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UsesProzac (Member Profile)

spoco2 says...

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!! Ruby ruby ruby! What's your channel going to be??

You mad bugger, you got me over!

I'd better post a few more videos lest dead videos don't drop me back under.

Oh, and I didn't even notice it until I was commenting this morning, and the newly minted comment popped up and I saw an unfamiliar colour next to my name.

You are crazy UP, but I thank you for my new bling

Aussie rules football -- how to make a play

spoco2 says...

AFL isn't soccer, it isn't rugby, it's... well it's its own thing. There is also Gaelic Football which is close enough that they have international games between Irish teams and Aussie teams in a hybrid of the two sports sometimes.

AFL is probably closer to soccer than rugby though, in that you have goals at each end which each team is trying to kick the ball into. The big difference between soccer and football though, besides being able to use your hands, is that AFL is a MUCH higher scoring game. Soccer just annoys and frustrates me (and most supporters it would seem based on the number of riots) because there's almost no scoring... All that pent up energy with bugger all release. AFL has scoring all the time, so you have constant ups and downs during the game.

Catholic School Teacher Fired For In Vetro Fertilization

Shit and Willy and Fuck and Tits - Kings Speech Remix

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'colin firth, geoffrey rush, bugger, bastard, balls' to 'colin firth, geoffrey rush, bugger, bastard, balls, the kings speech' - edited by calvados

BBC Horizon - Fantastic Documentary "The Truth About Fat"

alien_concept says...

>> ^conan:

incredibly stupid tabloid science. i'm amazed that there're still people who can differentiate between cause and correlation. fat parents are having fat kids, is it genetics? no, it's because whatever the reason for your bad eating habits, you pass them down to your kids. what to you expect from your kids when you only eat junk? they'll eat it too. either because they mimic you or because you're the one who feeds them! congratulations, now you have perfect excuses: what once were "heavy bones" now are "hunger hormones" and genetics. this "documentation" didn't provide any hard facts, just hormones with names in quotation marks and similar snake oil stuff.
Step 1: stop doing sports, eat more junk and surprise! you'll become overweight. Step 2: catch up on exercising and change your diet and surprise again! your weight will drop. it's common sense. and this comes from someone who's still perfecting step 1... ;-)

I think you're misunderstanding the point of it. Everything you say is correct to a degree. I didn't hear them say that the sole cause of obesity is hormonal, not once. I'd be surprised if you watched it all the way through. The way you feed your children and the habits you give them is absolutely the root cause, at least I would say so. Then society/culture, marketing, advertising fast food. The cheapest foods are junk, that also plays a part.

But what they're saying here, is that the reason some people end up getting wildy overweight and not just a bit chunky is because there isn't the same hormone to tell them they're full. The amount some fat people eat would make a regular sized person sick, in just one meal.

I don't believe obesity is genetic either, I am one of those people who inherited my mothers shitty eating habits, was overweight as a child and now have to suffer the consequences of that. However my sister was fed the same way, offered the same things, but was always skinny because she ate like a bird (one years she would only eat bread rolls, haha). My children are two very different types, too. My daughter can eat more than the average adult, you know that old saying, hollow legs? But she puts weight on if I let her eat the wrong things or every time she feels hungry, so over the years I've had to very much restrict her. Now she tends to make the right choices so hopefully that will go through to adult life with her and I've not passed down the same bad habits, however she would eat every half hour if she listened to her belly. My son is just the opposite. If he's not hungry I could offer him his favourite anything and he'd turn it down. Lucky bugger!

Then there's the thing where my sister all of a sudden in her late teens became overweight. That didn't make much sense. But her eating habits had very much changed. The bit in this doc where they were testing identical twins where one was overweight and one wasn't was fascinating and tied things up much neater.

>> ^snoozedoctor:

Getting fat is like filling a bathtub with water. If you run the spigot faster than the drain, it fills up. Now THAT is heavy science. Burn more calories than you eat = weight loss.

You're talking about how to lose weight, a science we all understand This is talking about the reasons some of us gain. It's always pissed me off when bigger people rather than just admit they stuff their faces, try and pass it off as big bones (eh?) or genetics. I'm even rather cynical of people who say they love their weight and being big is beautiful and they want to be like that. I think rather they know how bloody difficult dieting is, not just the losing weight but keeping it off, also I think those people, and bless them for it, accept that they don't want to go through the endless bullshit of dieting and gaining and embrace it. Or they've got some chubby chasers paying them top dollar to watch them eat and balloon to 400 lbs. Food is very very addictive once you've learnt the pleasures of it, just like a drug. It's very hard for anyone who doesn't have a weight issue to understand it, especially since you've been listening to people make endless excuses for it over the years. I think that's what is putting the blinkers on you now when you watch anything with alternative reasons for obesity, you just see it as an excuse.

This is exciting, because what they're saying is if they can recreate these hormones they will be able to find a way of replacing them, which will make the whole dieting process much much easier.

Carl Sagan - The Humans

crotchflame says...

>> ^Reefie:

I was with the message for the first couple of minutes, but the final minute or so of the dialogue seemed to be suggesting "okay we screwed up with Earth, bugger it, let's find new planets".
Now I'm entirely for space exploration, getting to Mars, building a base on the Moon, baby steps in the grand scheme of exploring the universe, but necessary steps. However I would always put the priority of Earth first, would never abandon its well-being. We humans are nostalgic, and if we don't repair the damage we've done we'll forever be a lost species wandering from planet to planet, looking for places that are never quite the same as the Earth of textbooks (or should I say ebooks?) of old...
I guess what I'm saying is that this video could do with a bit more of a positive attitude towards fixing the problems we've created

What? I've watched this video 5 times and have no idea what you're talking about. I completely agree that space travel is no antidote to sustainability but there's nothing about this that implies we should abandon Earth. It merely states the fairly obvious fact that prosperity is a state of mind; one brought on by collective action rather than stagnation and depression. Exploration is the nature of our species and we could better address the little, petty problems we have here by imagining ourselves elsewhere than by pretending they have some crippling significance.

Carl Sagan - The Humans

Reefie says...

I was with the message for the first couple of minutes, but the final minute or so of the dialogue seemed to be suggesting "okay we screwed up with Earth, bugger it, let's find new planets".

Now I'm entirely for space exploration, getting to Mars, building a base on the Moon, baby steps in the grand scheme of exploring the universe, but necessary steps. However I would always put the priority of Earth first, would never abandon its well-being. We humans are nostalgic, and if we don't repair the damage we've done we'll forever be a lost species wandering from planet to planet, looking for places that are never quite the same as the Earth of textbooks (or should I say ebooks?) of old...

I guess what I'm saying is that this video could do with a bit more of a positive attitude towards fixing the problems we've created

The Louis Experiment - What does it mean? (Standup Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

OK, my two cents:

* The Louis CK thing: I think the biggest reason for me to pay for it was the $5, and that there wasn't any DRM involved. I hate, hate, hate the idea of paying for something, but then having to worry about how many devices I've loaded it onto or played it on etc. I bought it, I want to play it on my 'stuff'. $5 is bugger all, and as I'd said, I've watched a lot of his stuff online and thought he deserved some of my cash for the enjoyment he's given me. There are plenty of artists who if they give me that low entry cost I'll bite.

* Piracy in General: I do torrent. TV and Movies. TV I do because I figure it'll be on free to air at some stage here in Australia, so I could watch it for free anyway if I could be bothered noting when it's on. OR I could pay exorbitant pay TV prices and get it that way, but I'll be buggered if I'm going to pay a huge sum of money every month for 90% of crap I don't want to watch... and still have the problem of having to work out when it's on to record it etc. So the TV thing is justified that way. Give me a way to 'subscribe' to just the shows I want, on demand... and I'd probably take it.

Movies, movies I absolutely use it as a preview to purchase method. I refuse to buy movies on DVD/Blu-Ray site unseen. I've done it in the past based on glowing reviews from all and sundry, only to find I didn't much care for the flick. Now, I download and watch a movie, and if I like it I honestly do go and buy it. I do go to the cinemas to see movies too as a preview method, but I hardly ever get to do that with 4 kids under 9yrs. And the idea of still going to a DVD rental store is just laughable to me

So that's where I stand on both things. I think there's still a place for the big companies, but they have to lower the prices they think we should be paying for digital delivery of goods. Seriously, $25 fucking dollars for a digital download, what the FUCK are they thinking? Who pays that sort of money for no physical media, and $6 for a rental? Seriously fucked up ideas of what prices should be.

Make the rentals be a $1, make the downloads be $5, and you might have a hope. I don't like paying more than $20 for a Blu Ray, I'm certainly not going to pay more than that for a digital download.

So, yeah, I torrent because I am given no decent other option I'm afraid. But I definitely buy what I like afterwards.

Louis C.K. on Evolution

spoco2 says...

>> ^carneval:

All I can say is, BUY THE THING!

Done and done.

Downloading now. Even if I don't enjoy the actual show (I'm sure I will), I want to pay him for the enjoyment I've had from all his other work. AND I want to support this way of releasing stuff. $5 is bugger all money, and the download file has no DRM at all. You paid for it, you use it as you like.


How babies are made

Watch where you step!

Bird Road Rage

QI - The Art of Chick Sexing

QI - The Art of Chick Sexing

Hamish Imlach "Cod Liver Oil & Orange Juice"

calvados says...

Well oot o' the East there came a hard man
Oh-ho, a' the way frae Brigton?
Ah-ha, glory hallelujah
Cod liver oil and the orange juice

Well he went intae a pub and he come oot paralytic
Oh, VP and cider |VP is rum or sherry, I think
Ah-ha, what a hell of a mixture
Cod liver oil and the orange juice

(spoken: Sex rears its ugly head...)
Does this bus go tae the Dennistoun Palais?
Oh-ho, I'm lookin' fur a lumber |looking for a woman [1]
Ah-ha, glory hallelujah
Cod liver oil and the orange juice

(spoken: Eyes up the talent, and lo and behold...)
In the dancin' he met Hairy Mary,
Oh, the flooer o' the Gorbals |flower
Ah-ha, glory hallelujah
Cod liver oil and the orange juice

(spoken: Chats he up...)
Aw noo Mary, are ye dancin'?
"Oh no, it's just the way I'm staunin'" |standing
Ah-ha, glory hallelujah
Cod liver oil and the orange juice

(spoken: Rebuffed!)
Well then, Mary, yer one in a million,
"Oh-ho, so's yer chances!"
Ah-ha, glory hallelujah
Cod liver oil and the orange juice

(spoken: Rebuffed again!)
Well then Mary, can I run ye hame?
Oh-ho, I've got a pair of sandshoes,
"A ha-ha, ye're hell of a funny!"
Cod liver oil and the orange juice

(spoken: Never say die. Sways aboot nonchalantly,
picking his nails with a bayonet. An' he knocks her off...)
Well, doon through the back-close, an' intae the dunny, |[2]
Oh-ho, it wasnae fur the first time, |wasn't
Ah-ha, glory hallelujah
Cod liver oil and the orange juice

Then oot came her mammy - she was goin' tae the cludgie, |[3]
Oh-ho, I buggered off sharpish,
Ah-ha, glory hallelujah
Cod liver oil and the orange juice

Noo Hairy Mary's lookin' for her hard man,
Oh-ho, he's jined the Foreign Legion |joined
Ah-ha, Sahara unner ra camels, |under the camels
Cod liver oil and the orange juice

Then Hairy Mary's had a little baby
Oh-ho, its faither's in the army
Ah-ha, glory hallelujah
Cod liver oil and the orange juice

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