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Skoda Commercial Test

F/A-18C Breaks the Sound Barrier on a close pass

SFOGuy (Member Profile)

How stoned? Cone of Shame stoned...

atara says...

If the dog was still high, the cone probably didn't help. It might have sounded like the owner's voice was coming from the front, back, sides, everywhere.

Shootout in Parliament Building

Payback says...

Turns out the officer who took the shooter out was a retired RCMP officer employed in the largely ceremonial role of Sergeant-At-Arms. A role I was surprised to find out was armed.

I don't have any real objections to him being armed, but S-A-A is more-or-less a glorified security guard. The only weapon you see him with is a bad-ass looking mace. In the US, the S-A-A is the guy you see announcing the arrival of the President in the House of Representatives before the State of the Union addresses. You can imagine how much security the shooter would have had to passed to get the same place in D.C.

Some of the questions right now are about how the fuck the guy got to the doors where Parliament sits largely unopposed. I mean, it's Canada, the last attack on a Prime Minister consisted of a pie to the face, but you'd think there'd be a metal detector checkpoint and/or a couple Mounties milling about.

Then again, unauthorized crossings at our shared border -up until 9/11- were protected mostly by traffic cones.

henry giroux-we have lost the language of compassion

radx says...

"You can't do it alone, you have to do it collectively..."

Remember the way they tried to eradicate any sense of collectivity from the cultures in the Southern Cone? How even group presentations in schools were outlawed as a danger to individual freedom?

Who are "they"? The Chicago Boys, of course.

Everything Giroux mentions can be read about in the truth commission reports from all those South American countries that had their culture upended in order to enforce the economic ideology as taught by Friedman in Chicago. Same thing, just imposed by external players and condensed into a rapid series of shocks.

Same ideology.

The world's first levitating bluetooth speaker

SquidCap says...

Well it doesn't have to account for floor resonance that regular speakers need to deal with. But as far as sound quality goes, that is one the least important factors anyway.. Not negligible but far far behind the actual motion of the cone which still is by far the weakest link in the audio chain, far behind amps or wires. It turns out that moving a paper/plastic cone back and forth 4000 times per second is still hard thing to do precisely without tremendous inefficiency (amount of energy and cooling)...

VoodooV said:

so the levitation is just a adds nothing to the sound quality itself, correct?

Obesity PSA - Obesity doesn't happen overnight

lucky760 says...

Heheh. At this point I feel confident they won't become candyholics whenever they first taste it because we're effectively cultivating a preference for savory over sweet.

Yep, they have no idea what juice is; they only drink milk and water. They only know that candy is the stuff they pick up and play with at the store, but they put it back before we check out; they know it has lots of sugar and will give them cavities (but they don't actually know the word "candy"). They only know what an ice cream cone is from books and TV, but they've never seen one in person.

Whenever we do give them something very sweet, such as fresh fruit or a taste of our frozen yogurt, they often won't eat it complaining that it's too sweet (just like they are).

00Scud00 said:

Actually, fat people seem to be one of the few groups these days that can still be made fun of. Shame can be useful but shaming someone who's overeating because of depression or has a poor self image will not help them, it will only make them worse.

Your kids have never had any juice or candy or ice cream before? I can respect your desire for healthy kids, but, wow! I hope it doesn't backfire and they wind up like Rigel from Farscape when they encounter candy for the first time.

One lucky truck driver

Lawdeedaw says...

The probability that I will be hit if I stop is very high. Even when cops put out lights, cones and more they get killed helping motorists. Honestly since this is a intersection with an intersection, and areas to swerve is limited, I would not get out...not if I valued my life. (Although I agree that in a perfect situation more people should stop.)

Sagemind said:

Jeeze, what does it take to get someone to stop at an accident in this country??? At least someone jump up to see if the driver is okay!!

"Nope, not my problem, keep driving..., don't look back.... "

Moon Hooch: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

Liquid Nitrogen Under Vacuum - Solid Nitrogen

Insane Himalayas Bus Ride - not for the faint hearted

SFOGuy says...

I love how tourists (myself included) think there is some sort of cone of invulnerability that descends around them in activities like this...
And of course---
There isn't....

Martin Freeman in New Series 'Fargo'

chingalera says...

Alright....take back what I said, better than the movie and sure to be the next feather in the Cone Bro's hats....thank god, their movie makin' scores-to-fouls ratio had me gasping for their collective creativity units to pop-back on.....Don't recant the analogy though, Jews will always burn through semolia laughing as they passs the rest the fuck up!

Mechanic finds a Squirrels Nest In A New Car

Lendl says...

Fucking squirrels!

They built a nest in one half of my engine, including hundreds of pine cones from the air intake into the filter and all over the engine...which expanded to clog and crush everything. Also grass, leaves, plastics bags and Subway M&M cookies.

Luckily they didn't chew wires which I've heard can be $$$ to fix.

BUILDING THE MACHINE - The Common Core Documentary

chingalera says...

It's pointless here lurgee, none of the folks here wanna think outside their comfy-corner zones...
"Just infotain me, please, and scoop my fucking brain out with that number 4 cone stacker., will ya?"

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