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How To Break NINE Laptops In Order To Steal Just ONE!!

Will it blend? Large ship versus a docked marina

Israel bombs U.N. school shelter, murdering children

chingalera says...

Yeah well, lol back-Take a country like saaaaay, North Korea-One generation deprogrammed would cure the ills of yet another born onto abject totalitarian spin but how to accomplish it without the world whining? There is no 'achieving' when the sanest solution to a problem does not jibe with a more convoluted model which works only for a small percentage of assholes who also happen to run world economies and flotillas of carriers and subs.

People? To those in command at the top of the homo-sapien food chain they represent so much disposable meat.

Asmo said:

Lol, always got a solution, but no real suggestions on how to achieve it.

R+L=J: who are Jon Snow's parents? (GoT/ASOIAF Fan Theory)

MilkmanDan says...

In genetics, that is pretty much how it works. The dominant black/dark-haired gene will trump the recessive blonde-haired gene. Punnet squares for the win!

However, as I remember things in the Song of Ice and Fire books, it is presented as though that understanding of genetics isn't really common knowledge in Westeros as it is for us. The books play up the "seed is strong" thing even more, which to me suggests that while people who stop to consider it the most (ie., Jon Arryn) feel that Robert's "seed"/genetics are strong and should be probably be expressed in his "kids" with Cersei, MOST people of Westeros just accept that they "must take after their mother more" and don't think anything is amiss. Ned getting wind of the "seed is strong" idea and thinking about it himself makes him suspicious too, but he doesn't have our understanding of genetics to provide the (nearly) ironclad parentage proof at a glance.

So, you're both right, kinda.

I think our understanding of genetics would make a Jon Snow born of Lyanna (likely carrying double dominant brown/black hair gene BB) and Rhaegar (I think platinum blonde, so guaranteed to be double recessive bb) either have a 100% chance of being dark-haired (BB cross with bb will result in 100% Bb children, carrying the blonde gene but expressing the black) or at most a 25% chance of being blonde IF Lyanna happens to be a carrier of the blonde gene (which seems unlikely).

lucky760 said:

I believe you're thinking about it in reverse.

From season 1, a blonde (Lannister) mating with a black-haired (Baratheon) is expected to yield a black-haired child. (That's why Ned knew blonde Joffrey wasn't Robert's son.)

For this theory, black-haired Lyanna Stark supposedly made Jon Snow with blonde-haired Rhaegar Targaryen, so it would be expected that his hair would be black.


Law Student Prevails Over State Robot Thug

artician says...

I stop to think about things all the time.

What he's representing and what it represents to the passerby are worlds apart. In this case, he's clearly in a neighborhood where the average citizen sees the police as a protection against a non-uniformed man with a gun, rather than an activist or educated individual upholding their rights.

Gather several hundred open-carriers and visit capitol hill, or go to the nearest politician-laden golf resort with your assault rifle. Don't march up and down neighborhoods ( looking for trouble.

From the mostly-benign situations such as this, to the people who've had their fill of shit and gun down a crowd of innocents: making openly aggressive statements in this way is addressing the wrong audience. This is not the way to make the point.

Lastly, even though I agree with you, you can't tell me I'm lumping someone into a perceived fairy land when you title videos "Student Prevails Over State Robot Thug".

chingalera said:

Artician-Ever stop to think about what his parading-around represents in this instance? You are lumping-him into some imaginary fairly-land of your own perception, one where only who carries guns?? He's doing this for a fucking reason man...

Oversize load doesn't quite make it

HugeJerk says...

What @Porksandwich said. The rear carrier had shifted its angle, so the tracking wasn't inline... meaning the rear of the beam was about 6 feet to the right of the truck.

A truck carrying a load that large and heavy should have a chase vehicle. There is one visible at the start, that is ahead of the truck. I have a feeling that the camera was mounted in another chase vehicle, but I have no idea why he wouldn't have alerted the truck driver to the situation with the carrier alignment.

AV 8B Harrier Lands without Nose Landing Gear - on a stool!

This Is How You Get People To Stop Texting While Driving

spawnflagger says...

There do exist Wireless Emergency Alert systems, but I'm not sure what is implemented by carriers in HK. Either way, any such broadcast would go to everyone in a cell, not limited to just those inside a theater. And using it as shown in this advertisement would be quite illegal (in any country).

Now, they could have had a "sign up for free blowjob alerts" in the lobby of the theater that enough people signed up to, and then the software simply bulk-messages those users in the theater.

If nobody in HK theaters turns their phones off, remind me to never see a movie while there.

I 2nd the bullshit call of everyone else.

One Of The Best Arguments For Deleting Facebook

Save Net Neutrality - Sen. Bernie Sanders

Porksandwich says...

Classified as common carriers and de-coupled from content production/sales.

If they remove the providing of access to internet from the same businesses trying to push their own content....we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Even as common carriers if they are still selling content, it's quite easy for them to just avoid upgrading their backbones and infrastructure AS THEY HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS to give false priority to their own content through purposeful neglect.

I really haven't seen this aspect discussed...just them making companies pay to not have their particular offerings throttled. Which is just a natural evolution of having both the delivery means and major content production under the same roof.

It'd be similar to having a major trucking company or two own all the roads and couple major manufacturers. Once they block anyone else from access to those roads or creating new ones.... They will only be interested in repairing and expanding the roads where the most profitable business is done........... And no one can do a damn thing about it because they have monopolies and basically what amounts to non-compete agreements everywhere with no minimal level of service. The only way in this circumstance to really drive down their prices and create real competition is if teleportation of goods became available and you could bypass their strangle hold on roads. Which in this case........would be wireless and satellite......which........they own too.

So when it comes to internet speeds....the only reason for them to upgrade it for the common man is if the content they sell is becoming too slow for people to consider.

That's how I see it anyway....they really aren't competing with other internet providers in the vast majority of the market...because there's only 1-2 in most.....and they sell content. They view themselves as content delivery businesses, not high speed internet providers.

A-10 Thunderbolt II "The Gun"

Sylvester_Ink says...

The Eurofighter Typhoon fills the same role as the F-22, except that the F-22 is a much more advanced and capable jet. (And, in fact, can fulfill the role of the F-35 better than the F-35 can, in many cases. Except carrier landing.) The cost is only marginally less than the F-22 (about $110 million vs $150 million), although if the F-22 had been allowed to ramp up to full production, the price would have gone down further. Basically, the F-22 program shouldn't have been cancelled so quickly.

Bruti79 said:

Ugh, the F-35, what a crap bag of wasted money. Canada is still trying to figure out if they're going to buy them or not. Last I heard they were "exploring other alternatives." Imo, we should just buy into the Eurofighter program, it does everything we want it to do, in the conditions we need it to be in, for a fraction of the price. =\

Net Neutrality in the US: Now What?

eric3579 says...

Go to Viharts videos description on youtube to find links to get involved

or the below links stolen from videosift video descriptin Hank vs Hank

Please make a public comment here!
Tell the FCC that they should reclassify broadband internet as a telecommunications (or "Common carrier") service. Right now broadband is regulated like TV or radio, which doesn't make sense.
This is a public comment for the public record...official government stuff... so you'll have to include your actual name and address.
You can also email the FCC directly here:
If you want to help some organizations that work their butts off trying to fight the telecoms,
check out:
Save The Internet (from FreePress)
Public Knowledge:
And contact your congress people:

fuzzyundies (Member Profile)

Doug Stanhope - Good Drugs Vs. Bad Drugs (DMT)

shagen454 says...

You never know what the spice is gonna show ya. Interesting, out of what seems like an actual infinite scale that there are so many universal (lol) themes.

Did you hear the "carrier-wave"? The carrier-wave is why I will never test the 25-40mg+ territory again. Too much, too life shattering.

enoch said:

"black hole sucking all as data"

had the EXACT same trip...true story.

/mind blown.
gonna go hug my cat totally freaked

Sixty Symbols -- What is the maximum Bandwidth?

charliem says...

You are thinking about QAM, Quadrature Amplitude Modulation. Thats an interesting question because QAM essentially produces the same results that the prof talks about in this video. By using interesting ways to change the beat and phase of a single carrier, one can represent a whole array of numbers greater than just a 1 or a zero with a single pulse, case in point.

In QAM, lets just use the easy example of QAM, QPSK (4QAM), where there are 4 possible binary positions for any given 'carrier' signal at a known frequency.

By shifting both phase and amplitude, you can get a 0, 1, 2 or 3, where each position represents a power of 2, up to a total value of 16 unique numbers.

Rather than just a 0 or a 1, you can have 0 through to 15. However doing this requires both a timeslot, and a known carrier window.

The fastest the QAM transmitter can encode onto a carrier is limited by the nyquist rate, that is, less than half the frequency which the receiver can sample at its fastest rate (on the remote end). As you increase the speed of the encoding, you also increase the error rate, and introduce more noise into the base carrier signal, in turn, reducing your effective available bandwidth.

So it then becomes a balancing act, do I want to encode faster, or do I want to increase my constellation density? The obvious answer is the one we went with, increase in constellation density.

There are much more dense variants, I think the highest ive heard of was 1024 QAM, where a single carrier of 8MHz wide could represent 1024 bits (1,050,625 unique values for a given 'pulse' within a carrier).

I actually had a lot more typed out here, but the maths that goes into this gets very ugly, and you have to account for noise products that are introduced as you increase both your transmission speed, and your receiver sensitivty, thus lowering your SNR, reducing your effective bandwidth for a given QAM scheme.

So rather than bore you with the details, the Shannon Hartley theorem is the hard wired physical limitation.

Think of it as an asymptote, that QAM is one method of trying to milk the available space of.

You can send encoded pulses very fast, but you are limited by nyquist, and your receivers ability to determine noise from signal.

The faster you encode, the more noise, the less effective bandwidth....and so begins the ritule of increasing constellation density, and receivers that can decode them....etc....

There is also the aspect of having carriers too close to one another that you must consider. If you do not have enough of a dead band between your receivers cut off for top end, and the NEXT carrier alongs cutoff for deadband at its LOW end, you can induce what is known as a heterodyne. These are nasty, especially so when talking about fibre, as the wavelengths used can cause a WIDE BAND noise product that results in your effective RF noise floor to jump SUBSTANTIALLY, destroying your entire network in the process.

So not only can you not have a contiguous RF bandwidth of carriers, one directly after another...if you try and get them close, you end up ruining everyones day.

I am sure there will be newer more fancy ways to fill that spectrum with useable numbers, but I seriously doubt they will ever go faster than the limit I proposed earlier (unless they can get better SNR, again that was just a stab in the dark).

It gives you a good idea of how it works though.

If you want to read more on this, I suggest checking wikipedia for the following;

Shannon Hartley theorem.
Nyquist Rate
Quadrature Phase Shift Key
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
Fibre Optic Communication Wavelengths
Stimulated Brillouin Scattering
Ebrium Doped Fibre Amplifiers

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