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gorillaman (Member Profile)

chicchorea (Member Profile)

Star Wars: THE FORCE AWAKENS - Supercut of all trailers

An artistically different take on the Star Wars trailer

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer

wheelsmokeben (Member Profile)

A Note - Short Horror Film

GameSoundCon 2010: "Introduction to Game Audio"

artician says...

Well, I like all the classics like early Megaman, Nobuo Uematsu, Yasunori Mitsuda, Hitoshi Sakimoto, anything from Falcom (Y's, Xanadu, etc).
There are some truly oddball compositions out there that are dear to me, like a lot of the work of Zuntata, which was an in-house band for Taito in the 90's. Similarly, a lot of the weird, sample-based music from the Amiga-era, from people like Chris Huelsbeck, Dave Wittaker and Rob Hubbard.
In recent years, from Japan I've really gotten into anything that Yoko Shimomura has done, and Michiru Yamane upended/revitalized some of the later Castlevania's music in the best way possible.
I will always go to Koichi Sugiyama's Dragon Quest music whenever I want to turn someone on to truly beautiful game compositions (chills), or just relax. Also Matt Uelmen's music for Diablo 2 and Torchlight games also veers toward more contemporary genre's, but is atmospheric, masterful and provides a really well-done alternative sound for what we usually get in interactive media.
Some super strange stuff that just sticks out as not belonging anywhere else: Katamari Damacy's OST, the VibRibbon soundtrack, the Neverhood soundtrack by Terry Taylor, the hidden gem that is the "Moon: Remix RPG Adventure" soundtrack (seriously a great one; check it out).
I have a lot of game music and it's my primary soundtrack while I work.

ant said:

Whar are your favorite game tunes?

Completely Erase Entire Comments from People You're Ignoring (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

It's a valid point, but obviously completely objective and does not validly apply to everyone.

Whilst some people enjoy navigating VideoSift with fiery debate or insulting discourse, for others VideoSift is an escape and a place to mellow out by watching videos and chatting with online friends/acquaintances.

There have been many such people in the past who were great participating members just couldn't stand feeling miserable every time they came here, so they stopped coming.

Instead of weeding out members who want to avoid being provoked while chilling out here and focusing on preserving only members who enjoy or can tolerate aggressive, abrasive, and/or insulting comment-based attacks, the ability to completely ignore someone is a very acceptable compromise.

In real life if someone in your workplace or school or wherever was constantly getting in your face spouting off arguments or attacks and you kept turning around to get away, it would be absurd for your teacher or boss to demand that you listen to what they attacker had to say.

Likewise, it'd be absurd for us here to force members to teach themselves to be unaffected by everyone else, especially considering some people by design are simply incapable of that. It's not selfish and entitled for someone to want to avoid being stressed out and anxious after a hard, stressful day at work when they just want to kick back and mellow on some sift.

poolcleaner said:

I know I don't participate much in this community but this is a stupid feature. I ignored a person ONCE in my entire time here. But then as the years went on and I gained some maturity (some) I learned to not be affected by the opinions of others so much. In fact, I prefer to see the opposing view point more than those that agree.

I think it's selfish and entitled to want to ignore and by extension, BLOT someone out of your community. If you don't want to be part of a community of freethinkers, don't bother looking at the comments.

This seems like a soft ban to me -- even if it is only for the person that is ignoring another person, it's banning their input from your screen.

If there's real life harm, death threats, or stalking akin to spam, I can understand -- but that should be something escalated to a community leader, as it should not be something that regularly occurs.

Too late for my input? lol

eric3579 (Member Profile)

ChaosEngine says...

Holy shit man, that's amazing. Dude is just so relaxed.. Think I'd die at the first obstacle!

Currently chilling in Italy eating amazing food and drinking stellar's awesome, but feel so fat and lazy...time to get back to NZ and hit some mountains!

eric3579 said:

Thought you might enjoy this. I was Impressed that its done in one long take and how beautiful the scenery is.

Drone Armed with and Remotely Firing a Handgun

robbersdog49 says...

It's fucking chilling. Just imagine walking down the road and hearing the drone coming up on you. Too far away to defend from, out of nowhere, gun pointing right at you. Fuck.

Bruti79 said:

Well, if that isn't the scariest thing I've seen all week. =(

Jolene - Dolly Parton (Morgan James Cover)

Ronda Rousey's Thoughts on Fighting a Man and Equality

Lawdeedaw says...

Sorry for the late response lucky, as I found myself getting angry at some posters and took a chill pill. To answer the question--yes Knox does make that distinction. In fact he takes great pains to do so because he isn't trying to make women seem like they deserve it. In fact he explains all the discrimination women go through.

And the level of violence does matter--or I would have left it out. I don't hide facts to further my point of view...

As someone with an abusive mother and a loving father, I gotta say I don't agree that my dad put up with the abuse to himself or to us for so long...I can also see why my brother is abused by his wife, or why my other brother was in a mutually abusive relationship (Although he always took it way further.) If you haven't lived with abuse...please don't speak like an expert. If you have, then you have all the right in the world.

lucky760 said:

@newtboy - There is a men's and a women's bantamweight *title* because the men and women don't fight each other, so they can't have just one title, but they aren't separated as different "men" and "women" divisions. Subtle difference, but still very meaningful I think.

@Lawdeedaw - That difference in severity makes all the difference. I'm curious if Knox (2012) cites how many husbands versus wives are subject to prolonged physical and psychological torture by their spouse.

Good Cop Bad Cop Action Figures!

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Must be reeeal difficult to poop with all those nightsticks up yer butt.

Chill out, baby boy, it's comedy. Controversy is funnier than:

Good Cop - helps little old lady across the street.
Good Cop - spends hours accurately filing reports.
Good Cop - buys a few cups of lemonade from kid vendors instead of shutting them down for not obtaining the correct permits & licenses.

Oh wait, that last one.. See what i mean.

lantern53 said:

Waaah. I can't take a joke when it accurately satirizes major flaws within my profession.

police detaining a person for no reason

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