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Gay Marriage: Using humor to fight for equality

This is how the History Channel died

radx says...

>> ^Entropy001:
When in reality the Sherman tank was inferior to the German design.

Well, one could argue that it's more of a difference in the underlying philosophy than quality of engineering. German doctrin was based upon the use of what we now refer to as MBTs (Panzer I-V) while the Brits used infantry tanks (Mathilda, Valentine, Churchill, etc) and cruiser tanks (Cruiser, Crusader, Cromwell, etc), and the US troops deployed infantry tanks (Sherman) and TDs (M10, M18, M36). Once you split breakthrough and exploitation or infantry support and anti-tank warfare into separate vehicles, you're bound to end up with vastly different designs that might draw the short straw more often than not if not used properly.

If you include the lack of resources and manpower in particular, Wehrmacht tanks had to be superior individually, because they were doomed to be inferior numerically. Thus, the US could focus on easier and cheaper production. You don't need Zeiss optics and Krupp steel if you simply aim for number superiority. I'd say both design principles fulfilled their respective roles just fine, even though they could hardly have been more different. Simple, easy to maintain and reliable versus the latest in technology.

The Firefly was nice though, 17pdr was a beast.

Or maybe what I wrote is just a load of cockswallow and the German designs were, in fact, simply superior.

That said, this kitty was one hell of an engineering masterpiece. If they hadn't lost access to rare materials, even the transmission might have worked properly and those buggers wouldn't have broken down every 100km.

Still waiting to see the Panther at Koblenz again, last time was a blast.

Jimmy Carr - Entire Routine at Just For Laughs 2009

Healthcare, Let's Help Each Other

Zonbie says...

bugger. mis voted (wrong vid!) - it's an interesting point. but, not really selling the idea, once again this is a pitch Against a Healthcare system this is a right rather than a privalige. I have lived in UK and Sweden, bother with a central healthcare system and this problem is a non issue for me. If you want to see a doctor, you do. If you need medicine, you get it, discounted. Sure I pay through taxes, but I get it, and I don't get rejected or told my treament is "experimental"

This guy making the response, seems to think that a central system (gov. controlled or influenced in this case) is just plain bad. But the truth is, if it is done properly, the results often mean everyone gets the right healthcare. In the UK you can still get private insurance on top of the NHS (and like all insurance this does not cover asthma, and a whole bunch of other (unsupported) ailments.

But as mentioned above, you have the fire brigade and postal service as public services, as well as education. Why is healthcare seen as exempt?

Zero Punctuation: Super Mario Galaxy 2

Abel_Prisc says...

I see somebody drank the kool-aid.
>> ^yellowc:

Pretty funny and Nintendo would laugh a long too, if you want to make jokes about the flat storyline, Nintendo has already beaten you to it many times. No one really cares though because we're too busy having fun (which he admits, though for me, when you're having fun, everything else is a moot point).
Bringing back level maps was also FRIGGING AWESOME, this was a case of the 8-90s getting it RIGHT and then 00s trying to be better and failing with horrid hub worlds or whatever the frig you want. The only decent hub world was Mario 64 and that was just a 3d level map really.
I also think Nintendo's new approach to making games accessible to a wide audience is commendable, it is entirely avoidable if you don't wish to look at it but quite informative and helpful to noobs. They've actually got the formula down really well and should be applauded not ridiculed, yeah the instructions are spastic obvious but they're not for you...they are for people who out right FEAR touching a button on any "technology" and on the Wii, they feel comfortable.
Anyway I know these videos are for entertainment but I can never help myself, that's probably what he wants the crafty bugger!

Zero Punctuation: Super Mario Galaxy 2

yellowc says...

Pretty funny and Nintendo would laugh a long too, if you want to make jokes about the flat storyline, Nintendo has already beaten you to it many times. No one really cares though because we're too busy having fun (which he admits, though for me, when you're having fun, everything else is a moot point).

Bringing back level maps was also FRIGGING AWESOME, this was a case of the 8-90s getting it RIGHT and then 00s trying to be better and failing with horrid hub worlds or whatever the frig you want. The only decent hub world was Mario 64 and that was just a 3d level map really.

I also think Nintendo's new approach to making games accessible to a wide audience is commendable, it is entirely avoidable if you don't wish to look at it but quite informative and helpful to noobs. They've actually got the formula down really well and should be applauded not ridiculed, yeah the instructions are spastic obvious but they're not for you...they are for people who out right FEAR touching a button on any "technology" and on the Wii, they feel comfortable.

Anyway I know these videos are for entertainment but I can never help myself, that's probably what he wants the crafty bugger!

Def Leppard - "Photograph"

acesulfameable says...

Well I'll be buggered! I thought they were Canadian. Must have mixed them up with Glass Tiger. Wait, no one here cares anyways. Ah, f'k it, if blankfist can share every little opinion of his then so can I. And with worse grammar (!kelsey) too!

Solenodon: Rare Venomous Mammal Caught On Video

We've Got Badges! (Sift Talk Post)

Duckman33 says...

So will these apply to videos posted in the past, or just posted from this point on.

EG: I have 11 #1 vids and 99 top 15's. Will these badges apply to those, or only vids I post from now on?

Oh and another *quality for badges!!

Bugger off siftbot.

enoch (Member Profile)

A Bit of Fry and Laurie - Does this make you happy?

CNN Visits Dog & Cat Meat Market in China

kagenin says...

If society collapses, or I'm in a situation where I can't just simply go to the market for fresh beef, then I know how to build squirrel traps - animals taste like what they eat, so naturally a squirrel is going to taste a little nutty . Besides, squirrel pelts make for good furry leather. Are they cute? Yeah, the grey squirrels around here are kinda, with their big bushy tails. And if worse comes to worse, the apocalypse, the sky falls, whatever, I'm not gonna have any qualms about dispatching a cute little bugger if it means I get to live off the protein for a while.

Personally, I think a dog is more useful as a tool to make hunting more efficient, but I'm not gonna stop someone across the world from using it as a much more readily available source of meat. That would make me a hypocrite. People will do what they need to survive. Just because you don't eat a particular kind of animal, doesn't mean you should stop all people from eating that animal.

Hell, a dog just bit me last week, I needed twelve stitches. I love dogs, don't get me wrong. But in the wild, we'd be food to them - see Dingos, Wolves, Hyenas, etc...

I draw the line at cetaceans. There's no necessity behind whale and dolphin hunting. People should work on catching dumber, more sustainable prey. For thousands (if not millions) of people around the world, dog will fit that description, and it's readily available.

spoco2 (Member Profile)


5 year old forced off school bus miles from home

enoch says...

give me the bud drivers name so i can go kick him in the balls.
this story brought back memories of a personal nature.
my first day of kindergarten.exciting and new and not a tad bit intimidating but i got on the wrong bus going home from school.
i remember trying so hard to see a recognizable landmark and the more kids got off the bus the higher my anxiety.
needless to say,by the time i was the last kid i was producing some pretty impressive snot bubbles because by then i was petrified that i was never gonna make it home and i was so scared.
and do you know what that bus driver did?
sat me right behind her and drove to every ray street in my area.even gave me a lolipop and got me to smile.she made it ok..she was gonna get me home.when i finally recognized my street this bus driver took it one step further and drove me right to my driveway.

you know,maybe in this day an age kids have cell phones and can memorize their address and phone number,whip out an ipod and check google maps but when it all comes down to it...its about community.what this bus driver did was fucking WRONG.i dont care about procedure,rules or dont push a scared 5 yr old off your bus because he is unsure where he is at...EVER.what you DO is do whatever you can to get that kid home and rules be what if you get reprimanded?who cares if you have to listen to a lecture about "waste" and "productivity time".you did what was RIGHT.
i have watched too many people,parents mainly,who have been scared into boogeyman syndrome.that somehow there is a pedophile in every other house just waitin to bugger their child and every other house has a rapist/burglar watching your every move.the fact of the matter is:most people are decent and are not looking to bugger little johnny nor do they covet your "vintage" sony walkman,they are people just like you and i.which one of us would see a hysterical little kid lost and afraid and NOT try to help?
conclusion:the bus driver is a righteous FUCK.may he be raped with a razor blade dildo.

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