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Snow Leopard seriously risks life to get a meal

A Scary Time

bobknight33 says...

I like being at this place also, even though I am out numbered 5000:1 That's Ok. It my choice. I like @Newboy the best. He to is unswayable.

Does a vote come with obligatory reason?

I do not think it is a great song. Catchy yes, great no.

I do not need to by into the Men are pigs, bastards, slime, evil.

Men are men. We like beer, We like women. Some men go to far but most don't.

Some women go to far also. Most don't. Where is this catchy song?

So No I do not by into this political crap just because it's the in thing to do. This scale is tipping too far.

Society is full of opposites. Opinions and viewpoints is part of this.

If the girl was ugly would this even be posted or listen to, or given the time of day? Fair question. Would @RFlagg even watched it or hence post it? Maybe Maybe not but having a pretty woman playing a catchy song sure helps get looks and votes. Apparently it got your up and my down and so far 91 views on the sift.

In you honor I gave it an upvote.

noims said:

@bobknight33 can you explain why you downvoted this comment? Do you find it inappropriate or irrelevant? I certainly don't, and probably would have promoted the song myself.

Believe it or not, I personally actually like having you around on the sift, both for your non-political videos and for your political comments (although I think I've yet to be swayed by any of your arguments and I'm an ocean away in any case). I don't want to see you banned for abusing downvotes, but it's a serious dick move. I know it's tough but I suggest you keep pleading your case rather than trying to punish or silence others.

Arnold Schwarzenegger New Blunt Message For Donald Trump

Drachen_Jager says...

Asking @bobknight33 to engage in some form of cogent argument is as pointless as asking shit to smell nice. Ain't gonna happen.

He comes, he drops a few word bombs, if anyone questions him or attempts any form of intelligent argument he fades into the woodwork. Why? Because he knows if he engages, he loses, because he's got nothing. Just word bombs. To quote the Bard, he is "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

I know, I know, be nice to fellow sifters. @BobKnight will receive a full apology and retraction from me if and when he proves me wrong by presenting a cogent argument instead of his usual disingenuous crap.

StukaFox said:

Which part are you in disagreement with?

Japanese mascot slays the drums

Megan Gailey - Tips for Not Getting Murdered

BSR says...

Can we change "nsfw" which implies it's OK to watch videos on company time as long it doesn't offend other employees watching videos on company time?

The other implication is, "Don't bring that crap you watch at home to work."

How about simply, "MC" for Mature Content?

I feel better now.

ant said:


Oats Studios - God:City

cloudballoon says...

Love your reply and POV. You got it pretty much 100% right IMO. I admit, as I Christian, I went in from a far more cynical perspective because this "wholly uninterested god" is way different from the God of the Bible. Not that God didn't bring some crazy disasters on humans in the OT, but damn, not this way or purpose as in the videos.

I don't mind people mocking God or Christians or overly religious zealots of any faith. Many are wholly deserved to be mocked. People (that includes me, God knows I'm a dumbass, lol) need to be held responsible for their own crap & offensiveness and be called out.

Still, I feel this series is not helping any discussion, just good for a laugh (maybe?) and some decent video editing & production. It's harmless if seen as a philosophical piece.

I'd love to see some intelligent, cool-headed no-trolling discussions on the pros & cons, history & evolution of religion and such. But it's really tough when religion is so politicized (especially in the USA) and often hijacked for self-serving purposes. (Godly man Roy Moore my ass!)

I live in Canada, and I would call myself a Christian in public here, but in the US? No freaking way... it's not out of fear of being mocked and anything... it's that I hardly see me as anything similar to those "evangelicals" from my own limited exposure to them in US media. It's like they're a different (offensive) beast.

newtboy said:

I took it as commentary on the idea that, if there is an omniscient, omnipotent god, it must be wholly uninterested in our well being and completely divorced from our idea of morality and decency or it would use it's powers in a far more beneficial and instructive way.

The Ocean Cleanup Launches To The Great Pacific Garbage Patc

MilkmanDan says...

I love that they are trying and have admirable goals.

I'm somewhat skeptical about the effectiveness. Presumably some of the data that they are going to collect will include retention rates -- if pieces of plastic of various sizes *enter* the C-shaped area, what percentage of them *stay* there until they can be intentionally removed? Also, how often will they become "full" to an extent requiring a tow to shore and offload operation?

The devices themselves seem like they'd actually be quite cheap to produce. Towing and offloading operations will be expensive, particularly in man-hours. Recycling the collected debris crap into plastic products for resale will be low-yield and unsustainable from a purely capitalistic pricing standpoint -- people will only buy that "merch" as a form of contributing to the project; not because the stuff they make will be competitively priced.

However, none of that makes their endeavor not worth doing/trying. Hopefully their retention rates are good enough (not much plastic or any particular size bracket escapes around / under the devices), and they can make enough through selling merch to fund the offload costs and deploy enough devices to meet their goals!

The Ocean Cleanup Launches To The Great Pacific Garbage Patc

Jinx says...

Perhaps they think that the ocean is a fucking massive place, that the crap that floats on the surface is just the tip of the iceberg, and that much like the very prominent attemps to clean up oil spills and the like it really does very little except placate our guilt. I mean sure, do both, but come on, human beans don't work like that. Some will litter with a clear conscience if they think somebody is being paid to clean up behind them. I mean, its practically job creaton right!

newtboy said:

Hmmmm. What makes those people think you can't clean up and litter less at the same time?
Thanks for the promote

newtboy (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Stop Crapping On Me, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 101 Badge!

Stop Crapping On Me

newtboy (Member Profile)

Ants building "bridge" to attack wasp nest

BSR says...

Holy Crap! These are the guys that will inherit the earth and probably the moon from the looks of this!

Also, I thought it was an unspoken rule that only ant posts ant videos.

'I can think of nothing more American': Beto O’Rourke

bobknight33 says...

Reasonable DO listen to Trump and appreciate his leadership. Just about 1/2 of American support Trump.

Those who don't control media and and loud and clear to voice their disdain. Clearly you listen to this crap and buy into it full hardly.

For being so smart you come off as being taken for a ride.

newtboy said:

I don't agree.
Reasonable people don't listen to Trump. Only those getting their direction and information from him (or from those repeating his blatantly racist stance) rather than listening to the protesters clear statements disagree on this issue.

I've never heard anyone who didn't take Trump's worthless word about the message or meaning complain.
Only the gullibly duped disagree, not reasonable people.

In Russia they don't get freaked out when plane is on fire

noims says...

They're literally just having a chat. "You going on holidays?" "Yeah".

I've always loved that about the Russian attitude, and their subsequent sense of humour... things are crap, but there's nothing we can do about it, so why bother worrying. Get on with it, and do what you can to work around the problem.

Mean Tweets - Hip Hop Edition

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