of people, many of them government workers that can't even deliver the mail (a line from Maher). The problem with conspiracy theories is that when there's no evidence, the theorists say, "That just proves how good the conspirators really are."

For the sake of fun, let's say it was a conspiracy. If so, it backfired in several ways. If Bush was seeking to become a tyrant, his perceived inability to protect New York was not an asset. People like me, already pissed-off at the size and power of pre-9-11 government didn't suddenly relax now that there was going to be more bureaucracy to protect us.

Second, if Bush was seeking the tyrannical power that the left claims he has now, he failed to go far enough. There was no mass censorship or government seizure of media and Homeland Security did not suddenly have thousands of stormtroopers at its disposal. The message was, "Live your life like always, in spite of the attacks."

Lastly, Bush united an opposition that, if they agreed upon nothing else, could blame Bush for everything. He was still in trouble with leftists before the attacks due to the 'stolen' election, and he couldn't placate the left fast enough spending OUR money.

That having been said, going into a place where a majority of folks disagree with you politically and essentially poking the lions is generally a wasteful gesture. Nobody is going to suddenly think Olbermann is wrong and O'Reilly has it all right, or that Obama is the anti-christ and McCain will save this country from the failed policies of the Bush administration.

True on all counts. Thus my new policy. There's enough going on at VS not to bother with it anymore.

Ultimately, history is the best educator and can truly open ones eyes to the way the world works because in all honesty not much has changed in the last 2000 years as far as how men control other men and how power asserts itself. I highly recommend delving into the history of the Roman Empire, particularly the way Crassus used the gladiator revolt and paved the way for the Triumverate and God-Emperors of Rome, and the way the Nazis used the Reichstag Fire, a staged act of 'terrorism', to increase their power and further their agendas. There are many precedents throughout history for governments creating enemies or events in order to tighten their grip on a population, solidify power, engage in wars, and strip away freedoms.

The American form of government is unique in world history and remains one-of-a-kind today. The 3 branches make it extremely difficult for any one individual or group to consolidate too much power, too quickly. It "survived" Bush and if Obama gets in, democracy will hobble his efforts at trying to change things overnight.

The creation of an "Other" for government to consolidate power is a given throughout history. However, when there are not imagined barbarians at the gate, there are real ones.

Our opinions differ on the war. I happen to think history will show taking out Saddam was the right thing to do, but no, I can't "prove" it any more than scientitians now can prove with climate models that global warming is man-made.

I get the subtext of your message.

We all like to believe that the people who disagree with us are unread, inexperienced, missing obvious truths, buying into lies, etc. It's simply not so. There exist people on every side of the issues that are intelligent, well-read, etc. But being human, we will be biased toward one side: ours.

It all goes back to Patrick Moynihan's timeless saying: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not their own facts.

Ancora Imparo.

"I've spent so much time with spiritual advisors, so much money on crystals and weird drugs. To think Cthulhu had been living in Hollywood Hills this whole time. He's saved my career."
--W. Axl Rose

In reply to this comment by uhohzombies:
Your points are fair and valid, I was only poking fun at you for the little passive aggressive "p.s." at the end which was essentially saying "you people probably beat your wives because you don't agree with conservative viewpoints".

As far as the last bits I left below this comment, replace the word Liberal with Conservative and you have pretty much the same argument. Look, I was raised in a Republican household and I am still a registered Republican despite having moved left of center over the past 4 or 5 years. I've learned that someones morals and viewpoints are subjective and vary wildly based on where and how they were raised and by whom. Some peoples emotions and thought processes run differently and they see things differently. Sometimes they evolve over time when they engage in free-thought and tune out what everyone else says or thinks for a while. That's fine. Personally, the acts of the Bush administration have left me in utter disbelief and ashamed of what the Republican party has become, but of course a great many Americans disagree and feel the bogeyman is real and we have to assert our might lest our stature in the world degrade any more than it already has. Giving up is for sissies even if staying the course leads to economic and social ruin.

Oh well, what I have ultimately learned is that after a certain age, opinions are pretty firmly cemented not withstanding a severe paradigm shift (like what if irrefutable proof came out that 9/11 was orchestrated a la Crassus and Spartacus or the Reichstag Fire in order to further a political goal; how then would you feel about this country and government? Just a hypothetical of course). Most political arguments are just that... heated arguments which lead to nothing. True debate is almost nonexistent because usually one person or both are just completely incapable of objectively examining someone else's viewpoints. That having been said, going into a place where a majority of folks disagree with you politically and essentially poking the lions is generally a wasteful gesture. Nobody is going to suddenly think Olbermann is wrong and O'Reilly has it all right, or that Obama is the anti-christ and McCain will save this country from the failed policies of the Bush administration.

Ultimately, history is the best educator and can truly open ones eyes to the way the world works because in all honesty not much has changed in the last 2000 years as far as how men control other men and how power asserts itself. I highly recommend delving into the history of the Roman Empire, particularly the way Crassus used the gladiator revolt and paved the way for the Triumverate and God-Emperors of Rome, and the way the Nazis used the Reichstag Fire, a staged act of 'terrorism', to increase their power and further their agendas. There are many precedents throughout history for governments creating enemies or events in order to tighten their grip on a population, solidify power, engage in wars, and strip away freedoms.

In reply to this comment by quantumushroom:

I'm thinking about the psychological makeup of the submitter. Let's go inside their head: they've just posted yet another lopsided fake newsman like Colbert or Maher or the despicable Keef Overbite, bashing Bush or criticizing the war in unproductive fashion. The same 5-10 kudos arrive and everyone's in agreement.

Liberals take their worldview very, very seriously, to the point there are no other valid points of view. So, I says to myself, I says, even if you're trying to "educate" among the fun-poking, none of these people signed up to hear from you. And so I says to myself, "Self, you're right."

And that's where we are today. I don't expect anyone after these few comments to even bother. Another month and no one will know I was there. There's enough music and tech and stuff not to bother with election '08 and beyond.

I'm still around and my views remain the same. But just as I wouldn't walk around Target or the (hated) Wal-mart telling strangers what I think of Bush or Colbert, now it has its place. That's all.

uhohzombies (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

Thank you for the congrats on the star. Unless it turns into the glaive from Krull it will be the same as bronze...but who doesn't love a promotion!

Haha, nice attempt at deflecting the real issue with the types of comments you make and the manner you make them in. In psychology this is what's called a classic case of projection, and quite a passively aggressive one as well.

My comments are what they are. I'm not reacting to the submitter, I'm reacting to the content of the sift and how it "moved" me. Sometimes I go in depth...other times I'd rather lay down a one-liner if it's going to be another Obamorgy. I've perhaps not made it clear enough that when sifters want to argue (in the friendly, debate-sense, not angrily) they're welcome to stop by and elaborate their position. A few have.

Projection is a confusion of self and other that results from attributing to the outside something that is truly self. An example of healthy projection is art. Pathological projection results from not being aware of and accepting responsibility for that which is projected.

I wouldn't consider your comments so important as to actually affect someone in their personal life beyond minor annoyance and pity.

I'm thinking about the psychological makeup of the submitter. Let's go inside their head: they've just posted yet another lopsided fake newsman like Colbert or Maher or the despicable Keef Overbite, bashing Bush or criticizing the war in unproductive fashion. The same 5-10 kudos arrive and everyone's in agreement.

Then, a qm/shroomy/ post.

Mind you, by the time I stop by our hypothetical sift usually has 20 or more upvotes and is in no danger of falling, it's already one for the Archives.

So I drop a one-liner, or call Olbermann Olbyloon, and suddenly the whole Jenga falls to pieces. Do people jump out of buildings? No. But they probably frown or shake their heads in disgust. I've made people I don't even know less happy. Who's wrong or right is irrelevant.

So it dawns on me "recently", why spoil it for others? They're letting off steam and for the most part, they're in agreement. Why ruin it?

Where we disagree is the emotion behind the words. I would hazard maybe a third of the liberal sifters really do have an absolute hatred of Bush that borders on psychotic and a great many atheists around here are quite militant.

Liberals take their worldview very, very seriously, to the point there are no other valid points of view. So, I says to myself, I says, even if you're trying to "educate" among the fun-poking, none of these people signed up to hear from you. And so I says to myself, "Self, you're right."

And that's where we are today. I don't expect anyone after these few comments to even bother. Another month and no one will know I was there. There's enough music and tech and stuff not to bother with election '08 and beyond.

I'm still around and my views remain the same. But just as I wouldn't walk around Target or the (hated) Wal-mart telling strangers what I think of Bush or Colbert, now it has its place. That's all.

The Official Roast of dotdude! (Parody Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

I need to point out something else that is a testament to his utter lack of creativity and originality. Dotdude runs a channel. A channel that isn't even it's own unique idea, rather the subcategory of a channel that already exists. If something is a parody, it usually falls under the category of "comedy". In fact I doubt you'll find many sifts that are in the parody channel that aren't in the comedy channel. It's like if I started a channel and called it "Election 08 Democrats" or "Cooking with vegetables".

I meant for this to be funny, but after writing it, I realize it's true and not really funny at all, rather sad and I refuse to participate in any parodytalk posts.

Ron Paul Interviewed by Wolf Blitzer

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'election 08, president, republican, situation room, cnn, Doctor No' to 'ron paul, election 08, president, republican, situation room, cnn, Doctor No' - edited by Grimm

Ron Paul: Breaking Through the Media

Ron Paul on Jay Leno

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