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Gendered Marketing

Jinx says...

Ok. Women want to be perceived as soft (they do? - I'd be careful with that generalisation, your straying into damsel territory there) and feminine (Surprise! ...but what is feminine? - is it soft and pink or something else?). And who doesn't want to be seen as competent and why should it be seen as a masculine trait?

Wait, Let me guess the guys. Do most guys want to be perceived as..masculine...and...*insert positive gender role stereotype here!*.

Oh well, I was close I guess.

So liek. Yes. Your average guy or gal wants to fit into their associated gender role, or gender aesthetic if you like. But it seems to me there is sort of an element of carts before horses here. Are those gender aesthetics a preexisting difference between the sexes or is it an arbitrary divider created by our society through cynical marketing campaigns that have exploited our desire to "belong" to make more money?

Aside from that, what exactly makes a fragrance "tough" or "competent"? I've never thought to describe a smell as competent in all my life. It's all as arbitrary as pink for girls, blue for boys and...pens for women.

ChaosEngine said:

As ridiculous as some of this is, there are some valid reasons why products are gendered (at least in the standard hetero-normative fashion).

There are different aesthetics for genders. Most women do actually want to be perceived as soft and feminine and pretty, and most men do want to be perceived as tough and competent. Hence different fragrances in deodorant, for instance.

But pens for women are just ridiculous...

Light painting with pixelstick

Vygorous says...

For anyone wondering like I was, it costs $325.00 USD [discounted pre-order]

Pre-order pixelstick

$325 - Click Add to cart below to pre-order pixelstick at a reduced price, for June 2014 delivery. Contact Bitbanger Labs at any time if you wish to cancel your pre-order.

Full kit includes:

- LED PCBs (200 LEDs total)
- Two 3’ aluminum extrusion
- Connecting bracket
- Diffusion lens
- Handle with foam grip and rotating sleeve
- Controller box with connecting cables and clips
- Battery holder (AA Batteries not included)
- Carry bag

"Patent Trolls" - Sued For Making Lists

TDS: Judge Andrew Napolitano Discusses Slavery with Jon

Januari says...

When it's a point we don't agree with it's 'harping' or something equally dismissive.

But oh yeah... comparing the Civil War carte blanche to EVERY other war is a solid argument... about as solid as arguing in favor of assassinations.

He "tricked" Carolina, has to be the most moronic argument I've ever heard. Talk about twisting history to fit your beliefs. I'm honestly hoping that was a joke.

Fried potato on a stick

zor says...

Good idea, but design fail on the machine. They should have made the ram a hollow tube so you push the stick in then pull it out to expand the swirl as the ram pushes. The stick would still center the tater. Needs to be vertical, too, so it will fit on a cart. Also, what a waste of time/safety dropping the whole stick in the fryer! Needs some work but I'm hungry so the video did the job.

Snowdrop Next-Gen Engine | Tom Clancy's The Division

Yogi says...

It certainly looks very pretty, and the game's idea looks interesting. I hope it's really about wandering in Manhattan though because I don't want to just get carted from set-piece to set-piece anymore in Next Gen.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

It Begins: GOP wives talk about their husbands. Romney.

Drachen_Jager says...

Strapping your dog to the top of your car for a long trip on the highway isn't the easy decision and it's not the popular decision.

Oh and it also demonstrates what a raging psychopath you are and how little you value any life other than your own.

Putting that aside, even, he's a corporate raider who's thrown more Americans out of their jobs than any president before him.... Since you can tell what kind of President he'll be by how he led his life??? So, vote Mitt if you want to lose your job, your health care, and watch your loved ones carted off in roof-top carriers for that long trip to 'the vacation home'.

South Park On Cable Companies

arekin says...

You can actually complain to the actual broadcasters. Its likely more effective than complaining to the cable companies, seeing as they actually have some say. Or you could complain to congressman and ask for bills forcing ala carte service. that would be effective.

If you haven't had cable service in three years than yeah a lot has changed. In my area, Comcast went all digital to reduce bandwidth used by their television service on their lines (which happily resulted in them doubling the speed on most of their internet packages as a result). Now if your bill is late (like 30 or 40 days late, not right away) of you decide to quit their service its off the same day. You just get an activation page on internet and the cable says "one moment please".

CrushBug said:

All you say is true, but I am not able to complain to individual channels or their overlord conglomerates. Why would they care what I say? The only people I can take my issue to is the cable provider. If the cable provider lost 50% of its subscribers due to annoying bundling, maybe the upstream folks would notice. Then they could articulate the problem, since they would lose money, too. I think it is pretty much the only choice we have.

We have 2 Internet+TV providers in town here. One is the traditional cable service the other is the old telephone company that added TV. I got rid of cable TV about a 3 years ago and increased my internet speed. Every time the cable company called to offer TV, I would always ask if I could select my own channels, they said no, and I asked them to call me back when they can. They always said bundling was upstream and I understood it, but it still doesn't excuse the practice.

I certainly am happy with Netflix right now.

Each time cable had to be turned off or adjusted, it always involved someone coming out to the alley. I would always have free cable for 5 to 90 days, depending, but that is probably back in the analog cable days and not if we are talking about the new digital cable boxes. Depends what tech you are using.

A tank shell with your name on it

A tank shell with your name on it

Volume UP....the sound of a golf ball hitting skull

Esoog says...

I was hit in the back of the head by a golf ball that skipped off the cart path. That hurt bad enough. I cant imagine one on the fly like this.

Why Violent Video Games Don't Cause Violence | Today's Topic

chingalera says...

Be damn the violence, future serial killers of America unite, be it Doom or Civilization, GTA or Mario Cart, what of the retarded social and motor skills created in 2 generations of peepatrons? I have noticed a direct correlation between lack of Vitamin D in the form of limited exposure to sunlight and Cheetos-stained crisp finger, as well as a general lack of interest in the vagina or practical skills and video-gaming, so please, "let them legalize homicide and debut this thrilling and encouraging youth-sensation, our hope-for-the-future, an exciting new video first-person-atrophizer and herding platform, Couch-Killers"!!

Somewhere in China, this guy is driving around...

Mieders Alpine Coaster - Frustrated Guy Crashes

probie says...

Nope, that guy was a cunt. No respect for his own safety, other's safety, or the ride's property (the cart). His own "fun" took precedence over everything else. If he went screaming down the hill (both literally and figuratively) like that into my daughter, there'd be a whole different ending on that video.

Fuck that douchebag.

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