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Ex-Abu Ghraib Prisoner Speaks Out On Abuse

John Oliver - Mike Pence

ChaosEngine says...

Well, I don't agree with this premise.

As @newtboy points out, there are plenty of other things the bible lists as sinful that no one really gives a damn about.

IMO, the evangelical right's abhorrence of homosexuality isn't really about religion. There are two factors at play:

1 - "gays are icky". Some guys (and it is mostly guys) are seriously disturbed by the idea of male homosexual acts. Lesbians? Eh, they're obviously evil, but also kinda hot, so we'll let that one slide.

2- fear of being gay and/or being labelled gay. "Me? I'm not gay! I hate gays!"

Ultimately, I think that for the majority of evangelical christians, homosexuality will be more and more accepted, especially as the older members die off.

bcglorf said:

The evangelical christian belief that homosexuality is immoral isn't going to disappear, it's being listed in both old and new testaments as sinful makes that a lock.

lurgee (Member Profile)

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

The Most Disturbing Painting

newtboy says...

The painting of the hunt from the movie Cabin in the Woods, a gory scene of dogs and hunters tearing apart a lamb that covered the two way mirror in the bedrooms.
Google "painting from cabin in the woods movie"....I'm not sure it's actually named.

Seeing it again, it's not as gruesome as I remembered it, but still disturbing.

Edit: also good, the ship in a storm and other dark paintings from 1408

ChaosEngine said:

Thanks for the promote. Do you have a link to the painting? (Googling "The Hunt from Cabin in the Woods" just gives me images of cabins in the woods!)

16 seconds: The Killing of Anita Kurmann

Buttle says...

I reviewed the policy before posting, and concluded that this video does not qualify as snuff. Death is not presented as entertainment. Although the entire video is essentially about a single death and its causes and effects, the actual moment of Dr. Kurmann's demise is just one short but disturbing part.

newtboy said:

True, but that's not all it says....
The presence of human fatality is acceptable and not considered "snuff" if presented as a limited, incidental portion of a lengthy educational, informative news report or documentary that encompasses a much broader narrative. Our definition of "snuff" does include but is not exclusive to any short clip in which a human fatality occurs whether or not any victims are actually visible on camera.

As the fatal accident was the central point of the video and not incidental, and the video may or may not be considered lengthy and or news, I thought it a reasonable question to pose to the community.
To clarify, it was intended as a question not an accusation.

Trump- Democrats UnAmerican, Treasonous For Not Clapping

New Rule: Distinction Deniers

Payback says...

There isn't one single statement in this post that I don't support 1000%. Period.

It's just nothing to do with the point I'm making.

Rape is a crime. A violent assault.

Groping is a crime. Less violent, but still assault.

Patting someone on the butt is wrong, but is unlikely to be pathological behaviour like the above. It's condescending. It's disturbing to the person being marginalized. It creates embarrassment mostly when yes, there should be outrage. I just feel it's a lack of knowledge that should be informed, not a power-based assault requiring punishment.

My personal view is, how would I react to a specific action being used on my mom, sister, girlfriend or wife. If I'd kick the guy's ass so hard he'd have to undo his collar to take a shit, I don't do it. Hell, if I found it mildly irksome I'd avoid it too.

bareboards2 said:

Listen to Sam Bee again. There are things to learn. Or read what Chaos said. Wise human being. A gender free label, that. Wise. @00Scud00.

This is the same ole, same ole.

Nothing is perfect. Nobody can control everyone's every utterance. I'm sure that there some Men's Rights folks out there who make you cringe.

As many women have written -- we know the difference between rape and a grope.

Both need to be knocked the hell off. No groping. Get it? Don't grope.

A lot of women don't talk about punishment for the gropers. They talk about KNOCK IT THE HELL OFF.

New Rule: Distinction Deniers

00Scud00 says...

Or, just maybe there were people who were happy to hear they weren't the only ones who find the whole "kill them all and let god sort them out" mentality a little disturbing.

Nobody here is trying to argue that the Harvey Weinsteins' or the Al Frankens' of the world should not be held to account. Only that the punishment should reflect the severity of their actions, and not just how their actions make you feel.

I used to think the Internet was for Porn, but now I'm beginning to think it's really for outrage and we aren't made to live in a constant state of outrage.

bareboards2 said:

I was struck by the decidedly male and extremely loud whooping and cheering as Bill talked.

Spoke volumes, that did.

I am willing to bet $100 that some of those whoopers have been and continue to be creepy with women.

Thank you @ChaosEngine. Per usual, you are a lovely calming flow of reason and understanding in a turbulent time. You sound like a human being. Just... a human being.

I love that in a person.

New Rule: Distinction Deniers

newtboy says...

Asis Ansari denies anything untoward or intentionally is admitted by his accuser that's trying to have him convicted in the court of public opinion and blackballed....over her regretting having had bad consensual sex.

A bad date isn't rape, bad consensual sex later regretted isn't rape, an argument isn't rape, no chemistry isn't rape, only rape is rape and your contention is that this doesn't matter, they are equally guilty and deserve equal scorn and hate?!? Being weird is the same as being a rapist?!? Jesus fucking Christ, I always thought you were rational. This position you're taking is not rational, and drives rational people away from the movement....and will destroy it before it has any effect.
Being weird is a good thing, just look at the "normal" person and tell me they're worth emulating.

Don't stop using your brain.

Does this go both ways? If a man has a bad date, or bad sex, can he accuse the woman of exaggerated disgusting behavior publicly by lumping her in with serious abusers to hurt her professionally and personally as revenge for his own inability to say "stop" or "no"?

I hope that girl you had a bad date with in high school doesn't come back to show you the error of your position by adding your name to the "me too" list, destroying your career, family life, and future with no recourse to prove your innocence...all because she didn't orgasm.....but I do hope you see the error.

BTW, the next time you're caught saying something disturbing to someone else, you need to remind them you aren't trying to murder them. Your position means if you upset someone, that's the same as the worst thing you could have done, torture murder. There is no distinction.

In fact, your post did upset me, you fucking child raping monster. That's not overboard at all according to you, and you are exactly the same as a serial chomo...until legal sentencing time. That is what you advocate.
Fuck. People have all lost their fucking minds over this issue.

ChaosEngine said:

Good points Bill.

Next time I'm breaking some dudes leg with a baseball bat, I'll be sure to remind him that he's not being murdered.

But hey, congrats on one thing. I was kinda unsure about Sam Bee's video until I saw this... now I'm 100% behind her.

So let me mansplain the fuck outta this.
Yes, rape is worse than groping.
No, no one gives a fuck about your opinion.
Yes, some drugs fuck you up more than others.
No, that analogy doesn't fucking apply here.

Honestly, the more I watch Maher, the more I'm convinced he's actually a fucking moron who, by sheer coincidence, happens to agree with some smart people on some things, but when left to his own devices, hasn't a fucking clue.

The senator is EXACTLY right. Right now, we don't need to have a conversation about the varying levels of how fucked up groping or harassment or rape is. If and when people are being sentenced to death and/or extreme prison terms, yeah, let's talk about proportionate response. Right now, let's just keep telling dudes (and be honest, it's mostly dudes) STOP BEING WEIRD, GROPEY OR RAPEY. It's just not fucking cool.

And if it takes "ruining someone's career" to do that... well, boo fucking hoo.

And as for the people claiming trial by media, I agree, that's fucked up. And when one of the accused people actually denies what they've done... I'll happily give them the benefit of the doubt.

Keanu Reeves Tactical 3 gun shooting

bareboards2 says...

Sorry. You're right. I shouldn't have laid it all on Keanu.

It is just creepy.

They are employees of a business. Who hired them? Where are the normal looking women?

This is Hooters, only with guns and not hamburgers and beer. Or whatever they sell there.

Would there be any normal looking women, when the intent is obviously to draw male eyes to this business?

Do you realize that you are being pandered to, you folks who are making fun of my "outrage"? Do you know you are being manipulated? Do you understand that it is super creepy if you don't know you are being manipulated?

There is a great new movement right now of women speaking up and making clear that they are intelligent and have loads to offer other than beauty. It was super thrilling to watch the Golden Globes and hear all these amazing and brilliant women talk so eloquently about something other than who made their dress.

To go from that to this parade of nubile flesh as a backdrop to gun skills .... creeped me out. It isn't real. It isn't what the world looks like. It is manufactured and disturbing when I personally am hungry for images of women DOING and being, instead of being looked at.

There are women out there who love guns and are knowledgeable about guns. And they don't all look like this.

You know I adore you completely, Chaos. And I wasn't accurate in my original post. Thank you for calling that to my attention.

But it isn't true that only you brought "common sense and facts" into this. I brought the common sense and facts, too. Just not eloquently or accurately. Being talked about like that, being reduced to "outrage" instead of being accorded some respect for noticing the unnatural assemblage of super attractive women obviously being used to as eye bait... well, that is common. Very common. And uncool.

You, though, dear friend, are super cool.

ChaosEngine said:

That seems kinda unfair on Keanu. This is not him hanging out with friends, this is a montage of him training at a tactical shooting school. The “super attractive women” are employees of the school (have seen them in other videos).

Wrong video in "promoted" slot? (Sift Talk Post)

geo321 says...

shit I wish I knew. hoping for a fix myself. Told my friend I was in a place not to be disturbed. Now he has Dick in the Box playing on rotation lol

2 Drops Of Spilled Mercury Destroyed This Scientist's Brain

Fairbs says...

I think her husband poisoned her

I worked at a place that used a chemical that could absorb through your skin and then react with the calcium in your bones; that's always been a disturbing thought for me

NY Times and 5 women call out Louis CK for harrassment

newtboy says... much for the hope that it's all made up. I had been thinking this act is so odd, and there have been so many similar recent accusations about so many men that it could be the She-man Man Haters Club repeating what sounded like a good accusation to them....and it's really disturbing to find out that, not only did he do this, he saw nothing wrong with it before now.

ABC News: Purity Balls: Lifting the Veil on Special Ceremony

Sagemind says...

Admirable but terrible.
Completely setting these girls up for failure in life.

Hahahahahahah _ He was "Compromised"
So he better make sure everyone else hates themselves as well.

The Purity Ball, is creepy as hell. If a girl needs a male touch, it better NOT be from her father!!

OMG - I have so much to say here.
I find so much of this disturbing.

What gives the dad the right to tell her who is good enough. Talk about absolute control issues. Teaching these girls right from day one, that it'a the MAN who makes all the decisions - That the girl is not capable to make her own choices.

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