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Santa Ana Cops Behaving Badly

poolcleaner says...

Here come the champions of nonviolence themselves! Raise a gun in toast and point it at a disabled person!

As always, commanding our respect with their good example.

Oh, but we got it wrong: We're supposed to respect them BEFORE they can respect us. How? Oh! You meant FEAR.

Strength Is A Skill You Acquire, It's Not Only About Size

dannym3141 says...

I met an ex British arm-wrestling champion when i was on holiday in the south of France (he was sort of a holiday rep, but for a caravan park, and did more or less everything).

He was a big bloke, and said that muscle of course helps but that it was mostly down to technique. He didn't say anything about forearm length, but it stands to reason that the larger the angle between forearm and upper arm, the less 'turning' force you can produce.

Ronda Rousey's Thoughts on Fighting a Man and Equality

Asmo says...

Because they aren't dropped.

If a man and woman can't step in to the ring against each other, there are two different divisions of each weight which women fight in. I think having one division would be problematic, even once you get past the awful spectacle of men beating women and women beating men.

But to claim that it's now sexless is BS, you cannot have two bantamweight champions of the exact same division.

yellowc said:

I'm not really sure why we we're trivialising the fact that they dropped the "women's"/"men's" labels.

Ronda Rousey's Thoughts on Fighting a Man and Equality

JustSaying says...

While everyone seems, to agree that Ronda's first point is right, she doesn't really explain well what makes her second statement valid. It's not that there isn't an obvious seperation between genders, it's the lack of advertising it. They just call her the "batman weight champion" not the "batman weight champion FOR GIRLS". Putting a "women's" in the title does that. It's basically just semantics but sometimes such subtleties matter.

Ronda Rousey's Thoughts on Fighting a Man and Equality

newtboy says...

I hope some day we'll see a woman champion beat the male champion and meld the belts, making one championship.
You're right, if women can't compete, it would be terrible, but I think they could, certainly if given a certain weight advantage. I know damn well that Ronda could tie me in knots and make me swallow my own buttocks.

lucky760 said:

I think it really may be as sex blind as she implied.

What I mean is I don't know that it's forbidden by the UFC for men to fight women (though the fighting commission(s) might prohibit it), and as you said, she is implying it's an option.

She won't fight a man but some day perhaps we'll see a woman who will and the winner will hold both the men's and women's championship title. Wouldn't that be something.

But then again it wouldn't be very sporting or enjoyable by fans if there isn't ever a woman strong enough to beat a man in her own weight class. For that reason alone man vs. woman probably won't ever happen.

Beer Ad with Amy Schumer

poolcleaner says...

Any woman that doesn't drink cheap beer with enthusiasm should be shot. And I mean dead. My wife will pull the trigger.

Let's go on a road trip, Chaos, let's go on a road trip and we can drink people and kill beers. They will know us by the trail of bottles. Find those who scorn beer and shoot em. Show them the life of the beer mind!

Start a cult. Let's start a cult! We can call it.... hiiiipsteeeerrrsssss

Hipsters. And I dub thee -- leader!

Cheer for thy champion, Chaos Engine. For without him there would be no Dinosaurs running wild.

ChaosEngine said:

Your wife sounds like fun.

Buried in an Avalanche

ChaosEngine says...

So as a relative newcomer* to the backcountry, here's my $0.02:

They were incredibly lucky.

Going into a gully like that after a snow storm is a "terrain trap" where even a small slide can accumulate very deep snow. Getting buried under 2-3m is bad, but 10m+? Unless you have the world snow shoveling champion team in your party, you're dead.

Good on them for carrying shovels and probes, but where were their transceivers? The article states that the victim had his transceiver with him but the others didn't. A single transceiver is about as useful as a prick in a nunnery.

The only reason that guy is alive is he managed to stick his ski pole above the snow. Without that, by the time they find him, they're not rescuing him, they're recovering the body.

Most importantly, they knew it was a sketchy line and they went anyway (and altogether.... jesus.... spread the fuck out... no-one gonna rescue you if you're all buried).

Right there, that's the fatal mistake. I know guys who have hiked for 6 hours to get to a run, looked at it and turned back. If you're not sure, don't go. Even if it means climbing back out.

So to sum up:
unsure about conditions: don't go
the entire party doesn't have a shovel/probe/transceiver each: don't go
if you absolutely have to go: one at a time and aim for a safe spot


I'm being a bit of a prick on this. It's really easy to criticise, but I've been there and I know that powder fever takes hold. But *nature hates you and wants to kill you. Keep that in mind.

* I've been side-country riding for a few years, but started splitboarding last year.

Sarah Palin after the teleprompter freezes

newtboy says...

No sir, you are the one who claims the democrats had, and spent more money in the last 2 elections, and now that the republicans are the champion of the middle class (rather than it's most fervent enemy)....apparently because Faux told you so. I propose YOU are living in opposite land.
The middle class, along with nearly everyone else (not the top 1%), was screwed long and hard by the Bush administration and republican congress. True enough the democrats didn't stop them, nor did they fully solve the disaster they were left with 6 years ago. It was not, however, democratic policies that decimated the middle class, nor was it democratic policy that kept it that way, it is the obstructionist republicans insisting on continuing their own disastrous policies, and democrats never insisting on an actual filibuster (by republicans) to halt political progress, but accepting the mere threat of filibuster and giving up far too easily.
Claiming that the republicans have or will work FOR the middle class is either disingenuous or coming from the completely uninformed. (EDIT: please note that the economy has ALWAYS done better under democratic leadership than it has under republican leadership....every cycle in the last 50+ years, and the economy has been the republicans main issue that entire time.) Remember, it's proven repeatedly that those who listen to/watch "fox news" are consistently LESS informed than those who watch/listen to NOTHING. I think that's what's happened here.

EDIT: Love the new, totally appropriate 'sad clown king' avatar!

bobknight33 said:

You are living in a opposite world. Everything you believe Democrat leadership stand for, they have delivered the opposite.

We can thank the disappearing middle class and the poor being worse off from 6 years of the failed leadership.
But on the bright side the rich are richer, Thank to Democrat leadership.

Well if you like the disappearing middle class keep voting Democrat.

Adelaide Hills Ablaze, a Firefighter's Perspective

Fantomas says...

I live in the city, but my Dad lives out at Mt Barker and my sister lives near Tea Tree Gully and she had some tense moments recently.
I feel it needs stressing that these guys and gals are not professionals, but volunteers. They have lives and jobs like anyone else and every summer they come out to save lives and homes. Absolute champions.

newtboy (Member Profile)

ant says...

What other Apple 2 games did you played? Here's what I played that I could re(member/call): Wings of Fury, Diamond Mine, Kareteka, Montezuma's Revenge, Aztec, Gemstone Warrior, Conan O'Brien (think I submitted it here), Ancient Art of War (a pastor gave me that game haha), Boulder Dash, Champion Ship Lode Runner (finished and got a paper certificate), etc.

the Elizabeth warren speech that has everyone talking

Trancecoach says...

And that somehow negates Warren's support of the Ex-Im Bank how, exactly?

But fine. You don't like Mercatus' take on Ex-Im, how about Rolling Stone's very own Wall St. lefty, Matt Taibbi's, take on the Ex-Im Bank which he describes as "A federal slush fund that gives away massive low-interest loans to companies that a) don't need the money and b) have repeatedly made gigantic contributions to the right people."

Yup, sounds like something any true "Champion" against Corportatism would want to support. <eyeroll>

EDIT: Why would you even argue the point? Are you that naive??

newtboy said:

Contrary to what they would have you believe, this is NOT an academic group of scholars, but is actually a right wing political organization that has a home at George Mason University (but is not affiliated with or supported by Mason) dedicated to showing how a 'free market economy can solve any problem'.

From their web page: As the name implies, Mercatus (market in Latin) research focuses on how markets solve problems.

the Elizabeth warren speech that has everyone talking

Trancecoach says...

Warren is a "Champion" against Corporatism, and yet she supports the Ex-Im Bank that gives $8.3 billion to Boeing and $2.6 billion to GE (Mercatus Scholars on the Export-Import Bank). Because, y'know.. logic and consistency. "The people's" support of Warren is support for all of those entities that make her employment as a politician possible. In other words, "the people's" support of Warren (regardless of her rhetoric or polemical attempts at persuading a disenfranchised Left) is, in fact, support for all of those entities which make her career as a politician possible (i.e., the very corporatist relationships she rails against, while simultaneously supporting with favorable legislation). Despite all the rhetoric, make no mistake that Warren knows exactly where her bread gets buttered.

(While this is fairly basic stuff for most if not all of politics-as-usual, it's just so deliciously blatant with someone like Warren that it's too satisfying to resist pointing out.)

best anarchist speech i have ever heard

enoch says...

told ya he was pissed.
i admire this mans passion.
in fact,i applaud it.

while i do not agree with his attack therapy tactics and do not subscribe to his over-all conclusions.i absolutely ADORE how he calls out the cognitive dissonance of the american voter.

because he is right.

how can you subscribe to a law that makes prostitution illegal,yet porn legal?
or the guy who deals crack or meth as being a criminal? yet opiates are,by far,the leading cause of death in regards to controlled who is the bigger criminal?

and what,exactly,IS a criminal?is it because the state says so?if you subscribe to that,then i am a criminal.

i found his condemnation of the christian church to be the most delicious.
jesus christ was an insurrectionist,a radical,a dissident and a dissenter.a zealot in the face of the powered elite.

so how can you fight a war of aggression in jesus christs name?
how can you state that god blesses america with over 2.4 million people incarcerated?or to categorize and demonize those who may be different i.e:gay,lesbian or atheist and yet still call yourself a christian?

i giggled with delight when he pointed out that the very same people who are championing those insurrectionists,dissidents and agitators of the past as somehow being representative of their morals and ethics,are the very same people they are demonizing today for breaking the rules.

this man is so pissed off and i love it.
he says things that will make conformists extremely uncomfortable,and we NEED to be a bit uncomfortable.if only to shake off the apathy and lethargy.

as for the taxes argument..meh..i dont subscribe to the "privatize everything" ,because some things should not be profit driven,but i also do not subscribe to the 'taxes pay for essential services",unless wars of aggression,corporate welfare and big-agribusiness subsidies are considered "essential".

our democracy is broken,our government dysfunctional and serves only to keep the balance of the status quo on top..and fuck the regular dude.

can you REALLY say your government represents you?
ok,go ahead and are your choices:chocolate or vanilla but both are made by hagen daaz.

you really should watch to the end..he just gets madder and madder.
truths can often be uncomfortable,but that never changes the fact that they are truths.

and goddamn i love your optimism! just cant share it on this issue,though if you could bottle it up i am betting you would make a fortune.

ill have three bottles of newt go.

David Coulthard and Mika Häkkinen Drive McLaren F1 cars

Why Asians Are The BEST At Choreography.

Sagemind says...

The choreography here is amazing and well practiced and trained.
The fact that they are Asian is irrelevant and a racial stereotype.

Let me introduce you to a guy named Ray Park - noticeably not Asian but a Wushu champion internationally.

It's called dedication to your craft.

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Beggar's Canyon