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Commodore 64 Classics

Commodore 64 Classics

deathcow says...

nice.. I thik I had them all except the manic mansion or whatever it was... paradroid was great... I think I saw 7 cities of gold in there, but not sure. The chopper underground was called fort apocalypse IIRC, another great game ,I remember loading that one off a cassette tape! I had some device ?icepick? that let you freeze a c64 at any point and save the entire memory contents... it was great for duping crap.

Commodore 64 Classics

Mortimer says...

Nice. Only ones I had/recognized were Blue Max, Impossible Mission, Spy Vs. Spy, and Summer Games. But what about The Hobbit? Also, there was some game where you flew a chopper underground, I believe, to rescue people and bring them back to a rescue site. My C64 is in the rafters of my parents garage. Wonder if it'd still work after 15+ years of summers at 110° - 120°F.

Day of the Tentacle (Classic Game Intro)

Future Crew : Second Reality (Assembly '93)

djsunkid says...

I'm glad somebody else pointed out that there is no way this was a 64k demo.

Now, on the other hand we have Second Reality C64 which was a 1998 port of second reality to commodore 64.

This definitely was a turning point in my life. I was definitely considering sifting the c64 second reality, but I thought it would be too much of an inside joke. Similarly, somebody made Real Reality: a remake of Second Reality with props instead of computer generated imagery. It would have been much better with the original music. I really dislike their remake of the music.

Commodore 64 Commercial (1985)

c64 orchestra

westy says...

OK its fine playing stuff on difrent eqwimpent jsut for the fun of it but people seem to see clasical instrments as something of quality. why would u want to play c64 music on clasical instramants as thay canot reproduce the sound at all to anny degree. it realy anoys me how clasical music is seen as better ore of higher value than anny other form of music. i love the c64 sound and all the 8bit music and all the music we have in games now weather it be clasical ore not. just hate this masterbation of clasical music

c64 orchestra

gaffa says...

C64 Orchestra approached two of the most experienced C64-users from the 1980s, Rob Hubbard and Jeroen Tel. The current work of these two Commodore 64 musicians intend their compositions to be exploited with the aid of a classical orchestra.
The compositions that they are going to play:
Rob Hubbard's compositions: Monty on the Run, One Man And His Droid, Commando, International Karate, Master of Magic.
Jeroen Tel's: Cybernoid II, Hawkeye, Myth, Supremacy, Iron Lord.
Midway 2006 will see this production premiered.

Computer price comparison circa 1982

dag says...

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I'm sorry I beg to differ, The apple IIe shredded the C64. Real expansion slots, a proper keyboard and Ultima IV came out on the Apple waaaay before the C64. 'nuff said.

The cool kids were definitely on Apple IIs. I present myself and my neighbor Andy Hatfield as an example. So what if he played D&D every lunch hour and had the full head-gear. He had a wicked Apple II and was cool in my books.

Computer price comparison circa 1982

Computer price comparison circa 1982

Commodore VIC-20 Commercial with William Shatner

deathcow says...

Was glad to missed the Vic-20, but I loved LOVED loved my C64, programmed my first communications app on a C64 (it was a multiuser BBS) probably 23 years ago and I am still writing them.... still writing them... I am still writing them

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