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COVID Cancel Culture

Farmer Was Sick Of People Parking On His Land

lucky760 says...

Funny, we share a lot of the same thoughts.

Yes, 20-second mildly interesting story dramatized and exploded out into an epic stock-footage filled campaign about the world turning on inconsiderate parkers.

"He considered lots of solutions and became desperate..." - not desperate enough to put up a sign?

And what's with the BS footage of rows and rows and rows and rows of cars which they made to seem like was happening on his land? When the showed his actual land there was just room enough for those two short rows of cars.

* lies


newtboy says...

Lol. Facts are always BS to you Trump Chumps....

Real fact is that at this point it's closer to 95% because he is pretty much solely responsible for the resurgence of phase one thanks to his urging his cultists to deny science and make not wearing a mask and ignoring social distancing an exercise of freedom, causing much of the resurgence, and has done nothing to prepare for round two, so that number is guaranteed to rise.

bobknight33 said:

"> 90% of Covid cases by his ineptitude, " Such Factual BS


bobknight33 says...

" explode the debt" by shoveling out coin to PEOPLEduring this covid mess.

You can give you coin back if you feel so badly.
"> 90% of Covid cases by his ineptitude, " Such Factual BS

newtboy said:


Only a moron AND liar could ever claim herpes ridden Dopey Don the daughter diddler, the proud forcible fingerbanger and syphilitic mass rapist, repeatedly convicted fraud and charity thief, sponsor and beneficiary of the Trumpandemic, biggest loser, bankruptcy magnate, ender of jobs and destroyer of economies is, in any way, superior to above reproach Biden, especially in morals or ethics.

The only thing he's done well is explode the debt and deficit at unheard of rates....probably 5-7 trillion already this year alone between loss of revenue and unethical massive unsupervised socialist handouts to his family and administration members, and endanger Americans causing > 90% of Covid cases by his ineptitude, dangerous suggestions, profiteering, and total lack of leadership.

Your desperation is strong enough to taste.

Law and Order

Black Man Gets Pulled Over For Doing 65 in a 70

Digitalfiend says...

What an absolute BS stop. With that said, people that get pulled over really need to stop trying to confront the officer(s) when shit like this happens. Nothing good is ever going to come from that, as it's highly unlikely the cop is going to admit fault or apologize. Furthermore, you are re-engaging with someone that clearly wants to give you a hard time and cops can find a reason to fine or arrest you. As much as we'd all love to rip that cop a new one, he's got a gun, pepper spray, a taser, and the backing of a gang, so in my opinion it's better to contact the media and register a complaint AFTER disengaging from the situation. When the dude in the video got out of his car I immediately thought some bad shit was going to go down...

Upset Baby trump

wtfcaniuse says...

Yes, conveniently ignore the FACT that Republicans are fed up with his BS and his cronies ruining the name of the party. Being delusional you wouldn't understand that the MAJORITY of the country disapproves of him and his lies. The majority of the country is NOT liberal.

bobknight33 said:

Poor abused child.

Being raised in a liberal household is abusive.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

What BS are up pushing?

Blaming Trump for begin at the for front and Democrats railing against his measures.

Personal responsibility and sensibility are foremost not government.. Protect yourself and your loved ones..

Your spin is like blaming Obama for SARS or EBOLA. Grow up.

Trump is the right man for this job.

JiggaJonson said:

I now have 5 students who have lost parents, ??? how many have lost grandparents.

These are the parties responsible for this mess in the USA:


These are the fruits of your labors; I hope it comes back on you TEN-FOLD.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I know what you mean.

I'll stoop to watch those sometimes, but as a starting point that needs (sometimes lengthy) investigation to know if I'm listening to obscure but real stories or the next round of BS propaganda. They're usually awful, full of mistakes or misrepresentation paired with feigned naivete or ignorance, and are often created by foreign agencies that use the computer voice to hide their accents. When I do visit those rabbit holes, I excuse myself by pretending I'm only getting prepared to contradict it with fact when someone uses it in a discussion....but that assumes I'll follow up with the investigation.

JiggaJonson said:

I'll get back to you after reading, but i actually cringed when my dad sent me a video read by some computer generated voice he said he listens to daily.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah .

Look commie, you wont be happy until another anti American globalist gets elected. Good luck might happen by 2028.

Swamp is begin cleaned and American see the BS lies from MSM and Trump will landslide 2020

newtboy said:

Wrong on ALL counts, as usual Bobski.

Trump: pleaded guilty to fraud involving his fake school stealing from "students" before the election, found guilty of charity fraud last month and forced to pay millions back to veterans he stole from/defrauded....Also undeniably guilty of multiple finance and tax evasion charges, but being shielded by Barr until he's out of office

Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort: Sentenced to seven and a half years in prison for financial crimes and lying to Mueller

Konstantin Kilimnik: Charged with obstruction of justice during the Manafort investigation

Trump confidant Roger Stone: Convicted of lying to Congress tampering with a witness and obstructing the 2017 congressional investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn: Pleaded guilty to lying to investigators about his contacts with Russia on Trump's behalf

Former Trump campaign aide Rick Gates: Pleaded guilty to lying to investigators about Trump

Former Trump personal lawyer Michael Cohen: Pleaded guilty to tax and bank charges, campaign finance violations and lying to Congress for Trump

Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos:in January of 2017, Papadopoulos repeatedly lied about his contacts with Russian agents. He pleaded guilty

Alex van der Zwaan: Served 30 days in prison then deported for lying to investigators about Trump

Sam Patten: Pleaded guilty to failing to register as a foreign lobbyist in order to funnel foreign money to Trump's campaign

Bijan Kian and Skim Alptekin: Charged with conspiring to violate lobbying laws while working for Flynn

Those are just some convicted by Mueller for crimes after the election committed for Trump.

Please list all the convictions of research shows Republicans are convicted >91 times for every Democrat found guilty of crimes in office in the last 50 years.

Bobski, you claim to watch OAN, the fake news outlet that hires actual Kremlin agents to spread Russian propaganda that managed to out lie Fox, the inventors of fake news.


Why you always seem to have room for dessert

White House Chief of Staff Admits Quid Quo Pro in Ukraine

bobknight33 says...

BS newt

To paraphrase Biden

Biden said if you want the 1 billion then fire your guy, you got 6 hours.

All you said is irreverent.

newtboy said:

Utter Russian/Ukrainian separatist propaganda bullshit Bob. Not a single letter of truth in how it's presented.

The Burisma investigation began before Biden was hired, and was not being investigated by Shokin before or at the time he was fired for being corrupt himself.

April 18, 2014: Hunter Biden, 44, son of Joe Biden, joins the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company. Biden’s directorship attracts attention because Burisma is owned by Mykola Zlochevsky, a minister under Yanukovych. Zlochevsky and subsidiaries of Burisma had faced accusations of money laundering, fraud and tax evasion. (Zlochevsky and the company have denied the allegations.)

Feb. 10, 2015: Ukraine appoints Viktor Shokin as prosecutor general. Shokin inherits some of the investigations into Zlochevsky and his company. But Vitaliy Kasko, who serves as Shokin’s deputy overseeing international cooperation until he resigned in protest, told Bloomberg in 2019 that, under Shokin, the investigation into Burisma remained dormant. Kasko said the matter was "shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015," and Bloomberg reported that documents backed up his account.

Winter 2015-16: Many Western leaders and institutions, as well as Ukrainian anti-corruption activists, view Shokin as corrupt and ineffective for failing to prosecute anybody of significance, and for protecting members of Yanukovych’s and Poroshenko’s circles. A frustrated Biden threatens to withhold $1 billion unless Shokin is fired. (He would later brag that his pressure tactics succeeded.)

Well son of a bitch....Bob's Russian style cranial rectosis flares up again.

Biden used sanctioned government pressure with international support to publicly route out corruption, Dumb Donald's corruption gets more difficult to ignore daily, and is ALL about personal enrichment, and is done through secretive unsanctioned back channels like his personal attorney who has no business interfering in foreign affairs, then hidden in super top secret servers where they have no business being hidden.

How much money have Trump's children taken from other countries in the last 3 years? All accounts based on their own filings indicate it's hundreds of millions, much through new business dealings created after Trump took office and gifts like dozens of patents from China worth tens of millions.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

So in you mind as long as Joe is running for an office he is hands off from investigating.

Trump is not trying to get dirt of a candidate but to continue his effort to drain the swamp, which Joe seems to be neck deep in it.

Heck even the socialist see through the democrat BS.

JiggaJonson said:


secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.

conspiracy · connivance · complicity · intrigue · plotting · secret understanding · collaboration · scheming

illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially between ostensible opponents in a lawsuit.


Is asking another country for help to hurt a political opponent illegal?

"any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election"

"to have directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election"

"the term “entity” means a partnership, association, trust, joint venture, corporation, group, subgroup, or other organization"

"the term “United States election” means any election for Federal office"

" the term “foreign interference,” with respect to an election, includes any covert, fraudulent, deceptive, or unlawful actions or attempted actions of a foreign government, or of any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, undertaken with the purpose or effect of influencing, undermining confidence in, or altering the result or reported result of, the election, or undermining public confidence in election processes or institutions"

Whatever you have to tell yourself, traitor.

When white supremacists overthrew a government

bobknight33 says...

Yet another fool drinks Kool Aid.

Bogus Dog whistle you listen to. They don't exits.

Nixon tried to peel off the sensible democrats and it did not work. That Racist Democrat south held tight.

Racist Democrats kept the south. Republicans pushed for Civil rights bill of 64. 80% of Republicans in the House and Senate voted for the bill. Less than 70% of Democrats.

Democrat party are the party of racism not Republicans.

Even more so today Democrats are spouting that racism is worst that ever. Such BS.

newtboy said:

Hilarious coming from you, who time and time and time again has tried to pretend the Southern Strategy never happened, no matter how many times it's shoved in your face, and from your account, consistently voted most likely to be a Russian troll.

Shepard Smith: Yet again in America

cloudballoon says...

Why is the Republican party so afraid of the NRA? How much money can they donate and lobby? Why can't the anti-gun side mobilize and match the donation like 2~3 folds and dangle the money to the GOP to silence the NRA? Of course it's a gross oversimplification of the issues (NRA can go "mental" and threaten any Republican's families, etc. if I go all cynical), but money is a good start...

Ban assault rifle, raise the price of guns. the manufacturers still make as much money.

Amendment right? Well what about my right to own a nuclear baseball? Anthrax and Agent Orange? It isn't it my right to have them? Stop with the BS amendment right argument.

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