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Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

rottenseed says...

>> ^BillOreilly:
that Madonna look-alike got what she had coming to her

I agree with you BillOreilly. I think there are many instances in which striking somebody with a baton while their back is turned is warranted. This is definitely one of those instances. Especially considering the fact that she was female, the fact that she was tiny and the fact that she was peacefully protesting.

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

Krupo says...

I just realized that vids where *humanitarian and civil rights are being violated, whether or not it's *nsfw, probably belong in that channel, eh?

Also, I checked out the full story from the link below.

>> ^EDD:
"Last night at approximately 7:30pm I was arrested <snip> a second protestor who was shot three times by what appeared to be three separate officers with bean-bag guns while KNEELING, motionless, 15 FEET AWAY, hands outstretched as if in prayer, and wearing nothing but a pair of POCKETLESS shorts."
-Nathan Acks' experience. Read full story here.

The cops sound like complete tools for what they did - but so does this PZ Myers guy. Looks like one of his fans agrees.

PZ failed as a blog writer by combining two disparate topics into one post. Way to undermine messages through conflation.

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

Krupo says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
You mean I didn't with my last comment?
I've already admitted that I was wrong - what more can I say?

Too many people like to shoot off their comments before they get to the end of the thread. They must just love hearing the sound of their words in their head, typed out and submitted for all to see.

>> ^joedirt:
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
1) There is never a good reason to hit a small innocent unarmed woman in the face with a baton.

Well, unless she is a bitch, you mean.

A comment dripping with satire.

>> ^DrPawn:
Everyone else except MarineRock crying police brutality here.
She was begging for it. Thank god our policemen and policewomen are willing to protect themselves. I take the side of the police officers here. Then they arrest her on top of it. Excellant job. Pwnij.

A comment which proves my first point... read the entire thread or face the wrath of the mighty downvote (wooooo). Sheesh.

>> ^Xax:
Something is seriously, seriously wrong. Videos like this reinforce my belief that all citizens should be allowed to be armed. I'm not saying the cop should've been shot, but I think he might've hesitated before throwing his weight around and grossly abusing his power and position.

Um, I'm not an American Rights Scholar or anything, but I think you already have that right.

Oh man, that's a video I want to see on the top 15.

"Code Pink armed with shotguns"

Might end up violating the no-snuff rule, though.

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

quantumushroom says...

Code Pink is a communist front, founded by a communist. While that alone doesn't warrant a beating (altho being in favor of an -ism that has slaughtered 100 million people and counting worldwide should be "frowned upon") these doofs are sh;t-disturbers.

This is just street theater for them, when they left for this protest they knew exactly what they're going to do provoke confrontations (later edited only by their own people, very bolshevik) seeking footage like this, trying to duplicate the Rodney King video or Don't-tase-me-bro asswipe.

YOU HAVE BEEN MANIPULATED by master propagandists.

Someone let me know when this goes to court and ALL the facts come out. If a jury finds the cop guilty, I'll be the first to apologize, but never for berating Code Pink's underlying foul, murderous ideology.

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

SDGundamX says...

I do agree with MG though that on the Sift people all too often watch 30 second clips (like this), make a TON of assumptions, and then act as if all of those assumptions are indisputable facts. I would really like to have seen the footage leading up to this clip. Clearly it exists, but the original poster probably felt that this edit would accurately get out his/her political message.

>> ^imstellar28:
>> since we don't have a video of the events leading up to what is shown, but we have brains--how about you go ahead and describe an event leading up the start of the video which would justify the officer assaulting her in the manner he did.
heres one:
"the woman just shot another cop in the face, dropped her weapon, and started to get in this cops face"
even in this situation, you cannot justify the cops actions! in fact there is no possible situation that you could conceive that happened before this that could have justified it. so why don't you get over your prejudice and wake the f ck up?

You just made my case for me with that post right there. Exactly where is the prejudice in my original post? Exactly where do I state in my post that the cop is justified? All I said was that I wanted to see what happened leading up to this and somehow you jumped to the conclusion that I blindly approve of all police actions in this video and beyond. You claim to have a brain--please use it more effectively to stop acting like your assumptions are categorically true.

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

dannym3141 says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
2) Stop calling women bitches. It's a gender-specific sexist term. The 90's are over, it's 2008. Show a little respect.

Eh? I've been called a bitch before..

(often after being slapped in the face and kicked in the nuts and ooooh i liked it!)

Seriously though, it's not..

edit: lol at implied invocation of tossed salad man

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

dystopianfuturetoday says...

1) There is never a good reason to hit a small innocent unarmed woman in the face with a baton.

2) Stop calling women bitches. It's a gender-specific sexist term. The 90's are over, it's 2008. Show a little respect.

3) I know you empathize with authority figures because of your job, but I think you need to take that into account when making judgements like this. This guy is a coward who isn't protecting or serving anyone. He should be in jail tossing salad. You disrespect the honor of all police officers by sticking up for this maggot. If you are concerned with how the public perceives police officers, then you should be furious at this guy.

4) Why do people hate Code Pink? They are for peace and women's rights, two things that are generally accepted as noble causes. Enough of the He Man Woman Haters Club already.

\/ note: Don't know if you're talking to me, but I wrote this before reading your apology. (comment edited)

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

imstellar28 says...

>> ^SDGundamX:
I do agree with MG though that on the Sift people all too often watch 30 second clips (like this), make a TON of assumptions, and then act as if all of those assumptions are indisputable facts. I would really like to have seen the footage leading up to this clip. Clearly it exists, but the original poster probably felt that this edit would accurately get out his/her political message.

since we don't have a video of the events leading up to what is shown, but we have brains--how about you go ahead and describe an event leading up the start of the video which would justify the officer assaulting her in the manner he did.

heres one:
"the woman just shot another cop in the face, dropped her weapon, and started to get in this cops face"

even in this situation, you cannot justify the cops actions! in fact there is no possible situation that you could conceive that happened before this that could have justified it. so why don't you get over your prejudice and wake the f*ck up?

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

volumptuous says...

>> ^dannym3141:
MGR is sometimes a little over macho, but he's by no means a brainless meat head.

I actually didn't think he was. Usually "brainless meat heads" have horrible grammar, or do the stupid ALL CAP THIGN.

But, the "bitch" comment about some little girl he doesn't know who was practicing her 1st amendment right, and the three references to assuming this girl was in the wrong, leads me to believe he's the 'shoot first, ask questions later' kind.

I don't ignore anyone. Well, except for those 9/11 Truther morons.

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

volumptuous says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
Code Pink = bitch

No, it was just "Fuckin do it again"
"ho obviously from the video"
No, NOTHING is obvious from the video, other than confrontation. We can draw NO conclusions from this video as to what happened prior to the incident.

OK, it's become apparent that I shouldn't engage with you in any sort of discussion.

From your idiotic "bitch" comment, to your pseudo-macho screenname, you're obviously all for power-hungry cops beating the shit out of anyone who doesn't agree with your red-meat vision of this country.

And sorry dude, I have a full offline editing suite I'm sitting in right now. I cut and edit video for a living for the editors guild, and do this alllllll day long for 12 years. I know how to look at frames, I know how to study the shit out of them.

What is in this video is not open for debate. It is a little girl, four feet away from this cop, screaming "Don't fuckin' do it again", then suddenly and violently getting clothes-lined by him.

End of fucking story.

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

MarineGunrock says...

Code Pink = bitch

No, it was just "Fuckin do it again"

"ho obviously from the video"
No, NOTHING is obvious from the video, other than confrontation. We can draw NO conclusions from this video as to what happened prior to the incident.

"You often stand up for the "it's only a few bad police, it's not all of them, bad ones just get more attention" and you're often right where people ARE over reacting or not seeing the full picture, but you've overshot by 10 miles here pal."

I thank you for seeing the insanity that goes on here, but I do not think I overshot anything. I called her a bitch because I think that Code Pink women are just obnoxious and annoying. Other than that, my first comment said the same as this: we don't know the full story.

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

volumptuous says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
The bitch screaming "Do it again" tells me we don't know enough of what is going on here.

She was saying "Don't fuckin' do it again".

The "bitch"?

See, this is what I was talking about. That comment is just too lame. Apparently, some people believe that it's ok for a riot-cop to clothes-line a small girl with a metal baton, who obviously from the video, was not "pushing him or hitting him".

Frame-step through the video, and you can clearly see she was at least 4 feet away from him.

And why would some code-pink girl be "hitting and pushing" a riot cop?

Dude, please.

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