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I am Second - Brian 'Head' Welch

enoch says...

while i agree with your basic premise that choices have consequences.i think you missed the point of this video.
this is about redemption.

in my travels i have come to the conclusion that those who suffer from addiction (of any kind) are battling an emptiness or pain within themselves,in one form or another.
nobody decides to aspire to be a junkie,or an alcoholic and they certainly do not desire to die a slow and painful death,causing massive heartache for those that love them.

the downward spiral is a slow decent into a personal hell and what makes it even more arduous and self-incriminating is that the junkie (at one point) becomes fully aware of the spiral and the self-defeating cycle.they know they cant stop and that creates such a tsunami of guilt and shame it drives them back to the very thing that is destroying them.

that is the beauty of this story.this man found his redemption in the form of jesus christ.
he found forgiveness in christ.
would you deny him this for the simple fact he started on the road to addiction years ago?
who cares if he found salvation in jesus or a talking box of captain crunch.
the fact that he found something that helped give him the strength to deal with his addiction should suffice,no matter what vehicle it was that helped him to defeat his own personal demons.

have you been a junkie?
are you speaking from experience?
should we abandon all those who make bad choices to their own devices?
because i have found that nobody can experience this journey we call life alone and those that have convinced themselves they can are deluding themselves.

Healthcare Ad: "Snail"

WeAreChange interviews MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan @ #occupywallst

Warren Buffet: Increase Taxes on Mega-Rich

mgittle says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Because you "earn" the income of about 80 people.
Or in otherwords - since the supply of money is limited - you steal the wages of 79 people who would otherwise have an income.
That's called selfish. Plain and simple.
[Not to mention completely cruel & dickish now that we're in a Global Depression]
>> ^pyloricvalve:
Why is it morally justified to impose a higher tax rate on the more highly paid? I'm already paying twenty people's worth.. Why should it be more?

The supply of money isn't limited, per's directly related to the total amount of debt. If people promise to pay more debts (and therefore interest), then there is more money overall. That's a big reason why consumer confidence and the housing market are such huge drivers in the economy. The more people take out loans for stuff/cars/homes, the more money becomes available for banks to loan. Hence, when there are too many defaults and foreclosures, the supply of money shrinks and you get credit crunches, etc.

If anyone's "stealing", they're stealing a relative amount of money compared to everyone else. You've got the right general idea, I think, but it's more like having a piece of a pie when the pie can get bigger and smaller.

Oh, Wikipedia. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

Bill Maher talks to Richard Clarke about Bin Laden

ravioli says...

This guy appears to be funny with his witty one-liners but it's the same language used in the diplomatic leaks revealed last year. I am amazed how these diplomats think in a uni-dimensional way. I know he had to crunch the intell and condense it in one sentence for the commander in chief, but gee....

Bug flies onto my Touchscreen and starts navigating the web

Ferazel says...

Maybe I've been watching too many episodes of hoarders, but with the sound of food containers "crunching" in the background and a fly on the screen. This just makes me suspect of their cleanliness.

Oh Yes...It Will Shred

Damsel fly catches a gnat in slow motion

Damsel fly catches a gnat in slow motion

Damsel fly catches a gnat in slow motion

Damsel fly catches a gnat in slow motion

How hippos take a dump

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'hippo, defecation, evacuation, elimination' to 'hippo, defecation, evacuation, elimination, taking a crunch' - edited by calvados

Jefferson Memorial Dancing on June 4 2011

cosmovitelli says...

Btw I think the gist of this thread has become about how normal it is to be physically corralled and violently attacked by the state when you 'break the law'.

On one hand we've got people who think a swift blow to the temple is in order for walking on the grass (yes everyone likes nice lawns) while others think that even if you are an asshole for walking on the grass (whatever your motivation) violently subduing people is far worse and more damaging and should be done only when absolutely necessary to protect others or the functioning of the infrastructure of the state (and even then it's only a short-term self destructive 'solution').

A nation is like a marriage, it works if the people involved want it to work, and it fails disastrously if they don't. Try body slamming your wife because she didn't do what you told her and see how long the family stays together.

EDIT- not literally bareboards, opus. I TOLD YOU NO DANCING BITCH! *crunch*

I'm not enjoying the trolling on the Sift. (Horrorshow Talk Post)

enoch says...

>> ^enoch:

so i had this long and obtuse rant ready to rock-n-roll and then i realized that i didnt care.


who am i kidding?
this ball-infested circle-jerk is waaay too much fun to ignore.
now the topic i really dont give two shits about.
because by these comments it appears that some people have taken their crystal ball out and peered into their fellow sifters gooey parts and discerned their intentions.
THATS the ruler you are going to use to understand and comprehend another?
well then call me schizophrenic because that is just the most intellectually lame thing i have ever heard.
how about this different and radical approach when confronted with a comment or post you may not fully understand.
ask the poster what they meant by it.
i KNOW...crazy huh?
because i see a LOT of assumptions about fellow sifters here on this thread.representing a microcosm of presumption which i see all the time here.
and this presumption is based on WHAT..exactly?
lame lame lame.
in particular i refer to the comments towards you know qwiz?or are you basing your perceptions solely on his snarky (and mysoginist) comments?

many different voices have left the sift or receded to their "quiet place" because of this intellectually stunted practice.
because group-think has slowly drained these people of any desire to share or to even offer their voices to the amalgamated conversation which is the sift.
so what was once a vibrant and often chaotic discourse has become a much more vanilla-pastuerized-bland cookie with little or no flavor and the crunch has become a flaccid, milky piece of toast.

and no offense BB but this thread is about as civil disobedient as pulling the tags off your pillow.

now pass the popcorn @rottenseed

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