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Evil Men Of History: Caligula (Rome hath no fury)

Lawdeedaw says...

"Hey, Macro, mentor and supporter, you know how you and I were such good friends you let me bugger your wife in front of you? Well, I charge you with letting her sleep with me, so now you must die!"

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

>> ^Gallowflak:

Right as I'm leaving to move to NZ! Damn you!

Bugger indeed!

It's looking like it's going to be on Saturday the 12th of November, and with maybe some others coming, so looking good.

I'll try to *promote this up, but I don't think I've got enough power points

Evil Men of History

Lawdeedaw says...

@DerHasisttot too

The book is repetitious (Annoying filler) and also speculates every now and again--however, that speculation is clearly an educated guess. Take Caligula's death. Everyone knows he was assassinated. However, the author speculates that he had himself killed.

First, Caligula thought himself a god, so death wasn't really bad--in fact it was the next step since he was pretty much at the top. Hard to do more than become a god. So, his list was done, and it was all downhill.

Second, he had a wicked going away party. A boat decked out with gold floorboards, a week long orgy, then the final day. That day he got in front of everyone in the arena, had his favorite gladiator bugger his ass and then had that irreplaceable stud executed during climax.

Third, he had placed an incompetent man to replace him--of course it was speculated that the man just played the retard so he would survive. For Caligula it was hard to look bad when you had a stuttering fool replacing you.

This timeline was very convincing to the author so he noted what he thought. But he noted it may not have been the case because, as we have noted, the past was tainted by people who hated those emperors and by time itself. In fact, the author notes their tainted testimony multiple times. What more can the author do besides that?

Of course people don't care about those notes, do they?

Oh, and watching the History Channel version--there is not much of a difference... In fact, I think he cheated and took material from that rendition.

>> ^alien_concept:

>> ^DerHasisttot:
Hehe. Reminds me of a lecture I once attended, roughly translated: "Never trust a book about Nero: Ancient propaganda."
Edit: Not even Tacitus is a credible source, he used hearsay, had an own agenda, emphasised and left out facts.

@ lawdeedaw: I looked up the book on amazon, and I tend to trust the bad reviews there because they are the least likely to be written by a publicist or the author; according to the bad review, the book is not accurate. Of course this mustn't be true.

I guess most ancient history can never be truly accurate. Historians surely would gather every source they could and puzzle it together. I wonder what is accurate and how that guy on amazon knows for a fact, haha

Zeppelin Cover-Ween-All of My Love

shuac says...

>> ^Ryjkyj:

Saw them in Bend, OR last month. Even after the crazy shit in Vancouver they still play a kick-ass show.

I haven't seen them in a while but I've been to so many shows in the 90s & 00s that I've lost count. This one's from their Live in Chicago DVD of 2004 and it's nice to see Claude (the drummer) banging it out like nothing happened. He was in a HUGE car wreck in 2002 and he almost died, poor bugger.

New Libertarian Country. Wanna go? Discuss.... (Politics Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

As mentioned, this has been tried time and again, and it never really works on any sort of scale because people don't want to be stuck on tiny little man made things out in the ocean forever.

There's the one mentioned above, the 'Freedom Ship' concept which has been in 'plans' for years and years with bugger all sign of ever becoming reality.

Really, I far prefer the concept of a large ship community than a stationary platform. At least you can see the world. Aside from the 'Freedom Ship' there was an actual ship that worked like this (on a much smaller scale), but I can't find the page any more.

MC Xander "Sick of the Lies" beatbox looping

eric3579 says...

Sick of the lies
Sick of the war

We’ll never have another, don’t be a silly bugger,
Check under the tree have a more than a stocking stuffer
It make my belly shudder, Don’t want to eat my supper
Come mother earth wanna serve jam and peanut butter

Another latecomer, here comes a great summer,
Arnie Schwarzenegger owns more than eight hummers,
But the trees suffer, too many woodcutter,
Each and everyone is killing off the earth mother
I shouldn’t even entertain the scene, humanity: insanity machine
Admit that it is us that lost this dream, Last generation passed the buck onto me.

Like a duck out of the water, we’re not going where we oughta
Pretend we’re getting tougher, fronting that we got this covered
But the rights are given up ah, given to the new-world-order
Too many men are nutters, taking out sisters and brothers.

Oh why won’t you see for your self, oh why wont you see for your self

Because I’m sick of the lies and I’m sick of the war and I’m
Sick of the lies and I’m sick of the war.

What did I really come here for? should have been among the sons of war
Time is on, and many man come but gotta be a part of the freedom cause
What a mess were in, we’ve got money in the tin,
But a president acting like a totalitarian
Some of them think it don’t matter, why the fat cats are getting fatter
Some of them think the phenomenon is given on a silver platter
What you seek to gain is what you can’t afford, well I’m
Sick of the lies and sick of the war

There’s a young man in an old cafe, rising his coffee cup he says
“I’m holding on to yesterday, until I build a better world some way”

Just let your mind fall away, It doesn’t matter what the haters say
Forget that man has to be this way
Forget that man has to be a slave
Follow your art, say what you’re saying
It’s all around so why are we waiting?
Come on people now we better start celebrating,
People all around, we better start celebrating
People all around, we better start celebrating
Come on everybody, we better start celebrating
People all around, we better start celebrating
Come on everybody, come on everybody now yo

People all around, we better start celebrating
If your mind is not ok then do some meditation
There better be another way until we’re communicating
We got to move faster because humanity is fading
I can see that we need intelligence operating,
We better call Mister T and the rest of the A-Team
We need true intentions and not just faking
We got no time for stalling or procrastinating

Sick of the lies and I’m sick of the war.

Open Rap Letter to Benny16

The Worst of E3 2011

spoco2 says...

Who the fuck allowed Quicktime events to be so fricken prevalent? (I'm looking at the Need For Speed stupid on foot section, but being reminded of how much they exist now in games).

I thought they were supposed to have buggered off in the time of Dragon's Lair.

Oh, and Kinect... cool tech, stupid games. Wii still has the perfect balance of actual controller/motion controls in my book.

Truth About Transitional Species Fossils

bamdrew says...

I know a cure for creationism... a serious insect collection. There are soo many gawdamn insect species that are just baaarely different from one another... can fill a lot of highly specific neighboring niches without necessarily wiping out their ancestral brethren, the little buggers.

Damsel fly catches a gnat in slow motion

AnimalsForCrackers says...

I think you MAY be thinking of the mayfly, Retro. Me so punny.

At first glance I was inclined to agree with xxovercastxx, considering the positioning of the wings (something to consider though, they do not always have the appearance of being near-perfectly parallel to the body, sometimes sticking out at acute angles away from the point of attachment/thorax, which sorta looks like the one in the vid and may be easy to confuse with the dragon fly's wing arrangement when viewed from certain angles), BUT there are a couple of very un-dragonfly-like features here as well.

Most species of dragon flies have their compound eyes touching/fused at the top of the head, looking like one cohesive structure, while mayflies' eyes are placed more on the sides of the head and protrude outwards more, with a noticeable gap of forehead space in between them. Also, the base of the bottom pair of wings seems too skinny to be a dragon fly, where usually the bottom wings remain much broader for much longer, compared to the top pair as you get closer to thorax before finally tapering down to the connection point, though there may be exceptions in morphology from species to species.

I'm no entomologist though, just someone who enjoys watching these buggers go about their business (they're surprisingly tolerant of people and seem quite intelligent for insects, I'd say jumping spiders, Phidippus Audax specifically, are the only creepy crawlies around here that appear to be any smarter, more charming, gregarious than dragon/damsel flies).

I'm too torn either way to definitively call it. I did enjoy speculating about it quite needlessly though. Yay insomnia and Videosift!!

Nine Year Old Boy Performs Madonna's Vogue

Squirrel Trolls Dog

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^legacy0100:

If all red squirrels are as cheeky as this bugger here, I think I just may have found my motivation to join the 'save the red squirrels' movement.

Try having one in your house. I had a few in my attic a couple years back. It's incredible how much noise the little fuckers can make and they never failed to sit in the ceiling right above my bed.

I caught 2 with mouse traps but by the time I was on the third, I wanted to beat him to death with my bare hands.

Squirrel Trolls Dog

I'm not enjoying the trolling on the Sift. (Horrorshow Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

Holy crap my comment has caused a nice little shitstorm hasn't it?

From my point of view:

* Yes, my second comment (the one that caused the furore) was what I felt when I watched the video, the way the guy was, his demeanour, everything about him just made me think of that type of man. And yeah I have no idea of the backstory of this, and yeah, maybe they all did think it was all in great fun, even her. I just don't think it's that clear cut, I have a feeling she is kinda sad that she let it happen... but again, it's what I FEEL/IMAGINE about the video, it's what I take from it, and I said it in the comment, it reminded me of those types of men. And that type of man doesn't just do it to women, he does it to anyone he thinks he can wield power over. Again, maybe he's not like that... but I have a suspicion he might be. And it was that feeling that the video left with me that made me make the comment and downvote.

* I think all nut hit videos are shithouse, I think Americas/Australias Funniest Home videos is a crapfest of low grade dribble. Yeah, I thought being hit in the nuts was funny up until, I dunno, probably the age of 9 or so, but don't any more. It's fine that other people do of course, but it saddens me that grown people can spend an entire show effectively just watching people hurt themselves... and do so every time it's on TV. And that so many people watch it, but then I feel the same way about UFC, Jackass and any number of things that are hugely popular because people are either beating the shit out of each other or hurting each other in the most extreme ways possible.

* I don't give a flying fuck if you call me boring, straight laced, dull. I know who I am, I know I have an awesome family, job, life. And I know that I don't need to pretend to like violence, sport or sexism just to be popular.

* I like fart jokes

* Those of you who spent SO LONG voicing how important it was that the video was on videosift, and also those who linked to even worse videos, such as the real/fake video of the woman being punched during an argument really need to wonder why you did so. Why is it SO important to you that people see some sort of worth in videos like this? Seriously.

* Gwiz... *sigh* I have gone back and forth thinking you've got real issues with sex and women and that no, you're just misunderstood. But after you posting this video and trying to suggest it has merit, and then promoting the topless one, and the known history of yourself and members here IRL, I'm starting to think your view of women is being seriously affected by a diet entirely too rich in internet porn. Why do you constantly feel the need to bring that shit to the sift? Porn and sexism is EVERYWHERE on the internet, why does it have to be here? Why can this not be a place where women can come without feeling like it's a boy's club? Fuck man, just get your porn fix somewhere else and come here after you've cum...

* Trying to say 'you'd have no issue with the video if it were just men' is avoiding the fact that women are STILL FAR more the victims of male aggression and force and intimidation than the other way around. You can't go on about 'well, women want equality, here it is' bullshit either. Equality doesn't mean everyone should treat everyone like dumb shits, it should be everyone treating everyone with respect.

Look, whatever, people will just continue to say I'm a downer and boring and a killjoy and am trying to impose my beliefs on them, but you know what? There are WAY more places on the net you can indulge your stupid jock, sexist, violent, low brow side, and bugger all where you can come for some pretty interesting discussions about videos. Don't drag the sift to the levels of digg and 4chan and youtube please, it'd really fuck up my day.

Also, it makes me damn sad that you've made women here on the sift feel like this, it really does.

Explosion of second reactor building at Fukushima Daiichi

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