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What happened before Code Pink was Hit? Here it is.

gwiz665 says...

>> ^imstellar28:
>> ^Aemaeth:
>> ^charliem:
Its legal to defend yourself against a cop...hell you can kill a cop if they are arresting you and you are innocent.
Happened a few years back, guy got off any charges at all.

Wait, what? You can't be serious. What country is that in?
"I knew I hadn't been speeding, but he kept writing that ticket anyway, so I shot him."

Jesus you're ignorant. What is the difference between a cop and a criminal who approaches you, while you are minding your own business and not breaking any laws, and tries to utilize lethal force against you? Nothing! Unless the cops badge number is 007, he doesn't have a license to kill. If your life is in danger--from cop or criminal--you have a legal right to defend yourself. What country are you living in?

Your life is not in danger if a cop is arresting you and you are innocent, thus you are most definitely not allowed to shoot him. You are allowed to defend yourself, if you are threatened, but not for being arrested. Your second and first comment are not coherent, they describe two different examples.

If a cop fires at you and you shoot him, you will go to trial, but be acquitted. You can't just shoot a cop (or anyone else, for that matter) and just go about your own business again.

What happened before Code Pink was Hit? Here it is.

imstellar28 says...

>> ^Aemaeth:
>> ^charliem:
Its legal to defend yourself against a cop...hell you can kill a cop if they are arresting you and you are innocent.
Happened a few years back, guy got off any charges at all.

Wait, what? You can't be serious. What country is that in?
"I knew I hadn't been speeding, but he kept writing that ticket anyway, so I shot him."

Jesus you're ignorant. What is the difference between a cop and a criminal who approaches you, while you are minding your own business and not breaking any laws, and tries to utilize lethal force against you? Nothing! Unless the cops badge number is 007, he doesn't have a license to kill. If your life is in danger--from cop or criminal--you have a legal right to defend yourself. What country are you living in?

What happened before Code Pink was Hit? Here it is.

Aemaeth says...

>> ^charliem:
Its legal to defend yourself against a cop...hell you can kill a cop if they are arresting you and you are innocent.
Happened a few years back, guy got off any charges at all.

Wait, what? You can't be serious. What country is that in?

"I knew I hadn't been speeding, but he kept writing that ticket anyway, so I shot him."

What happened before Code Pink was Hit? Here it is.

imstellar28 says...

>> ^anyprophet:
These types of videos always bring out the crazies who think we live in some kind of police state.

What is that, a joke? Rights don't mean anything unless you have them when you need them and in every single case in recent memory when someone actually needed them, they were violated. How is that not a police state?

Confiscation of firearms during Katrina
Japanese sent to internment camps after pearl harbor
The American citizen who was sent to Guantanamo bay for several years.
Inability to protest in public (freedom cages)
Un-prosecuted Police Brutality

What happened before Code Pink was Hit? Here it is.

What happened before Code Pink was Hit? Here it is.

imstellar28 says...

>> ^Psychologic:
>> ^imstellar28:
She could have shot 10 cops right before this, and they still could not have used that much force to arrest her.

If she was shooting cops then I'm pretty sure they could have killed her on the spot.
His reaction was probably excessive (I still couldn't see what she did leading up to it), but that doesn't mean that it would be excessive in every situation.

You clearly have no understand of the meaning of excessive force. Excessive force is judged, and is applied to the current situation only! It has nothing to do with past actions--it has to do with the current state of the arrestee. No matter how belligerent/criminal they were acting prior, if they are currently passive and cooperating you cannot apply force based on previous actions.

>> ^NordlichReiter:
If you shoot at cops they are authorized to use lethal force. Don't make whimsical statements like that.

It is not a "whimsical" statement. She was clearly unarmed at the time the force was applied. Thus, my point was that no matter what she possible did prior to her current state, including shooting ten cops--there is absolutely no justification for what they did!

Just because you shoot a cop, doesn't mean they can use lethal force...if you shoot 10 cops then lay your weapon down and place your hands behind your head...they absolutely cannot use lethal force, or even much physical force at all if you are cooperating.

Think before you make "whimsical" statements.

What happened before Code Pink was Hit? Here it is.

What happened before Code Pink was Hit? Here it is.

choggie says...

Yeah, so code pink, ineffectual as always, has missed the real issue to protest-The diversion they create by protesting symptoms of a problem, rather than helping effect solutions with complete information, takes the eyes off the inevitable-

If anything, as gorillaman points out, they are a barometer for what is to come not only in the US, but hell....these motherfuckers own the planet-

What happened before Code Pink was Hit? Here it is.

Psychologic says...

>> ^imstellar28:
She could have shot 10 cops right before this, and they still could not have used that much force to arrest her.

If she was shooting cops then I'm pretty sure they could have killed her on the spot.

His reaction was probably excessive (I still couldn't see what she did leading up to it), but that doesn't mean that it would be excessive in every situation.

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

Payback says...

What happened before.

I'm satisfied she didn't do anything to deserve THAT level of violence now. This video was too short.

ps. danny, tell you what, if you can make an argument for your OPINION without insulting me directly, then you can post, otherwise you're just a troll. The "stone" weight comment seems to say you're of European descent, but man, you have the hick-boy DEEP SOUTH style of debate down pat.

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

Dignant_Pink says...

after reading most of the comments (it's late and i have work tomorrow. someone's gotta test drive the go-carts.), without saying anything against code pink, and without justifying the police officer's actions, any girl that screams anything mean or provocative in my face is a bitch. if i did something and a girl (or even boy) shouted in my face either "do" or "dont fuckin do it again!" you bet your ass i'm calling them a bitch. call me traditional, but i hate when people use that language. the f-bomb used to mean something. nowadays it's thrown around so much it has no flavor left.

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

NordlichReiter says...

Standard? When I worked the crowds there was no standard push. It was order them to leave or arrest them. There was no pushing, macing, or tazering. Just a good snatch and grab.

Just calmly walk up with a smile and hold your hand out, they will instinctively hold their hand out. Cuff them read them their rights and take them to a place where they an cool off.

Generally done with the baton at mid chest height? That's lethal force, targeting the heart. It is done when it needs to be, with the round edge of the baton(just like the officer did), never the point.

Simply should have just arrested her, do not mace. Just arrest, simple and easy.

>> ^McFarQue:
Protesters piss me off.
More so the confrontational ones that just have to be at the front of the line.
Also, that wasn't a head shot, it was a standard forward push used to force a crowd backwards. Generally however, it's done with the end of the baton at mid chest height. That was a little high, but still not in the head.
Oh and look, theres a megaphone on the ground beside her. Makes you wonder how long she'd been there playing the goody goody two shoes facade.

To erimus:

All the more reason to try and be a good cup, not a storm trooper. Why is that a stereotype? Because they never show when a cop is punished, they only show that he got his gun taken away and he is on a desk job. Or administrative leave.

Simple solution if you are a cop and in a situation like this do not act like an ass or a bad mamajama. Just smile and arrest them for disobeying an officer of the law. Simple and clean.

The less authority looks like gestapo the better.

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

StukaFox says...

Code Pink is a communist front? Uh, you know we sorta got over that whole OMFG WTF COMMUNIST H4X!1! shit in the 1950's. Seriously, check a calendar -- it's 2008, buddy! The future's here! We got computers and shit. Dude, we even got COLOR TV! How cool is that? Come and join us in the future!

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

Payback says...

>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^BillOreilly:
that Madonna look-alike got what she had coming to her

I agree with you BillOreilly. I think there are many instances in which striking somebody with a baton while their back is turned is warranted. This is definitely one of those instances. Especially considering the fact that she was female, the fact that she was tiny and the fact that she was peacefully protesting.

Her back wasn't turned, she rolled over while on the ground. She saw what was coming. Again, I'm not saying she deserved it in any way, but the cop doesn't deserve to have false information spread about what he did. Nobody would.

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

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