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Russian SU-24's Fly Within 30 FT of US Warship

radx says...

This was off the coast of Kaliningrad. If a Russian or a Chinese guided missile destroyer conducted excercises with the Cuban military (say two years ago) off the coast of Florida, the US military would not sit by idly.

It is a provocation, I agree. But so are military excercises on another nation's doorstep.

As far as I am concerned, I'd very much appreciate if every nation would stop taking their toys out for a spin in Eastern Europe. I'd prefer the Russians not to set up a brand sparkling new tank corps on their western border, and I'd prefer fucking NATO not to deploy hundreds of MBTs all over former Soviet territory.

That said, the sailors aboard the Cook seem to have the proper reaction: a laugh. For politicians (looking at you, Kerry!) to use this incident as an excuse to funnel more money towards the MIC was as predictable as it is despicable.

Edit: if they absolutely need to play war, Paradox is going to release HoI4 on D-Day -- you get to fight Russians for a mere 40€.

Military will refuse to obey unlawful orders from Pres Trump

newtboy says...

Sadly, it's only after leaving the positions of power that people seem to realize this is true, that you are required to analyze orders and to refuse those that are illegal (and question those that are unreasonable or appear illegal).
In practice, questioning orders is a good way to end up in military prison.
Also, most fear losing their position of power far more than they fear being caught following illegal orders. Few if any have ever been prosecuted.
It's for this reason that we have the crimes exposed by Manning and Snowden, up to and including mass murders, torture, illegal indefinite detention, etc. , that have never been prosecuted, but those who exposed the illegal orders and acts have been prosecuted, whistleblower protection laws be damned.
It's pretty disingenuous for this man to say that Trump's illegal orders would be questioned and ignored when all the illegal orders he received during his tenure were followed without question.

EDIT: Interesting, I just found out he's publicly supported by the KKK, and American National SuperPac, founded by a consortium of white terror groups, but he claims to not know who they are. Reports out of Super Tuesday states Minnesota and Vermont have revealed there are recorded calls telling voters Trump will stop the “gradual genocide against the white race” and to not vote for Marco Rubio because he’s “Cuban.”
Trump has yet to disavow any of these terrorist racial groups, but has accepted money from them. That should certainly disqualify him from holding high public office and really should have him on the terrorist watch list, he's associated with and accepts fudging from well know, active terrorist groups.

Cuba's Netflix, Hulu, and Spotify - all without the Internet

ant says...

Yep. We should send them downloaded VS videos too.

Wow, they have fancy setups. I thought Cubans were poor.

lucky760 said:

Fascinating stuff.


Bill Maher - Ahmed's Clock Block

Babymech says...

I think the American people can at least all agree that it's far more pressing to find out what Ahmed told Mark Cuban about magnets. If there's any good to be gained from this disaster, it's finding out how they fucking work.

OverLord (Member Profile)

How do you distinguish Americans?

ChaosEngine says...

Being pedantic, yes.

So are Brazilians, Argentinians, Chileans, Peruvians, Bolivians and so on.
Also Cubans, Jamaicans, Haitians, Dominicans, Puerto Ricans (who are actually in the process of becoming a US state, I believe?) and other island nations of the Americas.

No idea where people from Guam or American Samoa fit in.

Bruti79 said:

Are Mexicans American as well?

Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Hey Lantern, why don't you tell us how "totally not racist" you are..

while claiming that black people are inherently violent, underachieving, thugs & savages.

Oh but wait, you "have a bi-racial relative" so you couldn't POSSIBLY be an unapologetic racist.

Nope, you just believe the first biracial president is "unamerican" because he spent 4 years as a child in -*gasp!* - a "foreign" country.

[You know, like how Republican Ted Cruz is a Cuban-Canadian with an untrustworthy racist father]

Or maybe you can tell us how the "black community" conspired to make certain that open racism and discrimination in EVERY facet of life was perfectly acceptable until the 1960s.

Pssh, seems EXTREMELY racist to still benefit from the enslavement of an entire group of people..
- not to mention the whole murdering & subjugating the indigenous population beforehand -
..then blame that group for not being able to "fix their own problems", doesn't it?

P.S. - It does. Because it is. Because you're a racist.

Just like my hispanic grandmother.. oh, and she has TWO bi-racial grandkids.

lantern53 said:

Hey Genji, why don't you tell us all the ways the white man has kept you down, has kept you from being a success? Then perhaps we can all begin to understand the oppression.

On the other hand, you can just call me a racist cracker.

Or, perhaps you can tell us what the white people can do to fix all the problems in the black community.

Hmmm, seems a little racist to assume that white people can do anything to fix the problems of black people, doesn't it?

Sen. Ted Cruz at Liberty University announces his candidacy

newtboy says...

Love the Rand Paul shirts all through the crowd that they had to avoid with his camera like the plague, the 'when will this be over' look on most of their faces, the 'I'm going to ask you to break a rule' from the law and order candidate, the 'just text your information to my secret info-grab computer for my later use because I'm the transparency and privacy candidate', the insinuation that a president can erase legislation day one with the swipe of a pen (but Obama can't make any executive decisions including treaties without congress' pre-aproval or he's "over-reaching his authority and abusing executive powers"), the 'imagine' speech from someone with an insanely limited imagination, and the attempt at being president by this Canadian!

Show me the birth certificate!!! If being born in Kenya to a non-citizen father would have made a whit of legal difference for Obama, then actually being born in Canada as a naturalized Canadian to a Cuban father should disqualify him...explain how that's not true please. ;-)

For any red staters...keep in mind that this smarmy socialist Canadian (he just denounced his Canadian citizenship-and trying to tell people they must fully support another individual financially and with their bodies (forced continued pregnancies) is insanely super socialist) for'nur is trying to infiltrate our gubmn't...HE'S TAKIN ER JERBS!

Had to upvote for the hilarity of his 'announcement'...not as support for him.

"Conan In Cuba" Open

PlayhousePals says...

More Conan in Cuba:





"Conan In Cuba" Open

TYT American Sniper review

lantern53 says...

Here's a liberal hero: Michael Moore. Speaking truth to power, taking it to GM or whatever. Loves Cuban healthcare.

Here's a liberal hero: Margaret Sanger. Abortionist, racist, wanted abortion for black babies.

Here's a liberal hero: William Ayers. Bomb maker, terrorist, intellectual.

Here's a liberal hero: Che Guevara. Murderer, revolutionary, fashion icon.

Colbert All Star Singing Final

Sagemind says...

Who did you see on the list?

Kareem Abdul-Jabar
JJ Abrams
Alan Alda
Christiane Amanpour
Jon Batiste
Big Bird
Cory Booker
Tom Brokaw
Ken Burns
Bill Clinton
Andy Cohen
Francis Collins
Cookie Monster
Bob Costas
Katie Couric
Bryan Cranston
Mark Cuban
Jeff Daniels
Bill DeBlasio
Maureen Dowd
James Franco
Thomas Friedman
Vince Gilligan
Doris Kearns Goodwin
David Gregory
Terry Gross
Mike Huckabee
Arianna Huffington
Dean Kamen
Toby Keith
Henry Kissinger
Nicholas Kristof
Paul Krugman
Alexi Lalas
Cyndi Lauper
David Leonhardt
George Lucas
Yo Yo Ma
Barry Manilow
Senator Claire McCaskill
Tim Meadows
Willie Nelson
Randy Newman
Grover Norquist
Eleanor Holmes Norton
Ric Ocasek
Keith Olbermann
Mandy Patinkin
Stone Phillips
Samantha Power
Pussy Riot
Charlie Rose
Dan Savage
Shane Smith
Eliot Spitzer
Gloria Steinem
Jon Stewart
Patrick Stewart
Michael Stipe
Andrew Sullivan
Matt Taibbi
Jeff Tweedy
Neil Degrasse Tyson
Sam Waterston
Elijah Wood


Bilderberg Member "Double-Speaks" to Protestors

Trancecoach says...

A TV show is not science (regardless of what Neil deGrasse Tyson would have you believe).

"Cosmos" is not a scientific study or proof of anything (nor is The Daily Show). Now, Tyson or Stewart can, if they care to, write papers on climate change and show their proofs of whatever claims they want, but their papers would be subjected to peer review if they're to have any scientific validity whatsoever.

Alas, television is strictly entertainment for the serfs. (Next, you're going to tell me that Michael Moore has "proven" how great the Cuban health care system is... Oh, that happened already. Issue settled.)

dannym3141 said:

The only climate change "debate" going on is between those who are not capable of understanding the science.

People have come to respect television and talking heads way too much. If you want a scientific opinion, why don't people ask a scientist? If you asked one at random you're 99.5% sure to get a "yup, the evidence says it's true." -- that's the approximate ratio of scientific opinion.

Shark Tank - Cycloramic

CelebrateApathy says...

Not a big fan of this show but I do like how well he played them. You could tell Cuban was going to go in big the whole time.

As the for the app itself, king of pointless as it only works with one phone and you're not likely to get any good pictures having to find a very flat surface from which to shoot. The underlying technology however seems pretty novel and I could see it being somewhat successful in other ways.

Overall, I think this guy got a great deal. Great start up money with enough equity to make some serious bank when his company is bought.

Bill Nye the Science Guy Dispels Poverty Myths

poolcleaner says...

I think these so-called unstoppable warlords that siphon off our aid is an even bigger myth. The United States of America defeated the British Empire, invaded Nazi Europe, dropped a nuclear fucking bomb on Axis Japan, sacrificed thousands of lives in Vietnam, stood head to head against the USSR during the Cuban Missile Crisis, landed on the moon, funded Nicaraguan revolutionaries using money from arms sales to Iran, assassinated Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, lied about weapons of mass destruction and invaded Iraq, fight the Taliban in Afghanistan, and yet we can't deal with warlords and civil wars in Africa where (at least with Rwandan civil war) weaponry is in the form of crate after crate of machetes made in China?

If all of those things are possible for the biggest super power in the world, how is it not possible to stop these warlords from siphoning our aid?


We don't care so nothing of real consequence happens. All of those above events have one thing in common: our own goddamn self interest.

Everything sucks. May god have mercy on everyone's soul.

bcglorf said:

I hate to get on Bill Nye, and I agree with the need for more foreign aid even. I must protest non the less about war being a minor factor in poverty and related deaths. Blaming the millions that die of starvation and malnutrition in Africa on that alone is little different than saying that the millions who starved under Stalin and Mao could have been saved by foreign aid.

Even when there isn't active warfare in the most poverty ridden places of the world, there are warlords and criminals ruling the region through starvation and actively redirecting what little foreign aid there is to themselves and away from those that do not support them. Simply sending more food and money to places like Somalia or North Korea does nothing to help the people there, and if the aid is naively sent blind to whomever holds power it actually makes things WORSE by strengthening the very monsters responsible for the suffering. I'd like to believe our apathy here is the biggest problem as much as the next guy, but the reality is that there are also people local to the problem involved first hand in perpetuating and profiting from human suffering. If we refuse to admit that there are instances were 'aid' necessarily takes the form of shooting the bad guys then we are doomed to watching as the next genocide plays out, as we did for the Rwandan Tutsis, Iraqi Kurds and Shias and countless others.

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