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Christopher Hitchens drops the Hammer

shinyblurry says...

>> ^AnimalsForCrackers:
Shiny, as a corporeal representative for God's so-called everlasting/universal love, you seem to really relish the idea of people who, y'know, don't fall in line with your incomprehensible and unjustified self-enslavement and stuff BURNING IN HELL FOREVER.
But please, defer the blame for your petty (calling it childish would be an insult to actual well-adjusted children), crass behavior right on back to your evidence-less imaginary friend so you don't have to ever engage anyone in good faith, ever; we're all sinners and you're God's special child/saved and that's that. Actually, considering that, it might be a better idea if you just fuck right off. Go drop a turd in someone else's punch-bowl.

I don't though, I do not relish that. It's the last thing I want. I don't relish the idea of anyone suffering, neither would I want anyone to have to suffer. I know that there are many people who will end up rejecting God, especially in these times. I pray God has mercy on their souls. I wouldn't want anyone to go to hell, and neither does God.

People want to have it both ways. They want Gods justice but not His punishment. God has made it very clear He isn't letting any sin into Heaven and everyone knows that. It is only by a narrow margin that anyone could be saved under these circumstances, which is why Jesus Christ died for us. He made a provision for humanity, which despite its continual sinning was well loved by its Creator, even to the point of the death of His own Son.

Justice will be done for the evil committed on Earth and sin wont be allowed in Heaven. Those who hear the message and reject it with receive a greater punishment. That is why, noticing the anti-christian bent on the sift, I have been posting the truth in the threads of anti-christian videos. It's not about my is about Gods truth and His Word, and compassion for our collective spiritual plight. I don't feel like I am going to make it half the time, and I certainly wouldnt try to put it on that I am somehow more worthy than someone else.

That being said, the lies of the devil are too numerous to count, and far too many people have been duped by them. Anything which points away from Gods truth is a lie, and at least in this country sinning has become socially acceptable, and is even admired. It is also socially acceptable to disparage and denigrate Christians, and obstensively members of other religions. I don't mind it for the Lords sake but the worst part of it for me is knowing that the ones doing this will be judged for it if they don't repent. Society has embraced sin and has become seriously dystopian and nihilisitic. In any case it isn't something I can live with so when there is anti-christian propaganda out there I will respond with the truth. Not to justify myself to someone telling me to fuck off, but as this rudimentry and poorly thought out opinion on me seems to be becoming a concensus, I think the truth is worth stating.

POV of Motorcycle Versus Deer at 85 MPH

Skeeve says...

Maybe you have never seen a motorcycle before so I will reiterate what I said: if a motorcycle hits something hard enough that it gets so damaged it can't be ridden again, in the vast majority of cases the rider dies. It was a simple enough connection to make.

As for the comments about the danger, while it may be irresponsible for this guy to be speeding, of any place to be speeding it looks like this is probably one of the best; out of the city, on dry, clean roads with little traffic and few possible obstacles. Much better than the hundreds of videos of people speeding around cities.

Further, the idea that speeding, in and of itself, is some horrible thing, is a fallacy that Americans have been hypersensualized to. 85 mph is a standard speed on the autobahn in Germany (and many of the roads are not dissimilar from this one) and it has a lower accident rate than most American highways/freeways. It's not speed, it's crappy drivers/riders.
>> ^dannym3141:

>> ^Skeeve:
First of all, "totaled" doesn't mean his bike was totally obliterated; it means it was written off because the damage costs more to repair than the vehicle is worth. If he had to stop because of engine damage then it is very possible it was totaled.
Secondly, wishing someone was dead - as having a bike get "so trashed he couldn't ride it ever again" generally means a dead rider - because they were speeding makes you look like either a fucked up troll or a seriously disturbed individual.
First of all... his bike was not totaled. If he managed to calmly bring it to a stop, and then make it start again, and ride it, that's far from totaled.
Secondly... he was doing 85 when he it the deer, on a small road. I wish the bike was so trashed he couldn't ride it ever again. Douchebag.

Over reaction for the win, where did he wish anyone was dead? I think you're fucked up for automatically assuming people want other people dead!
What i love about this SEVEN TIMES upvoted comment, is that you completely manipulated his words and twisted his meaning, and then called him fucked up based on that twisted meaning.
This is worthy of a dystopian comment!
He was speeding, i also hope he has to buy a new bike, maybe he'll think twice about speeding next time. Glad he's alive though.

POV of Motorcycle Versus Deer at 85 MPH

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Skeeve:

First of all, "totaled" doesn't mean his bike was totally obliterated; it means it was written off because the damage costs more to repair than the vehicle is worth. If he had to stop because of engine damage then it is very possible it was totaled.
Secondly, wishing someone was dead - as having a bike get "so trashed he couldn't ride it ever again" generally means a dead rider - because they were speeding makes you look like either a fucked up troll or a seriously disturbed individual.
First of all... his bike was not totaled. If he managed to calmly bring it to a stop, and then make it start again, and ride it, that's far from totaled.
Secondly... he was doing 85 when he it the deer, on a small road. I wish the bike was so trashed he couldn't ride it ever again. Douchebag.

Over reaction for the win, where did he wish anyone was dead? I think you're fucked up for automatically assuming people want other people dead!

What i love about this SEVEN TIMES upvoted comment, is that you completely manipulated his words and twisted his meaning, and then called him fucked up based on that twisted meaning.

This is worthy of a dystopian comment!

He was speeding, i also hope he has to buy a new bike, maybe he'll think twice about speeding next time. Glad he's alive though.

Real-life M.C. Escher perpetual-motion machine

JestJokin says...

I think Payback pretty much has it. Except, IMHO, I think some of the columns (vertical) were cropped/created using AFX/Maya type programs.
I work in Maya , Max , CAD , AFX etc... Drach's comments about shadows and 'his eye' were as vague as him saying "I work in CGI". Sorry, but 'bollocks mate'. The only shadow (raytraced) inconsistencies are on 'some' of the columns, and their corresponding shadows. Dystopian, I'll bet money that the water is real, as well as the channels it runs in. However some of the columns do not receive or create shadows as they should. If he did create the water in a 3D program, he should be working for one of the major animation houses as a fluid dynamics animator, but I don't think he did. I could be wrong though, because this was NOT a simple trick.

I love the sift, mostly because of the level of intelligence often displayed in the comments. But "CGI" is a vague term that could be used by anyone who's seen Lord of the Rings. If you know what you're talking about, be more specific please. You don't need to 'dumb it down', this isn't YouTube. >> ^Drachen_Jager:

Yeah, you can see it in the shadow-interaction if you look closely. The whole structure also stands out as a bit 'off' to me, but I work with CGI so I guess I have a trained eye.
The giveaway is the shadows though. Freeze frame it when his shadow is half on the structure. The edge of the shadow is blurred on the waterfall, but it's crisp on the floor.
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
CGI water? I think you could pull something like this off with a hidden pump. I'd be disappointed if it were just CGI. >> ^Drachen_Jager:
It's just CGI guys. Pretty simple trick.
Very well done though.

The Dark Knight - Alternate Ending

poolcleaner says...

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^rychan:
I want to like these movies but... so cheesy. That batman voice is ridiculous.

The voice is a bit much and somewhat comical, but do you think they chose that because it was the best way for him to hide his voice from others who knew him as Bruce Wayne? That's always what bothered me about Superman, that he could put on a pair of glasses and transform from the epitome of the human physique to the mild-mannered Clark Kent.
To me, the Dark Knight was the best of any of the previous Batman movies. Any of them.

Agreed. But if someone ever adapts Frank Miller's dystopian vision of the DC universe, I will die happy. Superman as a government controlled weapon versus an aging freedom fighting Batman on horseback? Yes, please.

The Media's Desperate Search for Violent Liberal Rhetoric

NetRunner says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

The majority of the American people aren't buying the leftmedia's BS spin about this lone vermin, whose heinous act was apolitical.

A politician was specifically singled out at a political function. By that very fact, it can't be apolitical.

It wasn't like he went and robbed a 7-11 and ended up accidentally hit a member of Congress when the clerk pulled a gun. That would be apolitical.

The word "non-partisan" is a better fit, but firing a gun at a politician sounds pretty "partisan" to me.

He was clearly not right in the head, but also pretty clearly, he wasn't completely loopy. As much as the media has joked about "government using grammar as mind control", that's exactly what was going on in 1984, which was on his favorite book list.

Also, there's been mention of him burning the flag. Well, in his Youtube videos he explains that the flag isn't in the Constitution, therefore it's meaningless.

As much as the right likes to act like flag burning is something liberals do for fun, what does it mean if it's burned in protest of it being unconstitutional to even have an American flag?

He also talks at length about currency, and there he sounds like an Austrian economist -- the Fed is manipulating currency to control us, and the solution is that we should just individually create and use our own currency instead.

All that said, I'm perfectly happy to say that nothing about the above makes "the right" directly responsible for what happened. I think he had sterner stuff than cable news driving him nuts.

But I will say that the delusional nightmare he fell into is very much like the one the right is always trying to sell these days. The government is evil, all powerful, and coming for you, so get your guns, you "might" need them.

Do I think they should stop pushing that dystopian picture? Yes, and I always have felt that way. Do I think this is a good time to say so again? You betcha.

Do I think the left generates a significant chunk of the noise that adds heat to our debates without adding light? Sure. Does the left have a similar dystopian vision that they're constantly hammering home? Maybe. If so, ours is presented with non-violent calls to action and a kernel of hope that it's not too late to make a difference, not a call to lock and load, build a bunker, and your only hope is that you might survive the inevitable apocalypse.

And QM, if you read this far down, I'm not really directing this at you, you were just the catalyst for a rant that had been building for a while. Thanks for helping bring it out.

Amazon Boobs, Ancient Gods and the End of Evil

bamdrew says...

No violence/fear/worship, etc. if we don't teach it? ... I find 90% of this video absurd and delusional, and the other 10% ripped from Buddhism and Communism.

Accidents happen! Anger is natural! Empathy is not equally distributed in all people! People desire, and have various levels of greed and selfishness! etc.

Beyond a Borg-like, distributed collective consciousness, I can see no possible way that humans will ever "overcome" the concept of organizing themselves into societies in which certain people play certain roles, both in private/commercial/industrial and communal/societal/governmental ways. And @vaporlock brings up the excellent point that once completely unshackled the greed of anonymous private industry investors WOULD essentially be the new government. To go totally dystopian on you, what would stop wars being fought between Walmart-Blackwater LLC and Exxon-Aegis Defense Services Inc. for your city and its resources?

Anti-Statism, just another religion?

sarah palin-wins "misinformer of the year"

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Chimps Stage Precision Attack on Enemy

iaui says...

Dystopian: He's not saying that he's unimpressed by the maneuver the chimps 'pulled off' but by the fake 'heat-sensing camera'. At about 3:30 you can clearly see that the chimps are just little light green chimp-shaped animations fake-walking through a dark green background. Watch how the animations rotate to turn. They're just animated sprites (a la GTA 1 and 2.) Now, it's entirely possible that the maneuver as described actually happened and the documentarians dreamed up the 'night-cam' animation to help explain the story, but it's also true that there's no real evidence that what was described actually occurred. There's footage of chimps, and their prey, and there's a bit of a chimp grabbing at its prey, but nothing that proves it happened...

However, if it did, I'm sure he's impressed, as we all probably would be. (:

Colbert: Don't Shoot the Schlessinger

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^NetRunner:
@<A rel="nofollow" class=profilelink title="member since May 3rd, 2010" href="">Lawdeedaw what's the context in which it's okay to tell someone they're being "hypersensitive" because they're offended by the use of the n-word, and to make your point you say it several times in a row?

And that is why I said Les did it to make waves. Call her a fame-hore. I quarter no pity for her in that regard, however, that is what society craves, needs, cuddles with at night. Her jump for fame was really our need for sensationalism as a people. We are some sick and twisted people of the commercial society we craft.

Not only is Les a fame-hore, but she would be a hypocrite as well (I.e. she being a Jew would probably fine Kike a bad wordy.) You find no defense for Les from me. Now, you also find little defense for the "hypersensitive" either. Did she blast her own African American people for shitting where they eat? (I am seriously curious, I don't recall that she did but was not watching with all-encompassing intrest.)

Lastly, I agree with dystopian, that comment should have offended far more people than "nigger." Of course that is slightly out of context, but the meaning was 100% what dystopian is saying.

Rand Paul Wants A Honeymoon

Drachen_Jager says...

What a whiner.

I dunno about "thoughtful" dystopian. He doesn't give pre-packaged answers in little soundbites, sure, but Libertarianism is not a thoughtful philosophy. BP should be the final nail in their coffin but somehow they think that things like that wouldn't happen if there were only LESS regulation (never mind that it was an exemption granted to them from STANDARD regulations that turned this from a one day tragic news story to a months long ecological crisis).

Libertarianism is patently false, anyone with a lick of sense and the determination to come up with the honest answer can figure that out.

Google: trying very hard not to be evil

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Me too. There's a reason dystopian themes are popular in SF and video games. >> ^lesserfool:
My concern for the implications of society losing privacy is overshadowed by my enjoyment of riding tech's slippery slope into a troubling future.

spoco2 (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

>> ^dannym3141:
Thank you very much for your support against the attack from dystopian. He has done this before on the issue of racism.
He's made a second comment which was a massive attempt at an insulting psycho-analysis to try and a) insult and antagonise me and b) discredit me to others as a racist.
I absolutely will not stoop to doing that to him, nor giving him a fake psycho analysis to try and illustrate his deep rooted character faults.
It really upsets me that there are people on the sift that would do that kind of thing. Disagreeing with me is fine, but trying to publically analyse me and give a heavily biased insulting rundown is really .. well, i have no words for it, i'm simply hurt.
Seeing that someone understood and can see what dyst was trying to do makes me feel a WHOLE lot better

LOL. Hey, not fair, I want a toady too.


spoco2 (Member Profile)

dannym3141 says...

EXACTLY. What the hell goes through their brains that they have to stop themselves and think "wait, i'm siding with a white guy, am i being racist?"

In reply to this comment by spoco2:
Sometimes you wonder if there are people who are just completely unable to comprehend that some of us can watch something like that and not think about the race of the two people but rather the actions of them.

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
Thank you very much for your support against the attack from dystopian. He has done this before on the issue of racism.

He's made a second comment which was a massive attempt at an insulting psycho-analysis to try and a) insult and antagonise me and b) discredit me to others as a racist.

I absolutely will not stoop to doing that to him, nor giving him a fake psycho analysis to try and illustrate his deep rooted character faults.

It really upsets me that there are people on the sift that would do that kind of thing. Disagreeing with me is fine, but trying to publically analyse me and give a heavily biased insulting rundown is really .. well, i have no words for it, i'm simply hurt.

Seeing that someone understood and can see what dyst was trying to do makes me feel a WHOLE lot better

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