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Marijuana Legalization Support At All Time High - TYT

Quboid says...

I posted about this before, so many of the problems that drugs create are actually created by the War On Drugs.

Governments can't beat drug dealers, but Capitalism can. If Tesco's sold Fair Trade Cannabis, drug dealers would be utterly screwed in no time. Plus, farmers in Columbia/Afghanistan/etc would have a legitimate market, which would erode the illegal market, in turn decimating FARC/Taliban/etc's income and ability to operate. I saw one report that said half of the Afghan Taliban's $3B annual income is from heroin and cannabis sales.

The financial implications would be vast, tax revenue for governments would be a big help while the money, and therefore power, of drug cartels shrinks. There would be even more horrific violence here as cartels look to consolidate on their remaining business, I shudder to think of how the Zetas, the Tijuana Gang and the Juarez Cartel among others in Mexico would respond and it would take considerable political strength to get through.

Is legalising drugs the answer to peace on earth? The war on drugs is subsidising organised crime.

KopBusters - Barry Cooper Speaks To Media

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

Kicked Out of Hospital for Vaping Prescribed Cannabis

How to Refuse Police Searches

BoneRemake says...

Fantastic !

I watched something like this on forums seven/eight years ago and because of that I refused a search while I had cannabis in my car and had smoked some an hour previous.

The cop said the same sort of thing " we have lots of drugs being transported on this highway do you mind if I search the car "

I said, " yes, I do mind officer, I do not consent to a search "

he asked me why and I literally said ( because of the forums ) " It is my constitutional right to refuse search officer. and that was that, he said " okay, we are done here "

You do not have to consent to a search if you are smell and glass eye free POWER TO THE PEOPLE.


siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'colors of the wind, pocahontas, stoned, baked, cannabis, marijuana' to 'colors of the wind, pocahontas, stoned, baked, cannabis, marijuana, college humor' - edited by Boise_Lib

Getting High with Joan Rivers

Mitt Romney turns his back on a medical marijuana patient.

Jinx says...

I smoked pot twice and disliked it enough that I never made it a habit. Still, I think its insane that anybody should ban its medical use.

I don't believe marijuana is this miracle plant that some claim it to be, but its retarded how demonised it is. Its a drug... big fucking deal. We take drugs ALLLLLL the fucking time. Somehow we put up with antisocial alcohol that is more damaging to our short and long term health, and yet smoking this plant sends you straight to hell. I drugged up twice today too. On caffeine. And lets not forget morphine, that wonderful painkiller that oh, just by the way, is an opiate. Where was the crusade against that? NO MORPHINE FOR OUR TROOPS. ITS A GATEWAY TO CANNABIS.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Woman Makes Meth In Walmart

vaire2ube jokingly says...

If you're wondering how she did it, visit this handy Government website for a really good clue. Not only easy to make, but profitable! Now get crackin'

"The principal chemicals are ephedrine or pseudoephedrine, iodine, and red phosphorus. The required hydriodic acid in this variation of the hydriodic acid/red phosphorus method is produced by the reaction of iodine in water with red phosphorus. This method yields high quality d-methamphetamine. Another iodine/red phosphorus method, limited to small production batches, is called the cold cook method because the chemicals, instead of being heated, are placed in a hot environment such as in direct sunlight."

Cannabis, though? i couldn't find any govt instructions on how to make it.. i think it just grows or something...

Canibus - How come

rottenseed says...

For the first 20 seconds I thought this was a PSA against "cannabis". Then I was like, "this PSA sounds pretty good, but I don't know if they're getting their point across." Then I realized the joke was on me...

Conan Officiates Wedding of Scott Cronick & David Gorshein

AdrianBlack (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

I like explanation points, and cannabis.

I just read that in the message I sent you yesterday, Something looked a little off now that I am not high as holy hell.

explanation point...hahahahahahahah

exclamation mark is what I was going for.


AdrianBlack (Member Profile)

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